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Wife & her Caucasian Neighbor

Wife and I went for the Arsenal game at our very own sports hub.. she put on the arsenal jersey i got for her, M size. turn out it was too tight.. but she wore it anyway, with white shorts..

we reached the stadium around 6. but wife wasn't interested in the first game.. we decided to walk around.. it was really warm. we both sweat a lot... we ate some stuff at kallang wave mall and headed in...

i realize wife's shorts were quite see through, her sweat making her shorts material wet... her pink panties was quite visible..

when we got in.. finally located our seats.. most of the spectators were already there.... last row of the tier.... our seats were 5 seats in.. there were already 3 ang mohs seating.. we had to get past them to get to our seats...

i led the way... apologizing politely, didn't know what kind of ang moh they were, they could be rednecks... to my surprise, they were very friendly and stood up to allow us to pass easily...

i reached my seat liao, sat down, noticed that the ang moh were staring at wife's body as she finally made her way past them...

me: wow. they are friendly...

i told wife in mandarin....

wife: yup.. they even help me in case i fall..

me: haha. you mean they took the chance to touch you ah? where?

wife: hehe.. nothing la. just my back waist area...
i heard that and had a little turn on....

finally, the arsenal players came out to train... i decided to take some selfies with wife.. we both stood up.. tried our best to get us and the players in the photo....

Ang Moh 1: would you like my help?

me: oh. yes please. thank you..

i passed our camera to him.. held wife close, i pulled her shirt backwards so her breasts area got even tighter... he took 3 shots for us.. and returned the camera back to us... he handed to wife... clearly more interested in her than I do..

wife: thank you ...

me to wife: make small talk with him la. he's so nice...

that ang moh was chubby, reminded me of jon. large tummy, golden hair, white and pinkish, clearly can't stand our weather.. he was wearing the arsenal jersey as well...

wife to ang moh: so where are you from?

ang moh: london...

ang moh: i'm john.

he offered his hand to me...

i was surprised.. shook his hand and gave my name..

John: and you are?

he offered a handshake to my wife.. wife took his hand

wife: i'm lynn.

john: oh. hi lynn..

he was still holding on to her hand..

john: and this is tim.

he introduced to wife to the guy beside her...

wife leaned over to shake his hand as well.. her hand touching john's tummy..

then wife turned back to me.. i saw some excitement in her eyes...

me: what a coincidence, his name..

wife: yup!

john: you are an arsenal fan too?

notice he was making small talk with wife, i pretended to take photos of the field action instead..

wife: well, sort of...

john: it's hot...

wife: yup. singapore is much warmer than england..

john: oh no. i meant that it's hot to have a lady to be a fellow arsenal fan..

wife: oh hehe. thank you..

they both got quiet...

me: hey, let's take a photo. for memories..

i signalled to both of them...

they both turned to face me.. wife leaned slightly towards john.. john put his left hand over wife, but put it on the chair.. i was surprised he didn't use the chance to touch wife...

took two photos of john and wife. surprised tim didn't bother to join in...

we sat down. and just watched around...

minutes later, two more caucasian returned to our row.. they were holding to cardboard trays of beer, total 8 cups of beer... they started passing to tim and john...

john to wife: do you guys drink?

wife: erm...

john: come on the weather is hot.. drink some...

wife: ok..

he passed wife a cup.

john held out his cup..

cheers, the 3 of us did so...

john gulped down more than half of his beer..

wife took two mouthfuls as well and passed it to me..

john: hold on.. no need to share.. here's one for you..

john handed me one more cup... wife started to take money from her purse..

wife: thank you so much... how much is it?

john: no no.. no worries...

wife: no no.. we can't...

me: it's ok.. next round's on us!

john: alright!

we said cheers again and drank... john finished his beer.... wife finished half of hers...

can see wife slightly hot liao...

me: enjoy yourself dear...

wife: hehe... rubbish la...

she knew what i meant...

wife continued to chat with him.... then john challenged wife... wife had to finish the remains of her first beer and john his second...

they chat some more... john was having a good time making wife laugh... wife was obviously semi high liao.

then, i suggested

me: take more photos? probably won't see each other anymore...

wife: yup!

she took the camera with me... leaned in towards john and took some selfies.... john put his hand over wife and placed it on the chair like he did previously..

then john suggested: let's take photos with the players in the back..

the match was starting...

