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Amateur Masseur - 2: Two friends want what she got


My wife and I were waiting in the buffet line for breakfast. We were still laughing about the night before. Mostly from lucky timing, my wife convinced a rather naive young woman that I was a staff massage therapist in training. It turned out that while she was young and naive, she definitely knew what she wanted through physical touch. And I provided her with a very giving touch in a most non-regretful means.

I was a bit nervous about running into the woman over the last few days of our vacation. Yet it was a most exceptional highlight of our vacation. My wife and I have an amazing relationship, including a well-matched libido. Our relationship isn't open, at least not very open yet, but we have talked about some freedom to explore flirting and touching with others. Last night's event was mostly her creation. After setting up the situation, she stayed close and listened to the hour-long massage session. Knowing that I was giving someone else what may have been their best, or possibly first, orgasm was a thrill for both of us. It convinced us both that we should continue pushing our boundaries.

Once we loaded our plates with breakfast and found a table, I noticed two women watching us from across the room. They were clearly talking about us and I was sure the one was the friend of the woman from last night. I became somewhat anxious that our gig was up, unsure of how a complaint could affect our stay. Immediately when my wife left the table to find a restroom the two women made a beeline directly to my table and approached me. My heart was racing.

"Dude, we won't bust you with your wife, but that was awesome last night."

"Yeah," joined the second, "We just wanted to thank you. Amanda has always been a bit square. We never thought she would do that."

I was very confused and also quite relieved to know they didn't blame me for anything. I told them my wife was the instigator and they should join us. I wanted to hear more about what I had accomplished.

It turned out the three friends were here as bridesmaids to a destination wedding. Carly, the friend that was present when Amanda accepted the massage the previous night, was most thankful. She and Robin had several hopes for this wedding, only some had materialized. First, they usually look forward to hooking up with groomsmen at weddings. Second, while they were lifelong friends with Amanda, she was very tame and conservative. Their hope was to get her laid to loosen her up.

They love both their bride and groom but were ultimately disappointed in the groomsmen. All three were married with kids. Their families came along which was a total buzzkill. And this resort was filled with married families and single women. There were simply no single men available. The most fun so far was hearing about Amanda's massage late last night. It seemed like Amanda had never experienced that level of sexual gratification before. They also couldn't believe she so freely shared details. She never shared stories about her past boyfriends and they weren't even sure how much sex she has had in the past. Yet she shared every aspect of last night without embarrassment or hesitation. I had clearly done my job well and they wanted to thank me.

They were also amazed that my wife was equally thrilled. They both want to be that type of wife eventually with broad freedom to explore. All four of us were surprised I pulled this off without actual training. And they were appreciative that I didn't take advantage of Amanda's state of excitement for my own gratification; at least not more than I received from touch. I definitely wanted to duplicate this experience if possible.

Before they left it was clearly understood they were each sexually starved and would have gladly been the recipient of such an experience. "If there were two of you we would probably ask for a couples massage for both of us before we leave." Robin's sexual dissatisfaction with the week was repeated.

My wife responded with a surprising response. "Well I'm not a groomsman but I could always give the second massage with my husband." This elicited a bit of nervous laughter from the two women; maybe even curiosity by Carly. I was totally floored since I have never seen my wife exhibit anything bi-curious. I've been totally turned on watching her respond to various male advances but nothing between her and other females thus far.

Robin was very flattered and responded with a lot of appreciation, but ultimately said she was just kidding and would make it home to find some dick eventually. This resort just didn't turn out to be the experience they had hoped. Carly and Robin thanked us again for expanding Amanda's outlook and went back to their wedding party to socialize. They agreed to keep my status as a fraud a secret until they returned home.

While my wife and I got ready for some more beach time I confronted her on her surprise offer to massage women. The entire premise was based on giving a happy ending to females and I wanted to know her actual interest. Was I learning something new? Was she exploring something new? As she stumbled to explain her interests I pulled her into the shower for some naked response time.

She basically wanted to be next to me while I was fingering Carly and thought she could simply mimic what I was doing and give the same pleasures. She acknowledged she had never really been bi-curious but also not opposed to exploring these preconceived boundaries. And the thought of being next to me with two excited naked women got her wet; which was very evident in the shower as she talked. I pushed her up against the wall and finger-banged her until she couldn't talk coherently. Then I sat on the tiled shelf while she straddled me. Our home shower didn't have this configuration, nor the water pressure. The shower jets were tingling all of her skin while I lifted her up and down on my shaft. She came hard and grabbed me tight to stop the motion as I also came. The water jets stimulated both of us exactly as our excitement climaxed.

We bathed in the sun for a few hours. Instead of actually ready my book as planned, I kept asking her about her sexuality. She was disappointed that they so quickly refused the offer of a two-person massage. I told her since she made last night happen, that I could give it a go tonight and see if I could persuade them if the opportunity arose. She got excited and needed to go for a swim to cool down.


