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Turn around of Shy Wife: 12 (Final)

<< continued from part 11

Thirty minutes later, he was back to his own room, a smile on his face, and his plan firmly in place. Breakfast that Saturday morning had been an awkward affair, very little conversation and almost no eye contact. Even Prasad’s announcement of his plans to go to his buddy’s cabin for the remainder of the weekend met very little interrogation from his mom, just a meek acceptance. He departed shortly after breakfast, leaving the two women alone.

Mukta and Rehana spent the remainder of the morning avoiding each other. It was sometime in the early afternoon when Mukta headed out to do the weekly grocery shopping.

Rehana was in her room when Mukta returned. She listened as she brought in the groceries. It wasn’t until she heard her beginning to put everything away that she left her room, heading for the kitchen.

The women made brief eye contact before Mukta turned away. Rehana made no effort to help her friend, choosing instead to stand silently and watch as Mukta scurried about the kitchen. Only once did Mukta stop what she was doing to look at Rehana questioningly. When Mukta just stood there, staring, Rehana quickly went back about her business.

Mukta was bent over at the waist putting the last of the groceries into the cupboard. She rose up and turned around, gasping when she bumped into Rehana. Before she could react, Rehana took her friend’s face between her hands and pulled her close. For a moment, Mukta froze, the internal conflict paralyzing her with thoughts of her son, of a naked and submissive Rehana, and of a young and hungry Ganesh. But her dilemma passed quickly as the emotions she had kept bottled up inside her finally burst free.

She threw her arms around Rehana as their lips came crashing together. Hungrily, the two women devoured each other, bodies pressing hard against each other, tongues dancing freely.

Rehana broke the kiss first, sliding one arm around her lover while the other pulled her head gently against her shoulder. And she could feel the tension - or was it desperation - in her friend’s embrace as she gently stroked her hair.

“This must have been hard on you,” Rehana said after a bit.

Mukta pulled her head back and looked questioningly at her friend. But Rehana just smiled, and pulled her head back against her shoulder.

“It’s okay,” she said, once again stroking her hair. “I know you were watching us the other day.”

Rehana could sense her friend’s tension growing again as they continued their embrace. After a time, she pushed Mukta gently away. She reached out to brush the hair from her eyes, and gave a warm, reassuring smile.

“Do you trust me, Mukta?” she asked softly.

For a moment, there was no response. Finally, Mukta nodded her head slowly, hesitantly.

“Do you want me to help you?”

This time, there was a pleading look in her eyes. “Yes.”

Rehana leaned forward and kissed her gently on the forehead, pulling the blindfold from her back pocket. Mukta panicked when she saw what Rehana held in her hand, jumping back instinctively. Her internal turmoil ran rampant as she wrestled with her emotions.

But Rehana just stood by quietly, waiting, the blindfold held out before her. For Mukta, time seemed to stand still. She wanted to run, tried to run, but her feet wouldn’t move. She opened her mouth to protest, to scream out NO! But nothing came out.

Slowly, she could feel her resolve failing as the thoughts of Rehana spread out across Prasad’s lap filled her mind. “Prasad! Oh my God, Prasad!my own son” She screamed silently to herself as she stiffened up again. “What about Prasad?” But her latest panic lasted only a moment. Prasad wasn’t there. He was gone for the weekend.

And that’s when she decided. That’s when she realized she couldn’t escape her emotional web alone, and the only way to solve her problem was to go wherever Rehana decided to take her.

So, she took a deep breath, and stepped back towards Rehana.

“Turn around,” Rehana said, her voice a little firmer than it had been. Mukta moved quickly to obey, slipping naturally, even comfortably, into her role.

And then the lights went out for Mukta, as Rehana eased the blindfold over her eyes and tied it snuggly behind her head.

Only then did Rehana look towards the back window, to the spot where Mukta had watched from earlier in the week, and the spot where Prasad watched from now. She smiled and held up both hands, with all fingers extended. Ten minutes. Then she returned her attention to Mukta.

For those ten minutes, Mukta embraced Rehana from behind. She nibbled on her ears and blew gently into them. She licked and kissed her way down one side of her neck and up the other. She let her hands roam freely over her captives clothed body, down her sides, over her tummy between and around her breasts. Eventually, her hands found their way to the breasts themselves, and to that magical spot between her legs.

For the first time in days, Rehana was relaxed, her body responding to the magic hands. She moaned as they gently caressed her, and sighed as they rubbed her big breasts. She almost cried when they wandered between her legs, so great was her relief.

And then the doorbell rang. Mukta stiffened instantly, her hands starting for the blindfold. But they never reached it, as Rehana grabbed them, brought them back to her sides and held them firmly in place.

“You said you trusted me. Do you or don’t you?”

“I do, but . . .”

“No buts,” Rehana said, cutting her off. “You either trust me, or you don’t. Which is it?”

Mukta stood there, mouth agape, unable to respond.

“I know you watched us through the back window. I know that you came at least twice. And I know about Ganesh,” she said the last softly, for effect. “Mukta, I know what you want and what you need even better than you do. But I won’t force you.” There was a moment’s hesitation. “Last chance. Yes or no?”

Slowly, barely perceptibly, Mukta nodded her head.

“Good,” Rehana said, and the doorbell sounded again. “At the front door is a friend of mine, a lover. He’s going to help you. All you have to do is open the door and let him in. But,” she said emphatically, “once you let him in, the blindfold stays on until I take it off. Agreed?”

Again, Mukta nodded her head.

“Say it,” Rehana insisted.

“I agree. The blindfold stays on until you take it off.” Somehow, just saying the words gave Mukta a new resolve. She stretched her hands out in front of her, feeling around for objects, and made her way slowly towards the door.

The doorbell rang one more time before she reached it. She felt around until she found the knob, took a deep breath, and opened the door.

Mukta stood beside the open door, her hand clutching the doorknob. She could feel her body shaking as she lowered her head. A hand took hold of hers, pulling it away from the door. The next sound she heard was the sound of the front door closing. For a moment, nothing happened. Mukta’s mind was running in circles. Who was this stranger? Why did she allow Rehana to talk her into this? What was he going to do? Why was she doing this?

Just when she could stand it no more, a finger touched the bottom of her chin, lifting it up slowly. And then the stranger’s lips touched hers, lightly at first, barely grazing them. And then again, lingering just a bit this time. And then one more time, only this time the stranger’s lips surrounded hers, and she felt his tongue probing against her lips. Instinctively, she opened up, allowing his tongue to enter.

She reached out for him with her mouth, allowing the kiss to fuel her passion until the kiss was the only thing that mattered. And then there were hands on her breasts, squeezing the bra-encased mounds roughly through her white cotton saree. As her fire burned hotter and hotter, a distant part of her mind wondered, who is this? Is it Javeed? Is it Ram? It could be either one, based on what she witnessed the other day. Or maybe it was Ganesh! After all, Rehana did say she knew about him. But she dismissed Ganesh. She was certain she would recognize him. It had to be either Javeed or Ram.

The lips broke away suddenly, leaving her reaching out with her mouth, still wanting, as the hands continued to fondle her tits. Standing there blindfolded, with a stranger mauling her bosom and her best friend looking on, she felt cheap. She felt slutty.

There was a final squeeze, one that made her gasp, before the hands released her, leaving her alone and blindfolded, waiting for what would happen next. She heard a rustling noise, and then felt hands pulling on her shoe, first the right foot, then the left. A hand grabbed her by the back of her right calf and lifted her foot from the ground, pulling off the shoe with the other hand. The process was repeated for the other foot, and then for each of the ankle socks she wore.

The stranger ran his fingers lightly up her legs, starting at the feet, continuing until they reached the hem of her saree. But they didn’t stop there, continuing instead up to the navel .

Just when the saree slits were released from her tummy and the saree was released, she felt Rehana step up behind her and grab hold of her blouse and un button the blouse ever so slowly. By now, Mukta was too caught up in the game to stop, much too involved to even consider protesting. Instead, she raised her arms obediently.

The next thing she knew, her blouse was sliding over her head and her saree and the petticoat were sliding down her legs, panties and all. As quick as that, she had been stripped down to just her bra, which lasted only moments longer as Rehana quickly removed and discarded the final unwanted article.

Mukta stood naked before the stranger, her heart pounding through her chest. Now she was beginning to understand what had driven Rehana the other day. Now she could feel that very same lust coursing through her veins that had so obviously driven her friend. And now, she was ready for more.

“Take two steps forward, stop, and bend at the waist,” Rehana ordered.

Prasad watched as his naked mother immediately followed the instructions, amazed at how easily she’d been coerced into this situation. He could tell that she was hot, and he knew he could have her right now. But he wasn’t ready yet. There was still more of the game to be played.

He moved slowly behind his mother until her ass was directly in front of him. First, he touched her ass ever-so-lightly, trailing his fingertips across her bare fanny. He ran his fingers between her butt-cheeks, lightly passing over her dark hole before gliding teasingly over her wet pussy.

WHACK! Mukta jumped at the sudden, painful attack, clearly caught off guard.

“Hold your position!” Rehana ordered.

Quickly, Mukta returned to her bent over position, waiting for what was to come next. It was only then that she thought of Prasad, and of the spanking he had delivered mercilessly to her best friend’s backside. It was then that the thought first crossed her mind. Prasad! It couldn’t be! Could it? But Prasad had gone camping. Or was that just a story?

Before she had time to panic, she felt his fingers sliding into her pussy, and again, all thoughts except her deprived need for more were expunged from her head. She bit her lip, shaking slightly as the fingers began working their way in and out of her motherly wet pussy. She allowed her ass to gyrate against his fingers, and she could feel her pleasure mounting.

WHACK! Another sharp, unexpected blow, and then nothing. She held her bent over position, aware of a slight bustling of activity around her.

“Stand up!” Rehana ordered.

She immediately obeyed. Rehana took hold of her arm and led her slowly across the room.

“Kneel down,” she said after they’d stopped.

When Mukta moved to obey, she realized that the stranger was seated on a chair immediately in front of her.

“Bend over his lap!” Rehana ordered firmly.

But this time, Mukta hesitated. This was much too similar to Prasad and Rehana’s display the other day to be coincidence. Again she wondered if this could be Prasad. Only this time, she thought there was a strong chance that it was. And now, she didn’t know what to do. She’d gone too far to stop. She desperately needed to continue. But how could she if this really was Prasad?

Quickly, her mind responded. It didn’t have to be Prasad. After all, Rehana knew she’d seen them, knew she’d gotten off on watching them. What would be more natural than for her to recreate the scene, only with someone else? Someone other than Prasad.

She knew the argument was weak. But it was enough. It had to be enough, because there was no way she could stop now.

Slowly, she reached out and felt for his lap. Just as slowly, she began lowering herself across it until she was completely prone, completely at his will. And as she lay there naked across his lap, she wondered again if it was Prasad. Only this time, she couldn’t deny that secretly, she was hoping it was.

She closed her already sight-deprived eyes when his hands touched her, left hand grazing lightly over her back, right hand squeezing her cheeks. She could feel his excited lund pressing against her through his pants and she wondered if it was as beautiful as Prasad’s, or if it was Prasad’s, and how long would she have to wait before it would be hers?

She gasped when the fingers slid into her wet pussy and began pumping her cunt. She could feel her pleasure mounting as he pumped her harder, harder.

WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! Subconsciously, she knew the blows were coming, but still, they caught her off guard. She screamed out, instinctively trying to rise up from his lap. But he held her firm, quickly reinserting his fingers into her pussy. She let out an exasperated moan as the pleasure began again, supplanting the pain. This time, he worked her cunt longer, bringing her closer to release, but not nearly close enough, before . . . WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! Again she screamed out. Again she tried to rise from his lap. And again he held her down firmly.

A moment passed. “On your knees,” Rehana barked out, breaking the silence.

But Mukta hesitated, not wanting the pleasure/pain to stop. “On your knees,” Rehana repeated. Slowly Mukta moved to obey.

She heard the stranger rise to his feet and move away, only to be replaced on the chair by Rehana. “Bend over my knees,” Rehana ordered.

She reached out for Rehana’s legs, her spirit uplifted thinking the pleasure/pain might continue. She was surprised to find the legs unclothed. She hesitated a moment. When Rehana didn’t immediately yell at her, she let her hand wander over her best friend’s body, finding it completely devoid of clothing.

She allowed her hands to hesitate on her friend’s big soft breasts. She swore she heard her moan as she squeezed the mounds, as she toyed with her nipples.

“That’s enough,” Rehana exclaimed, not quite as forcefully as before. “Over my lap.”

This time, Muktha quickly complied, wondering what a sight this must be for the stranger.

WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! Rehana wasted no time, lashing out quickly and firmly at the prone woman. WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! This time, tears welled up in Mukta’s eyes as she screamed out.OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH NOOOOOOOOOOOO!! WHACK! WHACK! WHACK
At last the attack stopped. Mukta felt Rehana’s hand return gently to her enflamed ass, rubbing it softly. “That’s what you get for spying on me the other day. And if you ever do something like that again, you’ll get more. Do you understand?”

Mukta nodded her head shakily. “Yes, ma’am,” she sobbed. “I’m sorry.”

“That’s better,” Rehana said, slipping her fingers into Mukta’s flowing pussy.

Mukta gasped as her friend’s fingers began gliding skillfully in and out of her pussy, providing pleasure while her ass still stung with pain. “Oh yes,yesss yess oooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeeeaaassss” she heard herself moan as the fingers continued with their task.

She heard a noise in front of her, and then felt fingers running lightly through her hair. Tentatively, Mukta lifted her right hand from the floor, reaching out to the stranger before her. She could feel that he, too, was naked as her hand slid quickly to his cock. She took hold of his weapon, stroking it gently, stretching her neck towards him.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” Rehana asked, temporarily stopping the assault on her pussy. “It’s not too late to stop.”

Mukta hesitated, as the true meaning of Rehana’s question sunk in – was she sure she wanted to take her son’s cock into her mouth? This, she was certain, was Rehana’s way of telling her who the stranger was, without spoiling the game. Why else would Rehana ask her that question? Why else would she offer her the opportunity to call it off?

Mukta didn’t answer Rehana. Instead, she pulled the enraged cock towards her, opening her mouth as its tip pressed against her lips, allowing her son’s cock to slide into her mouth.

In her present position – lying across Rehana’s lap – she was unable to move her head enough to give Prasad the kind of blow-job she’d like. That problem was quickly solved, however, as Prasad grabbed each side of Mukta’s head, held it firmly in place, and began slowly easing his cock into her mouth.

She felt Rehana’s fingers re-entering her pussy as Prasad slowly eased his cock out of her mouth. She lowered her hand to the floor, supporting herself as her best friend and her son worked her from both ends. Mukta struggled to keep from gagging on her son’s massive cock as he held her head firmly in place, fucking her mouth with a gradually increasing pace.

Her head was swimming as she completely surrendered to her delirious lust. WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! She jumped under the force of the completely unexpected attack, still in shock even as the fingers returned to her pussy.

She felt Prasad’s grip firming up on her head as his strokes took on a greater urgency. She felt the fire building within her as Rehana frantically pounded into her helpless pussy. And she felt Prasad’s body tense up as he shoved as much of his cock into her as he could, his sperm emptying into her mouth his own mother’s mouth and dripping out the corners.

And then her own orgasm crashed over her. WHACK! WHACK! In and out! Mercilessly, Rehana alternated between spanking and finger-fucking. If there weren’t a massive cock spewing it juice into her mouth, Mukta would have screamed. Instead, she nearly passed out from the overflow of emotions.

Relief finally arrived as the cock slid from her mouth, only to be patted against her lips, her cheeks, and her nose, leaving everything they touched covered with a film of cum. Finally, Prasad released her head and Rehana withdrew from her pussy. For a moment, she held her position, gasping for air.

“Take me to bed, fuck me with that big lund please ” she said shakily when she’d recovered enough to move.

Mukta, still blindfolded, lay on her back in the middle of her king-size bed, with Rehana to her left and Prasad to her right. Her ass still ached from the beating she’d received, first from her son, then from her best friend.

She lay quietly for a while, enjoying the tingling feeling of fingers dancing lightly across her breasts, her stomach, her thighs, and around her cunt. She made no immediate move to return the pleasure, either to her son or to Rehana. Rather, she allowed them to pleasure her while she regained her composure.

It wasn’t until each of her lovers took a breast in their mouth, and Rehana’s fingers started once again working on her clit, that she began to respond. “Oh GODDDDDDDDDD,” she moaned, their assault intensifying. She marveled at the difference in touch between the woman and the man. Rehana’s mouth worked lightly, almost playfully over her breast, raking her teeth gently over the nipple, while her fingers worked a gentle magic on her clit. Prasad, meanwhile, was squeezing her breast roughly with his hand while his mouth worked hungrily on her nipple. Where Rehana was tender and patient, Prasad was rough and hurried. Together, they were reawakening her body.

