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Your Body belongs to me

All characters are over eighteen. This series contains non-consensual mind control and impregnation.

Please try to leave feedback in the comments section. Constructive criticism is invaluable for every author. I encourage everyone to vote and leave ideas for future stories as well. Finally, I would like to thank every editor who helped me with this story.


"Mrs. Lebrun, I need that money."

"I'm sorry, Miss Ysrayl, but if the accounting department says it's been paid, then there's nothing I can do."

I was holding back tears and the word I wanted to use so much: Bitch! Unfortunately, I couldn't see how that would end well when I was talking to my boss.

Vanessa Lebrun probably didn't even remember my name was Miriam. She was the local business owner of a number of restaurants, one of which I worked at.

Now that I had graduated with a degree in Mechanical Engineering, it was time to move on. Mrs. Lebrun made a great show of claiming to support students in our college town. Anyone who served for at least three years was supposed to receive a bonus once they had a full-time job lined up. Except that I hadn't received mine, even though the accounting department insisted it had already been paid.

We kept going back and forth until I got the feeling that Mrs. Lebrun actually enjoyed turning me down. I swallowed my pride and said, "Thank you for your time, Mrs. Lebrun."

I turned and left before I had to endure any retort from her.

My eyes watered as I walked away from her office. I knew exactly why I'd been turned down: I was a Black woman. Mrs. Lebrun could walk right over me without ever having to worry about the consequences. Nothing I did would ever put a dent in her. I was no threat.

There was nothing I could do except catch a bus ride home. That was one of the nice things about living in a college town: free public transit. The downside was that I was always forced to sit in the back. Anywhere where no one else could see me.

It was the same everywhere. Grocery stores, movie theaters. Even after all these years, I still hated it. The way people's eyes would linger on my scars before hurriedly looking away. As any burn victim will tell you, being a survivor is hard enough; being reminded of it every day is worse. It forces me to constantly relive the night I almost died.

What should've been one of the best days of my life turned into the worst. Mom and I had gone out celebrating my thirteenth birthday. Since my older sister was staying with some friends for the night, it was just the two of us. That alone time meant more to me than any present. We didn't have much money since dad died, but we were happy. Mom and I hugged and kissed each other goodnight. I fell asleep wearing one of the biggest smiles of my life.

It was pure luck that saved me. I was already awake when I smelled the smoke. In what seemed like seconds, our entire house was engulfed in flames. I barely made it out. I was covered in burns, but at least I was alive. Mom wasn't so lucky.

Right from the beginning, arson was suspected. I'd seen several men run off just before the fire broke out. The police took my statement, but months passed without any progress. It slowly dawned on me that they just didn't care.

Makeup helped hide some of the burn scars on my face, but nothing could ever hide the loss of my mom or the pain I felt. Nor would time fix the rest of my body. I will never be able to have children or have sex without unbearable pain.

I forced myself to bury all the anger I felt. There was still one place in the universe that still felt safe and predictable: My boyfriend, Cal Thomas.


"Hey, sweetie," came the reply as soon as I walked in the door. "Any luck?"

"Nope," I shook my head. "Mrs. Lebrun kept saying it's already been paid. She wouldn't even look into it."

"Ouch," he winced.

After holding back for several seconds, I sighed in defeat. "Cal, what are we going to do? That job offer will be rescinded soon if we can't secure relocation."

"I know," he said. Cal and I both had great job offers available, ones we really wanted. Unfortunately, it required relocating, and Cal and I were nearly broke. Without that bonus Mrs. Lebrun promised, we wouldn't be able to afford it.

"How much longer do you have?" he asked.

"One week," I croaked. If I couldn't get a guarantee of enough money to relocate by Monday, my dream job would be gone.

"I'm sorry, sweetie," he said before he pulled me into a gentle hug.

I allowed myself to relax a little. Cal and I met during our first semester. Today, we were living in a tiny apartment at the edge of campus. It was miserable at times, but we made it through. Now everything was threatening to fall apart because of this one thing. I spent the rest of the afternoon brainstorming, trying to find some other way of making enough money by Monday, but came up empty.

Until Cal suddenly asked, "Hey, do you have any close aunts?"

I frowned. "I have an aunt. We aren't very close, though. Why?"