That evening we decided to hit the dance floor at the on-site club. The club was mostly lame, just as you'd expect given the profile of attendees. The married couples would try one or two songs and then realize they were tired or just not having fun. There were pockets of single women enjoying their vacations while drinking with friends. And then there was the lone wedding party. The married groomsmen were certainly a boring site to behold. We watched them for a while agreeing that they were probably boring men before they were married anyway. This left the three bridesmaids with the bride giving a lot of attention to the groom. He was eating up the attention. The wedding couple seemed to have a fun demeanor.

Carly didn't want us to get too close to Amanda and ruin her memory until they got home. But as the night went on, my wife and I were the only two regulars on the dance floor. Eventually, it was late enough that most everyone had left except for Carly and Robin. The four of us started drinking together and ended up sitting on the beach watching the waves roll in.

Knowing time was limited I took the chance to make the offer again. "You know, my wife's offer of a couples massage is still on the table, no pun intended." Carly was almost immediately showing interest while Robin was more reserved. Robin thought the best part of Amanda's experience was the spontaneous nature of it and felt weird going through with such a self-serving expectation.

My wife gave the same convincing performance that she had the night before. "That is true, we can't duplicate Amanda's special night exactly, but it can be just as good knowing what is being offered. Look, we don't have to do anything you don't want. I was just going to follow my husband's lead and learn something."

Robin, still convinced she wanted to be a wife like I have started to show some interest. "I can't say I want exactly what Amanda got, but even an amateur massage could be a nice treat. I doubt we would be so lucky to have the spa unlocked again."

Earlier in the day when I was planning ways to bring up this offer again, I had checked with the front desk about using the beach massage tents. They are right by the water with two tables for couples. The first response by the staff was that these weren't available for guests after hours. When I mentioned it was for the wedding party, they immediately said the wedding party had access to all facilities as part of their package. Carly and Robin were a bit taken back that I had inquired about resources earlier in the day but it also sealed the deal. The outdoor tents by the water were totally exciting. As soon as they both agreed I got up and persuaded everyone to head towards the massage tents before anyone's nerves got the best of them. The look in my wife's eyes was priceless; part fear and part thrill.

The tent was fully stocked and open. It even had an unexpected sign that indicated it was reserved for the wedding party. The tent had sides that could be dropped for privacy leaving only the fourth side open facing the water. We let Robin and Carly enter and disrobe while we stood outside whispering. "Are you sure? What am I going to do? What if I suck at this?" My wife was expressing anxiety as she hadn't really had the same time as I had to prepare mentally. I explained she should just copy what I do and follow my lead. I would let her know if I see any hesitation from either of them. She calmed down and we entered the tent.

First, the candles were awesome. It was the only light we needed. Then there was the moonlight reflecting off the ocean. We decided the waves gave enough noise that we didn't need any music.

Just by proximity, I went to Carly's table while my wife went to Robin. It wasn't intentional but I was most pleased to be able to touch Carly. Her body was small and tight, just like my wife's. Both women were attractive; obviously youth was on their side. Robin seemed a bit more slutty so I was hoping she would be open to a woman's touch. They started face down and we lowered their towels down to their waist. We were both on the outside of our tables so that my wife could watch me and replicate my movements. This insured both women would progress at equal rates.

We spent a fair amount of time on the feet and legs, then up to the hands and arm. Soon we were giving head massages as our way to their shoulders and back. It started getting more sensual as we moved to their lower back with hands wandering down below the towels. The women would periodically look at each other, laugh, and reach out to hold hands. It all seems rather funny to both of them.

I noticed that I wasn't getting much feedback from Carly. Robin did seem relaxed, but I was hoping Carly would be more inviting. I tried at times to slide my hands further up Carly's thighs under the towels to elicit an invitation to touch her privates. But she wouldn't even spread her legs to encourage anything. Robin looked to be more open but since my wife was only going as far as I was going, Carly was the gatekeeper. I wanted them to be more sexually aroused before I asked them to turn over. At this current state, it felt a bit uncomfortable and I was prepared to shut it down early. Even when I verbally asked for consent only Robin encouraged us to proceed.

Then Robin saved the day. She turned over, exposing her amazing breasts. I was certain by now that I was at the wrong table. Robin took one of my wife's hands and placed it on her breast. She took her other hand and placed it behind my wife's head, pulling her down to whisper in her ear. They whispered back and forth for a while before my wife stood up, walked over to my table, and indicated that we were to switch places. My wife took Carly and I went over to Robin's table. I was just handed a table with a nude woman, her top fully exposed, waiting for the massage to continue.

Carly's demeanor changed immediately. Since the women were in different positions, my wife stopped following my movements and started with her own agenda. After touching Carly from top to bottom, she rather quickly massaged Carly's ass with vigor. Carly's legs ever so slightly separated.

I went back to my routine exploring Robin's front side. I wanted to give her legs more attention but she seemed to want me to stay up top. I rubbed her head, neck, shoulders, arms, and breasts. Her nipples went stiff with excitement. My hands teased her lower stomach reaching well below her waistline as I watched Carly.