john passed the camera to tim.. we 3 stood up... wife in our middle... we stood closely together.. wife put her hand on john's waist and mine as well.. john took the invite and put his hand over.. onto my shoulder.. wife was sandwiched tightly in the middle..

tim took two shots..

then, i stood away...

me: just you two...

john's hand transferred down and put it on wife's waist...

wah i see liao... SIBEI TURN ON!

time passed the camera back to john.. he passed it to wife.. they viewed the photo together like a couple.. john's hand was still on wife's waist... then john took the camera.. held it up high, and took a selfie with wife... they stood really close... then they both sat down.. john put his hand on wife's chair, he was clearly high as well liao..

throughout the match.. john was telling wife stories about the players... i stayed out of their conversation...


people started to stamp their feet.... the kallang wave... wife and i stood up, john didn't but his friends did... saw him looking at wife's butt.. when she raised her hands, her jersey went up, john could see her pink panties coming out of her shorts...

wife: why didn't you stand?

john: oh, i wasn't prepared...

then the second wave came.. we all stood up.. but no happening between wife and john...

then finally....


all of us jumped up and celebrated!!

i was busy filming.. john pulled wife in... hugged her sideways and celebrated...

fuck! this was damn hot!

when the celebrations cooled off.. we all sat down... i showed wife and john the replay which i recorded.... john leaned really close to wife... his hand on her chair again...

can see he was attracted to wife liao..

me whispered to wife: you want to have some fun with him?

wife: huh... see how it goes lo...

me: hehe.. ok..

the half went on... wife just chat with him.... john's hand was now playing with wife's shoulder liao...

half time was about to come.. john's friends started to head for the toilets... i figured it will be a good idea too.. go get some beers to return to them...

me: i'll get this round of beers...

john: ok...

me: come..

wife and i got up... john didn't.. he let wife and i pass through.. he was staring at wife's butt..

as we headed to the toilets...

me to wife: dear.. hehe, do you think your shirt is too tight?

wife: huh why?

me: haha.. maybe you can make it less tight la... haha

wife:huh how... take off my bra??

me: yes!

wife: hehe.. you ah naughty....

we headed for our toilets... wife came out.. i could see the difference..

the shirt was STILL tight...

but wife's breasts were sagging a little than usual..

she took off her bra!

i went to queue for the beers.. wtf.. the beers here aren't that cheap.... i ordered 8 cups... wife helped me bring it back...

when we got back.. they have already returned.. with a few beers in their hand... they saw us with the two trays of beers... they cheered... we handed over the beers to them first before making our way back to our seats.... i was quite worried at first because the ang mohs were high liao...

the second half had already started..

i let wife walk first... could see them staring at her jiggling boobs... john's face was clearly stunned. he noticed the difference in wife's jersey... he looked excited...

he even touched wife's waist and guided her to her seat...

when i walked past him, he gave me the guilty look...

his friends started to hand out the drinks we bought.. passed a cup to both of us each...

wife drank from her second cup...

then suddenly..

the whole stadium went 'ooohhhhhh'

walcott missed a sitter...

then i realize..

wife was slightly drenched... john accidentally knocked her arm.. some beer spilled onto her shirt... john was trying to help her... he opened her bag to search for the tissues... i saw him gasped... he put his hand in and took out the pack of tissue and passed to wife.. i helped wife wiped some... purposely using the tissue to wipe her nipple area...

she looked at me and gave me the needy look.... i was arousing her... john zipped her bag ... he kept apologizing.. . i notice that wife's shorts is also a little wet...

then i realize, john saw wife's bra in her bag.. he now knows for sure that wife is braless...


whole stadium went mad..

carzola scores!!

we all got up... wife hugged john... john hugged her back... pressing her boobs onto her...

wife's head was already leaning on john's chest...

then they settled down... john got wife to finish her second cup of beer... i started scouting the back tier ... bingo.. found a few empty seats...

me: hey i need to go to the toilet...

i pass the camera to wife..

me: take more selfies with him ok...

wife giggled and nodded her head... i made my way out... but secretly i was making my way to the seat on the higher tier.. took a seat at the empty seat, the angle wasn't perfect but it was enough for me to spy on wife and john....

they were taking selfies.. sometimes tim will john in... john's hand was kind of on wife waist, but lower liao.. he was getting braver... then within minutes... OZIL SCORED!!!

whole stadium erupted!! wife and john jumped up in joy.. hugging!!they were jumping... side by side.. so close together...

i feel so hot!!

then i noticed something!

john poked his index finger on his cheek and signaled wife... wife shook her head... john tickled her....

wife resisted.... then she relented.. she planted a kiss on john's cheek....