Mukta squirmed under their attention, oblivious now to the throbbing of her ass. She cried out softly as they worked over her bosom. She arched her back, pressing her pussy against the probing hands.

“No!oooooooooooooooohhhhhh noooooooooooo” she said suddenly, sitting bolt upright.

“What’s wrong, sweetheart?” Rehana asked, a concerned tone in her voice.
Mukta leaned towards Rehana, feeling for her blindly, finding her. Lightly, she stroked the hair away from her best friend’s eyes, and kissed her lightly on the lips. “Nothing’s wrong,” she whispered. “Everything’s will get that big lund in your cunt honey don’t worry your cunt will be filled

With a final quick kiss, she turned towards her son, finding him with her hands. Just as gently, she leaned in and gave him a kiss, before easing him down onto his back.

She placed her hands on his chest, pausing to admire the feel of his muscles before easing her leg over his body. With her cunt hovering over his once again erect cock, she removed her hands from his chest, took hold of his lund, and eased herself down until he was pressed against the lips of her pussy this lund was same size as Ganesh but much thicker and was filling her cunt much better and tighter then her husband ever had.

“Here we go, baby,” she said, almost in a whisper. Slowly, deliberately, she eased herself onto him, letting out a small gasp as his meat began filling her up. When she had completely engulfed him, she leaned forward until her breasts were resting on his chest, and sought out his lips with hers.

Their lips came together tenderly as he wrapped his arms around her. The gentleness of their embrace was a stark contrast to the events that had so recently transpired. As their lips lingered together, his hands wandered over her back to her buttocks. She groaned when he squeezed her, even the light squeeze bringing back painful memories.

As their embrace continued, Mukta began slowly gyrating her hips, allowing the pleasure to build slowly. She ran her fingers through his hair and rubbed her bosom against his chest.

And slowly, the pace picked up.

As their heat began to build, she broke the kiss and pushed herself upright, allowing her hands to rest on his stomach. And as his hands found their way back to her buttocks, they picked up the pace some more.

Mukta could feel the passion building, she was shouting oooooooooooooooooooh yesssssssssss yessssssssOOOOOOOOOOOOOH goddddddddd fuck meeeeeeeeeeeeee I have never had such a big lun din my cunt yessssssssssssssssssssss”the familiar pings of ecstasy building in her loins. She purred softly when his hands engulfed her breasts, throwing her head back in pleasure.

And now she was pounding her pussy onto his shaft as he arched his pelvis towards her. She reached for his chest as he pulled on her nipples. Both mother and son moaned as their orgasms neared.

When it finally engulfed her, it was like no orgasm she’d ever experienced. It was the culmination of everything that had recently transpired. It was her and her son, even though she couldn’t see him, even though he hadn’t spoken a word, and even though she couldn’t be completely positive it was he. It was the dark and mysterious journey that Rehana and this stranger – her son – had guided her on. It was her journey into the world of submission.

After she’d collapsed onto his chest, they lay as they were, both panting for breath, both overwhelmed by their respective orgasms. It was several minutes when he rolled her off of him, sat up and rose to his feet. Mukta lay on her back, trying without success to see him through the blindfold. She listened to his footsteps as he left the room, closing the bedroom door behind him. She could barely make out the sound of him fiddling around in the living room before she heard the front door slam shut. And he was gone.

There was a tear in her eye when Rehana pulled off the blindfold. She bent over and gently kissed it, before snuggling up next to her friend.

They lay together well into the night, just holding each other. Sometime before the sun came up they made slow, gentle love together, before drifting back to sleep in each other’s arms.

True to his story, Prasad didn’t arrive home the next day until just before suppertime. The girls had spent a leisurely day together, accomplishing little. The highpoint of the day had been the morning shower they shared.

Mukta was in the kitchen when she heard the door open. She turned nervously as her son strolled in. Suddenly, she panicked. How should she act with him? What if it hadn’t been him? What if . . .

“Hi mom,” Prasad said easily, as if nothing had happened.

“Hi baby. How was your weekend?” she responded, turning to pick something up from the kitchen counter.

WHACK! The slap on her ass was sudden and as hard, if not harder than the ones from the day before.

She turned to him quickly, the shock on her face obvious. But the smile on his face wiped away any doubts.

“My weekend was fucking fabulous,” he answered.

As he turned and walked away, Mukta turned quickly towards Rehana, who just stood there and shrugged her shoulders. “Boys,” was all she said. Rehana returned to her home town after the Bangalore project got started and took over by her hubby, who got busy with the working Bangalore and her son Salman was busy with his exams, Ravi had gone out for internship from the college ,

When she came back home she was surprised that her Sister In law Shabana Sheik was new neighbor next to her villa who had shifted recently, as her hubby had left to US on new project work, Shabana was about 5 years younger to her husband Saleem was about 43 year old was close to Rehana from the beginning of her marriage to Saleem , she was nice working lady she used to work in a bank , but she was very traditional type , used to wear only sarees mostly cotton and some times she used to wear burqa as well when ever she left the house , she used to cover her hair with the hijab . She was transferred to Rehana’s city so with the help of Saleem she got the house next to Rehana , so that even Rehana had some company and Shabana will also feel at home being close to her Sister In Law, and her son, Azmath. He was not good in studies so after his 12 the he discontinued his studies and started his own electronic shop, where he used to sell electronic items like TV, Mobiles, Laptops etc Now when Shabana became her neighbor Rehana was frequently getting together for shopping, dinners, and movies.

At one of her frequent outings with Shabana, Rehana mentioned that she was planning to replace the old television, Air conditioners and even the music system and she had some trouble with her lap top as well. She had gotten proposals and quotes from various professional repairers, but the quotes were ridiculously high. Shabana mentioned that Azmath would be happy to do the job for her and would certainly charge less than those other crooks. When Shabana got home later that evening, she discussed the idea with Azmath. He agreed, saying he could start the following Saturday.

It had taken nearly the entire day to clean up and remove the old Air conditioners and the electrical wiring of the old Telvison and do the new wiring work ,Tomorrow he would return and arrange the new wiring and other electrical works and installation of new systems. It looked good. Azmath was pleased with his progress.

Azmath was eighteen years of age, stood 5'10'' tall and weighed in at a solid 78 Kgs. He had curly black hair and was the reason his mom had married at such a young age.

As Azmath was finishing up for the day, Rehana popped her head out the back door. "Could I interest you in a Coke or a sandwich, Azmath?"

"I'd love a Coke, Rehana Aunty, but I'll pass on the sandwich."

"Coming right up." Rehana nodded and disappeared back inside. Azmath stared after her dreamily. She may be older,she may be her mother’s brothers’ wife his own uncles’ wife and his aunty he thought, but you could never tell by looking at her. She had been prancing around all day in a pair of blue kameez and a white salwar the kameez was tight on her big boobs showing the clear stripes of her bra and the big neck showing lot more of her fair soft cleavage then required and the salwar was tight which did little to hide her obvious attributes. It was a wonder she didn't realize the affect she was having on him.

Truth was Azmath didn't realize the affect he was having on Rehana. Rehana had known Azmath, for almost his child birth. In that time, she'd never viewed him as anything other than Shabana's kid. He was certainly cute, not to mention well built, but he was just 18. He was the same age as her son salman and one year younger to her latest lover Prasad. Today, however, things were different. Today Rehana saw a strong, well built young man, toiling in the heat, body glistening in sweat. Seeing him shirtless, muscles rippling, it was almost more than she could handle. Despite feeling odd about her feelings, she had been unable to avoid finding excuses to watch him work.

Rehana returned shortly with a glass of wine for herself and a Coke for Azmath and joined him at the table on the deck. "You got a lot done today, Azmath. It really looks great."

"Thanks." Azmath found it difficult to avoid staring at her. He found himself fidgeting in his seat in an attempt to conceal his growing hard on.

"Do you think you'll finish up tomorrow?" She didn't know what was coming over her, but this boy was having an effect on her that she didn't entirely understand. Rehana noticed Azmath's apparent uneasiness. Could it be that this young stud found her, 20 years his senior, attractive? She was aware of a tingling sensation emanating from between her legs, and could feel her juices start to flow.

"Sure, Rehana Aunty, I plan on starting around 10:00 AM and should be all done by 2:00, if that's okay."

"That would be perfect, Azmath. I plan on being home all day tomorrow. Do you have everything you need?"

"Yes. I'm all set. All the new systems will be delivered by 9 am and installation will take about three hours, I should be on my way," Azmath said as he finished his Coke. If he didn't leave soon, he was sure he'd burst his shorts open. "See you tomorrow."

"Okay. I'll walk with you as far as the gate." Azmath rose uncomfortably, trying to conceal his hard on. Rehana was right behind him as he headed for the gate. When they reached the gate, Rehana stumbled and fell into Azmath, mashing her big tits against his arm and inadvertently brushing her hand between his legs. There was no mistaking his firmness.

They made their way silently to the gate and parted ways. Azmath couldn't wait to reach his bedroom. He needed some major relief, and fast.

Azmath had no sooner reached his room when he stopped suddenly. "Damn, I forgot my wallet and bike keys." He certainly couldn't leave them, but he didn't really think he was up to facing his aunt again. "Well, I can always sneak in the back gate and get them without bothering her," he said out loud.

He quickly retraced his steps, quietly entering the back gate and heading for the table where he left his stuff. He was just turning to leave when he heard some noises. It almost sounded like someone screaming and it seemed to be coming from the house. Worried for Rehana's safety, Azmath eased quietly to a partly opened window and peered inside.

What he saw was the most amazing sight he had seen in his young life. There, right before his very eyes, lay his sexy aunty Rehana, sprawled out on her bed, fully naked with one hand massaging the most gorgeous fair and big tits he had ever seen and the other frantically working her clit.

Azmath controlled his first reaction, which was to scream and make a run for it. One quick look around reassured him that, in the privacy of Rehana's back yard, no one would see him. He immediately dropped his shorts and went to work on his massive boner, unable to divert his eyes from the heavenly body laid open before him. He stroked himself as she massaged first one tit, then the other, as she spread her legs wide to accommodate both her hands, as she thrust her hips skyward to meet her fingers as they dug deeply into her cunt. He shot his cum on the side of the house as he heard her scream his name “OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooh AZMATHNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Fuck meeeeeeeeeeee yesssssssssssssss fuck my cuntttttt”, and watched as she bucked wildly on the bed before letting out a final gasp and collapsing. He nearly collapsed himself. Quickly regaining his composure, he took one last look inside at the goddess lying limp upon the bed before him, gathered up his shorts and took off for home. That night, Azmath lay in bed reliving the afternoon's events. It occurred to him that, for some reason, he had been responsible for his aunt Rehana's arousal. That he had been the object of her sexual fantasy seemed obvious. Something about him, or something he had done, had sent her racing for sexual release immediately after he had left. He wondered. Would it happen again? Could it happen again? He made up his mind then and there that, if the opportunity arose again, things would unfold differently for both of them.

While dressing the next morning, it crossed Azmath's mind that he should be nervous, uncomfortable with what he had seen, with how he felt, with what he hoped to do. He wasn't. Azmath had been with girls before. Women no, but girls his own age, yes. He was not wholly inexperienced in the art of love. He was in control of himself and had no doubt that, given the chance, he could handle his aunt Rehana. Handle Rehana. If this day brought a repeat of yesterday's extra-curricular activity, he intended to seize the moment.

Rehana awoke the next morning with a rush of emotions. She knew that yesterday's emotional roller-coaster ride was wrong. She was too old to be harboring such feelings toward Azmath. He was her best friend's son he was his Sister in laws son, he was as old as her own son. She prayed that, somehow, she could control herself today, that she could put their relationship back on the level it belonged, that she could somehow overcome her body's betrayal. This is all because of Amit he had changed her for ever ,now after having fucked by Amit, then by Ravi, recently by new lover Prasad, she wanted sex every day and she cannot get it from her husband and even her son was not there ,she just cannot go out and get from any tom dick and harry as her social status was at stake, she needed sex that’s all but she was aware of the situation.

Azmath arrived at precisely 10 o'clock, let himself in the back gate and went right to work.

"Good morning, Azmath," he heard her shout. He stopped what he was doing, turned and spotted her on the deck. She was dressed in the same blue kameez deep neck and tight on her body, with no bra. Not much in the way of modesty, he thought, as he remembered her spread-eagled on her bed, her fingers crammed up her cunt, calling out his name. "Good morning, Rehana . You're looking good this morning."

"Why thank you, Azmath. Is there anything I can get for you?"

"Not at the moment, thanks. Maybe later, though."

"Okay. Just shout if you need anything." She disappeared inside the back door. Funny, she thought to herself, but he'd never called her by her first name before he always called aunty . Nor had he ever complimented her on her looks. She smiled to herself as she felt that familiar tingling sensation building in her loins. "Stop it," she said out loud. "I'm not going down that road again." She tried to get her feelings under control as she went about her household chores, but she kept finding herself at the bedroom door staring at him fixing the new air conditioner. Or out back, doing one non-important task or another, stealing a glance his way whenever she thought he wasn't looking. She was beginning to feel like a high school girl with a crush on someone.

Azmath had everything finished and cleaned up by 2:30. He went to the back door and looked inside. "All done Rehana aunty. Do you want to take a look?"

"I'll be right there," she her responded.

She met him in the bedroom then saw the living room. "It looks great, Azmath. You sure did a good job. Have a seat on the deck I run inside and get your money. Could I interest you in a coke or something?"

You could interest me in something, he thought, but answered "A coke would be great, if you have one, why do you have to pay me aunty "
Rehana Said “ I know I need not pay but do you get the new air conditioner, LED TV for free I have to pay for that is it not”

He took a seat at the table and waited. "I hope you don't mind a check" she said as she returned from the house. She handed him his check and the coke, then disappeared back inside the house. She reappeared moments later with a glass of wine and sat down across from him. They talked for a while about nothing in particular, but Azmath found it difficult to concentrate. His gaze kept returning to the slow, rhythmic rising of her big boobs in her in the deep neck kameez which was bit low neck and bit transparent, and the nipples, which showed through unmistakably.

It had been impossible for Rehana not to notice Azmath's preoccupation with her breasts. She realized that, given the circumstances, her choice of clothing that morning hadn't been the best. She may have sensed the effect she was having on Azmath, but she knew the effect he was having on her.

After he finished his coke, Azmath rose from his chair. "Well, I've got to run now. Thanks again for the job, Rehana aunty. If there's anything you need done in the future, just let me know." With that, he collected his things, except for his bike keys and wallet, which he conveniently forgot, and headed out the gate.

The moment Azmath left Rehana was through the back door and headed for the bedroom. Her kameez was off before she was two steps into the house, discarded on the living room floor. The next thing she knew, she was lying face up on her bed, her right hand squeezing her big soft breasts, her left hand shoved down her salwar. Part of her was trying to figure out what was going on with her. She couldn't explain how he could have this effect on her. Maybe it was because she hadn't been with anyone for the last month after she left Bangalore and Prasad her husband Saleem was also not there. Maybe it was some strange hormonal imbalance. Whatever it was, it was beyond her control. It had taken all her will power not to jump his bones earlier. She was not going to be denied her release now.

She reluctantly removed her hands from her their current pleasure, and sent them to free her entrapped cunt. Quickly, the snap on her salwar was released and the salwar was down. Placing her thumbs inside her panties, she quickly removed these final obstacles, kicking them across the room. She closed her eyes and returned her hands to their previous positions, moving gentler now, slower, enjoying the sexual fire building within her. Slowly, but with certainty, her fingers moved to ensnare her clitoris. Her right hand reluctantly relented in its attack on her bosom, and redirected its attention to the depths of her enflamed pussy. With one hand on her love button and one attacking her cunt, she moved swiftly and decisively towards what was certain to be a massive orgasm. Dreamily, she opened her eyes. To her surprise, there was Azmath, sitting above her on the bed, staring intently at her. She screamed his name “ what the hell you are doing here in my bed room Azmath”and moved to cover herself. But just then, her body betrayed her, exploding into orgasm.

"Oh, shit! I'm coming, I'm coming,OOOOOOOOOH noaaaaaaaa I am cumiinggggg" she screamed, closing her eyes. Her hands shot instantly back to her cunt, renewing their effort with a relentless attack. She kept up this attack as her hips thrust skyward to meet her hands. "Oh Azmath," she screamed as wave after wave engulfed her, carrying her swiftly and deliberately to Nirvana. Finally, her orgasms started to subside. After several moments, exactly how long she couldn't tell, she started to regain her composure. When she finally realized where she was, and what had just happened, she opened her eyes. Where was Azmath? No longer was he towering over her. Had it all been just been a dream? Had it all been just a fabulous, naughty dream?

