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Wife consoles my Jilted Buddy: 6

i checked her whatsapp.. i was surprised...

was expecting wife to text jon and asked about the fingering incident.

or maybe let jon know that i know..

maybe they agreed to keep it a secret from me...

BUT! there were no messages... i slept way earlier than wife. she could have texted him. he's so free alone at his parents' house..

I went back to.. next morn, when i woke up. wife had already left the bed... went to the kitchen.. she was with kids having breakfast...

fast forward...

she went to pack for our outing with jon and his kids. saw her phone on the kitchen table top... got curious, went to check. expecting to see some photos exchange?

NOTHING AGAIN! it seems they've not chat since last night?? i checked her entire phone for more chat apps.. NOTHING. nothing one LINE. nothing on Kakao!

i went to her.

me: dear, so what time are we meeting with jon?

wife: don't know. you go ask him lo.

she sounded pissed, but not directed at me.... was she feeling some residual anger for jon? after she found out that he fingered her? or did she feel guilty about sending him those selfies??

i text jon

me: bro, everything settled? meet what time?

jon: ok lo. you two decide the timing?

me: haha ok.. enjoyed yourself yesterday?

jon:yup! is your wife ok?

me: i guess so.. why leh?

jon: nothing.. just hope she's not awkward with what happened.

me: i doubt so... well we will see later...

Jon : if too awkward then cancel ba.

me: aiyo don't so drama. i'll check with her..

me to wife:

me: dear, jon asks if we should cancel the swimming trip...

wife: huh. why?

me: he wonders if it will be awkward?

wife: huh. why awkward..

me: haha. the drinking and the naughty stuff last night lo?

wife: tsk.. no la... forgotten already..

me: ok..

i gave her a hug.. told jon everything was ok. kept eyeing my wife's phone, expecting her phone to get a message alert... that alert never came.

fast forward to our destination. we reached first.. all of us changed into our swimming costumes, i wore board shorts, wife was in her bikini wear but had a white t-shirt and fbt shorts over.

then jon and his kids appeared... i signaled to them.. wife somehow focused her attention on our kids and didn't acknowledge their arrival.. jon brought his kids into he changing room to change... he came out wearing a shirt and his black CK boxers... it was quite tight... our kids started to play together... jon and wife avoided eye contact.. i went to rent the floats.

we brought them to the kids playing area...

jon: hey, i'll take care of the kids. you two go try the slides first...

I wasn't shocked at his request...

me: come dear, let's go to the lazy pool. jon need you help to push us into the stream...

i climbed onto the large float, wife got on top of me... jon maneuvered us out into the stream. they both didn't talk.. wife avoided eye contact with him... jon looked quite sad..

after we floated away..

Me: dear. what's wrong... you're like avoiding him and he knows it...

wife: nothing la.. just.. don't know... what to say...

me: what's causing the awkwardness? the selfies you sent to him?

wife: nope...

she was in my arms and lying on my shoulder...

me: the making out during the KTV session?

wife: nope....

me: then what is it.... tell me leh..

wife: it's the... you know... the fingering...

me: during the ktv?? you stopped it what...

wife: no... the night before...

me: oh. what's wrong?

wife: just feel... cheated.... i know it's not that but feels like that lo

me: you mean like taken advantaged of?

wife: yes..

me: aiyo.. he was equally drunk as you. i'm sure he didn't mean it...

wife: nooo.. i don't blame him. just blame myself for not stopping him...

me: aiyo... you were drunk too... i'm not even angry or feel anything negative darling... don't beat yourself up over it ok...

wife: but still... can't believe i didn't stop it...

me: aiyo... you are a human too you know.. woman's desires.. we all have it... it's not like you let our neighbour do it to you right... it's jon...

wife: what if next time i lose control and let him penetrate me fully???

me: haha. then it happens lo..

wife: what! how can you accept that???

me: well, i know you. it's just physical needs.. i trust your heart completely ok. and your judgement too... if you willingly let him F you.. i'll be ok.. if he forces himself on you instead.. you better resist and hope i'm nearby! haha

wife: tsk.. you ah.... you know i don't feel the same way about you and other women you know..

me: yeah.. and you know i've never needed other women....

wife: then what if it's with a lot of men instead??

me: wa wa.. that is a whole other story ok....

wife: hehe. i'm glad you said that....

me: well if you really need it, you can bed me and jon together at the same time...

wife: tsk! i'm not a slut ok...

