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Warming Therapy

Every day regardless of the weather Tom took a morning walk. He enjoyed the quiet of the streets before the shops opened and traffic filled the city. Today was no different. He was bundled up warm this morning. The winters were long in upstate New York and you got used to the cold but it was important to have a good coat.

He usually walked alongside the river or over to the college campus where he had studied before getting a job as a researcher for a tech firm. But today he was walking into town. He wasn't more than a couple blocks from his home when he noticed what looked like a body lying on the ground.

"Oh my God, Is she dead?" he said to himself.

A young woman, about college age was laying face down on the sidewalk in front of a closed Chinese supermarket. The way she was laying, he could see the white of panties underneath her black skirt.

Her short-sleeved shirt and skirt were much too thin and short for this cold Rochester morning. Even with his thick coat and stocking cap he was still cold. Who knew how long she had been laying there on the cold pavement with nothing over her arms and legs and only inside clothing?

"Maybe it would be better to just walk away." he thought for a moment. No, he couldn't do that. In this temperature she would freeze, if she hadn't already.

He carefully stepped over her legs, reached down and took her wrist in his hand. He couldn't feel a pulse. "Shit" He got down on his knees and placed his hand on the nap of her neck. There it was, a faint pulse. He got near her face and listened. She was breathing, barely.

He pulled out his mobile phone -shit no bars. That's what you get for getting a discount mobile provider. He looked up and down side walk. No one. No cars. It was Sunday and the city was still asleep.

He scooped her up. His right hand lifted her firmly by her bare hip and cradling her in his arms he held her against himself close to his chest. He would bring her home. He could call 911 from there.

She was heavier than she looked. She was slim and she wasn't very tall, maybe 5 foot 4 or so. It was hard to tell. But after just a block he was already out of breath. He adjusted his grip. He moved her so that she was facing him, her head was on his shoulder. And he held her tightly with one hand on her back and the other supporting her under her ass. Her bare legs dangled in front of him. He took a few steps when he heard her speak softly into his ear.

"Wh-... Where am I?" she said so softly, that he wouldn't have heard if her face hadn't been right next to his ear.

She was awake! Praise God!

He held her again in a cradle position and tried to talk to her but she was gone again.

He got new strength pulled her tightly to his chest and hurried the next two blocks to his small apartment.

When he got her to his place on the second floor of a small multi-family house, he lay her down on the couch that also served as his bed. He quickly went to the phone and called the emergency service number.

"911, What's your emergency?" a woman's voice answered.

"Hello, I have young woman here who was outside in the cold and seemed to have passed out. Can you send an ambulance please?"

"Ok sir I just need to do a telephone assessment first. Is she breathing?" the lady operator asked.

"She was. Let me check again." He lay the phone down and placed his hand in front of her mouth and nose. He didn't feel anything. Oh God! He got down with my face next to hers and listened.

"She is breathing." he told the operator. But it is very faint.

"Does she have any other injuries?" the operator asked.

"No, er I don't think so." he replied.

"Well please double check, sir. It could be important" the operator replied.

He walked over to the girl on his couch, the phone in his hand. He couldn't see any injuries. He ran his hand through her black silky hair. Her head seemed fine. He looked at her long legs but there were no bruises or cuts.

"No, no other injuries."

"Well that's good." the operator replied. It sounds like you don't need an ambulance sir. Just continue to monitor her progress."

"Um, are you sure. I would really like it if a doctor would look at her. She was laying outside in the cold for a long time."

"Well you could check to see if she has a temperature. Do you have a thermometer?"

"Yes, just a moment." He dug through his kitchen drawers. "Ok, I have the thermometer."

"Good sir, now I'm going to have you take her temperature anally. Just stick the thermometer about an inch inside of the rectum and wait about 60 seconds."

"I'm sorry did you say 'anally'?"

"Yes sir, that is the most accurate method when the patient is unconscious. Just insert the thermometer about an inch into the rectum you can't do it wrong."

e looked down at the girl and then at the thermometer in his hand. This was more than he had bargained for when he decided to call for help. But what could he do?

He gently turned her over so that her bottom was facing up and he lifted up her black skirt. Then he carefully slid her white thong down to her upper thighs exposing her tight hole.