Then, she felt him. She arched her neck and looked between her legs. There he was. "Oh, Azmath," she cried out. "I'm so sorry. I don't know what's come over me. I'm so ashamed, Azmath." She tried to sit up, when, suddenly, she felt Azmath's tongue licking the juices off of her inner thighs. She felt his soft, tender kisses moving slowly toward the heart of her cunt. She tried once again to sit up, but Azmath gently pushed her back down. She was powerless to resist him. His tongue continued its march towards her center, kissing her right thigh, gently nibbling her left, until finally reaching its goal.

"Azmath, what are you doing? Please stop, Azmath. Azmath?this is not correct you cannot do this to me please stop" His tongue dove deep inside her pussy, lapping up the juices that had only recently stopped flowing from her body. She felt the fires of lust re-igniting.

"Azmath? Ohhhhhhh yes! Ohhhhhh yes, Azmath! Oh please don't stop, Azmath. Eat me Azmath! Eat my pussy! Oh, yes.please go one lick me eat my pussy yesssssss" She couldn't believe what was happening. She couldn't believe it was her telling him to eat her pussy. Oh god, it felt so good.

Azmath moved upwards and began sucking on Rehana's love button, sending shivers through her entire body. She clutched madly at her big breasts, mashing them into her body, screaming out Azmath's name. He inserted a finger into her juicy, wet cut. Then two fingers, then three. She bucked her hips wildly as her body neared another orgasm.

"Oh, Azmath, I'm cumming! I'm cumming! Oh, Azmath. Oh fuck, I'm cumming, AzmathYesssssssssssssssssssss yesssssssssssssss." Rehana continued to thrash on the bed as wave after wave of pleasure swept over her. Finally, it was over. She had never climaxed like that for almost a month after she had fucked Prasad.

She opened her eyes slowly, dreamily. Azmath lay beside her now, with her pussy juices smeared all over his face. He smiled at her, but said nothing. She looked deeply into his eyes. "Oh, Azmath, this is so wrong.we must not do this please" She pushed him gently onto his back and laid her head on his shoulder. Her fingers wandered slowly, aimlessly over his chest. She lifted her head, looked at him closely, bent over and kissed him lightly on the lips. She kissed him again, this time opening her mouth, seeking out his tongue with hers, and finding it. She tasted herself on him, and liked what she tasted. Slowly her hand wandered down to his crotch, still encased in his work shorts.

Having regained some of her strength, Rehana swung her legs off the side of the bed and dropped to her knees on the floor. She took his hands and pulled him to his feet in front of her. No resistance was offered. She couldn't believe what was happening. Couldn't believe she was about to take Azmath's cock into her mouth. But she knew that she would. Somehow, she knew that she must.

She reached for his shorts and very slowly slid them down over his hips. It was like opening a present. Then, at last, it was free, standing straight and proud before her. It was more than she had hoped for. More than she had dreamed of. She discarded his shorts and raised her hands to encase her trophy. She cupped his balls gently in her left hand, then, tenderly, stroked his rigid length is her right.

Slowly, gently she rubbed him. She leaned in to kiss it, lightly on the head at first, then taking the head briefly into her mouth. She circled its eye with her tongue, clearly enjoying the feast before her.

Azmath gently stroked her hair. "Do you like it? "he asks.

"Oh yes," she purrs quietly.

"Do you want it?"

"Oh, yes."

"Then take it," he urged. "Take it like you mean it. Take it hard! Take it all!take my lund fully Aunty "

She grabbed his ass, one cheek in each hand, and pulled him into her. She took him deep. She took all of him. Her tongue bathed his cock as she took him. Over and over, in and out she took him, until finally he could take it no more.

"I'm coming," he gasped. "Oh Godd, here it comes." With that, he began pumping his sperm into her mouth. She took it all, but he kept coming. Finally, as she could swallow no more, his stream subsided, the final spurts trickling out of the edges of her mouth. She released his organ from her mouth and lapped up what she could.

She lifted her head and looked up at him, seeking his approval. He smiled at her. Gently, Azmath lifted Rehana to her feet. He took her in his arms and rocked her gently. He brushed the hair from her face and kissed her tenderly. She melted into his arms as they tumbled back onto the bed.

Rehana came to rest on Azmath, her legs straddling his right leg, her right breast pressed against his chest. She supported her weight on her elbows as she stared into his eyes.

"I don't know what's come over me, Azmath. Part of me is ashamed of how I've been feeling, but I just can't help it," she began. "I've never behaved like this before. I've never had such powerful feelings about any man before. Never before have I felt the animal passion that I felt today with you. I liked it, Azmath. I liked it and I want it again. Can you understand that, your lund is so hard so young and long so thick ?"

"You have nothing to be ashamed of, Rehana aunty, and nothing to explain. What just happened between us was a beautiful, erotic experience. It's a memory I'll cherish as long as I live. And I, too, want it to happen again." He grinned mischievously. "Maybe I can find out just how deep your animal passions run.You are so sexy and so beautiful "She smiles. "Your wish is my command, oh master." The look of lust in her eyes was unmistakable.

There was silence as Azmath reached up to stroke her hair from her face. God, she was beautiful, he thought, as he felt that familiar urge beginning to build in his dick.

Rehana felt it, also. She brushed his face with her right hand and leaned in to kiss him. Their lips met and opened to engulf each other. Their tongues danced crazily, while their hands began to explore each other's body. Azmath rolled her onto her back, released his lips from hers, and sent them to attack her large, excited nipples. She moaned in pleasure as he bit lightly on first one nipple, then the other. She raked her finger nails across his back as he pressed her mounds together, taking both nipples in his mouth together. She bucked her hips madly into his as he began to kiss her belly, moving slowly, but deftly towards her screaming pussy.

"Oh, no you don't," she gasped, rolling him onto his back. She looked into his eyes. He never imagined that someone could experience the level of pure animal lust that was so apparent in her eyes. She rose to her knees and straddled him, her pussy already dripping, crying out for release. She needed him. She needed him inside her, now.

She rose above him, hesitating while she positioned his pulsing member at the gate of her cunt. She plunged down upon him. He gasped. She moaned “oooooooooooooooooooooh yessssssss so big so tight in my cunt yesssssssssssssss ooooooooooooh you are so thick my cunt needed so badly ooooooooooh godddd fuckkkkkkkkkk”. She pounded herself upon him. Up and down, over and over. She grabbed her tits and mashed them into her chest. She was now fucking him from the top her pussy was so tightly feeling his big thick lund

"Oh shit. I'm coming. I'm coming. Oh shit I cannot control I am cooing again maderchodddddddddd bosdikey chinalkey ." Her body began to shake as the violent throws of her orgasm over took her. Just as she was approaching her peak, Azmath's body clenched as he fired his hips up to meet hers. Together they came in a flood of juices. Finally spent, Rehana collapsed on top of Azmath. They held each other tight while their bodies subsided. At last it was over.

Azmath rolled her onto her back and stood up. He stared down at her and smiled. "I have to go," he said. "If I don't leave now, I may never leave." He leaned over and kissed her, softly, his tongue dancing gently with hers. "I'll let myself out. Please, stay just as you are. I don't ever want to forget how you look right now."

He threw on his shorts, grabbed his shirt, and headed for the door. Out on the porch, Azmath couldn't resist one last look, so he headed for the bedroom window. Looking in, he saw Rehana, just as he left her, only her fingers had once again found their way to her pussy, where they slowly and softly massaged her swollen lips.

Azmath shook his head, turned, and headed for home. This had certainly been a weekend to remember. He wondered what the coming weeks and months had in store.

All throughout the long, endless day, Azmath’s mind wandered back to the events of the preceding day. He thought of Rehana, dressed in her deep neck and revealing blouse. He thought of her lying on her bed, hands busily exploring the most intimate nooks and crannies of her body as he watched through the window. He thought of the taste of her juices as they flowed from her pussy, and of her mouth as it danced on his cock, sucking him to the very gates of heaven. And he thought of her sitting on his erection, driving them both to orgasm, her beautiful breasts bouncing above him. And he wondered how she felt today, whether she would have second thoughts about a relationship with a boy so much younger than herself, as young as her son and related to her so closely.

She had left a message on his cell phone for him. She needed to talk to him and wanted to see him that evening. He needed to talk to her as well. But he did not intend to let her get away, however she might feel. Yesterday had been an explosion of eroticism, and he wanted more. Azmath got to Rehana’s around 5:30 that evening. He knocked on the door and waited. The door swung open. There stood Rehana, an uneasy smile on her face. For several moments they stood there, as time seemed to stand still. “Hello Azmath,” she said uneasily. “Please come in. I’m glad you could come I needed you badly ”

He entered her home as she carefully closed and locked the door behind him. He turned and looked at her as she stood, back pressed firmly to the door. In that moment he knew, for the look in her eyes said more than words ever could. He moved slowly towards her. He stopped inches from her, took her face between his two hands and gently kissed her. His lips retreated and their eyes locked together.

Suddenly, it was like the dam had burst open. She threw herself at him with such force that they both toppled to the floor. They rolled about on the living room carpet, madly ripping at each other’s clothes. He freed her breasts from their constraints of her blouse and attacked them with his hands and his mouth, tugging on her erect nipples, kissing them, biting on them. Quickly, they discarded each other’s remaining clothing. He moved his right hand to her already flowing pussy. She pushed him off of her and onto his back. Kneeling, she turned to take his pounding penis in her mouth, swinging her leg around so she was straddling his face. He raised his head to meet her neatly trimmed pussy, sending his tongue darting in and out of her like a tiny little penis, as she worked her tongue lovingly around the head of his cock. He massaged her butt cheeks and sucked on her clit as her head bobbed madly on his lowda. He felt her body tensing as he neared his own orgasm. She shuddered, and he could taste her orgasm, even as he began flooding her mouth with his cum.

Finally, it subsided. They lay there for several minutes, neither wishing to move their head form its heavenly surrounding. Finally, he rolled her over and turned so they were face to face. She ran her fingers through his hair and lightly traced her fingers across his chest. “You wanted to talk to me?” Azmath finally said.

“I think you just answered my questions, sir,” she giggled as she snuggled closer to him.

“I’m famished,” Azmath said suddenly. “How about you take me out to dinner?”

She jerked her head to look at him. “No way, buster. You’re staying right here so I can fuck your brains out."

“They’ll be time enough for that later. Right now, though, it’s time to eat. I’m going to need all my energy if I’m going to keep up with you.”

Rehana hesitated “I’m not sure how to ask this, Azmath, but does this mean our relationship is to be public knowledge?” she questioned.

“To be honest, I don’t know if I’m ready to deal with that just yet. For tonight, let’s just say you’re buying me dinner because my mom’s out of town for the week and because I did such a bang up job for you this weekend, ”

Rehana hit him playfully. “What do you mean, your mom’s out of town for the week?” Azmath told Rehana about his mom’s trip to Chennai, and that she wouldn’t be home until Thursday morning.

“Then you’re staying with me this week. And you’re right. You will need your strength,” she smiled. “Alright, where do you want to go,” she said.

“I know just the place,” Azmath responded with a grin. “Say, do you happen to have a sexy saree on I love women in saree?”

“Yes,” she slowly responded, a questioning look in her eyes.

“Good. Wear it, and you won’t need any panties,” he grinned mischievously. “Now get going before I starve.”

“Yes, sir,” she said as she hopped to her feet. “Might I ask what you’re up to?”

“No! Now get moving.” With that, she headed for the bedroom, pausing to pick up her cast aside clothing, bending deeply at the waist, her ass and pussy intentionally directed in Azmath’s direction. Azmath threw his salwar at her. ”Hurry up.”

They got ready quickly, cleaning up just enough to not smell of each other’s sex. When they were ready to leave, Rehana tossed Azmath the keys. “You drive.”

It took only a few minutes to reach their destination, a local Chinese restaurant called Little China. Little China served good food, especially noddles, and had a nice cozy atmosphere, dimly lit, with red and white tablecloths on the tables. Azmath requested an out of the way booth in the back corner. This particular booth would only be visible to a fraction of the other tables. He seated Rehana first, sliding her so that she was facing out, with the table and tablecloth between her and the rest of the restaurant.
They each ordered iced tea, and the waiter departed, giving them time to review the menu. Rehana looked at Azmath. “What are we going to do, stuck way back here in the corner? You’re not planning to take advantage of me, are you?”

Azmath moved closer, sliding his hand in the slit of her saree and he inserted his hand over her tummy then pushed the saree little bit away and pushed his hands inside the petticoat she was not wearing any panty as he had asked her and rubbing the inside of her thighs. Purring softly, Rehana spread her legs, allowing Azmath better access to her hidden gems. He removed his hand as the waiter returned. They quickly decided on a chicken, spring rolls and two salads, and the waiter again left them in peace.
Azmath slid the table closer to Rehana, better concealing the target of his desires. He turned toward her, reached under the table and freed the string of her petticoat and loosened the saree from her tummy. As if in retaliation, she reached between his legs, grabbed his cock, and squeezed. Briefly, their eyes met, before Azmath returned his attention to her saree pulled to down along with the petticoat till it was on the floor under the table, leaving her fully naked from the waist down, protected only by the table and tablecloth in front of her. She shuddered involuntarily and squeezed his vulnerable lund. He tenderly massaged her thighs, moving deftly towards her center. She parted her legs, allowing him complete access. He massaged her love button, sending shivers up and down her spine. She closed her eyes momentarily and moaned as he continued his assault, rocking her pelvis in rhythm with his hand.

He eased his hand away from her, startling her. She looked at him, and followed his glance to see the waiter returning with their order. She released her grip on him and sat tensely as the waiter delivered their food. As soon as the waiter turned his back, Azmath’s hand returned to her pussy, this time entering its depth with two fingers. She gasped out loud, causing the waiter to turn. She managed a smile and he walked away.

“Would you care for some spring roll?” Azmath asked.

“You bastard,” she replied. “He almost caught us.” But the lust in her eyes betrayed her.

Azmath served up the spring roll and they ate, sharing causal conversation. Occasionally, he would reach over and caress her pussy, once sucking his juice coated finger in his mouth, another time offering his fingers to her lips. She looked at the fingers silently, then at Azmath. She took his fingers in her mouth and sucked, tasting her own juices, never taking her eyes off Azmath.

After they finished eating, Rehana took matters into her own hands. Slowly, sensually, she massaged her cunt while Azmath watched. Slowly, she allowed her fingers to enter her, in and out, harder now. Her gaze never strayed from Azmath. She felt like a total slut, but it felt so good. Spreading her legs wide, she leaned back as much as she dared and continued to pump her pussy. Slowly, she picked up the speed and intensity of her assault, moaning softly, until finally, her body stiffened as her orgasm swept over her.

Before she’d completely regained her composure, Azmath nudged her under the table. She looked up in time to see a pretty young woman Azmath’s age approaching the table. “Hello Jhanvi,” Azmath said. “What brings you out this evening?”

“Hi, Azmath,” she says as she sits down opposite of Azmath, next to Rehana. She looked at Rehana, then back at Azmath. “I see your taste in women has improved.” Rehana blushed noticeably as she tried to cover her nakedness. She was able to cover herself partly with the left her left thigh with the saree, but Jhanvi had sat on the saree which was partly fallen on the next chair edge, leaving her exposed.

“Oh, excuse me, Jhanvi. This is Rehana Khan, my aunty, my mother's elder brother's wife. I just fitted new air conditioner for her and she’s buying me dinner while my mom’s out of town as a way of saying thanks. Jhanvi’s a classmate of mine, Rehana Aunty.

“Hi, Rehana aunty,” Jhanvi says. “It’s nice of you to take care of Azmath like that,”

“It’s nice to meet you, Jhanvi.”

Jhanvi looked into the older woman’s eyes, and then allowed her gaze to drift slowly down to her lap, where they hovered momentarily. A knowing smile crossed her face as she licked her lips and looked back up into Rehana’s eyes. “It seems like Azmath’s getting his dessert early this evening. It certainly does look sweet. I’ll bet it could tempt just about anyone.”

Realizing that their cover was blown, Azmath decided he might as well see how far things would go. Smiling at Jhanvi, he reached down and pulled back the left side of Rehana’s thigh which was covered by the saree, once again leaving her naked and exposed from the waist down. He reached his hand between her legs and began slowly massaging her pussy, as she involuntarily parted her legs. “Maybe you’d like to try it?” he said.

“Mmm,” Jhanvi said. “You wouldn’t mind would you, Azmath?”

“Not at all,” he said. “You wouldn’t mind, would you, Rehana aunty?”

Rehana just sat there, unable to say a word, and unable to move. She listened as they discussed her as if she were just a toy for their amusement. But she could feel the excitement growing within her as Azmath continued massaging her already dripping pussy.

After one final thrust, Azmath removed his hand, as Jhanvi’s hand slid over her thigh and between her legs to replace it. Gently, knowingly, she massaged Rehana’s clit. Rehana gasped, closing her eyes, being touched by a woman of that age she had sanjana the police inspector then her friend Mukta but this young age women for the first time. Oh god, she thought as she felt the pleasure building. Jhanvi lowered her fingers, sliding them into her flowing cunt. In and out her fingers went, unrelenting, driving deep into her cunt; bringing Rehana right to the brink of orgasm.