she pinched me....

then we reached the tunnel portion of the lazy pool round... it was slightly darker, the other people are just making noises... some are just swimming past us... i cupped wife's breast and played with her nipples.. they were very erected... she let out a soft moan and hugged me tight....

wife whispered to me: stop it... you're making me hot....

me: hehe. lightening your mood so that it won't be awkward between you and jon then...

one round was up.. we got off and returned to our kids. and jon.. jon was looking so bored and depressed...

me: alright, it's my turn to look after the kids...

jon looked at us.. he looked nervous... i passed the float to him... wife had walked over to where we put our bag. then.. i saw jon's eyes lit up...

i turned to see that wife had already taken off her t-shirt.. .she was hanging it on the bench for it to dry...

a similar photo as I didn't take a photo at that point of time.

she turned and face us and gave an embarrassed smile... i whistled at her.. jon giggled.. he walked towards her with the float...

me: lazy pool?

wife: nope.. the wave pool is starting...

wave pool?? wife doesn't swim well.. it's quite deep some more...

me: you sure? jon she can't swim well. take care of her hor.

jon: of course..

they both turned and walked towards the wave pool..

 watched them walk towards the wave pool... it was like they didn't speak much... i just waited and watched over the kids... jon helped wife hold the float while she got on it... then he shuttled her towards the deeper end of the pool... the waves were there and the spraying of water... could see them laughing having a good time..jon splashing water at wife, pretending to capsize the float to scare her. he kept doing it.. i could see my wife screaming and laughing... then a wave came... wtf... i saw it like slow motion... the wave pushed the float higher then jon had intended to... the float flipped my wave into the water... fuck.. they were in the deeper part of the waters... wife confirm isn't tall to stand abreast in the water.... i saw her fall towards jon.

jon was there. he quickly moved towards her and grab her.. wife hung on to him for her dear life. she grabbed him, readjusted until they were face to face. i couldn't see what was going underwater but it's most like her legs are spread and wrapped round his waist... her pussy part rubbing his crotch... jon got hold of the float, with my wife clinging on to him,

this position..

he walked to the deeper part of the water, against the side wall... jon's back was against thew wall. i saw wife lean backwards slightly. wife's head looked downwards, she was adjusting something... her bikini came off?? then jon's hand let go of the float and it disappeared underwater. what were they doing..... some minutes later.. wife moved forward and hugged jon, like hanging on to him... they just stood there... their heads side by side, i could only see wife's face... jon's hand occasionally raising above water level to catch the float before it floats too far away..


then.. next thing i know they were heading back towards.. saw wife readjusting her bikini...

what happened sia.... he licked her boobs underwater???

they came back.. wife smiled at me and then played with the kids... i walked to jon

me: how was it? what happened sia..

jon: oh. funny. she fell into the water. then her bikini came off... we had to go to a corner for her to wear it back..

me: lol... song bo?

jon: yeah quite.. saw her boobs for the first time.. you are lucky sia.

me: you were lucky too.

jon: your time with your wife liao...

me: dear. let's go!

wife followed me..

wife: lazy pool again??

me: nope i want to play with you in the wave pool...

wife: but no waves for the time being!

me: yup! more privacy for us...

we both went there... got into the water without the float.. she piggybacked me as we walked into the water... when i reached deeper water and the wall, i helped wife float and then she cling on to me...

me: dear.. tell me what happened just now... i want all the details..

wife: why? nothing much... my bikini came off that's all...

me: hmmmmm... are you sure?? that position was like this right...

i pulled wife closer to me.. like humping her on her crotch area...

wife: hehe. yeah.. soooo????

me: so did you feel his thing on your thing?? hehe

i started to rub wife's nipples...

wife: tsk... awww... stop..... yup i did...

me: was it hard...

wife: yup...

me: was it nice?

wife: normal lo... nothing much...

me: so what else happened?

wife: my bikini came off and i had to readjust to tie it back lo... why??

me: did he help you?

wife: sighs... a little bit.. i couldn't do it as the water kept floating the bikini pieces away....

me: so.... how did he help you??

wife: erm..... he help me make sure the bikini piece didn't float away lo... haiya....

me: hehe.. means... he cupped your breasts???

wife: tsk... you know still ask??? he doesn't know how to tie the string....

me: haha excuses.... so did he squeeze??

wife: a little bit.. can feel.. hehe...

wife's waist started to move and hump me cock...