"I got a call from her lawyer's office. Said your aunt had passed away and left you something that she wanted you to pick up."

That was surprising. I hadn't heard from my Aunt Tammi in many years. Not since before Mom died. She used to come over all the time. I never found out why she stopped, but after I didn't see or hear from her after Mom's death, I lost interest.

"I'll stop by after work tomorrow," I shrugged.


I wasn't sure what awaited me when I reached the address Cal gave me. I walked inside and knocked on the glass door until someone answered.

"Hi. How can I help you?"

"Um, my name is Miriam Ysrayl," I said. "Tammi was my aunt. I got a call saying that she died and left something for me?"

"Oh, yes. Come on in," the older man welcomed me. "Follow me back here."

I was led to a room with several collections of what I assumed to be Aunt Tammi's belongings.

"Have a seat," the man said. "Just give me a minute to find it."

I admit I was a little disappointed. His words implied that my aunt hadn't left me much.

"So, what's all this about, anyway?" I asked while I waited for him to finish. "I haven't heard from my aunt in years. What happened to her?"

"Well, Ms. Ysrayl, I'm sorry to say that your aunt recently died of cancer. I'm afraid she didn't leave many possessions behind because of all the medical bills, but there was one thing she explicitly said was meant for you, a box. She said she hoped it would help make amends for being absent since the death of your mother."

Are you kidding me? I thought. All she left me is a box, and she thinks that's going to make up for abandoning me and my sister?!

Then I saw the object in his hands, and I instantly knew: this was no ordinary box. The outer case was covered in gold and meticulous patterns. There were even some jewels adorning the sides. It looked ancient. I suppose I shouldn't have been surprised: Aunt Tammi was an archeologist.

It was encased in a heavy lock, protected with a single-digit rotating dial. My first thought was that it looked like overkill for something so small.

"She didn't say what was inside," he said, correctly guessing what was on my mind. "She wouldn't tell me what the combination was, either. Just that it had to do with, and I quote, 'The last thing your mother called me before I left.'"

I remembered that. It was a long time ago, but I remembered that one of the things mom called her was "rockhead." I had to fight not to laugh. Mom always said her sister was the most stubborn person she ever met. I kept it to myself that she could be pretty determined herself sometimes.

I thought it was a bit childish at the time, but this seemed serious. Some quick math told me that turning the letters into decimals would be eleven digits long. Whatever was inside, Aunt Tammi didn't want anyone but me to see it.

It was getting late, so I bagged the box and thanked the man for his time. When I got back, Cal wasn't home yet.

My curiosity about the box was still high, so I decided to try opening it, but that was easier said than done. The motors rotated slowly, probably to discourage anyone from cracking it by brute force. I messed up the combination several times, requiring me to start over again. I half-wondered if there was some sort of failsafe to destroy whatever was inside if I entered the wrong combo too many times.

It took more than ten minutes, but I managed to get the lock off. As soon as I opened it, the entire room seemed to glow in a mysterious blue light. At the center was some sort of jewel. Attached to it was a silver chain so that it formed some kind of locket. Beside it was some type of folded paper. It took several minutes before I could bring myself to tear away from the light and read what was on the note.

Dear Miriam,

If you are reading this letter, it is because I have finally lost my battle with cancer. Although that may make you feel sad, I know it will not bring you grief. I was gone from your life for too long.

Miriam, I swear I didn't know about what happened to you or your mother. I was only told about the death of my sister long after it happened, and I was never told about what happened to you.

I won't dishonor your mother's memory by trying to explain what went down between us. I also will not try to justify not being there for you when you needed me the most. All I can say is that I am genuinely sorry and try to offer this as some means of making it up to you.

This artifact was one of my final discoveries. It was created by an ancient civilization several millennia ago. As you will soon discover, it has many incredible properties that simply cannot be described in words. It is priceless in the true sense of the word. Although it could easily be sold for a fortune, no one would ever be foolish enough to trade something like this for money.

I have included more notes, but I ask you to pick it up first. No rational person would ever believe what I have written by word alone. Simply grab the chain with your fist, and you will understand.

Love, and goodbye,

Aunt Tammi

I read it several times over. Instead of feeling sad or upset or skeptical, all I felt was a strange curiosity. It felt like the amulet was calling to me. I slowly, reverently, reached out to it, just as Aunt Tammi had instructed.


