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Love in the Snow

Traffic had been backed up for hours, and her taxi driver told her she was better off having another drink at the bar. They would get just as far as they would on the road.

It was covered in ice, and people were sliding off left and right. She tried to book a room in the airport hotel to get some sleep since she had just flown halfway around the world, but it was full due to so many delayed flights.

As they reluctantly decided to hit the road anyway, the slim driver picked up her heavy suitcase and threw it over his shoulder.

“Alright, let’s have an adventure.” His eyes glinted as if this was what he wanted.

She couldn’t deny how attractive he was in his fitted black pants, stylish boots, and a button-down shirt. His gait inspired confidence, even if his words did not.

She followed him to the parking garage where his car was waiting. He had already been at the airport for quite some time, and she was calculating how much she should tip him for his patience when a naughty thought crossed her mind. She pushed it away, dismissing it.

She knew nothing about David, her driver, although she often called him to pick her up and take her places where she wasn’t comfortable leaving her Mercedes. He’d driven her home plenty of times after she had too much to drink as well. When she realized how many hours they had spent together in a car, she was a bit ashamed about how little they knew of each other.

When they reached the garage, she was surprised to see him approaching a big yellow SUV. Her eyes widened.

“You didn’t expect me to pick you up in an ice storm in my sedan, did you? We have a much better chance of making it home in this.”

He loaded her luggage, and she climbed up into the high passenger seat. When he started it up, the vibration in her seat startled her. She didn’t know enough about cars to comment, but she could see that David also enjoyed the sound when his dimple showed up on the right side of his cheek.

The garage was full, and it seemed like they were the only ones leaving. When they got out to the expressway, she could see why. Cars were creeping along, a thin mist of ice was still blowing across the road into the flat grassy plain on the other side. There was nothing to break the wind in this wide-open space, and she could see the bigger trucks swerving as they tried to keep their trailers on the road.

She sucked in a breath looking at the challenge ahead, but David seemed calm and collected.

“You like this, don’t you?”

“Sure, what’s not to like? I can appreciate a good challenge.”

“Glad you are driving and not me.”

“Yeah, me too,” he chuckled, taking a glance at her hands tightly grasping her purse on her lap. “Sit back and relax. Stressing out isn’t going to get you home to your big warm fluffy bed any sooner.”

“Hmm, what do you know about my bed?” She relaxed back into the seat but left her purse on her lap as though she might need it at any second.

“N-nothing,” he stuttered a bit, and she smiled at the slight blush rising in his cheeks. “Nothing at all.”

“Mmm-hmm,” she pushed a thought of his long, lean body on her bed out of her mind.

“Are you married?” She blurted out suddenly.

He grinned, “No, ma’am.”

“Kids?” She asked.

“Well…” he hesitated. “One, but I don’t talk about him much. His mother doesn’t allow me to see him, but I do send money for his school and things.”

“Oh,” she sensed that wasn’t a topic to linger on, but he wasn’t asking any questions in return, so she went on probing.

“Did you always want to be a driver?”

“Haha, in a way, I guess I did. I wanted to be a famous racecar driver. I thought it was all about the speed. But driving is a lot more than that, I guess. I enjoy it a lot. I drive some great people around.”

“Really?” She asked. “Like who?”

“Of course, I can’t tell you that. It’s confidential. But I can say that none are as mysterious as you. You have never spoken to me about more than the weather and the traffic in the two years that I have been picking you up and dropping you off. And suddenly, we are playing twenty questions.”

“Yeah, I just noticed today, to be honest. Sometimes I can be wrapped up in myself and my job so much that it comes at a cost. I just left a week-long retreat of silence and introspection, and I realized I miss having close relationships with people. I barely have any friends that know more about me than what I do at work.”

“What do you do?”

“I’m not telling. It is no longer a basis for conversation.”

Silence filled the car.

“So, what else did you learn about yourself in a week of silence?”

“Wow, a lot. I have a lot to think about. But the biggest takeaway was that I don’t really like myself. I became everything I thought I wanted to be in life. I’m living the life that I dreamed about as a child, but I am not happy. I am not fulfilled.” She was shocked at her own honesty.

“I’m just going around in a hamster wheel meeting deadlines and pleasing other people instead of myself. I’m awful at pleasing myself.”

He smiled, but she didn’t even notice how it sounded.

“So who pleases you?” Her eyes widened at the question.

“I guess nobody does right now. I mean. Yeah, at work, people try to keep me happy and meet my expectations, but it’s not what I need… it’s not what I’m craving as a human. What I need is so much more than that. It’s a connection, its passion, its….. Sorry, I’m oversharing; as I said, I haven’t talked to anyone in a week. You must be sorry that you are trapped in a car with me right now.”

“I’m not trapped,” he laughed. “And THIS is not a car.” He waved his hand at the spacious interior, and she took that as an opportunity to look around. It was decked out to the max with suede leather heated seats, a tv screen for the back seat. It looked big enough to live in!