(i found out later that john made a bet with wife that ozil will be the next goal scorer...)

john handed wife her third beer... they both drank from the same cup... sitting so so closely together... wife was lying on his shoulder.. like a couple liao... it's awkward for me to go back now.... jon's hand wasn't on wife's shoulder.. definitely on her waist liao... his other hand was stroking her hair... he knew wife was drunk....

then.. the stadium erupted again..... it wasn't as loud.. but most of the people stood up..

everton scored..
ross barkley scored..

i noticed that wife and john didn't stand.... i stood up to get a better angle...

fuck!! they were making out!

i realize john was cupping wife's boobs at the same time... rubbing her erected nipples.. playing with them.... his friends were looking at him... enjoying the free show...

john got too high.. he tried to stick his shirt into wife's shirt... but wife resisted.... he tried a little harder... but wife pushed him away... they broke off from their making out...

they talked... could see john apologized... he put his hand over him...

saw wife take out her phone.. she texted me.

wife: dear where are you?

me: haha, above you lo.. enjoying the good show... are you ok?

wife: yup... dear.. he's asking me to go out of the stadium with him for a stroll...

me: haha.. you want to go?

wife: i'm not sure...

me: go lo... i'll follow behind...

wife: you sure??

me: yup.. don't walk too fast...

wife: ok...

wife kept her phone in her bag... a minute later, they both got up, john held her hand they mad their way across john's friends and they went into the tunnel... i hurried my way down to catch up with them...

i got worried.. couldn't really spot them... then realize... they were queuing up. saw john buy a beer.. then they headed towards the exit...

out of the stadium... i saw them hesitating... john was sharing the beer with her... they walked down to the area by the river... it was dark.. romantic.. they walked to a more secluded area.... john couldn't keep her hands off her butt... kept groping it... they walked to the railing... and leaned on the railing... they enjoyed the nice scenery.. john hugged wife from behind... can see he was trying to feel his crotch on her butt, despite his big belly... i watched from far... john was cupping her breasts...... playing with wife's nipples.... then he got daring... sneaking his hand into wife's shirt. and playing with her boobs....

wife couldn't take it liao..

she turned her body around, john had to take his hand out.. they started to kiss.. hugging.. wife was pulling his shirt.... john pulled her hand and placed it on his cock...could see wife's hand motioning and stroking him.... then suddenly.. the place became less secluded.. they both realized too...

they were talking...

wife took out her handphone...

wife: dear... are you nearby?

me: yup! can see you two.. how's his thing? big?

wife: yup. quite big..

wife: dear.. he's inviting me to his hotel.

wife: he says it's a suite. at oriental..

wife: how?

WhatsApp with wife

WhatsApp with wife

me: how do you feel?

wife: tipsy..

me: you want to go?

wife: curious about the suite. but...

wife: i don't know him...

me: but?

i saw john hugged wife from behind.. started kissing the back of her head... trying hard to press his crotch area on wife's butt...

wife: i don't know.. i'm tempted..

wife: but i'm scared..

me: hmmm.. why don't I give him a lift to his hotel... on the way you decide if you want to go up with him..

wife: ok

she turned around and faced john... they talked.. then both headed my way.. i quickly made my way back to our car first. got in there... wife had to call me for directions...about 10 minutes later, they appeared.. they probably got lost...

both look rather tired liao. john still look semi sober though.... they both got in the back seat from the same door.. wife got in first, john touched her butt as they both got in..

me: hello... you two ok?

john. yes . thank you for the lift...

he looked worried and tense.. guilt i guess...

me: you two carry on.. just pretend i'm not here...

i looked at john and winked...

i turned my attention to the road... started driving us out of the carpark.. got onto the road.. checked the mirror, nothing happening.. wife just lean on his shoulder... maybe john was dubious, scared we scam him?

my doubts were answered.. john was playing with her boobs... rubbing her nipples.. turning her on... wife eyes opened... they were making out liao...

wife was rubbing john's cock under his berms.. john also buay tahan... he pulled up wife's tight jersey quickly, hurting her in the process.. but he didn't care. he just bent forward and sucked on her nipples like a horny bastard.... wife moan loudly.. i hear liao also buay tahan.. tried my best to stay focused on the road... after a few more moments of licking, john got up.. he unzipped his berms and pulled them down.. his boxers came down at the same time..