He stuck the metal tip of the thermometer an inch into her as the operator had instructed him.

He had been with two women before and this wasn't the first time he had pulled a girl's panties down, but he felt wrong doing this to a girl who was unconscious. But of course that was why he was doing it. He was trying to help and the operator had told him that this is what he should do.

Still, it felt wrong touching a woman he didn't even know in such a private area. Even with the few girls he had dated, he had never had the chance to stare at them like this without their panties.

He looked at his watch and stared at the thermometer projecting out of the girl's tight little hole. 15 seconds. It seemed like it was taking forever. She had a really nice ass. Her whole body, she was hot. If she hadn't been passed out, he might have asked her out on a date. Well no he wouldn't have. She was too pretty, he would have never have had the nerve. But he would have wanted to. 30 seconds. He couldn't help but stare at her exposed ass. It was so nice and round. When he tried to look away, he noticed that by pulling her panties down, he had inadvertently exposed her pussy as well. Her lips were shaved smooth, but he could see a tuft of black hair protruding from the top of her panties. He moved over and pulled her panties up again in the front. But that was too much now. She now had a wedgie. Her plump fleshy lips extended outside the edges of her panties. Gently he pulled the panties out and smoothed them as they had been. As he did so he of course brushed up against the exposed skin. He felt her warmth and the soft smooth skin, and much to his shame he lingered ever so slightly before checking his watch again. 50 seconds. He watched the clock as the seconds ticked off and pulled the thermometer out.

"Her temperature is just above 90 degrees" he told the operator triumphantly.

"Ok, stay on the line an ambulance is on the way." The operator's tone suddenly changed.

"Uh is that a problem?"

"it's dangerously too low, sir. But we are going to do everything we can to save her. I'm going to need to ask you to help sir. Are you up to it?"

"I guess so. I did take a first aid class in high school."

"Don't worry. I will guide you through everything. What's your name sir?"

"Tom, Tom Williams"

"Ok Tom, we're going to save her. I just need you to follow my instructions. You're going to need to warm the patient up as much as you can until the paramedics arrive. Can you do that?"

"uh sure, I guess. What do you want me to do?"

"First thing is to turn up the heat and get a warm blanket."

He turned the dial on the thermostat and put his down comforter over the sleeping girl.

"Ok, I've done that."

"Now this sounds counter intuitive but I need you to remove all of the patient's clothing. Clothing can sometime block heat. She will be best receptive to warming therapy if she is naked."

He took a moment to soak that in.

"Tom, are you there?"

"Yes I'm here."

"Is there a problem?"

"No, no problem. I'll take care of it."

He looked down at the girl on his couch. She was really sick. She needed his help. He leaned down and started removing her clothes. She wasn't wearing much, a short sleeved button down shirt and a thin black skirt.

He unbuttoned her top which revealed that she was wearing a light purple bra. He then slid off her skirt and placed her clothes neatly next to the couch. Her white thong was lacy and barely covered her private area. He covered her up again with the blanket and got back on the phone.

"Ok she's just wearing her underwear now."

"Tom, I said all her clothing. If we are going to help her, you're going to have to follow my instructions."

"You want me to remove her underwear too?"

"I know it's unusual Tom but I am looking at the New York State Emergency Medicine Handbook and it says clearly 'remove all the patient's clothing'. I need you to follow through on this."

Tom didn't like this. He didn't even know this girl's name and it felt like a real violation. But the operator was firm and he wanted to help.

He lifted the blanket up again and sitting down on the couch next to the girl he started to remove her bra. It took him a bit to unclasp it. He was nervous and felt awkward. He had to get in close to her to remove it. He always had a hard time undoing these things. Finally he felt the small hooks release and he pulled the straps off her shoulders. She had beautiful small pale tits with round brown nipples. In any other situation it would be exciting to have such free control over a beautiful woman like this but he tried not to think about that. He then slid off her panties not lingering this time as her pussy presented itself to full view. He had to lift up her hips to get them off and then he rolled them down her legs. When she was completely undressed he covered her with the blanket again and got back on the phone.

"Ok, its done."

"Good. You're doing a great job." the operator assured him. "Okay now standard warming therapy is to have another person remove their clothes and lay next to the patient as close as possible. Is there anyone else there who could do this?"