Carly soon turned over by her own choosing. Now my wife and I were back in sync, both rubbing breasts and pinching nipples. Our hands reached under their waists which gave me an exceptional visual of their body curves. Robin was touching my body periodically, as was Carly touching my wife's. The towels soon dropped to the ground as our fingers explored the waiting pussy. All of this transition happened maybe five minutes after we exchanged partners.

We each had one hand under their neck and one hand finger fucking their pussies. Carly even had her own hand on my wife's hand giving her explicit instructions. There was no doubt left of her interest to continue.

I mouthed a question to my wife about limits. Since we didn't exactly plan the details together, we were using past discussions on the fly. After a few repeated questions, she understood my question. And she agreed she was OK if I went down on Robin, and she agreed she would try that on Carly. I was absolutely aroused at this prospect. We both moved to the bottom of the table and spread their legs. My wife wasn't exactly hesitant but having never done this before was watching me intently. I pulled Robin downward to the edge as my face went between her legs. Carly, while petite, needed to help herself reposition as my wife had no practice in such a move. I watched as best I could peripherally, while also trying to perform well for Robin's pleasure.

My wife seems to play around timidly with her tongue for a while before pressing her full mouth around Carly's clit. At this point, I wondered if Carly and my wife were communicating in ways I couldn't even though I was probably the most experienced at this giving.

Robin indicated she really wanted to cum so I was both finger-fucking her with gusto while also sucking on her clit. She came once hard and fast. It was perfect as she fell back spent. I stood back to her side and massaged her available nakedness as she relaxed. The ocean waves were regular and calm.

Carly seemed to orgasm repeatedly for several minutes. My wife finished her with her fingers until Carly finally indicated she could use a break. We both winked at each other while massaging the two naked women back to relaxation. At this time we left them to dress and asked if they wanted to join us back at the bar.

There was a maintenance building to the left of the walkway on the way to the bar. My wife pulled me behind the building into a secluded grove of trees. She proceeded to lift her skirt and drop her panties. She pushed her panties into my front pocket while opening my pants and told me to take her from behind. Her hands were pressed against the closest tree as I entered her wet and waiting pussy. It felt like we fucked for twenty minutes, her pushing hard into my cock for several repeated orgasms; which was unusual for her. I kept the timing where I could continue until she was done, then I fuck her hard until I was ready to come. To avoid coming inside of her and making a mess we couldn't clean up here, I pulled out and she jacked me off with my cum sliding down the tree bark. I held her until I regained my composure as we laughed.


A few minutes at the bar Carly and Robin joined us. Both with a smile and both thanking us for such a climax to their week. It was also the first time these two could talk about what happened. Robin wanted to know how long Carly knew she was lesbian, or was she bi? Carly ended up sharing her story.

Apparently, Carly only recently discovered her interest in women. She was always promiscuous and had several good long-term relationships with men. She and Robin had swapped boyfriends at various times. While sexual, Carly always felt she wasn't getting the satisfaction that she saw in Robin. And since college here sexual satisfaction wasn't keeping up with her strong libido.

Six months ago she was on a trip to California alone. She decided to go out and find a hook-up out of boredom but none of the guys interested her that night. So she danced alone for a while enjoying the anonymity. At some point in the tight dance crowd, a woman started dancing behind her. It soon led to some mutual grinding and her excitement surprised her. This mysterious woman eventually invited her back to her apartment where they proceeded to make out. Carly allowed her to finger her to a surprising satisfaction. The woman started questioning Carly's naive response and once she disclosed that she wasn't gay, the woman backed off. She didn't want to be the aggressor and put Carly in an awkward position. The woman was sure Carly put off a lesbian vibe and was inviting to her advances, which Carly couldn't disagree was true.

So it was agreed that this mysterious woman would please Carly with touch with no reciprocal expectation. Carly left that trip reconsidering her sexuality as the woman's touch, and the touch of the woman's body, were more exciting than she had with men for several years.

Robin sensed the change without any direct conversation. And watching her freeze up with my massage she decided to test her theory. That was when Robin asked my wife if she could take Carly. She also admitted to being attracted to me and wanted my wife's permission to have me touch her. The changing of partners was the absolute correct action that saved the night. Carly admitted to being very turned on by my wife, and once her hands were on her body, all questions were resolved. Maybe she was bi and would still be into men in the future, but today she only wants to pursue females.

My wife for her part is sure she is hetero, but had no negative feeling about eating her first pussy. Seeing another woman orgasm, and seeing me bring another woman to orgasm, was sexually exciting to her. We shared our story of the intense fuck on the way to the bar with them. They both squealed with delight. Knowing we were both satisfied made them feel better about receiving from us.

Carly and Robin were leaving the next day and this was their highlight of the week. My wife and I pushed a boundary that was good for both of us. She doesn't yet want to be fucked by anyone else, nor see me fuck anyone, but giving and receiving hand jobs was defined as our new quest. All returned to our normal lives with a bit more clarity and a lot of good memories.


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