fuck! his cock was big!

he singled wife and she obliged almost immediately.. bending forward and started to give him a good blow job... she held his cock with one hand. still plenty of room as it was big. started to kiss the cock head. then suck the cock head.. then kiss again...

i was turning into the lobby of oriental liao...

me: guys be careful...

john realized the situation, he took a pillow and covered the window.. i quickly drove into the carpark and drove down.. the carpark was quiet.. i parked in between two cars... wife was still sucking him off.. john was just there enjoying himself and stroking her hair..

me: we are here...

wife: oh...

she got up from blowing him, fingered comb her messy hair and sat up...

i turned around and looked at them... looked at wife.. she had the confused look..

me: dear, you going?

wife hesitated...

john: how? coming?

he looked at wife... wife looked worried....

wife: i don't think so....

john looked shocked and sad...

john: oh.. ok ...

john: thanks for the memory anyway...

john was about to reach for the door...

me: hold on, why not here instead?

john: good idea..

i reached for the silver piece which blocks the sun.. set it up on my windscreen... turned around... john was already kissing with wife...

he reached for wife's shorts and hurried to remove them... he was quite rough in his handling.. but they both were like desperate horny animals...

i adjusted the passenger front seat to give them more space at the back.. john's berms were removed by then... wife was helping him put on a condom which i threw to her...john's cock was big.. shit..

john assisted wife and she climbed on top of him.. took a while for them to get into position but once they did..... my previously conservative and innocent wife rode him like a horny slut... john was just sitting there and playing her breasts while she did all the work, riding him.. the car shook quite badly, wife tried her best to hold her moans in...

they fucked for quite some time... i had a hard time trying to concentrate on keeping a look out and also enjoying myself..

john: let's change position....

wife didn't really stop.. she was fucking herself hard on john's cock... i could see that his cock was quite long.. and wife only took in less than 2 thirds of his cock every time she lowers her body down..

john looked like a seasoned fucker... he didn't seem to have trouble holding back his ejaculation...

he guided wife turn around.. wife finally obliged and stopped her pumping... he wanted wife to do the reverse cowgirl... but it was difficult.. they reverted back to their original position...

they both fucked for another fifteen more minutes until wife orgasmed and hugged him...

they rested for awhile...

john was whispering stuff into wife's ear....

then finally.

john: let's go up then!

they both looked at me...

me: do you need me to follow?

wife remained silent.. i knew what she meant...

me: call me when you are done then..

they both put their bottoms back on..

to my surprise.. john stuck his hand out to me.. he was offering a handshake.. i took his hand..

john: don't worry, i will take care of her..

with that, they got out of the car, held hands as they made their way up....

i watched them leave. was wondering.. if i should follow after them.. he mentioned that it was a suite.. what if he wasn't staying alone?? waaaaa... what if wife kena gang banged?

i got a little worried, but decided that i better rest.. slept in the car. couldn't sleep well as it was so warm..

woke up in the middle of the night. checked phone.. still no message... buay tahan liao.. decided to check into the hotel... dropped wife a message telling her that i'm checking in... i went to the lobby to get a room...

next day, wife finally texted me..

the following will be the recount from wife.

<part where they were in the car fucking>

wife: john kept whispering into my ear... baby.. you are so tight... baby you are so tight.... i can't push my whole shaft in. baby you are so tight. i can't push my whole shaft in. want to push my whole shaft in... after i came.. he was whispering into my ear again... baby, i need to fuck you missionary.. come up to my room with me.. i want to fuck you missionary so i can push my whole shaft into you. you want to feel my whole shaft don't you. baby... come up with me.. let me give you the best fuck you've ever had.... come on baby...

wife: he kept persuading me.... tempting me...

<hotel room>

wife: the moment we reach his room. started to make out. he bluff lo, not a suite. just a simple room. he grabbed me and stripped me.. he was already quite rough when we were in the lift.. kissing. was worried others could see us through the glass.. he stripped me quickly.. i stripped him as well.. we both got naked quite fast.. he push me down on the bed. spread my legs . told me he wants to devour my pussy... i told him let me wash first, quite smelly. he told me he like it dirty instead... i let him lick. he was good. tongue was very thick and fat... he licked me for so long... maybe one hour... i cum once or twice, knees were so weak....