While they were talking, the traffic had come to a complete halt, and David began fiddling with the radio to see if he could find out what was going on.

“Do you like music?” She asked

“Of course, who doesn’t like music?” He quipped still listening for some news about the situation. The sun was going down, and he didn’t want to spend the night crawling on the highway. “After we hear what’s going on, you can turn on your music.”

Nearly an hour later, the sexual tension building between them was undeniable. They had gotten off the highway and taken a detour. Despite the huge vehicle and David’s superb driving skills, it didn’t seem likely they were going to get to the city any time soon. They pulled off the road for a break.

She was thankful for the dehydration that comes with long haul travel when David went out into the icy air to relieve himself. Now instead of the bumper to bumper traffic, there was no one to be seen for miles around.

When he came back to the car, he climbed in the back seat. She turned to watch as he bent over the bench to get something from the back. It was natural to admire his athletic build, and she didn’t feel guilty about it. He pulled out a brown paper bag and handed it to her. It was a sandwich, hand made and wrapped in cellophane. The bread was grainy and piled high with vegetables.

“I hope vegetarian is okay for you. He said. It has some hummus for protein, Colby jack cheese, roasted red peppers, lettuce, spinach…”

“Wow, you were prepared for this?”

“I always drive prepared. Do I look like someone that pulls into McDonald’s when I’m hungry?” He tilted his head as he gestured to his washboard abs.

“So this was for you, here don’t let me take your food. I have some granola bars and nuts I packed for the flight.”

“Don’t worry; I have a few sandwiches. I usually find other hungry people along the way, and it never hurts to give away a sandwich.”

Who was this guy, some sort of angel?

She found herself climbing into the back seat to sit beside him as he poured her a cup of steaming herbal tea from a huge metal thermos.

They talked and joked easily as they ate. When the food was gone, they were left staring at each other in the semi-darkness.

“I guess we should get going,” he said reluctantly.

She swallowed, not wanting him to leave her proximity but not knowing how to say it. He leaned a little closer, and she quickly closed the gap kissing him square on the mouth.

She sank into the softness of his lips, noticing the sharp stubble framing its edges. Their mouths weren’t moving, they were just pressed together, and she suddenly realized it had been too long.

She pulled away, embarrassed and apologizing, but before she could get the words out, his arms were around her, and their tongues were dancing in a give and take kind of tango that filled her with need. She felt her body taking over, instinctually moving against him and him responding, accepting her advances. After a few moments that felt like an eternity, she pulled her head away and looked into his eyes, seeing his deep desire.

“Is this okay?” She almost whispered.

He dove in for another kiss in response.

His hands were experienced. He knew precisely where to graze, press, and squeeze her flesh to make her melt. Within minutes she could feel her panties were soaking wet beneath her Lulu Lemon yoga pants.

His erection was also straining against his zipper, but he ignored that to take care of her first. His hand slid beneath the waistband and grasped her butt making her gasp. He stopped kissing her neck long enough to whisper in her ear, “you are so sexy.”

She moaned, she had no idea where this hunger had come from but suddenly, she wanted to let go and release all of her animalistic urges. There was no one but David to hear her for miles.

Her body heat continued to rise as she thought of him naked next to her, inside her. She began tugging at his shirt, untucking it, and tearing at the buttons trying to get it off.

He slid his hands out of her pants to take his shirt over his head in one swift movement and then did the same with hers so that they could enjoy the sensation of skin to skin contact. His was dark with wisps of black hair that she wasn’t sure she would usually find attractive, but at this moment, she was captivated.

Hers was pale and quickly started developing goosebumps with its exposure to the cold air. She had just spent a week in Bali, so the cold felt extreme, and he wrapped his arms around her to envelop her in his heat.

They slowly explored each other’s bodies, seemingly reluctant to remove their pants and be completely exposed but both aching below their belts to continue the skin to skin contact.

She was straddling him, grinding her pelvis against his hard bulge, and it was driving her mad. She wanted to feel him inside her. “Do you want to…” her voice trailed off.

“Well,” he said, somewhat gruffly. “I don’t have a condom.”

He seemed almost embarrassed. Like a driver should keep condoms in the car at all times. She laughed. “I do.” His eyes widened.

“What? I had high hopes I would meet someone on my retreat. I didn’t, though. Until now, at least…”

She sprang over the seat and crouched in the back, opening her luggage to pull out a cellophane-wrapped box of Durex.

With his enthusiasm tearing open the box and selecting two condoms, she didn’t have to wonder if he was interested in taking things farther. The rest of their clothes were gone in a moment. He laid her down gently across the suede seats before settling himself carefully between her legs.

He took in the sight before him. A beautiful naked woman with small hard breasts, a large waist, and a slight outward curve of hips leading down to her unshaven V. He took in the beauty of how real and beautiful the scene was before he lowered his head to kiss her stomach.

