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Showing posts from August, 2022

The Girl next Door

 Normally I love my job. I love the work, I love the people, and I am good at it. If I have a complaint, it might be that everyone was too nice, boringly nice. Everyone treats me as if I am the stereotypical "nice girl next door." My bosses, my co-workers, and even our customers treat me like I am everyone's "little sister." I am sure that most of them are convinced I teach Sunday school and always wear dresses even on my days off. Being 5.1 and 105 pounds doesn't help. I am constantly asked for ID and am told that I couldn't possibly be 26. My small boobs and long hair, especially when my hair is braided make it difficult for me to buy wine or liquor. Even now, I can wear coveralls and braids and get into movies at the kid rate. Admittedly, I certainly have always looked like the "good girl" in school and at work. My friends and teachers always said that I never got in trouble and never seemed to do anything bad. I got married immediately afte

A Fertile Opportunity

 [Author's Notes: Before diving into this rather long story I feel I should give you a heads-up for the kinks so you can decide whether this is your jam or not: this is a cheating wife story, where she will totally get away with it - no repercussions. There's also a major focus on impregnation, and cuckoldry involving unknowingly raising another man's child. Finally the sex is deliberately over the top: great artistic licence is taken in terms of realistic biology (like guys cuming pints, and shit like that). So if that's all right up your alley, then read on!] A gentle breeze carried over the waters of the North Sea, across the lazy waves lapping against the sandy beach that stretched for most of Eroshire's exposure to the ocean. This breeze blew across the rooftops of the quiet English town of Petty Moore, where some twenty-two thousand people were waking to the dreadful realisation that it was a Monday, and they would need to be going into work soon. For most tha