wife: then he said, time for me to push my whole shaft into your tight pussy you little slut... i was quite shocked with his words.. he spread my legs and point his penis at my down there... he was about to push it in... i realize.. he didn't wear a condom! i quickly tried to stop him, close my legs, but my legs were so weak, he was so strong.. i was so tired... i screamed nooooo... put on a condom first.... he replied by saying.. fuck the condom. i want to feel your tight pussy raw... i started to struggle and said noo.. he started to scold me! shut up you slut.. you know you want it raw... i continued to tell him no.. but he scolded me some more... i don't give a fuck you slut.. he push his cock into me raw... he started to fuck me and pound me hard. very hard... i struggled tried to push him away. he then slapped me on my face...

wife showed me, could see some signs of red..

wife: i continued to beg him to stop... he replied to me saying i want to be raped... i want to be fucked hard by him... being raped will be even more orgasmic than just sex... he didn't care... i gave up.. and just let him pound... his stamina was very good... he just kept screaming i'm very tight... he push deeper and deeper until his whole shaft went in... then finally he screamed... i felt his sperms inside ejaculate ..... i gave up stopping him... he panted... then took out his penis... he continued to masturbate himself over me... and ejaculate what ever sperms he had left onto my body.... i was too tired to stop him...

wife: i got up... wanted to leave... felt quite tired.. wanted to wash his cum all off... i went into the toilet and started to bath myself.. then john came in... he came up behind me.. told me to spread my legs for him.. 'round 2' he said... i told him i was tired... but he said. 'come on you slut. you know you want it..' he grabbed me from behind. spread my legs.. i don't know why. maybe i was too tired to resist him... i asked him, 'can you put a condom on?' he didn't bother to respond... he push me forward, i put my hands on the wall for support... he spread my legs... i tried not to but he was strong... he kept my legs spread... a few more seconds later.. i felt him penetrate me liao.. his penis was slightly curved... that penetration was different. i couldn't believe the feeling.. he pumped me slowly at first... kept taunting me.. 'you like that right...' 'come on you slut..' 'tell me you want it hard..' 'moan..' 'scream...' 'scream my name...' i couldn't hold back.. started to moan... he pumped faster and faster.. quite violent.. he pulled my hair... the shower water was gushing water down on us... he started to spank me, quite hard... 'scream my name you slut..' he kept taunting me... i don't know why... i started to moan his name... i got louder and louder... he pumped me so hard. it was painful.. it was also very shuang.... i orgasm. my knees were so weak. could barely stand.. he still haven't cum yet... he carried me, know i was weak.. he placed me face down on the bed...

john: i'm not done with you darling... enjoy..

wife: i don't know what he was going to do. i was too tired and too weak, exhausted... then i felt him spread my legs again.. doggy. again? just let him f... but turn out.. he wanted my asshole.. i really don't want.. i told him no... he didn't care... he push in slowly at first. his penis had a lot of cum. it wasn't that painful..

<my wife's asshole has already been stretched by my friend jon's thick cock.. but it was short.>

wife: but john pushed more of his penis in... he kept screaming so tight.. i couldn't resist him. it got painful, i just laid there and cried. it was like being raped... he pumped me until he got tired. then he gave up. it was very long. my asshole so sore. he carried me and hugged me to sleep..

after wife told me her version of the story... i was so turned on... i decided to fuck her missionary while i let her tell me the rest of the story...

me: so what happened in the morning? you texted me quite late leh...

wife: we both slept through the night.. over the night we slept separately for comfort. then when i woke he was still asleep.. i wanted to sneak away. i got up and wanted to get off the bed.. but.....

me: but what? you couldn't bear to?

wife: yup... the thought i won't see him again. felt weird... felt sad... down there felt so sore.. i thought maybe just one more round before we say goodbye...

me: so what did you do?

wife: he was still asleep. he was naked... he penis was flaccid, it looked so small, i can't imagine it can grow into the size i saw last night. was wondering if i was dreaming. i got tempted. so i laid on his tummy... and..... erm.... started to play with his thing... then don't know why... i got tempted.. started to suck for him.. lick... it was still soft.. it was like a challenge... i wanted to make it hard again.... so i just kept licking and sucking... finally. i felt some reaction.. his penis got hard slowly.. it grew! so big! much bigger! it was thick.... my mouth got tired opening wide to suck it... then i felt john touch my hair. stroked it...

john: good morning baby....

wife: oh. you are up?

john: thank you baby. that's a nice morning wake up call... don't stop...