"uh I could see if my neighbor is home."

"No, I don't want you to leave the scene. I guess you will have to do it."

"When you say remove my clothes do you mean..."

"All of them, sir. Any clothing will inhibit the therapy."

Tom paused thinking about that. It was one thing for her to be naked but for him to be naked too. This didn't seem right.

"Are you sure that this is ok?"

"Yes Tom. This is standard treatment. If you don't do this she could die from hypothermia. She will thank you when this is over."

He looked down at the girl laying underneath his down blanket and started removing his clothes. Although she was unconscious and couldn't see anything he still felt embarrassed taking off his clothes in front of her. He had always been self-conscious about his body. He was much more the scholar than the jock. He didn't exercise about from his morning walks and he was skinny. He took off his sweatshirt and jeans but he hesitated when he came to his shorts. Remembering though what the operator said he let them fall to the floor as well.

He stood there naked in his apartment. And although the girl was unconscious one hand covered his genitals as he picked up the phone and told the operator that he was undressed.

"Are you completely undressed Mr. Williams your underwear too?"

"Yes, completely." Tom felt embarrassed telling the lady operator that he wasn't wearing any clothes.

"Good. You're doing a good job," she told him encouragingly. "Now I need you to lay down next to her. Your body heat is going to keep her warm."

He lifted the down comforter up and looked at the naked girl laying there. Her little breasts were firm and stood up without any support from a bra. Her light brown skin was smooth and without any blemishes. He looked down to the tuft of black hair above the soft crease between her legs. She was so peaceful lying there. It was hard to believe that her life might be in danger. He gently lay down next to her. Not that he needed to be gentle. She was completely unconscious, but it felt strange lying next to a naked woman who he had only seen for the first time today. Her skin felt soft next to his and even a little warm. If he didn't know better he wouldn't have thought that her body temperature was too low.

He still held the phone and told the operator, "ok, I'm next to her."

"Great job, Tom. The paramedics are on the way. Just stay on this line and try to warm her with your body as much as you can. Can you put this phone on speaker?"


"Ok then please do that. That way your hands will be free and we can continue to keep the line open. I want you to tell me what you are doing ok."

"Ok, so right now I am lying next to her under the blanket."

"Good, you need to rub her as much as you can and try to keep her warm."

"Ok, I'm rubbing her." He started at her shoulders and rubbed the top of her back. Her skin was so soft. He was straddling her naked legs. His cock had started getting hard the moment he started undressing her and now his hard cock was resting against her plump ass cheeks. His hands followed the curve of her back when he reached her exposed ass he paused and decided to rub her hips instead, he then went back up and rubbed her back again.

"How's it going Tom?"

"It's, ok. But where is the ambulance?"

"It's on its way sir," the operator replied. "You are going to need to continue to keep her warm. Have you rubbed her whole body already sir?"

"Um no not her whole body, I've been pretty much focusing on her back."

"That's no good Tom," the female operator's voice was stern. You need to start rubbing her front right away. You need to especially focus on the chest area, belly and pelvic area. All her vital organs are in this area and they need to be kept warm."

"Her chest, belly and pelvic area." he thought to himself. He took a deep breath and turned her over making sure that her head was comfortable. He was now straddling her and looking at her naked body. Again he started rubbing at her shoulders and slowly started rubbing her skin in circles until his hands were on her two firm breasts. He was really turned on, holding her like this and his cock hardened even more. He cupped her breasts in his hands her nipples hardened and he rubbed and squeezed them. Under different circumstances he would have had one of those nipples in his mouth but he had to think about rubbing her. He rubbed her belly and came down to her "pelvic area."

It felt strange rubbing a girl's pussy when she was asleep. But it felt good too. He liked the feel of the hair in between his fingers and rubbed her soft pussy lips. Her pussy felt warm under his touch and he was surprised that although she wasn't conscious her body started to produce a slick liquid lubricating her folds. His cock longed to enter into that warm slippery hole.

He was still rubbing when the operator asked how it was going again. "It's fine. I think she might be warming up a little."

"That's good Tom. That's what we want." the operator replied. Just keep on rubbing her. Oh and make sure you rub her with your whole body, not just with your hands."

"What do you mean? Rub with my whole body?"

