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Wife consoles my Jilted Buddy

It all started like this.

My wife has known my 15 years buddy ever since we got married. he was brother at our wedding, the OIC.

My buddy, jon, and I are really close. We are both quite open minded. even exchange wife sexy photos with the face and all. he married a few years after me, a china wife who gave him 2 kids.

(this story is not to aim china wives)

However, after the second kid, the wife started to change, became more dominating. Jon was the easy going type so let her take charge of most things, let her decide. He doesn't like quarrels. Initially the wife was very obliging, will join us for dinner, CNY and all these chat with us friends, very friendly. but after the change, she stopped showing up, even at CNY jon will just bring both his kids, saying that the wife went to to work.

6 years after their marriage, his kids 4 and 5 years old. the wife left him, disappeared. one day he came home to find her stuff all gone. electronics and anything else of value all gone. she even took all his branded clothes, belts, watches, bags, leaving him with only the brandiess stuff. There wasn't even a letter to explain. She just left him, and the kids behind. Till today, we have no idea where he went.

On that day, Jon called me and I immediately rushed down with my wife to find him. I tried to console him but he was just completely down and didn't respond. he just stood still at the kitchen counter looking at his family photo.

I told my wife to try.

She went beside him, talked to him.. after awhile, i saw her put her arm over him, and rubbed both his shoulders.. she pulled him closer to her and sort of hugged him from the side. Could see his arm pressed on her boobs.

then suddenly, jon started to cry really bad.. like those close to choking sounds..

mt wife panicked..

she looked at me and gave a 'how' expression..

i signaled her to just console him...

then... she turned him gently and hugged him. face to face... i saw jon hugged her back.. their heads side by side. my wife gave me a look, worried that i was jealous, making an extra drama effort to be shocked and how? ask me to save her..

i shook my head at her, signal to her its ok...

then she relaxed and hugged him back..

I know it's wrong, but at that moment. I felt a feeling...

it was so weird, i felt jealous, and at the same time, a bit of heat..

don't tell me..

i was turned on??

I decided to act on my newly discovered form of arouse. I walked towards the both of them and hugged them both, like a group hug... i pushed my wife even closer towards jon. pressing her boobs further into his chests. we stood there for awhile.. then i lowered my hands and groped my wife's butt... i pushed there waists closer together as well. i bet jon's cock, if it was erected would be pressing on my wife's crotch now...

i said. 'don't worry bro. you still got us ok. we will be here. you won't be alone.'

wife: 'yes. please be strong..'

then it got kind of dry and awkward.. i released my hug.. they broke off from their hug a few more seconds as well.

jon: thanks you guys.. don't worry about me. go do your stuff liao, i know you guys are busy..

me: please... i meant it when i said that we are here for you. do you want to take some time off work? i don't think it's a good idea though.

jon: got major things going on now. but i'm not in the mood to work.

me: come on bro. we are adults liao. relationship emotions and work are SEPARATE Things. cannot let on one affect the other. please. we've talked about this.. it'll be good distraction also. focus on work. distract yourself. can?

jon: ok.

me: you need new workwear. dear, you bring him go shop for new clothes can? i settle the kids first then meet you all for dinner.

wife: but i wear till so aunty now. how to go town??

me: jon. follow us. let her go back and change first ok.

he nodded his head. he didn't seem to be as sad as before. i think he really felt better.

jon followed us home, he was still in his work clothes. he sat in the living room, i got him a can of beer..

i went back into the bedroom.. wife was changing into a dress.

we talked about jon softly.

wife: he's so poor thing..

me: sighs, i've always known that wife was up to no good. only bothered about the finances never bothered about him and the kids..

wife: like this can?

wife turned and showed me her dress

me: haha you look like you are going for church leh..

wife: why what's wrong... i'm going shopping with him alone. quite weird right. why don't you go with him instead??

me: aiyo, that guy's wife just left him. he needs the presence of another woman right... help him fill some void lo.

wife: you want me to pretend to be his wife???

me: no la.. just hang out with him only la. so he won't feel the loss... you can pretend to be his gf la. i'm ok.. anyway, you know he likes you what...

wife: you sure you won't jealous?

me: haha. i know you won't go overboard.

wife: hehe you're right. at most just let him hug right..

me: haha of course... just now he hug you quite tight hor..

wife: yup. i was shocked... and you pushed us even closer together!

me: haha. he needs to feel the sense of security ma... how close?

wife: very close la.. i could feel his tummy, even his thing!

me: was it hard??

wife: nopes, not really. quite small also.. maybe semi hard...

me: well, he's now in a shithole... why don't you wear the red bra? surely cheer him up. he likes red...

wife: ok...

me : i go outside check on him...

i went out.. jon was lying on the sofa, eyes closed. i think the emotions must have been draining him.. he finished half of the beer... i sat beside him..

me: bro you ok?

jon wakes... : oh.. well.. like that lo..

me: just be brave bro.. for now, focus one thing at a time..

jon: which is?

me: getting your wardrobe back.. enjoy the shopping with my wife ok. she has good taste...

jon: thanks a lot bro...

me: just pretend she's your gf la. i'm ok with it.. that's your first step of moving on...

jon: what?

me: come on la. we both know that you marriage has been dead for years.. you were just too nice..

jon: bo bian. what to do.. i really tried my best. actually i've already seen this coming. few days back i went to her workplace her boss told me that she had quit for a week liao.

me: wtf.. then?

jon: just didn't expect this instead. thought she will ask for divorce... just shocked...

me: yeah i know. here for you.. enjoy the shopping la. just try and enjoy.. you can even hold my wife hand. she's ok with it de.. i'm ok with it...

jon let out a half sigh half laugh..

i went back into my room... wife had changed..

me: aiyo no need to wear the cardigan leh.. so aunty...

wife: you ah... like this can?

me: nice. let me snap.

me: ok la. anyway, i told him he can pretend that you are his gf.. haha

wife: what did he say...

me: he seem happy lo..

wife: haha. he better know his limit. if not i slap him...

me: you better not... ok. quite late liao. almost 7.. let's go..

when both came out of the room, jon gave us a look... then he looked again, his eyes lit up when he saw my wife and her very visible thick red bra straps....