then i felt his fingers on my butt. squeezing it... he stroked my asshole area... then reached lower... i don't know why, i spread my legs for him... he pushed his fingers into my vagina...

john: my my.. you got yourself so wet just from sucking ? you must love my cock don't you....

he wasn't the bully like last night. he was like a gentleman... i felt a warm fuzzy feeling.... he started to finger me slowly, i sucked him harder....

john: come my dear.. get on top of me and fuck my cock....

i don't know why... i obeyed his command... he pushed my butt and i got up... i climbed over him and he helped me guide his cock while i lowered my body.. his cock went in... penetrated me... i lowered myself down 'ahhhh..' i moaned... i don't know why... it felt impossible to lower myself all the way!

john: ahhhh you are so tight!

he held my butt and helped me pump his cock... slowly i was able to lower myself more and let more of his shaft enter me.... he started to spank me...

john: come on my asian slut.. fuck me harder... fuck me faster...

i obliged to him willingly.. like he was my master.. i felt like his slave.. being used by him..

john: come on you naughty slut... fuck me harder.. scream my name!

me: yes john... john!!! yes john!!!

i opened my eyes.. today i was more sober... i looked at him... he was so so cute.. his blue eyes.. chubby round face... i can't believe it.. i'm fucking an ang moh guy.. it's a dream come true... fantasy come true.. i don't know why. i suddenly felt even more high.. i felt my body shuddered...

me: yes john!!! JOHNNNN!!! JOOOOHNNNN!!! AHHHHHH!!!

i was about to cum.... john pinched my nipples repeatedly... .


i screamed like a woman possessed!

then suddenly, john pushed me away!!! he pushed me away from from his cock.. i was just about to cum! what was he doing?? then john sat up, put some pillows behind him and sat up..

john: come my dear.

he signaled me to climb on him.. only this time round.. he intends me to reverse cowgirl ride him... i turned around and sat on him... he guided his cock into me... ahhh... the arch in his penis... ah...... i felt it going inside me... i really like it at that angle... i leaned back on his tummy... he started to help me bounce.. i arch my body backwards an enjoyed him.... he cupped my breasts and played with my nipples.... he squeezed my breasts hard... i kept screaming his name.... he kept calling me his slut.... i felt even more turned on.... i pumped him until my legs were sore and numb.... finally.. i screamed out loud... i orgasmed....

i shuddered and shivered... i was so tired... almost blacked out..

john wasn't done.... he helped me get off and laid me down.. he spread my legs.. missionary penetrated me... he pushed his whole shaft entirely in.... kept pumping... I've already felt so numb... no longer high.. now it's just slightly painful.... but i just let him pump me.. let him fuck me.. like i'm his slut.. like i'm his slave... he fucked me for another 20 minutes... then got up.... got me to get up... brought me to the window... pressed me against the window... oh no... people could see me..i was naked!! but i didn't resist. i don't know why! i felt like his slave... he spread my legs again... doggy fucked me and penetrated me.... pushed very hard.... he doggy fucked me for about five minutes.. then took out his penis from my vagina... he penetrated me again.. this time into my asshole... it was smooth slide in.. he penis was so wet with my own cum and his.... he started raping my asshole... i wanted to say no.. but i just kept quiet... then finally... he was about to cum.... he pulled my hair! brought me to the sofa. he sat down.. he pulled my head down to his cock...

john: darling, suck it all off....

he ordered me and pulled my hair...

i opened my mouth and started to suck for him... he forced my head to mouth fuck him... i couldn't suck his whole cock.. he kept forcing me.. at most sucked half... he kept forcing.. until.....

john: ahhhhhhh!!!!

he shoot his load... ejaculate in my mouth... so much semen! i couldn't swallow in time... a lot flow out of my mouth.... i backed off as i almost choked.... his penis continued to ejaculate some more.. shot onto my face....i was so tired... i laid on his thigh to rest..... a few minutes later... he ordered me again..

john: dear... please lick me clean....

i don't know why... i obeyed his order! i don't know why!! i started to lick him and swallowed all his cum... i sucked his balls... lucked the area around his thigh... like a horny slut..

john: darling.. are you sad?

me: yes...

john: are you going to miss me?

me: yes... of course..

john: am i the best fuck you've ever had?

me: yes... yes.....