"That is the point of the warming therapy Mr. Williams. By lying next to her, your body heat will transfer over to her and warm her. In order for it to work, you need to use your whole body though of course."

"Are you sure this is necessary?" he asked. "Can't I just wait till the paramedics come?"

"Sir, the woman has hypothermia which if left untreated can lead to complete organ failure. We don't know how much time we have. You need to do this to save her life. Are you going to give up on her?"

"Of course not."

"Then you need to rub her with your whole body. You need to build up friction to raise her body temperature."

Up until now he had only been rubbing with his hands. He now lay down next to her again. His face next to hers and started rubbing up and down against her naked body.

He felt her smooth skin underneath him. Her breasts were pressed against his chest, her flat belly against his, her exposed pussy against his hard penis. As he rubbed her he almost forgot about the phone lying next to him and the operator listening on the other end. He thought about the beautiful naked woman underneath him. He felt the friction between their bodies starting to raise the temperature but he also felt his temperature going up as he lay against this beautiful woman.

His hard cock was now positioned directly against her slippery mound and as he rubbed her with his body he slid in and out of her folds. He felt her juices coat him.

He was so turned on rubbing against her like this. He no longer hesitated taking her breasts in his hands, squeezing them. This was after all medical necessity and it felt so good. He ran his hands down the sides of her body and grabbed the flesh of her ass pulling her close to him. As he did this he felt the head of his cock come directly into position with the entrance to her vagina.

She was so lubricated now and he was so hard it didn't take much effort to push himself into her. He felt her warmth surround him.

He felt a pang of guilt as he let himself enter her but he didn't have much time to dwell on that because the moment that he pressed into her he felt her legs squeeze shut and her arms starting to move. She pushed up against him with incredible force for such a small woman.

He looked down at her face, her eyes were wide open staring at him.

"Get off me!" she cried. Her voice was still not very strong but the intensity was clear.

He pulled away. Stood up and backed up away from the couch. He stood over her naked. One hand covered his erect penis.

"Easy, it's not what you think" he said. "I'm just trying to help you."

"Help me?" she asked. She had pulled herself into a ball on the couch the blanket covering her.

"Yeah, you were passed out. I called 911. Everything is ok." he said half trying to reassure her, half trying to reassure himself.

"Here, talk to the 911 operator." He handed her the phone.

"Hello" the young woman said into the cordless phone. "Is this 911?"

"Yes ma'am." The operator answered. "The paramedics are on the way."

"Paramedics? What happened?"

"You were found unconscious ma'am and your temperature is dangerously low. You could have hypothermia. You need to continue with the warming therapy until the paramedics arrive."

"Warming therapy?"

"Yes ma'am. You need to rub your body against another body to build up body heat. This is for your own safety ma'am."

The woman looked up at the young man who was standing naked looking down at her. His hands were still covering his crotch.

"Is that what you were doing?" she asked. "Warming therapy?"

He nodded his head.

Speaking again into the phone, "I don't know what's going on but this is crazy. Who are you?"

"This is the 911 operator ma'am. My name is Carla. What's your name?"

"Sara. Sara Richter."

"Sara," the operator spoke again, "It is vital that you continue with the therapy. You're going to have to cooperate. Your life is still in danger." the operator paused before continuing. "Please tell the young man to lie down next to you again."

"I don't know. I think I'll just wait for the ambulance. When did you say it will arrive." Sara was still confused from being unconscious but her thoughts were starting to become more lucid.

"Ms. Richter, could you please turn off the speaker function? I need to talk to you privately."

Sara found the small button on the phone, pressed it and held the phone to her ear.

"That is bad idea Ms. Richter. I am an emergency services representative and you need to follow my instructions. The ambulance is on its way but there is no telling when it will arrive. Until then the warming therapy is our best option. Now Mr. Williams has saved your life. Without him you would have frozen outside by now. I need you to listen to him ok? And I want you to be polite."

"Ok," Sara mumbled into the phone.

"Can you please give the phone back to Mr. Williams?"

Sara handed the phone to Tom.

"Tom, this is not good. She's not thinking clearly and seems resistant to the therapy. She might resist further treatment. I am going to need you to be firm. Can you do that?"

"Yeah, I can do that."