A few days later, I found Mrs. Lebrun in her office. It was Friday evening, which meant that most of the building was empty. It sounded like she was on the phone, and no one else was with her. While I waited patiently for her to finish, I went over the plan one more time.

Finally, I heard her call out, "Alright. Good night, Dana. Thanks for the encouragement. I think I've still got a chance." Then she hung up. I gave her an extra few seconds before knocking on her door. One look at her face told me how this would go.

"Mrs. Lebrun, please," I begged ten minutes later. "I need this."

"I'm sorry, Miss Ysrayl," she told me, although her voice suggested no regret on her part. "But it's time for me to leave," she said, turning away to dismiss me.

My fury rose. This selfish bitch cared more about her weekend than what I needed. I'd explained over and over the evidence that no payment of any kind had been sent to my bank account. She didn't care. As far as she was concerned, I was nothing.

It was a feeling I was all too familiar with, but not this time. Any guilt or hesitation about what I was about to do was banished.

With nothing more than a thought, the artifact appeared in my fist. From the moment I first picked it up, I realized just how right Aunt Tammy had been. The artifact had many extraordinary powers. The first was that I could make it disappear and reappear from anywhere.

More importantly, it somehow gave me powers of mind control. By simply holding up the artifact and meeting my chosen target's eyes, I could hypnotize them. But for Mrs. Lebrun, I wanted to go further. Much further.

I was still learning more about what the artifact was capable of, but there was one other power I knew it had: possession. The power to take control of another being's body. I hadn't used it yet; Vanessa Lebrun was about to become my first test subject.

If she'd given me what I wanted, I would've left her alone. She gave me no choice; there was no other way of getting what I needed.

"Mrs. Lebrun," I said, my voice deceptively controlled. When she turned her chair around to face me, I held up the artifact and met her eyes. The entire room was bathed in the mysterious blue light of the artifact as I stared unflinchingly at my boss.

In the blink of an eye, my body exploded. I felt myself turn into thousands upon thousands of tiny particles hovering in the air. My clothes instantly dropped, no longer supported by any solid mass. For a moment, I remained weightless in a semi-humanoid form. Then my particles rushed toward Mrs. Lebrun, absorbing into her skin.

My senses returned, but they were not mine. I felt taller, skinnier. I felt older but also a natural grace that I did not usually possess. My breasts were bigger, firmer. Most shocking of all, when I raised my hands, I saw white!

I was now in control of Vanessa Lebrun's body.

"It worked!" I said, but not in my own voice. I was using Vanessa's voice. When I smiled, it felt strange. I was feeling the movement of muscles that were utterly foreign to me. Even lifting my hands felt exotic and unfamiliar.

I shook my fine blonde head and forced myself to focus. I came here for a reason. While possessing Mrs. Lebrun, I could access her memories. I had to search for what I wanted, but I could pull up any 'file' in her memory. I also had the power to alter everything she remembered up to twenty-four hours before I possessed her. I would use that to make sure she had no memory of meeting me or what I'd done.

The truth shouldn't have surprised me, but it did. My payment had been her account. Mrs. Lebrun was a master at secretly diverting money to her own accounts without leaving a trace. Her promise to support students' future was little more than a publicity stunt.

I would decide what to do with Mrs. Lebrun shortly. For the moment, I had work to do. She had diverted my bonus into a specific account. I was able to use her memories to transfer the money she owned me. The moment I was done, I sent my job acceptance response.

A flood of emotion threatened to overwhelm me. For weeks, the thought of losing my dream job hung over me like a death sentence. It haunted my every waking moment. Even the simplest pleasures of life seemed hollow and distant. Now, it was finally over. I had everything I needed.

In my own body, I probably would've broken down. But Mrs. Lebrun's body seemed resistant to shedding tears. My eyes watered, but my body seemed to put a hard limit on my physical reaction to my emotions. That was interesting, considering Mrs. Lebrun was a businesswoman who probably kept a good poker face. It suggested a person's personality might be tied to their body. I made a note of that for later.

Simply being inside Mrs. Lebrun's body was an amazing experience. I had no complaints about that, but my feelings about my boss herself were very different. She'd tried to steal from me, not caring what it would do to me. She was the woman who nearly destroyed my dreams.