me: were you turned on??

wife: a little... my nipples were in between his fingers... could feel him moving... arousing them...

me: then what happened?

wife: then i quickly tied my bikini lo... when i was done i hugged him as i was falling away...

me: ohhhh... then??

wife: he didn't remove his hands lo....

me: oh... and then!?!?!?

wife : i didn't know how to ask him to remove his hands... .then he started thanking me.. thanking us... telling me how grateful, how much i've cheered him up... at the same time he was rubbing my nipples... i let my guard down......

me: it's ok la.. no big deal....

wife: i felt him moving his hips, rubbing his thing on mine...

me: wa wa... then what ?? he fingered you?? is that why you guys stopped and came back?

wife: no no... he didn't do that... we came back because realize a guard was looking at us.... dear.... are you ok with it??

me: okay.... hehe that was exciting.. of course i am ok with it.. did you like it?

wife: tsk.. aiya... don't talk about it le...

me: ok time to go back..

we went back...

me: jon bro. my turn to look after the kids...

jon: ok bro.. (wife), come i teach you how to swim. let's go to the lap pool without the float..

wife walked over to the bag again. this time round... she took off her FBT shorts... now she's just in bikini top and bikini bottom. i watch her walk away in that bikini set.. guys were looking ..

they headed to the lap pool... i couldn't see what happened...

about 15 minutes later, i saw them heading towards the wave pool... the waves were starting.. they didn't bring any float...they held hands as they headed towards deeper waters... then.. the waves started and it was chaotic... i lost track of where they went...

when i finally spot them again.. wife was hugging jon.. face to face... she was grabbing on to him tight.. they weren't against the wall.. they were in them middle of nowhere.. they were just hugging.... as they turned... then i saw jon's face dug in my wife's hair.. he was licking her ears... when the waves started to recede... they made their way back...

wife was looking embarrassed..

i noticed something odd...

her bikini bottom was a little bit loose.. the strings looks like they need to be readjusted...

then, we realized how fast time flew.. it was time to bring the kids back and meet with our respective parents..

we all went to he showers and change... wife settled the girls... got some hot milo for our kids, then we headed off to our cars.. wife gave jon a hug as a goodbye... that was quite proactive on her part...

i drove to town where we met wife's parents for dinner... after dinner, her parents took our kids back and told us to go for our date... we went shopping for clothes...

wife tried on some clothes...

me: wonder how jon is doing... heard tonight he is not staying with his parents, doesn't want them to suspect...

wife: you want to ask him out for drinks again? don't la...

me: huh.. haha thought you will want... come.. i send some photos of you to him. sure cheer him up...

wife posed a few shots for me... wa. she was quite natural and slutty in her posing..

wife: haha. go help me get another size for this...

as i walked to get the size, i texted jon

jon: bro. how's things? let me cheer you up..

jon was online... but he didn't reply me straight...

i came back to the changing room with the dress new size for wife.. opened the changing room curtain slowly...


once she put her phone back into her bag. i made my entrance and passed her the dress... i didn't ask her about the selfies and see if she would tell me on her own...

then.. message from Jon:

jon: wa bro! nice one! anymore of this?

me: haha you ask her for more la..

then, wife came out..

me: so how's jon?

wife: huh... like that lo... he seems unsettled with sleeping alone in his house...

me: sighs.. can only imagine the loneliness.. do you think we should do anything..

wife: what can we do? let him stay in our guest room?

me: can also..

wife: ok lo.. you invite him then... you still want to shop?

me: hehe. you can't wait to get home right...

wife: no la.. just tired...

me: i go pay.. you text him to come..

after we paid, we went home.. on the drive back.. wife was texting jon...

me: so what are you going to wear tonight?

wife: huh? anything lo.

me: haha, don't be too sexy la.. later he come into our room and rape you..

wife: haah! no way!

reached home.. wife went to bath straight away.... i went to set the guest bedroom.. wife came out of the shower... wow...

she was putting on a face mask...

me: what time is jon coming?

wife: not sure.. he said he settle his kids first then come over...

i went in to shower... after i turned on the water, i peeked out... knew it.. wife lying on the bed and was on her phone... saw her take a photo or two...

then. i was almost done with bathing... wife called out to me

wife: hey the doorbell is ringing, jon is here..

me: ok. you go get him lo..

wife went out to open the door for him... i quickly cleaned up and dried myself.. put on shorts and went out to see what the were doing... they were not in the living room!