I drove them to lido. jon likes ralph lauren..

me: i'll call you at about 830. i settle the kids first.

i drove to my in law's place to pick up my kids, went to get dinner and brought them to my parents' place. it was the school holidays and that was the usual practice. we are one of the lucky couples whose parents are way too free. it was a good thing jon's kids were with his parents too. the wife never bothered to stay home and take care of them.

as i drove back to town area. i recalled those days when Jon came over for CNY and xmas. i remember how sometimes jon will sit beside my wife, they sat quite close.. i've always been ok with it. we were a close knit 3some. in fact i've even discussed it with jon, but just didn't think it will be healthy for our respective marriages and I didn't know how to break the idea to my wife.

my wife has always been close to jon, like good friends. she's aware of the way jon's wife treats him and she pities him too. sometimes they will chat via messages for awhile. wife knows i'm ok with it.

she may be ok to many things but she is still la conservative lady when it comes to bedroom matters, formerly church going type... took me a long while to convince her to blow too.

i reached the town area about 810, would have been earlier if not for the jam.. i decided not to call my wife,

instead, i wanted to spy from afar..

parked my car, walked carefully towards Ralph lauren. From outside, looked straight in.. bingo. saw my wife standing there outside the changing room. i waited a while. jon came out wearing a new shirt. my wife walked up to him, helped him adjust his collar. they were like husband wife lol.. i had to restrain myself from touching my already erected cock.. after she was done with his collar, her hands slide down his shoulders and then his 'biceps' area.. he pat him on his biceps, it was like her saying, you look good.

then, i saw jon signal to the sales assistant, it was like he was buying a few different colors of the same size... then, jon was suggesting to wife to go upstairs, the ladies section.. i could see wife indication no need. in the end, jon pulled her hand and they went upstairs..

i had to go into the shopping center, second floor. lingered at the entrance there to watch the happening... jon was walking around the store picking out clothes for wife to try.

nice move jon! i thought..

few minutes later. wife came out wearing the dress. jon indicated to her that it was good.. he noticed that she hasn't zip the back of her dress fully up and offered to do it... wife turned around. jon reached for the zip.. he lingered for awhile, probably staring down her hind and looking at her panties... they chat for a minute, then both walked in towards the changing room together... wtf??

i panicked a little.

although i have been fantasizing watching jon fuck my wife.. but the reality of it happening was different..

i walked into the store and got an angle... they stopped at one of the changing room door.

phew. wife turned around and jon was simpling helping her zip down that's all... he pulled the zip all the way down till her butt crack area.. i could see her panties.. wife walked in. i think they made eye contact before she closed the door.

jon turned and saw me. he got a shock.. he walk slowly and sheepishly towards me..

me: having fun?

jon: eh no la.. she needed help..

i put my arm around him..

me: aiya don't need to polite with me la... haha.. i told you to enjoy yourself. glad to see you happier..

jon: she is seriously blur..

me: why ah?

jon: she bent down to help me adjust the length of my pants just now for tailoring... got some other guys staring at her full cleavage.. free show man...

me: yeah. she's like that. completely ignorant and oblivious. she doesn't think guys will be interested in her... like the red bra?

jon: haha yeah. nice color.. had to hold myself back and not pull her thong when unzipping her just now...

me: nice la. it's good distraction.. enjoy yourself bro..

then, wife came out with all the clothes..

wife: hey!

she looked nervous.. maybe guilty..

jon: they fit?

wife: yup...

me: wah you want to buy them all ah?

jon: haha, i'm buying for her la.. don't worry bro..

wife: no cannot!

jon: please! let me spend. it makes me happier...

wife looked at me.. i nodded my head...

we both know jon earn quite a lot..

me: don't worry dear. I will pay for dinner and drinks then..

wife: ok thanks jon!

wife was just about to hand the selected clothes to the assistant..

Me: wait. have you tried those shirts?

wife: yup.

me: jon how? the shirts fit her?

jon: haven't seen leh..

wife: how to come out? i'm not wearing pants...

me: haha we come to you la.. jon pay must at least let him see and approve first...

wife: ok lo..

jon: wah bro. you really damn on leh..

she went in quickly... pretty soon.. the door opened and her head popped out...

wife: psst!

we both made our way towards her. thankfully, that store was deserted. no one was going to stop us, walked to the door, wife opened it more...

wife: how?

we both looked at her... i could hear jon slurp and swallow his saliva.. wife was standing there just in the white ralph lauren shirt, we could see parts of her purple panties... the red bra was completely visible, material was thin...

song sia...

wife: how ? how??

me: haha turn around???

when she turned around... jon reaction was priceless.. his mouth opened wide open...

wife: how?

we were both staring at her chubby perky ass...

THIS ass.. (only pleasurable for those who like to chubby and doggy)

i realized i had to say something

me: jon how? ok to buy?

jon: (chokes on his saliva) yes.. yes..

wife quickly turned around.. 'thank you...' she closed the door as she smiled as us shyly and embarrassed.. she was blushing..

after the door was closed, jon turned around and gave me a hug.


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