There was no question that Vanessa Lebrun deserved punishment for all she had done to me and many others. The only question was what I should do.

One idea made me smile: driving to the bank and withdrawing some of her savings. Not enough to leave her bankrupt and out on the streets, of course. But putting a dent in her personal budget certainly had its appeal.

But as I searched her memory for her car and bank information, one of her memories gave me a very different idea.


"So it worked?" Cal said.

I nodded. Cal was the only other person I'd shown the artifact to so far. After visiting the bank, I drove to Mrs. Lebrun's home, texted Cal using my own phone, and asked him to come over.

"How long are you planning on staying inside her?" he asked.

"All weekend, actually," I answered. At his puzzled look, I started to explain, "While I was going through Mrs. Lebrun's memories, I found something interesting.

"It turns out she and her husband are getting a divorce. She's upset because he's leaving her for a younger woman and even more upset because he managed to impregnate her. She's really jealous of that. That's part of why she's been such a bitch. She's wanted kids for years, but her husband kept putting it off. Now she's thirty-nine, and she's worried it's too late. She was planning on visiting him one last time before the divorce was final to try and seduce him. She's been taking fertility drugs for weeks, and her doctors say she's just as likely to get pregnant as a woman ten or fifteen years younger than her."

My unfamiliar lips slowly stretched upwards. "So...I was thinking...maybe you and I could help her with that?" I asked seductively.

Cal's eyes widened as he realized where this was going. I wanted him to fuck me while I was possessing Vanessa Lebrun's body so that he could impregnate her. Simple as that.

The look on his face proved he was tempted, but also unsure about the morality of using someone else's body in this way. He didn't move or turn away, though, so I decided to help him.

In one swift move, I grabbed my shirt and lifted it up over my head. Cal got the surprise of his life when he saw I was braless. Mrs. Lebrun had been totally serious about wanting to seduce her husband.

I reached back and unzipped my tight-fitting black skirt that hid nothing. Then he got an even bigger shock: I wasn't wearing any panties! His girlfriend's boss was completely naked right in front of him.

Give the boy credit; even with a gorgeous woman nude in front of him, there was still reluctance on his face. But love for me and lust for an older woman gradually overtook it.

My smirk let him know I was entirely on board with this. Most women would've been very upset by the thought of their husband or boyfriend fucking another woman. I was silently willing him to do precisely that.

Finally, he whispered, "You sure she's okay with this, Mir?"

I nodded. "Yes, Cal. I promise."

For the first time, the hint of a smile appeared on the corner of his lips. He was satisfied that we wouldn't be crossing an unacceptable moral boundary. "Okay."

My own smile grew until it felt like my own. "Thanks, Cal," I whispered. Then I put my serious face on. "But let's get one thing straight. My name is Mrs. Lebrun. Do you understand?"

"Yes, of course, Mrs. Lebrun," he said.

"Good," I said. Unable to hold back a second longer, I leaned in to kiss him.

It was unlike any kiss we'd had before. No way around that. Different angle, different heights, different lips, different facial shape. Yet it was still unquestionably us.

I could feel Mrs. Lebrun's body begin to react as Cal's unique, masculine scent reached her. Her nipples hardened, her breasts started swelling, and her pussy began producing the moisture to aid her in a few minutes.

The contrast between our bodies couldn't have been more erotic. Mrs. Lebrun might've been taller than me, but her body was so slim. Fragile, even. Compared to Cal's muscular build, it felt like he could've broken me in half if he wanted.

"You are a good kisser," Cal admitted. His arms were wrapped around me, drawing me close. I let out a deep sigh as his hands began exploring my body.

"Mmm...that's nice," I groaned. I fumbled with my arms until I found his shirt. He got the message and quickly removed it. I affectionately rested my cheek against his chest before he raised me for another passionate kiss.

I knew we must've looked hot. An older woman and a fit young man, locked together as if they were long-time lovers.

"So, Mr. Thomas," I said, grinning. "Would you like to fuck your girlfriend's boss?"

Cal's grin showed teeth. "Of course, Mrs. Lebrun."

"Then why don't you take a seat on my couch?"

Once he was seated, I got down and kneeled in front of him. To say I was excited would be an understatement. I carried no small amount of resentment over the fact that my regular body was too scarred to ever have sex. In the back of my mind, there was always the fear that Cal would leave me because of that.