Then she withdrew her hand. Rehana snapped open her eyes and looked to Jhanvi, desperation in her eyes.

Jhanvi stared at Rehana, doing nothing. “Please, don’t stop,pleasee” Rehana whispered.

Jhanvi smiled at the lust filled eyes of the older woman, before reinserting her fingers into her slutty pussy. Rehana felt her lust build as Jhanvi renewed her assault. Frantically, Rehana raised her hips to meet the attacking fingers, feeling her orgasm building. “Oh shit,” she said as she tried to control herself, only vaguely aware of being in a restaurant, of potentially being on public display.

“Oh shit, I’m coming,yessssssssssssssss I am coming agaiannnnnnnnnnnnnnn yessssssss” she gasped as she was overwhelmed by wave after wave of pleasure.

When it was over, Rehana slumped back her seat, her sense of awareness gradually returning. “She has a very fine pussy,” she heard Jhanvi say to Azmath. “You’re a lucky man.”

There was a moment of silence. “Well, I guess I should get back to my boyfriend,” Jhanvi said. “He got really turned on watching Rehana masturbate. I bet he’s ready to fuck my brains out by now.”

“Your boyfriend saw?” Rehana gasped as she looked around the restaurant. Her gaze finally settled on a young man, sitting alone, staring at her, with a huge grin on his face. Jhanvi leaned over and kissed Rehana on the lips, darting her tongue briefly into her mouth, before rising from her seat and returning to her table.

As soon as Jhanvi left, Rehana turned to Azmath. “Please take me home now,” she said to Azmath. “The sooner I get your gorgeous un cut cock inside me, the better.”

She pulled her petticoat and the saree back to her waist and some money from his wallet and tossed it on the table. He smiled at her. “I thought you were buying dinner tonight.”

“Shut up and get going,” was all she said.

The drive home was done in silence. As Azmath turned onto their street, Rehana pulled the saree over her waist and the blouse was unhooked with the bra unclasped and pulled over her head, leaving her clad in shoes only. As he was turning into her driveway, she had his pants unbuckled. Before the car was completely inside the garage, she hit the button to close the door. As Azmath put the car in park and turned off the ignition, she had reclined her seat back and was pulling him on top of her. “Fuck me,” she pleaded. “Fuck me right now you maderchod bosdikey made me so Horney in there.” She pushed his pants down as far as she could reach.

Azmath slid her up the seat back, giving him room to get between her legs. With one quick move, he rammed home his throbbing big lund. After the activities at the restaurant, he was more than ready for release. She arched her back, thrusting her hips up to meet him. Their lovemaking was intense and passionate; their state of arousal ensuring that it would not be long lasting. “Oh yes, fuck me, Azmath, fuck me,fuck me with that big uncut lund of yours yesssssssss fuck me harder yesOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH” Rehana screamed. “Oh yes, just like that. Azmath, don’t stop. I’m coming, Azmath. Oh God fuck meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ooooooooooooooooh yessssssssssssssst, here I come.” Her body shock as she clutched at Azmath with all her strength.
“Oh Yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssss, Rehana. Here I come.” Together, their bodies exploded. Azmath had completely shot his load before Rehana began to quiet down. When it was finally over, they lay there for some time, both totally spent, Rehana’s hair looking as if it had been through a storm. “Come on, Rehana. Let’s go inside,” Azmath said at last.

He struggled out of the passenger side of the car, with his pants around his ankles. He quickly discarded his pants and helped Rehana out. Leaving their clothing where it lay, they moved into the house. “I’m getting a glass of wine, Azmath. Would you like one?”

“Sure,” he replied. He eyed her body as she bent to get the wine, her ass pointed directly his way, her legs looking fleshy hair less and smooth to the high heels she still had on. She set the bottle on the counter and turned to him.

“Do you like what you see?” she asked, posing for him with her hands on her hips and her tits held high.

“You know I do,” he smiled, nodding his head. “Wouldn’t you be more comfortable with your shoes off?”

“Probably, but wearing them make me feel slutty, and I’ve recently discovered that I like feeling slutty,” she smiled mischievously.

He smiled at her as he stepped before her, reaching behind her and grabbing her ass cheeks, pulling her close to him. “And I like seeing you get slutty. I can’t believe how hot it was watching another woman take you in the middle of the restaurant.”

She teasingly pushed him away. “Cool down, stud. It’s time to mellow out for a little bit. Take off the rest of your clothes and have a seat in the living room. I’ll be right in with the wine.”

Azmath went into the living room, finished undressing, and put on some quiet music. By then, Rehana had rejoined him. She motioned Azmath to the sofa, where he sat on the right side. She stood above him and handed him his wine glass. “Cheers’” she toasted. She sat next to him and he put his arm around her shoulder. She snuggled into him, her back against the side of his chest, and set her wine glass down on the coffee table. “This is nice,” she purred soft

Azmath stayed at Rehana’s Monday night. They did manage to sleep, but only intermittently, and only when they were too tired from fucking.

They woke early Tuesday morning and snuggled in each other’s arms until Rehana had to get ready for work. She left the bathroom door open as she showered, while Azmath lay in bed, propped up by the pillows, and watched, her body not clearly visible through the frosted shower door. He watched her step out of the shower and towel herself off. He watched in silence as she laid out her clothes for the day and got dressed.

Before she left, she sat beside him on the bed and they kissed, their tongues dancing wildly in each other’s mouth. Rehana gently pushed him away. “I’ve got to go. Stay as long as you like. There’s a spare key by the kitchen phone. I’ll be home by 5:15. Will I see you then?”

“I’ll be here,” Azmath replied. “Don’t be late.”

That day, Rehana couldn’t get Azmath off her mind. She still didn’t know exactly what it was about him that got to her so. But she did know that she wanted him, and she knew that it excited her to be with someone younger. It seemed to bring out the slut in her, and she liked that.

Azmath couldn’t get Rehana off his mind, either. She was an intelligent, successful and sexy woman. She was so much more than the airheads he went to college with. There were no games with Rehana. She knew just what she wanted. And what she wanted was sex. If there was some risk involved, that was okay. So far, there didn’t seem to be any limits with her. And there were suggestions of more to come.

Azmath got to back to Rehana’s house at about 5 o’clock that afternoon. He relaxed on the sofa as he waited for her. By 7 o’clock she still hadn’t arrived home. Azmath thought that was a little funny, especially since she hadn’t called to let him know, but he shrugged it off as no big deal. After all, it wasn’t as if he was her father or anything.

She finally rolled in around 7:30. She had obviously been drinking. She explained that she’d had a late afternoon business meeting with a major client and afterwards, they all went to happy hour. She was sorry, but she just hadn’t been able to call.

Azmath actually had no problem at all with her explanation. After all, here she was, looking as good as ever, with a hint of horniness in her eyes. But his mind was working in another direction. Perhaps a little punishment might make the evening more interesting, he thought.

“I’m sorry, Rehana, but your explanation is unacceptable. You kept me waiting for over 2 hours. The least you could have done is call.”

“ Azmath. What’s up with you?” she responded bluntly, not yet catching on to the game. “Lighten up a little.”

“No, Rehana. What you did was rude and selfish, and you need to be punished,” he said, rising from the kitchen table where he had been sitting. “Now go stand in the corner while I decide on your punishment,” he growled, doing his best to look the part of the stern taskmaster.

She looked at him intently, not quite certain what was going on. She opened her mouth to speak, but he cut her off. “Move,” he said. “It will only get worse if you delay.

She lowered her head. “Yes, sir,” she responded meekly as she assumed her position in the corner. She was fairly certain that Azmath was just playing around. What the hell, she thought, she might as well play along. She stood there several minutes, waiting, waiting for him to say something. “Azmath,” she said quietly after a time. There was no Response. “Please, sir,” she tried.

“That’s better. What do you want?” he responded roughly.

So that’s how he wants it. Okay, she could do that. “May I go to the bathroom, sir? I have to pee.”

Azmath grinned to himself at the submissive nature of her request. “Are you sure you’re not just trying to get out of the corner?” he responded.

“Oh no, sir. I really need to pee.”

“Very well,” Azmath answered. “But just to make certain you’re not up to something, You’ll have to leave the door open. And I’ll be watching.”

“Yes, sir.”

She entered the bathroom, leaving the door open and went to the toilet. She turned to look at Azmath, slowly pulling the saree above her waist and the petticoat too. She hesitated briefly before sitting down. Soon, the sound of her peeing echoed throughout the bathroom. She found herself strangely excited. Not since she was a baby had anyone watched her pee. Strange that it should turn her on like this.

When she had finished peeing and wiping, she stood up. Just as she was bending over to pull down her saree, Azmath spoke. “Are you ready to apologize for you misbehavior yet?”

She stared at him defiantly. “No, sir. I am not.”

“Very well. Leave your saree ,petticoat and panties on the floor and come with me.”

Rehana hesitated for one brief moment, kicked off her saree, and went with Azmath. He led her into the living room, pulled up a kitchen chair, and sat down.

“Bend over my knee, young lady. I think you need a spanking,” Azmath said.

She stood rigidly still, dressed only in her white sleeveless blouse and bra, naked from the waist down, and glared at him. “You wouldn’t dare,” she challenged, knowing that she could still back down, but not certain that she wanted to.

Azmath just sat there, saying nothing. They stared at each other for what seemed like ages, before Rehana finally lowered her head in submission. My God, she thought. He was really going to go through with this. And I’m going to let him. She felt her body trembling as she lowered herself across his lap, forgetting for the moment that it was just a game.

Azmath rested his right hand on her bottom and his left on her back. Slowly he rubbed her creamy, delicate cheeks, until he felt her relax a bit. SLAP!

Rehana gasped, squirming on Azmath’s lap, but he held her firmly in place. SLAP! Again she gasped. Again and again he slapped at her, feeling the blood pounding in his cock as he felt her squirm. Rehana gasped but wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of crying or pleading for mercy. When the spanks finally ceased, Rehana realized that, although she was sore, she was certainly not in any real pain. If that was the worst he could dish out …

“Stand up,” Azmath said. She slowly eased herself to her feet, unwilling to give him the satisfaction of seeing her rub her tender soft fair ass. “Are you ready to apologize?’ Azmath inquired.
That’s when she made her big mistake. “If you think I’m going to apologize to you, you’d better think again. You’re going to have to do a lot better than that, if that’s what you want,” she challenged.

“Very well,” Azmath replied. “Get back to your corner.” Rehana strode across the room to her corner like she was in a parade, chest thrust out, head held high. “Now, remove your blouse and bra and stand there.”

She complied proudly as Azmath left the room. He returned a couple of moments later, holding his belt in his hand. “Okay, Rehana, it’s time to assume the position again.” Rehana looked at the belt, then at Azmath. He wouldn’t dare. Defiantly, she walked towards him. There was a little extra wiggle in her walk, and a little extra attitude. He wouldn’t dare.

He looked longingly at her backside as she lay over his knees, her ass sticking out, begging for attention, still pink from the prior blows. He could feel her breasts hanging down just in front of his left thigh. He couldn’t help but notice her erect aureoles as she bent over.

WACK! WACK! WACK! WACK! No sooner had she bent over his knees then he delivered four stinging blows to her ass. This time, she let out more then a gasp, this time she screamed. The pain was intense, but somehow, she felt a pleasure building in her loins that rivaled the pain. She squirmed on his lap, trying to build on the pleasure, not wanting him to stop his assault.

WACK! WACK! WACK! WACK! More screams. More pain. More pleasure. She squirmed, desperately trying to release her pleasure, to no avail. “Well?” Azmath said. He hesitated, giving her time to respond. When no response came …

WACK! WACK! “Please stop,” she begged. She felt the tears running down her face, her body shuddering. Her loins screaming out for attention. “Please,” she begged, “no more. I apologize. Please stop.”

She heard the belt hit the floor and a wave of relief washed over her. Tears were still running down her face as she sobbed quietly, her body shuddering as the pain ebbed throughout her body.

“Please fuck me,I need to be fucked badly I need a lund in my cunt now” she said softly, so softly, in fact, that Azmath wasn’t sure he’d heard right. Still trembling from the blows, she turned to look at him. Azmath wiped the tears from her face and ran his fingers through her hair.

Gently, he helped her to the floor, pausing only long enough to remove his clothes. Instead of rolling onto her back, she stayed on her hands and knees. “In the ass,” she said looking him straight in the eyes.

Azmath reached behind her and inserted his finger into her pussy, noticing that she was already wet. It seemed that she had enjoyed her punishment. He easily inserted two more fingers and began pumping in and out of her cunt. Rehana moaned “ooooooooooooooooooooooh my god it feels so good something goes in my cunt yessssssssssss”, sticking her butt out to reach his fingers.

Azmath removed his fingers from her pussy and shifted his attention to her ass hole. He maneuvered his finger around the tiny hole, gently inserting its tip into the darkness. He slowly eased his finger in, then out, repeating the pattern with an increasing tempo. Soon, he added a second finger to the first, continuing the in and out motion until he could feel her relaxing. He pressed the head of his cock to her pussy and felt her body grow tense in anticipation. Slowly, he entered her. He matched his movements to the rhythm of her hips, careful not to get overly excited.

Rehana’s emotional stability was being severely strained. Her big soft ass was still screaming from the pain that had been administered to it. Her pussy was filled to its satisfaction with his cock. And there was an intrusion in her ass that she’d never experienced before. “Take me, Azmath. Stick your cock in my ass,” she groaned. “Fuck my ass, Azmath, fuck my ass.”

She felt him reposition his tool at her forbidden entrance. Slowly, his tip entered her. He withdrew it just as slowly. Then he entered her again, a little farther this time, then slowly out again. She felt him keep up this slow, gradual assault, moaning as she felt him trying to rip her apart, wondering if she could take him. Then, he was in. The rhythm became easier, a strange pleasure began to overtake her. She reached one hand back to her engorged clit, massaging it, rocking to the rhythm of his thrusts. He reached under her with both hands and grabbed her tits, twisting his fingers on her nipples, mashing them against her.

She felt his thrusts becoming more urgent. “Oh fuck, Rehana. This is so fucking amazing,” he gasped, his breathing coming in abbreviated spurts.

She could feel her own orgasm building within her, as the waves of pleasure began to overtake her. “Oh God bosdikey maderchood chinalkey, I’m coming. Oh Azmath. Fuck me. Fuck me harder. Oh yes fuck fuck fuck fuckfuck me harderrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr oooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhht.”

They reached their climax together, and went limp on the floor, totally spent. After a while, Azmath slipped out of her. He gently rubbed her buns, but she squirmed from the pain of his touch, otherwise seeming unaware of his presence. He woke her as gently as he could, but she seemed only vaguely aware of her surroundings. He helped her to her feet, and led her slowly to her bed, lying her face down so as not to cause her any more discomfort.

He sat cross-legged on the bed beside her, patiently watching over her as she slept. At last she opened her eyes. “How long?” she asked.

“About 30 minutes. Are you okay?”

“I’m fine,” she smiled. “A little sore, but otherwise, not seriously damaged.” She was quiet for a moment. “You know, Azmath,” she said hesitantly, “I do tend to act irresponsibly from time to time. I hope you will continue to keep me in line.” She smiled at him. “Now if you don’t mind, there’s some Ointment in the medicine cabinet. I would appreciate it if you could get it and rub it on my ass.”

Azmath shook his head in amazement as he went to the bathroom. She was certainly an amazing woman. By the time he returned with the ointment, she was asleep again. He eased the ointment onto her bottom, still pink from the punishment it had received, and gently massaged it in.

Rehana woke early Wednesday morning. She reached back and gently massaged her ass. It was still a bit sore, but much better than it had been the night before. It was unbelievable how much last night’s punishment had turned her on. She’d never had a high tolerance for pain, but somehow, that only seemed to heighten the intensity of the pleasure, and of the pain. Looking at Azmath lying next to her, she smiled and pulled the covers back to reveal her prize. For several minutes, she just lay there, admiring her young stud. Gently, she began caressing his balls, watching him stir slightly as his cock sprang to attention. She ran her finger slowly up the underside of his cock, tickling it lightly. Pausing briefly to reposition herself between his legs, she directed her attention back to his balls, taking them tenderly in her mouth, first one, and then the other. She moved back to his gorgeous cock, licking it as he began to stir. Looking up, she saw that his eyes were still closed, so she returned to his pole, nibbling on it with her teeth.

“Ummmm,” she heard him moan, beginning to awaken.

“Good morning, lover,” she said to him, and immediately took him in her mouth. She bobbed her head up and down on his cock, slowly taking more and more into her mouth. She withdrew her mouth, replacing it with her hand, never missing a beat, and looked at him. “Did you sleep well?”