"Good, I knew I could count on you. Remember, this is for her own good. Whatever she says, I don't want you to give up on her. She needs this therapy."

Sara watched from under the blanket as Tom spoke on the phone.

"I want you to tell her that she needs to stretch out and lie down on the bed."

"She says, 'You need to stretch out and lie down on the bed." Tom was embarrassed telling her this. Why couldn't she just tell her herself?

"Is she doing it?"


"Tell her again you need to be firm."

"Stretch out and lie down on the bed," Tom said in his firmest voice looking directly at Sara.

Sara looked down and stretched out as she was told.

"Now tell her that she needs to ask you to lie down next to her."

"She says that you need to ask me to lie down next to you."

Sara looked up at the naked man standing next to her. She didn't say anything for several seconds but she then quietly said, "Please lay down next to me." she said avoiding his eyes.

Now that she was awake, he felt even more awkward and self-conscious about them both being naked. He got back on the couch next to her. The couch wasn't very wide and there wasn't much room for two people to lie down at the same time. He lay with his side on the cushions leaning up against her naked body. He tried to position himself so that his erection wouldn't come into contact with her skin, but that wasn't really possible.

"Ok Tom, please turn the phone back on speaker, so that we can continue to talk."

Tom did as he was told and placed the phone on the table next to the couch.

"Now Sara I am going to talk with you to keep you awake. I don't want you to lose consciousness again at the same time, the two of you are going to have to rub your bodies together until the ambulance arrives," the operator spoke over the speaker phone. "It shouldn't be long now."

Sara's hands were strategically placed over her breasts and in between her legs.

Tom avoided her eyes and without talking he resumed rubbing her body with his own. He started rubbing her arms and her sides but then he gently but firmly pushed her arms aside and started massaging her breasts.

"Hey" she said struggling a little.

"I have to rub everywhere," Tom said firmly looking into her eyes now.

Sara didn't know what to do. She was very uncomfortable with this situation. She was not by any means a prude. She liked going dancing and liked it when the guys noticed her body. But she wasn't the kind of girl who would lay around naked with someone she didn't know or let a stranger grope her without a fight. But apparently her life really was in danger and this guy saved her life. She decided to give in to the situation. If the 911 operator said that this was what they needed to do who was she to argue?

Their legs slid up and down against each other. She felt his feet rub against her cold toes. It felt nice.

This time it was different for Tom too. With her being aware of everything he felt very strange, especially since she seemed kind of shy and was naturally shocked as she had woken up. He was trying to keep everything very official but now that she was awake he felt her move and respond to his touch, which only made it more sensual.

He was careful to avoid entering her with his erect cock but it was impossible to not rub up against her moist pussy. She was so wet and swollen now it was hard not to slip inside of her and avoiding it meant that all of his concentration was on that part of his body. Which only turned him on more.

Carla the operator spoke with Sara to keep her from losing consciousness again. "Sara how old are you?"

"I'm 20."

"And where do you live?"

"At the girls' dorm at the technical university."

That was the same college that Tom had attended. He knew where that dorm was he often walked by there on his morning walks.

"Do you know why you were unconscious on the street?"

"Um no. Last thing I remember I was going out with some friends. We went dancing at the Republic."

"Do you remember leaving there?"

"Um No," Sara continued. "Wait I think I do. I was there with a friend. She left with a guy and I wanted to stay dancing. And then I started feeling weird and I remember walking outside and being cold."

"Do you remember anything else?"

"No, I just remember waking up here."

"Well it sounds to me like you might have been given a date rape drug. I think you are a very lucky girl. You could have ended up getting raped last night."

As she was saying that Tom felt himself sliding into Sara's warm shaft. He started to pull away but lost in the moment he buried his cock into her. He looked into her eyes again and she was looking at him too.

He almost came in her right then, but just that moment the doorbell rang.

Shit! The ambulance! he thought to himself. He was brought back to his situation. He pulled himself out of her and quickly pulling on his shorts, went and answered the door.

There were two paramedics, a man and a woman. They quickly came in and assessed the situation. One took her blood pressure and pulse while the other took her temperature. They were unfazed by the fact that she was completely naked.