No longer. I was inside Vanessa Lebrun's body now, and it was a marvel.

She was tall, nearly 5'9". The same as Cal. But she was also slim and delicate, the kind of figure that is inherently feminine. She had a short haircut—just enough to cover her ears—and it was a deep, natural blonde color. Her light blue eyes completed the image of a woman of German ancestry.

But the thing she was most proud of was her tits. I was wearing a set of 32DD natural tits that were round and firm. I had no problem saying they were bigger than mine because, for tonight, they belonged to me.

Getting Cal's jeans off was surprisingly annoying, but once I did, I found my prize. Cal was big. Big enough to leave my mouth sore. Without hesitation, I opened my mouth and started engulfing him.

Cal moaned as I started bobbing my head up and down, rapidly impaling myself before lifting my head up, my lips trailing along his cock.

The longer this went on, the more I noticed something odd. I'd already swallowed more of his cock than I'd ever done in my own body, but it didn't feel like I'd reached my limit yet. I wondered how much Mrs. Lebrun could take.

I lifted my head, took a deep breath, and pushed myself down. This time, I didn't stop when I felt him hit the back of my throat. Inch after inch of his cock disappeared into my mouth. I could actually feel my neck bulging. With one final push, born of sheer willpower, I made it. My lips wrapped around the base of his cock. I gasped for air the moment I lifted myself off, but Cal looked impressed.

"Jesus, Mrs. Lebrun!" he groaned. "Nobody has ever swallowed the whole thing before!"

Beaming with pride, I stood up and prepared to mount him. I hadn't expected my boss to be a better cock sucker than me, but I wasn't complaining.

"So, Mr. Thomas, have you enjoyed this experience so far?" I asked.

"Yes," he said. An underlying groan told me he was as eager to move on as I was.

"Good, but that's not all," I said. "I think it's time we moved on to the main reason I brought you here."

I straddled him, his rock-hard cock touching my smooth pussy. Mrs. Lebrun was soaking wet as she sensed the object of her desires was so close. Cal's hands traced from my hips up until he squeezed my tits. All parties involved were eager for this to begin.

That didn't stop me from teasing him, though. Despite the heat rising throughout my body, I rubbed his head across my pussy lips, never letting him inside. It didn't take long before Cal groaned with frustration.

"Now, Mr. Thomas, before we begin, I need to make one thing clear. I expect you to cum inside me. Is that clear?"

"Are you safe?" he moaned.

"No, I'm not," I said. "And that's precisely why I want you to do it."

"Oh, god," he groaned.

"I want to have children, but my husband is no longer available. I want you to do it instead. Do you promise to cum inside me?"

I really hoped he agreed. No matter how much I loved the roleplay, I was ready to slam myself down even if he said no.

"Yes," he said, our eyes locked. "I promise I'll cum inside you, Mrs. Lebrun."

"Good," I said.

And with that, I slammed Vanessa Lebrun's body down, impaling her on my boyfriend's cock. Her pussy screamed in delight as it began stretching to take the largest manhood she'd ever felt before. I threw my head back and let out a long, sexy sigh as I felt Cal inside me for the first time.

"Ohhhhh..." I moaned.

For a moment, all was still. I sat there, enjoying the sensation of a large cock inside me, stretching me. I could feel every ridge and vein, and I affectionately squeezed it using my surprisingly dexterous muscles. The organ twitched inside me, heightening my pleasure that much more.

Although this was technically my first time having sex, I didn't feel inexperienced. I had Mrs. Lebrun's memories to call upon to help me. More importantly, I had her body. It was naturally guiding me toward the sweet satisfaction we both craved.

I flexed my hips, hips that will be perfect for motherhood. Mrs. Lebrun's cunt stretched wider and wider as she took the biggest man of her life inside her.

Mrs. Lebrun's cunt. The mere thought was nearly as thrilling as the pleasure I felt. Mrs. Lebrun was a total bitch who would've ruined my life without a second thought. Now her body belonged to me. I could force her to accept another man's cock, take his seed, and raise his child without ever knowing it.

The sheer amount of power I held sent a chill through my body. I was possessing my boss! That was intoxicating beyond measure. For nearly four years, she controlled every aspect of my life. She controlled my schedule, my social life, how much money I had, everything. She held more power over me than any other person in my life.