“I was dreaming that a goddess was giving me a blow job while I slept. I must still be dreaming," he said, not quite completely awake. She returned her mouth to his lund with a renewed vigor, taking all of his size in her mouth. She could sense his increased urgency as he began meeting her bobbing head with his thrusting hips. Soon his entire body tensed up, and she felt him thrust upward one final time, trying to bury his cock in her mouth. Then he exploded in her mouth. She kept bobbing and slurping until his body finally melted back onto the bed. Picking up her head, she surveyed her prize. Satisfied that she had swallowed all of his cum, she slid up and snuggled beside him.

He wrapped his arms around her as she lay across his chest, peering into his eyes. “Beats the hell out of breakfast in bed,” he smiled at her.

They laid in each other’s arms for some time, neither wanting to give up the moment. “What time is it?” Azmath finally asked.

Rehana looked at the clock. “It’s 6:30 AM,” she responded. “Hey, watch it,” Azmath warned as he rolled her onto her back. He straddled her stomach and pinned her arms with his legs. She lay there, defenseless, her ample bosom rising and falling before him with a slow, rhythmic grace, just inches above his growing cock.

Azmath turned his attention to her tits, lying beneath him, trapped. He reached down and took each nipple between his thumb and fore finger, rolling and pinching them playfully. He grabbed each breast, massaging them roughly, squeezing and kneading them, as she wiggled and squirmed, trying to free herself. Rehana couldn’t help but notice that he was fully aroused again.

“You bastard,” she responded playfully, still trying to free herself. “And I suppose now you’re going to take advantage of a poor, defenseless woman,” she said.

Azmath released her arms as he started moving between her legs. Instantly, Rehana reached out to tickle his sides. Her sudden attack caught Azmath by surprise, and she easily pushed him onto his back. Straddling him, she positioned herself over his cock and slowly eased herself over him until he was completely inside her.

“It just goes to show that you can’t keep a good woman down,” she announced triumphantly as she began bouncing up and down on him. Sensuously, she gyrated her hips on his cock. Reaching down, she ran her fingernails over his chest, causing shivering sensations throughout his body. She pinched his nipples, pulling on them, and again, raking her fingernails over him.

Turning her attention to herself, she dipped one finger into her pussy with his cock, causing them both to moan and squirm. Looking at him, she raised her finger to her lips and sucked it sensuously. “Umm, I taste good. Don’t you think?”

“Oh yes,” Azmath moaned.

Redirecting her attention once again, she began playing with her tits as she continued rotating her hips on his enraged cock, occasionally squeezing him with her pussy muscles. She rotated her nipples in her fingers. She mashed her tits against her chest, first pulling them apart, then pushing them together. She felt herself getting hotter by the moment. “Do you like my tits, Azmath?” she asked, teasingly.

“Oh yes they are the best breasts I have ever seen in my life they are big soft fair and have a bit of sag make them look soo hot ” he managed.

“I like playing with them while I fuck you. Do you like watching me play with them?” she asked.

“Oh yes. You are so fucking hot you are a perfect MILF and young boy like me would always dream for a aunty like you to fuck and they shag thinking of those big boobs of yours even when they are in your blouse.”

She beamed at him. “Would you like to play with them?” she teased as she continued to massage herself, still grinding her pussy on his cock.

Azmath leaned forward and reached for her big breasts, but she pushed him back onto the bed. “Oh no you don’t,” she said. “Not until you ask nicely.” She removed her hands from her breasts, reaching behind herself to fondle his balls with her left hand, and reaching down to massage her clit with her right.

Azmath again leaned forward, only to have Rehana push him down again. “Weren’t you listening, Azmath? I said ask nicely.” With that, she stopped fondling his balls, grabbing them instead, and squeezing just a little. Azmath squirmed nervously.

“Do I have your attention now, young man?” she questioned, sitting up tall and motionless, her right hand still massaging her clit, her left still squeezing his balls. Her breasts were standing out proudly above him, her nipples sticking out, firm and aroused.

“Yes, Ma’am,” Azmath answered nervously.

“That’s better. You hurt my feelings, Azmath,” she said. “I’m starting to think that since you won’t ask nicely to fondle my big motherly tits, that maybe you don’t like them,” she pouted.

“Oh, no. I love your tits,they are the best part of your sexy body they make you look like sex goddesses ” he answered, sitting up again until Rehana squeezed a little harder, sending him instantly back to the bed.

“Naughty, naughty,” she said, relaxing her grip on his balls slightly, but still massaging her love button. “If you don’t come around soon, baby, I’ll just get myself off without you,” she smiled. “I’d hate to do that to you, but a girl’s got to do what a girl’s got to do.” She smiled at him, saying nothing more, until he finally relented.

“Please ma’am, may I touch your beautiful big breasts,” he pleaded at last.

“Mmmm, that’s better,” Rehana smiled. “But now you have to do better than that. My feelings are still hurt.” Slowly, she squeezed her pussy muscles on his cock, and resumed a slow, easy, up and down attack on him, just to keep him on edge.

“Oh Godddddddddd, Rehana. They’re the most beautiful breasts I’ve ever seen, and I really like to fondle them and suck on them,” he begged. “Please let me play with them.”

“You really like them?” she beamed.

“Oh yesssssssss please, Rehana. Give me a break. They’re fantastic.”

She smiled. “That’s better.” She released her grip on his balls, grabbed his head, and pulled his mouth to her tits. Azmath took over from there, grabbing each tit in his hand, kissing first one nipple, then the other. Gently, he nibbled on them, his nibbles becoming less gentle as his excitement increased. He could feel her body tensing up as she pushed him down on the bed once again. She leaned forward, placing her hands on his chest, and began bouncing on his cock in earnest. Azmath marveled at her big tits, bouncing and shaking on her chest before him. He reached up and squeezed them again, roughly this time.

“Oh yah, Azmath. Squeeze my tits,” she screamed. “Squeeze them hard. Oh shit, I’m coming.”

Moments later, she came, digging her fingers into his chest. Azmath continued to fondle her big soft papaya shaped breasts as her orgasm washed over her, having not yet achieved his own release.

Temporarily releasing his grip on her breasts, he took her shoulders in hand and rolled her onto her back. Once again he straddled her torso, only this time his erect cock, wet with her juices and aching for release, rested squarely between her heaving boobs. Patiently, he massaged her tits, surrounding his cock with them, the eye of his erection pointed right at Rehana’s face. The feeling in his dick was incredible, as he continued to slowly massage her mounds.

“Oh yes, Azmath,” Rehana moaned, just barely recovered from her last orgasm. “Oh yes, fuck my tits, Azmath, fuck my tits.” He felt her arms reach around his thighs and he could tell from the movements of her body that she was fingering herself. “Oh yes, Azmath. Please fuck my tits fuck the tits which you always dream off now they are yours .”

He began to slowly thrust his cock back and forth between her big tits as he continued squeezing them. This was his first time fucking a woman’s tits, and it felt fantastic. He continued thrusting his cock back and forth, as he moaned with pleasure.

Rehana continued digging her fingers in and out of her pussy as Azmath fucked her tits. She tried to get her lips on his cock as it pounded her chest, but the best she could manage was an occasional lick as he thrust his cock towards her face.

Azmath could feel his tension mounting as he continued his attack. He felt her left hand wrap around his leg and reach for his ass hole. He her finger enter him and begin stroking in and out of his ass as he pounded her tits. He felt her enter another finger to accompany the first, and they both continued their assaults.

Rehana could feel Azmath’s tension beginning to mount. “Oh yes, Azmath, fuck my tits. Fuck my tits and cum on my face,” she urged. “Oh yes, Azmath, I’m cuming again yess bastrad mother fucker .” She exploded again as the waves of her orgasm overtook her, leaving her shaking under him as he madly pounded her tits with his cock.

“Oh aunty yesssssssssssssssssssss chinal you’re a fucking bitch , Rehana. Here I come,” he gasped as he cum shot from his cock. “I’m cuming.”

She opened her mouth, trying desperately to catch his semen, but mostly failing. His cum shot all over her face, landing on her chin, her nose, her eyes and even her hair.

After what seemed like hours, he finally started to calm down. He looked at Rehana, cum covered and limp beneath him, panting for breath. He made no effort to move from his perch between her breasts, even though his cock was now limp, completely spent.

He took his finger, wiped a spot of cum off her chin with it, and held it up to Rehana’s lips. She opened her lips, took his finger in her mouth, and sucked it cleaned. They repeated this ritual in silence until she was as clean as he could get her.

Rehana finally broke the silence. “I guess this means you really do like my big tits,” she smiled. They are without a doubt the finest tits ever, I can do in between those soft tits any time anywhere” he answered.

“Aren’t you going to get off me?” she questioned.

“Pretty soon,” he answered. “I like it up here.”

Rehana and Azmath spent the early morning together on Thursday. Azmath’s mom, Shabana, was returning from her bank work in Chennai around noon, so the two lovers would soon have less time together. They’d have to take care to conceal their affair from a mother that would not understand. and that too she is her Sister In Law.

They sat at the kitchen table, talking, just before he left. “You do remember that I’m going out with the guys tonight, don’t you,” he asked.

“Yes,” she answered. “Are you up to anything in particular?”

“Just hanging out,” he replied. “Guy stuff.”

“Guy stuff, huh. I know all about guy stuff. You’re not dumping the old aunty, are you?” she pouted playfully.

“No chance of that,” he smiled.

“Hey,” Rehana beamed suddenly, a playful look in her eyes. “How about I hang out with the guys, also?”

“Sorry,” Azmath answered. “Like I said, this is guy stuff. You’d be too much of a distraction. Besides, how could we talk trash about our girls with you around? and my friend's are not highly educated they are mechanics working in my shop and drivers they don't suit your taste Rehan Aunty ” he teased.

"so what they are also young like , must be good looking too must be having what a women like me need'' Rehana said mischievously

Ten o’clock saw Azmath heading home to clean the house up before his mom got home, not that it was all that messy, since he hadn’t spent much time there.

After he left, Rehana took a short nap before heading off to the gym for a workout, followed by a nice hot shower. On the way home, she picked up a movie to entertain herself with that night. At around 6 o’clock, she called Shabana to welcome her home. At first, she was a little nervous talking to Azmath’s mom, but that quickly faded as she gossiped with her Sister in law.

“I’ll tell you, Rehana, that was the dullest seminar I’ve ever attended,” Shabana explained to Rehana. “I am I glad to be home. Say, I don’t suppose you’d be interested in taking the day off tomorrow and going on a little shopping excursion, would you.”

“I already have the day off,“ she answered. “I thought you’d want to just stay home and relax tomorrow,” Rehana answered.

“I’ve been sitting and relaxing all week. It’s time to buy something,” she declared. “Are you in?”

“Sure, it sounds like fun. When do we leave?”

“1 o’clock,” Shabana answered.
Before settling down with her new LED television and a glass of wine, she headed for her bedroom to change into something comfortable. She shed her nighty and bra, before selecting one of the shirts Azmath had left, a long sleeve blue cotton shirt of cotton, in lieu of her normal nightgown. As she rolled up the sleeves, she thought, if she couldn’t have him that night, she at least had his shirt. The shirt fit her more like a dress then a shirt, covering her panties on the sides and reaching halfway to her knees in the front and back. She left the top three buttons open, which displayed an ample amount of her braless bosom, if only someone was there to notice.

It was around 9 o’clock when the movie ended on the TV and she had finished her second glass of wine. She heard a knock on the front door. “I wonder who that could be,” she said out loud, hoping it was Azmath.

She opened the door wide enough to see not only Azmath, but three of his friends. “Hi Azmath,” she said. “What’s going on?”

“Hi Rehana aunty ,” he said. “We were just hanging out, doing guy stuff, you know, when somebody suggested we play some cards. We all thought it was a great idea, but we needed a place to play we thought we will play in our house and you know mom is so strict about all this she won’t allow ,we cannot play in our shop as police will not allow us to keep the shop open after 11 PM so we thought we can come over your place as you too are alone. Knowing how much you like cards, I thought of you. I hope you don’t mind.”

Rehana hesitated. “Oh sure, it sounds like fun,” she said at last, opening the door wider. “Come in and make yourself comfortable at the table. I’ll just put on something more substantial and be right with you.”

She went inside and changed her dress, she got into a nice red saree with a red deep neck blouse and a lacy netted black bra which covered only half of her big boobs and the bra was so thin it looked as if it was there to show the boobs more then cover them, when she came back dressed in the saree the boys eyes pooped up looking at the rich mother and mature aunty is such a sexy saree

“Oh, don’t do that on our account,” Azmath smiled. “You look great. And besides, it’s not like we’re anybody special, just the guys playing cards.”

“What the hell,” she said reluctantly. “Would anyone like some wine? I’m afraid that’s all I’ve got to offer besides pop and water. I’m sure you’re all over 18,” she smiled knowingly at them as they filed into her house.

“Hi Rehana, my name is Yogesh,” one of them said, stepping forward. “If you don’t mind, we’ve got some beer in the Van.”he was the driver of the wan which delivered the Telivsions, and other goods from the shop, he was about 5.7’’ medium built .

“Sure Yogesh. There’s plenty of room in the refrigerator.”

As Yogesh went out for the beer, Azmath introduced the other two guys as Dinesh and Karan. Dinesh was a mechanic in his shop who use to repair the old Televsions and mobiles he was also medium built, Karan was the guy who used to work with Azmath in installations he was a tall guy all these guys looked rough even though they were young tried their best to hide their identity and tried to carry them self as well educated, but their body language gave them up. The guys settled in at the table while Rehana put the beer away, serving one to each of them, and poured herself another glass of wine. She grabbed a deck of cards and set them on the table. “What are we playing for?” she asked.

Azmath smiled at her. “We’ll start with Rs 100 for drop, Rs 200 for second drop and Rs 500 for book.” Rehana disappeared into her bedroom, reemerging moments later with a bag full of 100 rupee notes. She sat opposite Azmath, between Dinesh and Yogesh.

She grabbed the cards and shuffled them briefly. “First cut for deals,” she said as she turned one card in front of each of them until Azmath got the deal.

The first few hands progressed quickly. During that time, she caught Azmath’s eyes with hers and gave him a questioning look. He simply smiled back at her, saying nothing. “Anybody want another beer?” she asked. “Or maybe some nuts?”

There was a chorus of yeas for the beer and nuts.

She opened the refrigerator door and, bending deeply at the waist, grabbed a couple of beers and delivered them to the guys. She repeated the procedure for the other two beers. Next, she moved to the cupboard which contained the peanuts. To the pleasure of all the guys, who at this point were watching her intently, the peanuts were on the lower shelf of the cupboard. Rehana when she bent her big ass was looking inviting to the guys and when she bend down to offer the beer her pallu fell down and the blouse front button got more open down accidently her big boobs were asking the boys please help us to come out of the blouse and bra make us free and have them in your hands she bent down and allowed the pallu to fall a bit longer than necessary.

The rapt attention the guys were paying her was not lost on Rehana. In fact, thanks in no small part to the wine she’d consumed, she was reveling in it. The stretching for the peanuts had been purposefully exaggerated. After all, why not? Why else had Azmath come by that evening? Surely, not just to play cards.

As the game progressed and the beer and wine flowed, Rehana got bolder. She made a point of keeping her posture erect, allowing her tits to stand out in front of her. She found reasons to lean over or stretch, revealing as much of her bosom by not allowing the pallu to be back on her shoulders her blouse was open in air and the big boobs were going up and down as she took breath, the deep neck of the blouse was much of showing of her cleavage that the guys cared to look at. And they cared to look at it all. Maybe it was the wine, or maybe it was Azmath. Or, maybe it was just the slut in her. Whatever it was, she was enjoying how she felt. Whenever she caught Azmath’s eye, he would nod slightly, and smile.

Yogesh, sitting to Rehana’s right, was having a hard time keeping his hands off of her. Whenever she won a hand, he would touch her shoulder or put his hand briefly on her thigh and say “good hand” or “way to go.” When she didn’t win, he would touch her in the same manner, saying things like “too bad” or “maybe next time.” After the last hand, he left his hand on her thigh longer then he had before, massaging it over the thin chiffon saree as she spread her legs slightly, making it easier for him to be bold. “I’ll sit this hand out,” Yogesh declared after he removed his hand from her thigh. He stood up and moved behind Rehana. “Do you mind if I watch you play?” he asked her.

“Not at all,” she answered. “Maybe you’ll learn something. Yogesh smiled as the other guys broke out laughing.

Azmath dealt cards now. Yogesh put his hands on Rehana’s shoulders and began to massage them. She responded by rolling her shoulders, which served to further accentuate her breasts.

Karan was able to had an so many jokers but no original rummy . When she looked at her cards, she saw a she had pair of jokers and a orginal rummy so she was on hand rummy . “I am the winner ,” Rehana declared.

“Nice hand rummy,” Karan said as she laid down her cards.

Before she could rake in her winnings, Yogesh stopped her. “The way you’ve been prancing around here tonight, I think it’s high time you showed your other pair Bosdi chinal .” With that, he pulled the saree fully off her shoulder and ripped open the front of Rehana’s blouse, exposing her beautiful big soft fair tits, her aureoles hard and pointed.