She tried to urge him to come up, feeling self-conscious about her body, but he passionately licked and kissed the stomach she had hated her whole life. When he started moving south, she was feeling so good she didn’t want to break the moment, but she warned him, “Hey, you know I haven’t showered.”

“I love your smell,” he said. “Trust me; I won’t do anything I’m uncomfortable with if you tell me what your boundaries are.”

She was blown away by his honest communication and laid back to enjoy what he was willing to offer. He didn’t find anything wrong with the smell of her wet pussy, the juices were dripping out of her already, and he lapped them up eagerly.

The touch of his tongue on her was almost enough to drive her over the edge. She tried to think of the last time she had trusted someone to go down on her and realized it had been years. Whether it was her insecurities or a lack of good men in her social circles, she had been craving this sensuous touch for a long time.

She let herself experience every sensation, the brush of his hair on her skin, the sharp contrast of his stubble compared with his lips on her wet folds, the heat of his breath. It was all captivating, and she found herself completely in the moment.

When she moaned, the sound was all around him in the small confines of the vehicle, and it shook him to an even higher level of arousal than he knew possible. He loved the way her hips were subtly moving against his face, showing him the way to her deepest pleasure spots. He was afraid he would cum without even entering her, so he pulled back and began kissing her thighs.

Her breath caught when he broke contact, and he used his thumb to draw circles around her clit while he regained his composure. When he returned his lips to circle the hard nub, he slid two fingers inside and began slowly increasing his pace until her breathing sped up, and she was letting out a slight whimpering sound.

She was just on the edge of cumming, enjoying the sensation of his fingers and his tongue. Without thinking about it, she took her hands out of his hair and brought them to her breasts to pinch and tease her nipples. Shocks of pleasure went through her body, and before she could even think about being embarrassed or holding back, she came loudly and with abandon. Her legs shot out, kicking the door, and her body shook violently.

He lifted his head to avoid getting crushed between her thighs and gazed down at the incredible sight of her cumming. His cock was pulsing, and she hadn’t even touched it yet.

After the waves of orgasm subsided, she urged him to come down on top of her. She wanted to feel his weight against her, be kissed, and to have her pussy filled with his dick. “Please,” she begged as she reached between his legs to feel his cock. She didn’t say the words, but her eyes said, “Fuck me!”

Seeing her in that state, so openly full of desire, was overwhelming. He hovered over her, resisting the urge to plow inside fast and hard and instead just slowly dipped the head in and pulled it out.

The rubber absorbed some of the sensations for him, and he was grateful. He wanted to make this last. She, however, got to enjoy every millimeter of contact as he teased her by slowly entering and then sliding his cock just of her dripping wet opening. After a few times, he took the tip of the rubber and pushed it against her erect clitoris, first rolling it up and down and then making circles around it.

He was on a precarious balance between enjoying every single sensation and trying to distract his mind so he wouldn’t cum too soon. He wasn’t ready for this to be over. His mind drifted to the last woman he had in the back of a car, and he nearly lost his erection.

“Is everything okay?” She asked, sensing that he was far away.

“Better than okay,” he said as he slid his entire length into her in one long slow tantalizing motion and held it there.

She felt fully satisfied feeling every inch of him pressing against her walls and filling her in a way a latex toy never could. She loved the warmth of his body on top of hers and the soft contact of his balls resting against her ass. She resisted the urge to move her hips and let him take his time. This was a rare moment when things were still slow and sensual, and she wanted to savor it.

As he slowly began sliding in and out, he controlled his breath, keeping it slow and steady. His lips moved from her neck to her ear, to her lips. They locked eyes as he took her legs and pulled them up to her chest, so her knees were below her chin, allowing him deeper inside her. His face was just out of reach of her lips, so they made eye contact as he slowly fucked her until her legs relaxed enough that he could kiss her in this position.

She loved the way his dick was reaching so deep inside her but nothing compared to when he took her feet and put them on the ceiling of the SUV, the back of her thighs resting on his hard chest. When he thrust deep, she felt like he was reaching all the way into her heart, bonding her body with his and the orgasm that shook her squeezed his dick in a pulsating motion until he also released.

They just stared into each other’s eyes for a moment until he had the sense to release her legs down to the seat. They found a comfortable cuddling position half sitting up curled in each other’s arms. The only sound was of their ragged breaths, both of them fast and heavy.

They were silent in the afterglow, just taking in what had happened between them. It felt like a spiritual experience, the energy bouncing between them, and the purity of their communication with their bodies.

Her body started to shiver, and he helped her get dressed while trying to read her demeanor. Was she embarrassed because he was her driver, or what was going through her mind?

He hoped he hadn’t put his job in jeopardy, but realized he had no regrets even if she didn’t want to see him again. Once they were all bundled up in their clothes again, she curled up against his warm torso.

“Let’s sleep a while,” she said.

“Then, we can do it again?” He asked half-joking.

She peered up into his eyes. “Absolutely, only next time I’m on top.”

She promptly fell asleep and left him awake, shocked by her direct comment.


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