Now I had power over her. Her raw, unprotected cunt was mine. She was going to carry Cal's baby because I forced her to. The ultimate revenge, and I could allow myself to enjoy it because it was what she wanted.

But it wasn't just power and revenge I felt. It was also love. I loved Cal with all my heart. I might be using Mrs. Lebrun's body to do it, but I was giving him something very special. I was giving him a child, and I knew he wanted it.

"Jesus, Mrs. Lebrun," Cal gasped, his eyes glued to where my pussy lips parted around his cock. "You're so tight."

"You're so big," I moaned back. Cal's only response was to grab me and pull me down for a kiss. I kissed him back, groaning when his hands started freely exploring my body.

Cal's presence in me was perfect in every way. I savored the feeling each time I sank down, burying his cock to the hilt. There was no resistance from Mrs. Lebrun, for soon she was wet enough that I was riding faster. Her body welcomed the change in pace, urging me to do everything I could to coax this man's seed into her pussy.

"So, what do you say, Mr. Thomas?" I asked, trying to force my voice to remain steady and emotionless. That was hard, considering the pleasure emanating from my cunt and how hard I was bouncing on the couch. "Do you like fucking your girlfriend's boss so far?"

"I love it," he said. "Do you fuck all your employees' boyfriends?"

"Nope," I said, smiling. "You're the first. Does that turn you on? I've had plenty of young men working for me over the years. All of them loved ogling their hot boss."

"What did you do?" he groaned.

"I fired them," I said, my voice showing my exertion as I rode faster.

"I bet they'd all be jealous," he murmured.

"Yeah," I grinned, still bouncing up and down on his hard shaft. "But you know what will really make them wild? When you cum inside me! All those other college students that come to my office, or watch me in one of my restaurants, will be so jealous."

"That is pretty hot," he said, his hands exploring my older-yet-firm body.

"Definitely," I said. "All those students will be watching me grow big. They'll all be wishing they could've been the one to knock me up. None of them will ever know what it's like to cum inside my fertile pussy!"

Cal grinned, whether from the feeling of my tight pussy or from knowing the secret that he and I alone would share, I didn't know.

I arched my back, driving my big, firm tits into Cal's face. He groaned, and I knew he approved.

"Bite them!" I ordered. "Suck them! Suck on your girlfriend's boss's big tits!"

Cal obeyed and leaned in to start sucking my nipple. Every time he bit down, I squealed and started giggling. Through it all, I never stopped impaling myself on his big cock. The enthusiasm with which he attacked my tits showed me how much he loved having a fertile cunt bouncing on his long, hard shaft.

I fucked myself to several mini-orgasms. But even those only came out with effort. Something about Mrs. Lebrun's body wanted to resist letting go no matter how much pleasure she felt. Possibly another indication of the tie between her body and her personality. Even still, I could sense the biggest orgasm of all waiting for me, just under the surface. There was only one thing that could set it off.

"I'm gonna cum," Cal groaned.

"Oh yeah?" I asked. "Good! You promised to cum inside me."

"I don't know if I should," he said.

"You promised," I reminded him. "You promised to cum inside my pussy."


"But, nothing," I told him sternly. "I'm your girlfriend's boss. I order you to cum inside me!"

In truth, I was close as well. The only thing keeping me going was my desire to make sure Cal came first. To feel the exact moment when Mrs. Lebrun was impregnated with his child.

Cal's eyes moved to where we were joined as one. It was clear as day that he did want to fill this thirty-nine-year-old's slutty pussy with his cum. The thought of knocking me up was overpowering whatever else was lurking in his mind.

"Is that what you really want, Mrs. Lebrun?" he asked.

"Yes," I said. "That's exactly what I want. I want you to cum inside me. I want you to make me a mother!"

"I guess...if you're really okay with it," he said. Then, gripping my ass, he started pumping up, driving his thick cock deeper into my pussy.

Mrs. Lebrun wholeheartedly welcomed it. Cal might not have been the husband her mind wanted so badly, but her body didn't care. She'd found a worthy man to breed her, and she wished to reward him by offering him her womb.

"That's it," I grinned, knowing victory was only moments away. "Cum inside me."