This was first time Rehana was having young guy who are not of her class these guys are not rich nor they were educated well, they were rough and were using foul language, somehow all these factors made her more hotter

Rehana sat there, making no attempt to cover herself, instead staring right at Azmath. Azmath looked at her and smiled, giving an almost imperceptible nod of the head.

Everyone sat silently for a moment. Rehana spoke first. “I wonder if this pair is worth a raise,do you guys like these pair of queens ” she said. She turned in her chair to face Yogesh, pulling him in front of her. She lifted her hand to his blue jean encased cock, squeezing it tenderly. “Yes, let me see the king inside this jeans,” she declared, smiling at Yogesh.

With agonizing slowness, she unbuckled his belt and jeans. After easing down the zipper, she hooked her thumbs in his waist bands and pulled down both his pants and under wear. Pushing her chair out of the way, she dropped to her knees in front of Yogesh and shrugged her shoulders, pulling her blouse of her body then dropping her blouse completely to the floor, then taking the saree and petticoat off her body leaving her clad only in panties.

She pushed his shirt up his chest until he took over and ripped it over his head and threw it to the floor, leaving him naked before her, except for his pants around his ankles. There was a deadly silence at the table as she took his cock in one hand and his balls in the other and began to caress them. Gently she caressed his balls while she stroked his cock. “You have a beautiful cock, Yogesh, and such a hard one it is big too is it not Azmath your friend seem to have a big lund” she smiled, never taking her eyes off it. “It must be 8 inches long. Do you mind if I suck it?”

“My god please bosdi you look like a traditional rich women but in real you are a chinal a street side randi will also not suck a lund within two minutes of meeting here you are sucking a young lund like a whore go ahead and suck my lowda bosdi,” he responded. As Rehana continued massaging his balls and stroking his cock, she leaned forward and flicked her tongue at its head. She stopped stroking him and held him by the base of his lund, while she licked the under side of his weapon. Gently she nibbled on the sides, working up one side and down the other, all the while continuing to fondle his balls.

She removed her head and looked up at Yogesh. “Take my cock, aunty please. Take my cock in your mouth and make me come. And if you’re real lucky,my god chinal suck my lowda now” he smiled, “you might get some more of this later.”

Dinesh and Karan hooted at Yogesh’s comments, “ my god Azmath what the fucking hot aunty you have got man she is more sexy and more slutty then the bitch we fucked last month one who we picked up from the bus stand and paid Rs 1000/- for the night , your aunty is more hotter than that chinal and is ready to do more than the chinal we are very lucky we came here tonight “ Karan said , but Rehana only smiled. “Yes boys I am a slut and a whore use me the way you guys want me to be used,” she answered.

With that, she took the tip of his lund into her mouth, basting it with her tongue. She withdrew her mouth, only to attack again, taking more this time. Once more she withdrew from him. She released her grip on his nuts, grabbed a butt cheek in each hand, and brought her mouth to his tip once more. This time she opened up, pulled him into her waiting mouth, and began bobbing her mouth back and forth on his cock. She felt his hands grab the back of her head and pull her into him deeper. She gagged as he filled her totally, but forced herself to continue as he began fucking her mouth. She felt his urgency increase as she stepped up her oral assault on him. Finally, she felt his body tense as he thrust desperately into her mouth, and felt his cum filling her mouth.”OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Bh osdi chinalaaaaaaaaal here I cum in our mouth oioooooooh even the street whore does not take the cun in her mouth here you are swallowing it my goddddddddd” he shouted as he came in her mouth She swallowed most of his cum, but a few drops dripped out of her lips. She released his cock, looked at him, and licked up the final few drops.

Yogesh staggered backwards until he reached his chair, collapsing into it. Rehana stood, faced the table, and slowly removed her panties. She looked at Dinesh and Karan. Both sat there, dick’s in hand, starring at her, wondering if it was all a dream.

“Would you boys like a hand with that,” she asked sweetly, dipping her left hand to her pussy, rubbing lightly. They hesitated briefly, looking at each other, before leaping out of their chairs. Dinesh was out of his clothes in a shot, while Karan went directly to Rehana and let her undress him.

Rehana surveyed the room once more. Only Azmath remained clothed, while Yogesh was showing signs of making a quick recovery. She kneeled before the two naked boys before her, taking a cock in each hand and beginning to stroke them in harmony. She leaned over and took Dinesh’ meat in her mouth, bobbing her head on it. She then leaned to Karan and repeated the procedure. She continued stoking each with her hand while she sucked on the other, alternating her attention between them, until she felt something behind her.

What she felt was Yogesh, who had recovered enough to want to get back in on the action. He was lying on his back behind Rehana, his head by her feet. Rehana, getting the idea immediately, spread her thighs apart, allowing him to slide his head under her dripping pussy.

“Oh yes, lick my pussy, mother fucker lick my sweet wet pussy eat it ” she exclaimed as she felt his tongue dart into her. She momentarily forgot Dinesh and Karan until one of them took her head and guided it back to his cock. “ Chinal you are too good we never have met someone as hot as you, not even a whore can get us all at one time here a married and rich fucking mother making with all three of us with your nephew watching my god this is not a dram I hope” Dinesh said ,Once again, she started pounding on the two cocks before her with her hands, alternating her mouth between them. Yogesh continued his assault on her pussy, alternating between sucking on her clit and licking deep within the folds of her pussy. She felt his hands reach up from behind her and grab her big soft tits, squeezing them roughly as his tongue continued to work on her pussy. She tried working on the other two cocks, but had trouble maintaining any real rhythm as she felt her orgasm building. Yogesh squeezed her nipples with his fingers, pulling on them, as she felt her body explode. She removed her mouth, no longer aware of anything but her exploding orgasm,” OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH ODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD MY GODDDDDDDDDDDDDD I AM CUMMINGGGGGGGGGGGGGG YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH” and used the cocks to maintain her balance, no longer making any pretense at the blow jobs she had started, as the waves of pleasure washed over her.

When she regained her composure, Yogesh had slid out from under her, but she still held Dinesh and Karan firmly in her hands. She released them, trying to catch her breath. Dinesh moved to kneel down behind Rehana, pushing her upper body gently forward until her hands rested on the floor in front of her. She automatically assumed the doggy position, allowing Dinesh to jam his aching big lund deep into her cunt “ take my lowda bosdi chinal you can never be satisfied by just one lund we know how hot in real you are chinal take my big lund in that rich motherly cunt of yours’’ he said as he slid his big dick in her pussy from behind .

Rehana gasped as he mounted her urgently and began pounding his lund into her wet hot cunt “Oh fuck me fuck me with that big lund Dinesh yessssssss I cannot get enough from one dick I need more I just want dicks in my pussy yes fuck meeeee harddddddddddddddddd yes”. The next thing she knew, Karan’s cock was directly in front of her face. He said “suck my lowda chinal Azmath your aunty is a real chinal she will make lot of money if she come to market she can take many many dicks in a day then any whore in the street can , now suck my lund bosdi” She reached for it eagerly and took it in her mouth. She matched her rhythm on Karan’s cock with the rhythm of Dinesh’ cock in her pussy. She could feel the pleasure once again building within her, as she was fucked from both ends.

“I’m cuming yesssssssssssssssssssssss oooooooooooooooooooh my goddddddddddddddddddd I am cumminggggggggggg,” she vaguely heard Dinesh declare. She felt him pound his big lund into her pussy, as he filled her with his cum “ OOOOOOOOOOOoh godddddddddddd I am cuming in your pussyyyyyyyyyyyy Rehana chinal Azmath I am cumign in your aunt’s cunt yesssssssssssss it is so hot in thereeeeeeee”. Then her second orgasm overtook her, just as Karan slammed his cock into her waiting mouth and erupted. Karan shouted Instinctively “ OOOOOOOOH myyyyyyyyyyyy I am cumming in her mouth look at her one in her cunt one lund cumming in her mouth ooooooooh god never seen such a slut in my life ooooooooooooooon shitttttttt here I cummmmmmmmmmmm” , she tried to swallow his cum, but mostly failed, as it ran out of her lips and down her chin.

She felt Karan and Dinesh withdraw from her. She tried to stay where she was until she could compose herself, but to no avail. Yogesh took her shoulders and helped her to her feet. She went along with him, unable, or unwilling, to resist him. He led her back to the table and bent her over it, leaving her upper body face down, her feet on the floor, and her ass and cunt perched at the edge of the table, available for the taking.

She lifted her head slightly and saw Azmath sitting in front of her, smiling at her. He reached out and stroked her hair lovingly.

She felt Yogesh come up behind her, his fingers entering her pussy, slowly fucking her like a little dick. She felt her body reacting automatically to this pleasure, when he withdrew them from her pussy and moved them to her ass. She heard herself gasp as he inserted one finger into her, moving it in and out, and around and around, trying to loosen her back door. She self another finger enter, then another, as they continued pumping her dark ass hole. She lifted her head and shoulders from the table and supported herself on her elbows, as she looked forward directly at Azmath.

She felt the fingers withdraw, only to be replaced by a large nob perched right at the gates of her dark ass hole. Gently, the nob pushed at her ass hole. She opened her hands to Azmath. He reached out to her, placing his hands in hers. She felt Yogesh enter her as she gasped and held Azmath’s hands tightly.” ooOOOOOOOOh goddddddddd guys look she can even take a big lund easily in her asshole this is stunning for a rich lady like her able to take a big lund easily in her ass hole Azmath you must have made her asshole loose with your big lund My god her asshole is so tight it is much better then the cunt oooonnnnnnnnnnnn guysssssss look is it a dream or real that I am fucking this rich mother in her asshole oooooooooooooooh yesssssss”

She felt him pumping his dick into her ass, little strokes at first until she became accustomed to him. Gradually he increased the length of his strokes until he was completely inside her. He began rocking his body into hers as she was overcome by pleasure. She held Azmath’s hand tightly as the violation of her ass continued. She felt a tingling deep within her, the onset of yet another orgasm, as Yogesh continued to pump her.

“ yessssssssssssss fuck my assssssssssssssss fuck it hard yesssssssssssssssssss fuck meeeeeeeeeeee fuck my ass like a whore you fuck fuck me harder in my ass” she scremed

At last he shot his load, “ OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH guysssssssssss bosdi iam cuiing in your asshole Azmath I am cummign yaar in your aunt’s ass hole thank you buddyyyyyyyyyyyyy’’burying himself deep into her ass. She gasped at Azmath. “I’m cuming,I am fucking cuminggggggggggg againnnnnnn oh god what is happeing to meeeeeee” she managed to mouth to him before she was overcome again. She collapsed onto the table as her orgasm flowed through her, releasing Azmath’s hands, no longer aware of where she was, only that her body was being taken like it never had been before.

She felt Yogesh withdraw from her, as she passed out. She awoke suddenly as she felt her pussy being invaded by yet another cock. She came again. Instantly.

When she finally started coming to she was still lying on the table. As her head started to clear itself, she wondered, how many? She had lost track of how many orgasms she had had, and of how many times she’d been fucked. She vaguely remembered hearing herself say “no more, boys. No more.”

She opened her eyes. Azmath was still there, still dressed. She moved her head slightly one way, then the other. Nobody else was there. “Hi,” she said. “How long?”

“About 15 minutes. The guys just left. They wanted to hang around and make sure you were okay, but I thought it was better if they left.”

Slowly, she pushed herself to her feet, stumbled over to Azmath, and sat on his lap, her arms around his neck. “Thanks,” she said.

“For what” Azmath asked
“for all the pleasure you made me have I have never had with boys like those , not of our class” Rehana said
Azmath said “ aunty I wanted you to have as much pleasure as you want I have to thank you for helping my friend’s enjoy you they will never forget this night in their entire life” Azmath smiled at her, then placed his free arm under Rehana’s legs and stood up, lifting her naked body in his arms. She snuggled into his neck. He carried Rehana to her bed, laid her down, covered her with the blankets, and kissed her forehead. He then returned to the kitchen, where he cleaned up the aftermath of the evenings activities. He looked in on her one more time, and then went quietly home.

Rehana slept to almost 10 AM the morning after the gang-bang. As the morning fog cleared from her head, she recalled the events of the night before. Amazingly, she felt quite good; more alive then she’d felt in years. It had been an evening filled with pure animal lust; not an experience she wanted to repeat often, but she was glad it had happened.

She rolled out of bed and threw on her robe. First stop was the bathroom, where she started running a hot bath. Next stop was the kitchen to start a pot of coffee. She let the coffee brew as she headed back to the bathroom and eased into the bathtub. She lay there for a while, adding more hot water as the bath started to cool, relaxing as the heat penetrated her tired muscles.

She heard the kitchen door open, followed by Azmath’s voice. “Hello. Are you in here, Rehana aunty?”

“I’m in the bathtub,” she shouted back. “Grab me a cup of coffee and come on back.”

A couple of minutes later Azmath emerged through the door with a cup of coffee in hand. “Sorry for barging in without knocking, but with mom home, I thought it was better than waiting at the front door for you to let me in.”

“You don’t need to knock, Azmath. My door is always open to you.”

He looked at her as she lay soaking in the tub. “You were really something last night. I was kind of hoping you’d like my friends,” he smirked as she splashed him playfully. “Are you doing okay?” he asked.

“Never better,” she smiled. “Say, I’m meeting your mom at 1 o’clock to go shopping. Anything you want me to get?”

“Get something sexy,” he answered, leaning forward and tweaking her nipple. “And while you’re at it,” he said as an afterthought, “have mom get something sexy too. She deserves it. She is always in that cotton salwar kameez and cotton saree never wears anything as sexy as you do ” He stood up. “I’d better get home before I’m missed. Will I see you tonight?” he asked.

Rehana “ you tell me do you want to have your mom too like you had me”

Azmath “ No No what the fuck are you talking Aunty how can I ever think of such thing she is my mom”

Rehana : so what she is also a women she is also cute beautiful and sexy don’t get hot when you see her , when you can do it with your mom why not with your mom

Azmath : no aunty I have never seen her in such a way , tell me do you get hot for your son Salman

Rehana : forget getting hot , if I tell you he has also fucked me in real like you

Azmath : My god my god my god what you are telling me the trust or you are just telling me to make me hot for my mom

Rehana: if you want you can call your friend and talk to him to know the truth why must I lie to you, just tell me do you want to fuck your own mom too like you fucked me

Azmath : Aunty you are making me go crazy , even if I want to my mom is not as open as you are she will never agree for such thing I have never even seen her tits , forget about fucking her

Rehana : I also want her to get fucked , she is all alone your father is not in town she too has body needs at this age she also wants to get fucked as she is not into my mould she does not want to get fucked once I make her ready she will get fucked , I want her to enjoy fucking as much as I am doing , this I am doing for my friend

Azmath :very nice of you aunty I will do whatever you say , I too need my mom to be happy

“I’m counting on it,” she replied.

After Azmath left, Rehana got out of the bath, toweled off, and went about getting ready. Shabana arrived at 1 o’clock sharp. “Are you ready?” she beamed. At 5’7”, Shabana shiek was a couple of inches taller than Rehana.She was very fair She was in good shape, with a nice big ass and a bosom to rival Rehana’s.She was about 36d-32-39 She kept her dark brown hair long, just off the shoulders. All in all, she was a good-looking lady in an attractive package.

“All set,” Rehana answered. “We’ll take my car.” They got to the mall in 30 minutes, and shopped until 4:30. They hit all the normal clothing stores, buying several outfits each Shabana was more comfortable with traditional cotton sarees, cotton dull colour salwar kameez . Rehana, feeling a little sluttier than then she had before the week began, picked out items that were a little riskier than she normally wore. Shabana, getting caught up in Rehana’s enthusiasm, followed suit. When they were nearing the end of their spree, they passed a little boutique specializing in attire for lovers.

“Let’s go in here,” Rehana giggled.

“No way,” Shabana replied. “I can’t go in there. I don’t wear such dresses why must wear them”

“Sure you can,” Rehana urged. “It’ll be fun. Come on you try it once then you will feel good”

Reluctantly, Shabana went along with her. After looking through the usual , Rehana spotted some sexy, and revealing, negligees with matching panties. “What do I need these for?” Shabana asked after Rehana suggested “ if you don’t want I will buy them for you, you must try them one you are so beautiful and once you wear them you will feel it”they buy them.

“You never know,” Rehana smiled in response. On the way to check out, Rehana spotted a men’s bathrobe she thought would look good on Azmath. Right next to it lay a pair of thongs. “Let’s get these two for Azmath,” she said excitedly. “It will be so funny. He’ll die of embarrassment.”

At first, Shabana didn’t go along with the idea, but when Rehana argued that, after all, he was a teenager and well on his way to manhood, she relented. “It would be funny, wouldn’t it?” she giggled. So, merchandise in hand, they headed for the register to check out.