"Well, everything looks ok here. It doesn't seem like there are any lasting effects of whatever medication you took last night and your temperature is back to normal. It's even a little elevated," the male paramedic told them. "I'm surprised you're conscious. Usually if someone's temperature is that low it can't be brought up without medication and hospitalization."

"Yeah, well good thing I did the warming therapy I guess" the young man replied a little proud of himself.

"Can I put my clothes on now?" Sara asked.

"Sure we are done here." The paramedic replied.

Sara gathered her clothes and futilely tried to cover herself while walking over to the bathroom to get dressed.

"Hey what the hell is this?" The lady paramedic asked. She was holding the thermometer he had used to take her temperature in her hands. "Is this what you used to take that temperature?"

He nodded.

"This is a kitchen thermometer! It isn't very accurate, and even then only at higher temperatures!"

The two paramedics looked at each other and shook their heads.

The man spoke into a radio on his shoulder, "Everything is ok here. False alarm 485 out." He then turned to the young man and said, "Don't worry kid you did your best, she is going to be just fine. You don't need to do any more 'warming therapy'."

They could hear the paramedics laugh with each other as he closed the door behind them.

He turned back into his apartment and looked at his empty couch. All of this was just a terrible mistake. She had never been in danger of hyperthermia at all. She had been cold sure and it was good that she had come inside. But everything after that... Tom thought about how he had taken off her clothes and then rubbed her whole body. He had held his naked body up against her, and he had done more than that, he thought to himself. He thought how he had pushed her arms away from her breasts and her private area and how she just lay there and let him touch her wherever he wanted all because she thought she was in danger. He felt terrible. At the same time he was kind of glad that it had happened. He was not the kind of guy who was confident with women and he probably would have never had the nerve to ask her out.

"Thanks for your help." she said shyly.

He looked up at her and smiled a little. "Yeah, sure. I'm glad you're ok." He looked at her thin clothes and said "You know it is freezing out there. Do you want a sweat shirt or something?"

"Thanks. I'd appreciate it. I guess my coat is back at the disco."

He handed her his hooded sweat shirt with the technical university's logo. She looked at the shirt. Hey did you go to Tech too?

He nodded.

"You've helped me so much today. Do you think you could maybe walk me home? I don't feel being alone after all of this."

He got his coat on and gave her his stocking cap to wear and the walked in silence to the college campus. He brought her up to the door and was about to turn and say good bye when she spoke.

You know, after that walk I'm starting to feel pretty cold again. Do you want to go in and do some warming therapy?

He looked at her, not believing his ears. Was she saying what he thought she was saying?

She stepped closer to him and pulled him into her. "Come on. Let's get warmed up."


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Dear All I got for my first story. I am going to write a story between Me , My wife and local gunda. This is a cuckold story. This is a story how my own faithful wife got attracted to big strong dominating local gunda and cuckold me with his help. Firstly let me introduce to myself and my wife.I am Amit Dikshit age 35 and my wife Rashmi age 32 both originally from Pune.but now staying in Aurangabad for last 5 years due to my job in manufacturing MNC.Rashmi also works in IT sector in Aurangabad. We have been married for last eight years having one son. Our marriage was arranged cum love.Actually our parents knew each other for many years.I used to like Rashmi and one sided love from my side.But did not have courage to propose to her.Rashmi was really hot.Many boys were after her.Rashmi though quite modern girl but she has her traditional values so she did not have any affair though many eligible bachelors were behind her.I knew i was no match to her.Though i was fair but 5 feet 7 in

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Hey this is my first attempt to write a sex story, so please send me all the feedback you can, I will try best to improve myself. My name is Ankit and I live in Delhi, I have a sister, her name is Jyoti. This happened a couple of year ago when I was 18 yrs old and Jyoti was 24. Let me tell you a little about her; she’s an absolutely bomb her figure is 36-26-38 she has an angelic face and her DD cups boobs and massive ass can even make a dead man’s cock rise in attention. Well my sister recently got married but I heard that my Jijaji is totally useless in bed, I often heard my sister yelling from the adjacent room that you’re a “namard” and that you cant even last 2 mins after seeing me naked. So she remained frustrated for about 2 months. I guess she had many bfs in college, I often saw imported langere in her drawer (some of which aren’t available in India). So my sister was preparing to go to the local boutique to get a dress stitched and when at the market she called me and told m