"Oh, god! I shouldn't," he groaned, but he didn't miss a beat. It was an observation, not an objection.

With just a few more thrusts, he reached his peak. He drove himself as deeply as possible and allowed his seed to begin entering my boss's fertile womb.

The instant I felt his cum enter my unprotected pussy, it unleashed the hurricane of pleasure building up inside me. Every wall, every rational thought was torn down in an instant. Pleasure like nothing Mrs. Lebrun had ever experienced before raced through her body. There was never any hope of containing it, and after a few seconds, I surrendered to the bliss.

I thrust my lips on his, clinging to him like a liferaft in a storm. His cock twitched inside me as my cunt squeezed him. I savored every pulse, knowing that each may be the one to put a life inside the body I was possessing.

Cal held me the entire time. His arms wrapped around my back as he let me ride out my orgasm. The gentle, loving embrace showed how much he loved me, regardless of my body.

Once we came down from our mutual high, we were both drained. I collapsed onto his chest, smiling tiredly at the feeling of my stiff tits pressing into his hard chest. I somehow managed to find the energy to affectionately squeeze his softening cock, thanking it for its gift.

I gave a little whimper of disappointment when I felt him slip out. His cum started dripping out of me, but I smiled. I knew there was more inside me. Much more.

We silently held each other's gaze while we attempted to get our breathing under control.

"Wow!" he said. We both burst out laughing. It seemed like the only appropriate response.

"Thank you, Mr. Thomas," I said, still drunk on pleasure. I leaned down to kiss him. Not the kind of lustful kiss we had earlier, but a genuine post-coital lover's kiss. "I'm very grateful you kept your promise."

That wasn't a lie. I swear I could feel the gears turning inside Mrs. Lebrun's body, like a machine waking up from a long slumber. Her pussy had received the raw genetic material necessary to produce a child, and it was eager to get to work.

"You're welcome, Mrs. Lebrun," he said.

I smiled before leaning in to quietly ask, "Did you enjoy that, Cal?"

"Mm-hm," his voice matching my own in volume. While we were whispering, we were talking to our real selves.

I beamed warmly before giving him my hardest kiss of the night.

"Thank you so much for this, Cal," I told him. "This means so much to me. It's everything I can never do in my own body. I can never make love, or feel you inside me, or have children."

"That's important to you, isn't it?"

"Yes," I nodded earnestly. "It is. I love it. I want to keep doing it."

Cal looked at me understandingly. "I do, too," he said.

"Really?" I beamed.

Resting his forehead against mine, he told me, "Yes. I'll keep doing this as many times as you want, with Mrs. Lebrun or anyone else."

"Thank you," I said, happier than words could've expressed.

Kissing me again, he said, "This time, I don't want to fuck Mrs. Lebrun. I want to make love to you."

Once again, Mrs. Lebrun's body resisted displaying the overpowering emotion I felt. The most she would do was make her eyes shine a bit more brightly as I lay down on the floor.

Cal was right behind me, spreading my legs and holding his rapidly hardening cock at my entrance. We could both see that Mrs. Lebrun's pussy was stretched and swollen. I could still feel his cum inside her, but her cunt felt strangely empty without his cock inside her.

A long sigh escaped as I felt him reenter me, spreading me once more. When he reached the end, I felt the wonderful sense of being filled with a man I loved.

Holding himself above me, Cal leaned down and kissed me. I kissed him back, wrapping my legs around him and placing my hands on his head to pull him in deeper.

"Make love to me," I told him.

He complied, slowly withdrawing his cock before sinking back into my stretched folds. In stark contrast to my mad humping, Cal was very deliberate as he began to plumber Mrs. Lebrun of her deepest secrets.

Mrs. Lebrun's pussy was changing, molding itself around his cock. She would never be the same again. She will never find a man who fits her as perfectly as the man who fathered her child.

When I lifted my head up, I got a perfect view of my boss's hot body. I could see every smooth, creamy surface of her skin. I tried to imagine what she would look like in a couple of months.

How big would her breasts grow? The thought of them swelling with milk for Cal's baby filled me with an almost motherly feeling. Then there was the sight of her cunt, stretched around his thick cock while his balls kept slapping against my ass. Merely watching her pussy lips part to accept the manhood that would soon impregnate her looked thrilling. But the biggest turn-on was her belly. It looked so smooth and well-toned now, but over the next nine months, it would start to swell. Cal's baby would grow inside there, nurtured in her womb. Her stomach would enlarge, week by week: visual proof she had been successfully bred.