i quickly went to the kitchen to check.. wife was just walking out from there..

me: dear, was it jon...

wife: yup.. he's taking a shower now. passed him a towel..

me: so what was his reaction to seeing you wear this?

wife: huh... nothing much la....

me: come on.. tell me....

i hugged wife...

wife: hehe i saw him gasped lo when i opened the door..

me: so any happenings with him??

wife: tell you tmr la........

me: ok you promise de ah...

wife: yup... come let's go back to our room.. i've already told jon what to do...

me: huh? you don't want to hang out with him? like watch some tv or drink?

wife: nope! i'm tired... i want to sleep....

that was really strange... why would wife want us to fall asleep so early? we have nothing on tmr...

maybe they both want me to fall asleep first, then wife sneak into his room and F him?

we went back to our room and turned on the tv... wife cuddled with me..

me: so any happening in the pool?

wife: huh thought i told you already...

me: that was part 1. part 2 seems more happening..

wife: he just taught me how to swim lo. that's all...

me: i want the details.. come on darling.. you know i don't mind hearing...

wife: oh well.... at first he held my hand and guided me on how to swim lo... like he walk backwards and pull me around in the pool while i tried to do the breast stroke....

me: wow that sounds kinky...

wife: hehe... ok la.... just that... a few times when i try to push my head up to breath......

me: yes???

wife: i think i push too hard or he pull me too hard my face bang into his thing.... he pull me really closely... think i'm too heavy.. sometimes i accidentally touch his thing lo...

me: hehe.. i tickled her... naughty la you.. tell me more...

wife dug her head into my shoulder... avoiding eye contact...

wife: well.... then he said my kicking wasn't good need to guide me... told me to hold on to the pool edge and kick... at first he was holding on to my ankles.. helping me spread and close... but i had problems floating, kept sinking.. so he came to my side lo...

me: and then??

wife: erm.... he held my stomach area to support me... but sometimes he raise my body too high. my butt was out of the water! some guys were looking!!

me: hehe.. so did he molest you?

wife: molest? not molest la.. but he stroked my thigh to help guide my breaststroke kicking lo... a few times came really close to my down there...

me: did he touch it....

wife: erm..... erm.... a bit.... then we changed to free style kicking.. it was quite... you know... rigorous... and he held my thigh here!

she pointed to the area right in front of her pussy...

wife: i kicked quite hard lo. felt his fingers poke my down there quite a few times...

me: hmmmm.. did his fingers go in?

wife: a few times.. a bit.... but not his fault la... i was kicking too hard.. his finger slide into my panties a bit... but just touch only.. didn't go in my down there...

me: hehe.. you felt something didn't you?

wife: it was awkward lo... plus his other hand....

me: what about his other hand??

wife: i don't know.. i think maybe.. he did it on purpose... it went from my stomach upwards.... at one point he was holding on to it...

me: wa... then you must feel damn hot right?

wife: not really.. a bit la...

me: then ??

wife: i told him i needed to rest le lo...

me: so you two hugged?

wife: erm... because he brought me to the deep middle part... he wanted to train my breathing...

me: so what happened??

wife: erm..... i hang on to him... then he submerge the both of us lo... he told me to hang onto him , hold my breath.. we go down a few seconds.. then he will kick us up...

me: wow... so romantic..... so anything happened??

wife: erm... we did that many times lo... i was quite scared so hugged him tight...

i got really turned on.. cock was fully erected.... wife saw it and started to stroke me... i stuck my fingers into her chemise and played with her nipples...

me: so tell me the erotic side leh...

wife: erm... nothing much la... just that when his kick us up.... erm.....

she hesitated..

me: yes??? just tell me!!

wife: i hug very tight to him lo.. so could feel his thing poke my down there... then he will step on the step by the wall, keep us afloat for a few moments before sinking again...

me: oh..... there's more to it right...

wife: well sometimes he will pin me against the wall and press his thing really hard onto my down there.. it depends on the way we get up ma.. plus he couldn't balance himself on the step..

wife hesitated....

wife: one more thing.... he erm... wanted to try a game lo...

me: what was it??

wife: he told me not to breath... then he sank both of us down... then ...... erm..... he passed some air to me underwater lo....

me: what?!?! how???

wife: by mouth lo... hehe

me: kissing underwater la...

wife: not really.. it was scary.. i didn't like it...

me: anything more?

then at this moment, someone knocked on our bedroom door.


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