As she was ringing up their purchase, the clerk, a twenty-something , smiled at them. “It looks like somebody’s expecting a little party this evening.” Shabana turned beet red, but said nothing. Rehana smiled, giving the young woman a sly wink.

To celebrate the successful conclusion of another shopping trip, they had some wine which was in the car . By the time they left, they were giggling like a couple of schoolgirls.

On the way home, Shabana called Azmath on her cell phone. “We’ll be home around 6:30, honey. Would you mind going out and picking up some pizza for everyone?”

“Sure mom, no problem. I’ll bring it around 6:45.”

When the women got home, Azmath’s bike was gone. Rehana pulled into her garage. “Just bring everything into the house for now,” she said. “We’ll take it to your place later.” They filed into the house, arms full of bags and boxes, still a little tipsy from the wine. “I need some more wine,” Rehana announced after they set everything down.

Azmath arrived shortly thereafter with the pizza. He entered the house to find two women, giggling hysterically, sitting at the kitchen table. Azmath looked at the two uneasily. “What’s so funny?” he asked only to be answered with more giggles.

”Nothing, honey,” his mom finally managed to answer. After they finally calmed down, he joined them at the table with the pizza, and they all dug in.

“So, how was shopping?” Azmath asked.

“It was great. We got some nice outfits. And almost everything was on sale,” his mom answered.

“Not to mention, we each got some really sexy lingerie,” Rehana grinned.

“Rehana Aunty,” Azmath gasped in mock horror. “You shouldn’t be telling me that.”

“First of all, call me Rehana. I’m not that damn old, yet,” she declared. “And second of all, why shouldn’t I tell you that. After all, you’re a grown man now, aren’t you?”

“Well, I suppose,” Azmath said, trying to figure out what she was up to. “Do I get a fashion show or something?” he asked with a grin.

“Maybe later. Right now, your mom and I would like to listen to some music. Could you please turn on the CD changer? And while you’re up, we could use some more wine,” she looked at Shabana and they both giggled.

They’re worse than schoolgirls, Azmath thought.

Azmath put on the music and poured them some more wine. “I just love this song,” his mom said just as he returned to the table.

“Well,” Rehana looked at him. “Aren’t you going to dance with her?”

“I can’t do that?” he answered.

“Why not?“ Rehana asked.

“Yes, why not,” his mom chimed in.

Azmath looked at the women, defenseless as they ganged up on him. What the heck, he thought. “Mom, would you care to dance?”

“Why, Azmath. How thoughtful of you. I’d love to.” She looked at Rehana and they both broke out laughing.

Taking his mom by the hand, he led her onto the living room floor. Hesitantly, he took her in his arms, not holding her close at all. “Hold her closer, Azmath,” Rehana urged. “She’s not going to break.”

Azmath looked in his mom’s eyes, sensed that it was okay, and pulled her closer. To his surprise, she responded by pulling closer yet, laying her head on his shoulder. “This is nice,” she purred. Azmath wondered just how much wine they’d had, as he felt her body pressing against his.

His eyes met Rehana’s as they danced and he couldn’t help but notice that her smile was just a little bit devious. At last he understood. Rehana was trying to get them to seduce his mom. He stopped suddenly in his tracks, not quite sure what to do.

“What’s wrong, Honey” his mom asked, looking in his eyes.

For a moment, he just stood there, staring into her eyes. “Nothing, mom,” he answered at last. “Everything is great.” He smiled at Rehana as he pulled his mom close, closer than before. He looked at her now as a woman, not as his mother, and he liked what he saw. He felt her breasts press lightly against him as they danced cheek to cheek. He allowed his hands to wander over her back, gently massaging her. He felt her sigh as she melted closer into his arms. He felt his cock begin to stir, and wondered if she felt it. He moved his hand down to her butt, giving it a gentle squeeze. He felt her hesitate just as the song ended. She released him and backed away, looking a little confused. “Thanks for the dance. It was nice,” she told him sincerely.

He walked over to where Rehana sat. “May I have the honor,” he asked, bowing as he extended his hand to her.

“I’d love to, sir,” she smiled, taking his hand.

He pulled her to him as they began their dance, feeling the fire of her body as she pressed it against him. “My, but you are the little devil, tonight, aren’t you?” he whispered in her ear.” Her only response was to grind her pelvis against him.

Shabana watched her sister in law and her son as they danced. She couldn’t help but notice that they were being a little too familiar with each other, and she wondered if she should say something. What the heck, she thought as she took another sip of wine, Rehana mixed some drug which Amit had brought long back to make her take more lunds, the drug started having effect on her sister in law, they were just having a little harmless fun, that’s all. She continued to watch them closely, feeling a stirring in her loins as she watched Azmath fondle Rehana’s ass.

The song ended and they reluctantly let each other go. “Now, how about that fashion show, ladies?” Azmath asked.

They looked at each other. “Why not,” Rehana answered. “Come on Shabana. Help me take the bags into the bedroom. You just wait here, Azmath. Make yourself comfortable.” With that, the ladies disappeared into Rehana’s bedroom, the same bedroom where he’d first made love to Rehana.

There was a constant chain of giggles coming from the room as they changed. Rehana emerged first, wearing a beige form-fitting dress that came to just above her knees. There was a slit in front, open to just below her panties. The neckline plunged deep, revealing slightly more cleavage then was appropriate.

Shabana followed right behind. She wore a brown leather shirt, cut very tight on her body and hanging several inches above her knees. The skirt was topped with a sheer white top, the fancy lace bra clearly visible beneath. Both women had on high heels, which accentuated the tautness of the legs and asses.

“Damn,” Azmath said. “You two look fantastic. Look at you, mom. Wow. I’m speechless. And you too, Rehana aunty. You’d better be careful, or that neckline might get you into trouble,” he warned.

Both women beamed back at him as they pranced around the room, flaunting their wears. “Wait there,” his mom said. “There’s more to come.” And once again, they disappeared into the bedroom giggling.

Azmath knew Rehana could get a little slutty, but he couldn’t believe how his mom was acting. She was really getting into their fashion show, strutting her stuff and looking sexy as hell. He wondered just how far she was prepared to go.

After several minutes, the door opened and out they came. This time they were dressed more casual. Shabana came first wearing a pair of white shorts, which fit very snuggly, and barely covered her butt cheeks. On top, she wore a multi-colored halter-top with almost no back to it, cut deep in front, barely covering her obviously braless tits.

Rehana had on the same shorts, but hers were black. She topped it with a white tank top that was cropped off well above her belly button. She, too, was braless.

Both women had kept on their high heels, which only added to their sexiness. By looking at their chests, it was obvious that both women were somewhat aroused.

Azmath sat there, speechless. “What’s the matter, Azmath. Cat got your tongue?” Rehana asked.

“Wow.” His eyes just kept darting from one to the other. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen two hotter women,” he finally managed to say.

“There’s one more show to come,” Rehana said.

Shabana looked at Rehana. “I don’t think I can do that one, Rehana,” she said.

“Nonsense,” Rehana responded to her friend. “Besides, if we don’t model our negligees for him, how can we expect him to model his present for us,” she giggled.

“I don’t know,” Shabana answered. “They’re so naughty.”

“What present?” Azmath interrupted.

“Azmath, don’t interrupt,” Rehana said. “Get us some more wine, would you, please.” Pouting, Azmath headed to the kitchen for the wine.

“Come on, Shabana. We’re just having a little harmless adult fun. Where’s the harm?” Rehana pleaded.

Azmath returned, handing them each a glass of wine. His mom instantly took a big sip. The more she thought about it, and the more the wine worked on her, the more she couldn’t see any real harm in it. After all, they were just having a little fun.

“Okay,” she said at last. “But only if Azmath models his for us, too.” The women looked at each other and burst out laughing.

“Just a minute,” his mom said to Azmath as she headed for Rehana’s bedroom. She returned momentarily, a sheepish grin on her face. “Here you go,” she said, handing him a bag. “Take this into Rehana’s guest room, take off all your clothes, and put these on. We’ll be in the other room putting on our negligees.”

They all headed to their designated bedrooms, the women giggling as they went. Once inside, Rehana hurriedly removed her clothes, leaving her clad in high heels only before Shabana had even removed her halter-top. “Here, slowpoke let me help,” she said as she moved behind Shabana. She reached out and unhooked the bottom strap, letting it hang loose. She reached behind her head and unhooked the upper strap and pushed the top forward so it fell quietly to the floor, allowing her hands to linger momentarily on her shoulders.
“Really, Rehana, I can do this myself,” Shabana protested.

“Nonsense,” she responded. “At this pace, you’ll never be ready. Now hold still.” She stepped closer behind Shabana, reaching around to unsnap her shorts, allowing her excited nipples to brush against her back. She unzipped the shorts and, kneeling down, eased them over the shapely ass before her. “You have a very sexy ass, Shabana,” Rehana said admiringly, resisting the urge to kiss it.

Shabana stood silently as the younger woman undressed her. She knew she shouldn’t be allowing this to happen. She also knew she was quite aroused. She’d never been with a woman before, but had secretly fantasized about it many evenings while alone in bed. She felt Rehana slide her shorts and panties to the floor, and then felt her hands return to her ass cheeks and massage them gently. “Yes, a very sexy ass,” Rehana said again as she released her cheeks and stood up.

“Okay. Now for the naughty stuff,” Rehana said. She opened the remaining bags and emptied the contents on the bed. “Are you okay, Shabana?” She asked as she noticed that Shabana hadn’t moved.

Shabana stood as if in a trance. A million things ran through her head in a few seconds. Mostly, she wished that Azmath wasn’t in the other room. Between the wine, the sexy outfits and the flirting, she was hornier than she’d been in a long time. At that moment, she would have given herself to Rehana, freely and completely. Quickly, she regained her sense of presence. “I’m sorry, Rehana. I was just lost in thought for a moment.”

She stepped to the bed and picked up her negligee. Both women got the same nightgowns, except Rehana’s was white and Shabana’s was black. Shabana quickly slid on the panties, which were actually black thongs that barely covered her front, while doing nothing to cover her ass cheeks. The tops were completely sheer below the breasts. The cups were also sheer, but with small, lacy designs, which offered little in the way of modesty. The fronts opened like a shirt, coming together just below the breasts, secured by a single button. Shabana quickly slid on the top and fastened the button. She looked over and saw Rehana standing there, already dressed, watching her.

“Damn you look hot,any man will die to fuck a ass like yours” Rehana said.

“I’m not sure I should be doing this,” Shabana answered. “After all, he’s my son, what will he think of me”

Rehana walked over to her and stroked her hair. “Relax. It’s just a little harmless fun,” she reassured her. “Are you okay now?” Shabana nodded.

Rehana walked to the door. “Azmath, are you ready?”

“I’m not sure I can wear this,” he answered.

“That’s too bad,” Rehana answered. “You’ve got no idea what you’re missing.”

“Okay. Okay,” he retorted. “I’m ready.”

Rehana walked back to Shabana and gave her a quick kiss on the lips, startling the older woman slightly. “It’s show time,” she said. She opened the door, took Shabana by the hand, and walked into the living room.

Azmath was waiting for them. He was wearing the brown silk bathrobe they’d bought him. It was short for a man’s robe, not quite reaching mid thigh. But it was what was underneath that that interested the ladies.

For Azmath’s part, he just stood there as his jaw hit the floor. He couldn’t ever remember seeing his mom’s naked breasts before. And they might just as well be naked, for all the good the negligee did. “Wow mom. You’re beautiful. And forgive me for saying so, but your breasts are awesome they are so big I never thought that you will be having such big boobs mom .”

His mother blushed at the compliment. “You just saying that to make an old lady feel good,” she replied.

“No way,” he insisted. “I mean it. You are one sexy woman what do you say Rehana aunty does she not have sexy body sexy boobs.”

“Hey, what am I, chopped liver,” Rehana asked. She reached up to stroke Shabana’s hair lightly. “I know she’s your mother, and I know she’s hot, but what about me?” sticking her chest out proudly.

“You’re both incredible. Absolutely incredible.”

“Hey. It’s our turn,” Shabana said suddenly. “Off with the robe, buster.”

Azmath looked at his mom, then at Rehana, then back to his mom. He held his arms out to his side and smiled. “Help yourself, mom.”

Shabana turned beet red and looked away, not moving. “Come on, Shabana,” Rehana urged. “You can do it, he is just your son do it Honey .”

Hesitantly, Shabana moved towards her son, growing braver with each step. When she reached him, she held his eyes with hers, untied the sash, and let the robe fall open. She lowered her gaze to his chest, and smiled at its impressive expanse. She placed her hands squarely on his chest and pushed the robe over his shoulders, letting in slide down his arms.

As she stepped back, she felt Rehana’s arm go around her shoulder. “Your son’s gorgeous, Shabana. You sure know how to raise them look at that big lund of his he is so hard and so big down there.” She looked at the thong around his waist. “Speaking of raising them,” she giggled, “it looks like something’s got him awfully worked up.”

Sure enough, as Shabana looked to his thong, she saw that the tiny garment was hardly sufficient to cover her son’s hard on. She gasped audibly. Before she could say anything, Rehana burst out, “I get the first dance.” With that, she grabbed his hand, led him to the center of the room, and took him in her arms.

As they moved to the hypnotic beat of the music, Shabana’s eyes were glued to her son’s body. She’d seen him in his swimming suit many times, of course, but she’d never looked at him before like she was looking at him now. Of particular interest were his buns, one of which Rehana was squeezing and massaging. She could feel the excitement building in her. There, in front of her, were her two favorite people, dancing cheek to cheek, almost totally naked.

She continued to watch, hypnotized by them. She watched as her son slowly raised his hand to fondle her sister in law’s tits, and she felt her own hand slip inside her thong like it had a mind of its own. She watched as Azmath’s hand moved over and released the button that held Rehana’s negligee together, and she felt her own hand massaging her clit. She watched as he slid the sheer garment over Rehana’s shoulders and onto the floor, and she felt herself stumble to the sofa.

Azmath was startled out of his haze by the sudden noise. Looking towards the sofa, he saw his mom, half sitting and half laying on the couch, her hand buried deep inside her thong, a glassy look in her eyes. On the floor at her feet lay a bowl, upside down, with its contents strewn all over the floor.

“Uh oh, mom,” he said, startling her slightly. “This is really bad. Look at the mess you made, all because you couldn’t control yourself.” He looked at Rehana before she could say anything and winked secretively. “I think she needs to be punished, Rehana.”

Rehana, standing there wearing her thong and high heels, looked at Shabana sternly. “I’m sorry, Shabana, but I’m going to have to spank you.,” she said with authority. Shabana sat there, spread out on the sofa, her hand still on her clit, in a total daze. Did she hear right? Did she say spanking? She shook her head, trying to gather herself.

Rehana pulled out a chair and sat down. “Come here, Shabana,” she demanded. When Shabana made no move to obey, she looked to Azmath. “Help her up and bring her to me,” she instructed.

Azmath went to his mother. Bending over, he removed her right hand from her thong, grabbed her left hand, and pulled her gently upward. She offered no resistance. He lifted her right hand to his mouth, and slowly sucked the juices from her fingers. He then led her to Rehana and released her.

“Bend over my lap,” Rehana instructed. Shabana just stood there, her emotions in turmoil, not knowing what to do or who to turn to. Between too much wine, and too much flirting, her head was spinning, and reality was only a distant, blurred memory. “Bend over my lap,” Rehana repeated.

Slowly, Shabana dropped to her knees and bent over Rehana’s lap. She couldn’t believe it. Here she was, wearing almost nothing, lying over her best friend’s lap, right under her naked breasts, about to be spanked, while her son, who was wearing only a thong, looked on. She knew she should stop it before things went any further. But the truth was, she didn’t want it to stop. Deep down, she wanted it to continue.

She felt hands on her big ass. From their position, she knew they were Azmath’s. She felt him take hold of her thong, gently pulling it over her hips and down her thighs. He lifted her knees, one at a time, and then completely removed the garment, leaving her ass fully exposed to him. She made no move to cover herself.

She saw him move in front of her. He stood, towering above her. She dared not look at him. He knelt down in front of her, his thong, concealing only part of his enraged lund, only inches from her face. He dropped his hands beneath her, gently, but purposely, brushing her breasts. He reached the button that held her last shred of dignity together, and released it, letting her negligee fall open in front. She heard herself gasp as she felt his hands return to her bare breasts, cupping them gently, kneading them, and then releasing them. She felt the negligee being pulled off of her, leaving her naked before them, her degradation complete.

Shabana shivered slightly as Rehana’s hand came to rest on her ass. She felt the hand slowly, gently rubbing her ass, and she heard herself moaning softly. She started to relax as Rehana continued to massage her. And then, whack! She gasped audibly, jerking her body upward in response to the attack. She felt Azmath’s hands on her shoulder, pushing her back down. Four more Ajayes she felt Rehana attack her. Four more times she gasped and jerked upwards. Four more times Azmath pushed her back down.