we went to the clinic later that evening... when i fucked wife and let her tell me her recount. i was worried, but i guess, if wife got anything from that ang moh, it's only fair i get it too.. my gut told me that he's clean, has got to be, at this age... don't think he gets to fuck a lot in his country.. it was a huge risk.. and fuck.. who knew a complete test was so expensive. more than half a grand. doctor sent us back he needed wife to fast and stuff... it was a male doctor and he gave the both of us an awkward look.. like wondering why on earth wife will need a test....

while waiting for the receptionist nurse to make the appointment for us.. wife and i had a private chat on the sofa at the corner... wife told me something else..

wife: dear... don't be angry ok... after i told you john asked me those questions.. we had another round....

me: what's wrong with that?

wife: during the last round. he kept reminding me, 'my dear slut, this will be your last best fuck ever in your life...' 'are you gonna miss me?' i don't know why... those words spurred me on.. i felt like a slut... didn't care.. just wanted to be dominated by him.... to be used by him... he was caressing my body... kept asking me... 'are you going to miss me?' got me to suck his penis... 'pleasure it until it gets hard again. so you can have your last best fuck again...' i was very challenged to make him work again...i started to lick his cock... john asked.. 'do you think i will miss you?' 'yes i am going to miss your tight tight pussy...' before i could get started with his cock.. he told me 'darling, go fetch my phone from the table... i want to take pictures of you..'

wife: why?

john: so i can masturbate to your photos when i can no longer see you... i can no longer feel your amazing body.. i can no longer fuck your tight pussy...

wife: he was very romantic and sweet.. i swear i was sober but i felt so hot listening to him.. like a fantasy... i don't know why... i just simply posed for him... let him take photos of me on his iPhone.. it was an iPhone 4. i posed a lot of photos for him... then he told me to blow him and suck his cock.. try and deep throat his penis while it was still soft... he took photos of me blowing him! as he took more photos of me sucking and pleasuring his cock, i felt his cock grow harder in my mouth... that turned me hotter and wanted more... we proceed to make love in missionary position first.. he was pumping me as hard as he could while he continued to take even more photos, maybe some videos even ... i am not sure... his stamina was even better. he could pump even harder and longer and wasn't even worried about ejaculating... john told me to scream and moan..'louder.. i want to record your moans and squeals so i can hear them at home... ' when i heard that, i didn't hold back.. i moaned and screamed at the top of my voice...

me: no wonder your throat and voice is so sore!

wife: yup... he kept f me.. pump pump pump.. change positon.. doggy.. fuck me so hard.. piak so hard.. i kept screaming. he was busy taking photos and videos... then even switch to me riding him... he kept aiming his camera at my facial expression.. john said, ' want to capture your sex look you slut.. your slutty need for my cock look. how my cock makes your face so slut look.' 'come ride me harder.. i want to take a video of your boobs jiggling so hard... flinging side to side.. you slut.. harder! ride me harder" we switched back to missionary.. this time round he was filming my face... he slowed down his pumping... slowed down his penetration... kept taunting me...' tell me you slut.. tell me to fuck you harder... tell me to fuck you deeper... tell me to cum inside your RAW. you slut..'

wife: i don't know why... i did as he commanded...

wife: fuck me harder.!!!

wife: push more of your cock in !!!

wife: fuck me harder!!

wife: cum inside me!

wife: yes yes! cum inside me!

wife: i want your hot semen inside me!!

wife: fuck me hard! fuck me all the way!

wife: then john cummed inside me... then he took out his penis.. video recorded my down there... he told me his semen was leaking out from my vagina.... then he got up again and continued to masturbate himself while i watched him... then he cummed all the remaining of his semen onto my body.... i was still panting... i haven't orgasmed yet....

me: then what happened? finger?

wife: noo.... he could sense too... he brought me to the shower... as we walked he was busy deleting his older photos to get more memory space... he put soap on me.. told me to masturbate and pleasure myself.. he wanted me to finger myself! i've never done that before... but i don't why.. with his camera pointing at me.. i started to rub my own nipples the way i liked it... then he help guide one hand to my down there... i started rubbing myself... rubbed harder... made myself more high..... i kept moaning... pleasuring myself more... then suddenly, he put his phone by the sink... he came over.. joined me in the shower.. fucked me again! he's cock was semi hard.. but it was enough... he turned me around and doggy fucked me. he was hard and violent.. pulled my hair! spanked me so hard.... until... until... until i finally orgasmed again...

wife could see how erected my cock was....

wife: dear, just one more thing...

me: huh?

wife: i think the doctor seems, you know.... interested in me...


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