Picturing Mrs. Lebrun's pregnant body enhanced the sensations I was feeling by orders of magnitude. I arched my back and stretched out, giving him a full view of my body. Cal must've loved the sight because he groaned.

I grinned. "You think I look hot inside Mrs. Lebrun?"

"Yes," he gasped.

"I bet she'll look even hotter when she's pregnant," I told him. He kissed me in response, his aggressive tongue contrasting with the gentle motion of his cock.

"Will she be okay?" he asked, still lovingly moving inside me.

"Yes," I told him, one hand on his cheek. "She's well off, and she's been looking forward to this for years. She'll make a good mother for your child. I promise."

His lips connected with mine again. Knowing that his baby would grow up in a loving and nurturing home gave him a sense of peace like nothing else.

"I'm so close," he panted. His hips were speeding up, and his cock swelled inside me.

"Do it, baby," I said. "Cum inside her. Give her your baby!"

It only took him a few more seconds for him to get there. He thrust as deeply as possible, spreading me wider than ever in the process. Our lips connected, and he exploded, filling Mrs. Lebrun's fertile womb with his cum. After more than a decade, her desire to conceive a child would be fulfilled.

When the last of his cum was safely deposited in my pussy, he collapsed on top of me. I loved the feeling of his weight pressing me into the floor, pushing his cum deeper. We stayed like that until our breathing returned to normal.

"That was pretty good," Cal breathlessly admitted.

I grinned. "Like what you see?" I asked as we got up.

Cal's eyes wandered up and down my body, taking in every detail of the lover I had given him. They especially lingered on my stomach. Although we'd never talked about kids, I knew he was great with them. The look in his eyes proved he was happy I'd given him the chance to impregnate Mrs. Lebrun.

"Yes...I think I do." He wordlessly stepped up for another deep kiss. "I love you, Mir," he whispered.

My smile widened.

"I love you too, Cal."


That was far from the last time we made love that weekend. Cal fucked me in the shower, the bathtub, the laundry room, the kitchen, everywhere. Mrs. Lebrun had no idea that she and her employee's boyfriend had made love in nearly every room in her house.

By the time we were done, I was so sore that even my ability to manipulate memories wouldn't be enough to come up with a good excuse for why every muscle in her body ached. I'd just have to make her think she woke up that way with no idea why.

"You ready?" Cal asked me as we got dressed Sunday evening.

"Mm-hmm," I nodded. Once I was dressed, I saw Cal's eyes drift down to my stomach. I knew what he was thinking: even with all my clothes back on, he was picturing the sheer volume of life-giving cum inside me, seeking out my womb. It was only a matter of time before Vanessa Lebrun was pregnant. I could tell he enjoyed imagining what a child he and Mrs. Lebrun made together would look like.

It made me happy and proud that I'd been able to give him such an incredible gift. I could never give him this in my own body, but at least I could still make sure that a part of him would always live on.

Five minutes later, Cal was waiting for me outside. Before I left, I couldn't resist rubbing my stomach a few times. Thanks to me, Cal's baby would soon be inside there. Raising my beloved boyfriend's offspring was the best revenge I could think of for my boss.

With a thought, my particles exited Mrs. Lebrun's body, converging together to form my body once again. I was naked, of course, but my clothes were already waiting. I used the artifact to have her wake up in a few minutes. Since I'd already altered her memory, as soon as I silently slipped out her door, it was all over.

As Cal and I walked, we started discussing what else we wanted to use the artifact for.

"What about Caroline?" he asked.

"Our landlord?" I said.

"Yeah. Everyone knows she charges way too much for the rent. Maybe we could look into it, maybe get some of our money back."

I didn't need much convincing. Using the artifact to make some changes to her personality might do some good in the world. And I certainly wouldn't object to borrowing the French brunette for a while.

Neither did Cal, except for one condition.

"As long as she's okay with having kids," he warned.

I agreed. That was the one moral line we would never cross.

But one way or another, Caroline wasn't going to be the last woman I used my new power on. The only question was whose body would belong to me next.


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