Once again, she felt Rehana’s hand return to her ass, but this Ajaye it was gentle, kindly caressing her ass. Shabana realized that Rehana hadn’t really hit her hard, and she wasn’t really in pain. But, never the less, her humiliation had been complete. She also realized that she was more aroused then she could ever remember being, and that she liked it.

Suddenly, she felt Rehana easing three fingers into her dripping pussy, causing her to jump at the sudden, unexpected intrusion. But she recovered quickly, and arched her pussy upwards, making it more accessible to her friend. She was rewarded when she felt the fingers begin pumping in and out of her, sending shivers throughout her body.

Azmath still knelt before her, his hardly covered lund only inches from her face. Longingly, she stared at it, until finally, she could resist it no more. She reached forward and rubbed her son’s cock through his tiny thong as her sister in law pumped her pussy with her fingers. She took the thong in her hands and pulled it down his thighs, watching his cock spring up in front of her. She fondled it gently, lovingly, finally finding the courage to look into her son’s eyes.

Their eyes met. “I love you, mom,” Azmath said softly. “I love you in every possible way.”

She held his eyes for one more brief moment, and then returned her attention to his cock, pulling him towards her and taking him in her mouth. She realized that Rehana had briefly stopped pumping her fingers, but had renewed her efforts when Shabana began sucking on Azmath’s cock. She moaned excited as her friend finger-fucked her while she bobbed her mouth up and down the length of her son’s cock. They continued like this, briefly, with Azmath stoking his mom’s hair.

She felt the fingers withdraw from her aching pussy. Releasing Azmath’s cock, she turned her head to look at Rehana, questioningly. “I think you need to be fucked now in your motherly cunt ,” Rehana said.

Shabana managed to nod her head before turning to look at Azmath. She finally found her voice. “Yes, I need to be fucked now yes I want a big lund in my cunt I want my son to fuck his mother’s cunt,” she stared at her son, never taking her eyes off him.

Azmath rose and moved behind his mom. Kneeling, he took her hips in his hands, pulling her to toward him. With his cock in hand, he gently rubbed its head against the entrance of her pussy. Slowly, making the moment linger, he entered her. Shabana let out a gasp, dropping her head towards the floor. Azmath withdrew from her so that only his tip was in, hesitated a moment, then slid his cock all the way into her.

“Oh yes,OOOOOOOOOOOohhhhhhhhhhhh MY GODDDDDDDDDDD yessssssssssssss my own sonnnnnnnnnnnnnn lund oooooooooooooooh god it feelssssssssss so hotttttt I never ever dreamed of this everrrr” his mother cried out. Azmath began a slow, rhythmic thrusting into her, holding tightly to her hips. “Oh yes, Azmath. That’s so good.Beta your lund is so much bigger than your dad it feels so tight in my pussy oooooooon beta fuck me with your big dick”

While Azmath was fucking his mother, Rehana had her hand buried in her own pussy. She withdrew the dripping fingers, reached over to Shabana’s ass, and began rubbing them around her ass hole. Shabana squirmed as Rehana inserted first one, and then another finger into her ass and began pumping in harmony with Azmath’s thrusts.

“Oh shit! Oh shit! Don’t stop. Harder, Azmath,” she screamed. “Fuck me harder fuck your mom harder ,beta fuck me fuck your ma duck me like a whore yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss Traunnnnnnnnnnnnn yes fuck.”

Azmath pounded his mother pussy for all he was worth, as Rehana plunged her fingers in and out of her ass hole. “I’m cuming,I am cummingggggggggggggggggggggggg” his mother screamed. He felt her pussy muscles tighten around his cock as her whole body shook from her orgasm.

At the same time, Azmath felt his own orgasm overtaking him. “Here I cum, mom. Here I cum, I cum in your motherly cunt mom I am ejaculating in the cunt where I come from into this world” he cried. With that, he felt his whole body convulse as he spewed his sperm into her.

Rehana withdrew her fingers from Shabana, and began gently rubbing her back. Azmath stayed as he was. Both mother and son were panting heavily, overcome by what had just happened. As his dick slowly began to calm down, it slipped quietly from her pussy. He stood up. Taking her hand, he helped his mom to her feet. They stood face to face in silence, completely naked, looking for signs in each other’s eyes.

At last, Azmath spoke. “Are you okay, mom?” he asked. “Are we okay?” For a moment, she just stood there. Azmath looked at her nervously. Then she smiled, put her arms around him, and pulled him close. Azmath wrapped his arms around her as he bent his head to hers. Without hesitation, they locked their mouths together, tongues dancing in each other’s mouth. Rehana watched as the two new lovers came together in each other’s arms. After a moment, she rose, slipping off her thong. Quietly, she moved to where they stood, still locked in their embrace. “Is there room for one more?” she asked.

They broke their kiss and held open their arms for her. She stepped in, wrapping her arms around them as they returned her embrace. She looked to Azmath first, then to Shabana. She leaned her head toward Shabana’s and kissed her on the lips. Without hesitation, Shabana opened her mouth to Rehana, their tongues darting back and forth between each other’s mouth. Azmath stepped away from them, allowing them to completely embrace each other, watching his two lovers together. Their kiss was long and passionate, their hands softly exploring each other’s body.

After the kiss was finally over, Rehana turned to Azmath. “Let’s go into the bedroom and lie down, she suggested.” They all moved quietly to the bedroom, hand in hand in hand.

Azmath lay down in the middle of the bed. Rehana snuggled in on his right side, his mom on his left, both resting a hand on his chest. “How’s your ass mom?” Azmath asked after a time.

“It’s fine,” Shabana answered. “No real pain.”

“You’re lucky. You should have seen the spanking he laid on me this week,” Rehana offered.

Shabana looked at her questioningly. Slowly, her expression changed from one of confusion to one of understanding. “Wait a minute,”” she said. “You mean that you two . . .” She just let her voice drop off.

Rehana looked at her friend. “It all started last weekend. It just sort of happened. It wasn’t planned or anything,” she said. Then she looked at Azmath. “But I sure am crazy about him, I am crazy for your son’s lund Shabana.” She looked back at Shabana. “Are we okay?”

Shabana lifted her hand from Azmath’s chest and moved it to Rehana’s shoulder. “Of Course we’re okay,” she responded.

Then she grinned at her. “But you two set me up! You seduced me!”

Rehana laughed. “At first, it was just me,” Rehana explained. “”Azmath didn’t catch on until much later in the evening. But once he did, he really came through, don’t you think?” she asked.

“He sure did,” she agreed looking at her son. “He sure did.”

After lying in each other’s arms for a while, Azmath sat up. “I’m hungry,” he declared. “I’m going to get another piece of pizza. Anybody else want some?”

“Boys,” Shabana said looking at Rehana. “All they think about is food.”

“And pussy,” Rehana corrected. They all laughed.

Azmath left the room headed for the kitchen. He stopped along the way to put on the new silk bathrobe the women had bought for him. He sat at the kitchen table eating his pizza, thinking about the events of the past week. He couldn’t be certain about what the future would bring, but right now, he was the luckiest, happiest man alive. He had two wonderful women who loved not only him, but loved each other as well.

After sitting for about 10 minutes, Azmath got up to use the restroom. Next, he returned to the bedroom. The sight that greeted him didn’t really surprise him, but it did bring a smile to his face, not to mention a rise to his dick.

Spread out on the bed before him lay his mother, with Rehana on top of her, fondling her tits with her hands, nibbling on first one, then the other nipple with her teeth. His mom had one hand in Rehana’s hair, and the other in her own pussy, gently stroking her cunt.

Azmath sat on the edge of the bed, careful not to disturb the pair. As he watched, his mom rolled Rehana onto her back, sliding down between her until she was on her knees, her face staring at Rehana’s glistening pussy. She lowered her mouth, nibbled on the folds of her pussy first, and then darted her tongue quickly in and out. Rehana grabbed her own tits, massaging them mercilessly as her loins danced to the music of Shabana’s tongue.

Shabana raised her head briefly. “You like this, don’t you?”

“Oh yes,” Rehana answered.

“Should I continue?

“Oh God, yes. Please don’t stop.”

Shabana returned to Rehana’s pussy, sending her tongue deep, lapping up her juices, and then shifting her attention to the clit sitting before her, begging to be sucked.

It was at that moment that Azmath slid behind his mother and buried his cock in her pussy, causing her to jump forward into Rehana’s pussy. He felt Shabana’s body quiver even as he watched Rehana’s shake.

Reaching down, he took hold of Rehana’s ankles and raised her legs into the air, holding them perpendicular to the bed, spreading them wide to allow Shabana better access. Azmath stared at the sight before him; Rehana lying flat on her back, tits shaking, pussy wide open, with his mother’s head buried between her legs.

Slowly, not wanting to distract his mother from her current preoccupation, he began working his cock in and out of her pussy. He felt her gyrate her hips against him, squeezing him with her pussy muscles, but never letting up on Rehana.

By this time, Rehana was on fire. What her friend was doing to her pussy was driving her crazy. “Oh shit, Shabana, I’m cuming,yesssssssssssssss I feel so good in my cunt yu are doing wonders with yout toungue on my cunt I am cuminnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng maderchod chinal Shabana” Rehana cried out as her juices flooded Shabana’s face. Still, Shabana did not let up. “Oh shit! I’m cumming yesssss fuckign bitch get fucked by your own con and making me cum yessssssssssssss,” Rehana screamed.

Shabana lifted her head from Rehana’s dripping pussy, concentrating instead on the pleasure she felt in her own. “Oh yes, Azmath. Fuck your mother real good,fuck the cutn from where you came to this wordl fuck the cunt which gave birth to you yessssss fuck me harderrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr yesssssssss” she instructed Azmath.

In response, Azmath began fucking her harder and deeper, his hands holding her hips firmly, controlling the tempo of their passion. He felt those familiar urges building within him. Not wanting to cum just yet, he withdrew from his mother, leaving only the tip of his cock in her. She moaned, reaching back with her pussy, searching for more of his cock. “Patience,mom have some patience” Azmath said.

Shabana dove immediately back into Rehana pussy, running her tongue around her love button. She reached her arms around Rehana’s legs and took one big tit in each, massaging them, rubbing them together and pulling on the nipples.

Rehana arched her back as Shabana’s tongue danced on her clit. She grabbed the hands on her tits, mashing them and her tits into her chest roughly. Then she came again “YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I want to cummmmmmmmmmmmm yes”.
ust as Rehana collapsed back onto the bed, Azmath started stroking his cock into his mom again. Shabana arched her back, making her more accessible to her son, reaching her hand back to massage her own clit. The intensity of their love soon increased, with Azmath pounding his lowda into his mother’s pussy, and his mother thrusting herself back to meet him. Azmath moaned as he felt himself starting to cum. Shabana started climaxing “ OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoh Betaaaaaaaaaaa you are so good fucking your own mom my goddddddd your dad never fucked me like this yesssss I am yours from today just fuck meeeeeeeeeeeeeee”just as she felt her son emptying himself inside her.

Totally spent, Shabana collapsed on top of Rehana, her pussy slipping off Azmath’s cock, her head landing between the younger woman’s bosom. Rehana reached up, running her fingers through Shabana’s hair, while Azmath crawled around and lay on his side facing them.

Azmath smiled at Rehana. “It seems like every time I see you, somebody’s fucking you.”

“I can’t help it,” she smiled. “I guess I’m just the fuckable type.”

The three lovers lay there for some time, stroking each other lightly, basking in the glow of their newfound love. After a time, Shabana withdrew her hand and moved slightly away from the other two, somehow sensing that now was their time.

Rehana moved to straddle Azmath’s body with her legs, lying on his chest. “My turn, lover I need that lowda and I need to be fucked now,” she said softly. Their mouths came together softly, lips pressing together as their tongues darted to and fro between their mouths. The kiss stretched on indefinitely as the pair rolled across the bed, locked in each other’s embrace as his mother looked on.

As they lay on their sides, face to face, Rehana broke the kiss. Placing her hand behind his head, she pulled him to her breasts. She whimpered softly as Azmath took her nipple between his teeth, biting gently, before licking and kissing every inch of her one tit. Pushing her to her back, he repeated the treatment on the other tit. Slowly and sensuously he kissed, licked and fondled her tits, as if time was of no consequence.

Then Rehana rolled him onto his back. She nibbled on his ears, pressing her body against his. She worked her way down his neck before reaching his chest. She nibbled gently on his nipples and kissed his chest softly while time seemed to stand still.

Shabana watched the scene unfold before her. She felt a stirring in her loins as she gazed at her son and her best friend together. She reached for her own pussy and massaged her clit slowly, in no more of a hurry then they were.

As Rehana focused her attention on Azmath’s chest, he felt her hand begin to wander down to his cock. He felt her stroking his rigid length lightly, almost tickling. She took his balls in her hand, causing him to squirm ever so slightly, remembering her not so gentle treatment from the day before. Feeling his discomfort, she looked at him briefly. “Not this time,” she smiled reassuringly.

She swung her leg over his body, straddling his hips and sitting upright. Reaching between her legs, she positioned his dick at the gates of her pussy. Slowly, ever so slowly, she lowered herself onto him until she sat on him, fully engulfing his cock “ OOOOOOOOOO yes look at this dick enter my cunt Shabana look at your son fucking his aunty look how nice and hard his lund looks in my cunt” . She lowered her upper body to his as they wrapped each other in their arms and showered each other with kisses. Slowly, easily, she gyrated her pussy on his lund. Just as slowly, he responded, thrusting himself into her body.

Ajaye seemed to stand still for Shabana. She was completely entranced with the sight before her, her hand working at a steadily increasing pace as her arousal kept pace with theirs. As she watched the passion building in the couple, she felt her own orgasm approach. She moaned softly “OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH MY GODDDDDDDDD SO hottttttttttt so nice to have your dick in my pussy what do you think Shabana your son knows how to fuck a owmen don’t you think so”as her orgasm washed over her, even as Rehana and Azmath’s orgasm approached.

Feeling the urgency in his lover, Azmath rolled Rehana onto her back, lying on top of her in the missionary position, while the thrusting of his cock into her pussy took on a greater urgency. Suddenly, Rehana clinched tightly onto Azmath’s back, and he felt her juices release in orgasm as her body shook. “ OOOOOOOOOOOOOooh Mom look at my dick ccuming in aunty’s cunttttttttttt yesssssssssssss moMMMMMMM” With one more thrust, he felt his own orgasm bursting into her womb. After several more thrusts, he was spent and collapsed on top of her. Looking over, he saw his mom, laid out on her back, chest rising and falling rapidly as she reached for air, her hand still buried in her pussy.

He rolled onto his back between the two women. There they lay, naked and side by side, totally spent from the evening’s events. They drifted off to sleep, awaking briefly during the night to snuggle or share a tender kiss with one or the other before drifting back to sleep.

When Azmath finally woke the next morning, he found himself alone in bed. He lay there wondering where the women had gone, and whether he should go looking for them. Just then the door opened and Rehana leaned her head around the corner. “Good morning,” she smiled. “You stay there. We’ll be right in.” With that, she disappeared.

A minute or so later, they both came in. They were each carrying a tray of assorted breakfast foods and coffee and juice. They were buck naked, except for the aprons they wore.

Azmath couldn’t help but laugh. “Breakfast in bed,” he said. “And served by such attractive married cheating women.”

As they ate, they talked. “Azmath,” his mom started. “Rehana and I were talking. We thought that you could knock down a small section of fence between our back yards and we could come and go between houses without being seen. Essentially, we’d have two homes in one. To the rest of the world, it would look the same as it always did. What do you think?”

“Would we all share one bedroom?” he asked.

“Well, we could,” Rehana answered. “But we thought that might be a little tough on you, not having your own space. We thought you’d keep your room as is, and I’d share Shabana’s room. We’d be your harem, sort of.”

“We’d expect you to sleep with us every night, but you’d have your space if you needed it,” his mom offered in support.

Azmath thought for a moment. “So, I’d have a harem,” he said thoughtfully. “This could turn out to be a lot of fun.” He was grinning from ear to ear as they pelted him with pillows. Yes, this could truly be a lot of funRehana's idea of Threesome!

Approximately six months Saleem came back finishing his project in Bangalore , by that time I had become total slut fucking almost lot of young boys, and making them fuck their own mothers , even my sister in law Shabana was not an exception , now her son Azmath was more closer to his mom then me he was more interested in fucking his mom more than me, Salman was back in college had gone for internship with his friend Ravi , Amit was in US , Prasad in Bangalore now I had no young lund to fuck me ,I knew my husband is a cuckold loves to see me getting fucked more then he himself fucking me , after all those young and big lunds I have tasted I knew my husband can never satisfy me so I thought let me do what my husband ask and in the bargain I too get some new lunds to fuck , Saleem approached me with the idea getting involved in a three-way? I asked him if he meant him, me and another man.

The End


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