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Sex and Education

This story is based upon an actual incident in my post-graduate education at a major southern university. There were two young women who did share a dorm space but maybe not as I describe it in this story. We all had entered the same teacher-training program. To my certain knowledge neither of them completed the program, but I did. Thus all persons in this story are in their early 20's. And finally, as it used to be said on the TV show Dragnet, the names have been changed to protect the innocent (me and the women).


Mark and Alice and Paula

This story takes place in June 1966. I had just graduated from a major state university in the Midwest. I had wanted to be a teacher but had only taken History of Education and Educational Psychology at my alma mater. So I needed a graduate school education program to qualify. I found the program I needed at a major university in a large southern capital city.

The day after the program began I was approached by a classmate, a woman named Alice Stevens, who asked me to help her and her dorm suite-mate with a light bulb cover that they couldn't open themselves. Alice's suite-mate, Paula Peterson, was also a classmate. I agreed to come to their dorm suite later that afternoon to try to help them.

Now, if you know me, you know that I am not a top physical specimen. In fact I was, and am, physically inept (can you say "klutz?"). What I am, as my mother taught me to be, is a gentleman. So even though I suspected I would not be able to help Alice and Paula, I showed up and gave it my best effort, which was, of course, totally ineffective. I apologized to them and suggested they try one of the other young men in their dorm.

As I turned to leave and walk across the campus to my own dorm, Alice stopped me, pulled my head down (I was about five inches taller than she was) and kissed me. At that point Paula left Alice's room and I asked Alice to sit down and talk with me. I made it clear to her that I was engaged, and would be getting married at the end of August. Alice said that it was only a thank you kiss.

"Alice, I don't wish to offend you. But to me the kiss was unnecessary because I did nothing that could justify it. Please let me leave," I said.

"But Mark," Alice replied, "you came over when you did not have to. I'm just thanking you for trying. I respect you for wanting to be loyal to your fiancee, because no guy has ever treated me that way."

"Oh give me a break, Alice. You are very beautiful, and I have heard that you are an amazing artist. With all that going for you, and as sweet as you are, guys should be falling all over themselves to make you happy. If I wasn't engaged I'd be trying my best to convince you that I'm your man," I said, trying to change the mood.

"Mark, you have just made my day, my week and possibly my year," Alice said. And once again she put her arms around me and kissed me, forcing her tongue into my mouth.

Now my little head started to do the thinking for my big head, and I started kissing Alice back. I shoved the guilty feelings into the back of my mind and gave myself over to the woman in my arms. I would live with guilt for the rest of my life, but this woman knew how to pull me in, and she did.

We had wrapped our arms around each other and held on until we came up for air. I looked at Alice, moved my face up and proceeded to kiss her from her forehead, down her nose to its tip. Then I kissed her eyelids, her cheeks and her chin. Then I blew in her right ear, sucked on her earlobe, and licked and nibbled down the side of her neck until I reached her collarbone. Then I repeated my efforts on her left ear and the left side of her neck.

Now it was Alice's turn. She did not kiss my face as I had done hers. But she blew in my ears, sucked my earlobes, and nibbled her way down my neck. When she reached my collarbones she began to unbutton my shirt and to caress my chest. Finally when my shirt was unbuttoned and pulled out of my trousers she pulled it off and then removed my undershirt.

I reached in back of the sundress that she was wearing and unzipped it down to her waist. Then pulling it off her arms one by one I was pleasantly surprised to find that she was not wearing a bra under the dress. I looked at her beautiful B-cup breasts and then started to caress each one in turn, staying away from her nipples as long as I could.

Alice's areolae and nipples were reddish-brown. The areolae were half-inch circles around the nipples. Already stimulated by my fingers and hands, her nipples stood out about three-quarters of an inch from the areolae. I eagerly stroked those nipples, tugged on then gently, and then sucked each one in my mouth for some serious licking and nibbling.

Alice's breathing was becoming erratic as her body built towards the first orgasm that I was giving her. While my mouth worked on her tits, my hands were stroking her neck, shoulders, arms and upper back. When I licked the sensitive underside of her boobs she moaned, froze up, and relaxed from her orgasm.

Alice had not been idle while I played with her body and gave her an orgasm. She had been massaging my neck, shoulders, arms and chest with her artist's hands. As her orgasm approached she held my head to her tits.

Then she pulled away, after her orgasm was finished. Alice grinned up at me and said, "Thank you for that amazing orgasm. But if you think you are finished, guess again, mister."

With that she unbuckled my belt and unfastened, unzipped and lowered my trousers to the floor, where I kicked them to the side. Now I was standing only in my boxer briefs, while she was staring at the bulge of my totally stiff rod. Alice then smiled up at me again, and then worked my underwear down over my cock, which jutted straight at her mouth.

Alice then pushed her lips over the head of my rampant pole, licking around it for a minute or so. Then she slid the rest of my tool into her willing mouth, licking her way down and sucking her way back up. Then she pulled off of my cock to suck on my balls, putting each one into her mouth for some vigorous licking.

I then pushed myself back into Alice's talented mouth where she proceeded to lick and suck me into my first orgasm. After she had swallowed all the gism that I was feeding her, she then cleaned my package thoroughly. When I could take no more of her ministrations, I pulled her to her feet and pulled her sundress the rest of the way down her gorgeous body. Since she had worn no bra under the sundress, I expected to find that she was not wearing panties either.

However, Alice was wearing panties with a large, fragrant stain in her crotch from her arousal fluids. The aroma hit my nose and I immediately hardened again. I gently pulled her panties down, laid her back down on her bed, and pulled her thighs apart. The sight of her glistening pussy lips still dripping from her orgasm attracted me to her sex like a magnet.

"Mark, please be gentle when you lap my cunt," Alice pleaded. Accordingly I stuck out my tongue and gently stroked her labia majora until they swelled and opened. I then moved my tongue inside her labia minora and breached the entrance to her vagina. I probed that opening as gently as I could, sucking up all the juices that her responses created.

Now I licked up to Alice's clitoris, which was already extended from its hood. Meanwhile I inserted my middle finger into her chamber. Stroking until her walls had loosened enough to accept my ring finger as well, I pushed in and pulled out of her love tunnel until she moaned loudly and spasmed in her second orgasm.

"Okay, Mark, it's time for you to fuck me with that impressive cock," Alice begged. Birth control pills not yet being widely available, I reached for my trousers and pulled out my wallet. "Wait," Alice grinned. "If you are reaching for a condom, I have several in my desk drawer."

So I got up, went to her desk, opened the desk drawer, and started to pull one out. "Bring several," Alice demanded. So I brought a small handful of condoms to her. She took one, opened the package, and rolled it down over my erect cock.

Just I was about to penetrate Alice's pussy, I noticed a now nude Paula approaching us with a tube of spermicidal foam. Alice took it and sprayed her insides with it, saying, "This way if the condom should leak or break, I'll have extra protection against getting pregnant."

As I inserted myself into Alice's cunt and began stroking, Paula said to her, "I watched you two pleasuring each other and decided that I didn't want to be left out of the action. So I want Mark to fuck me when he finishes fucking you."

Alice nodded her consent as I was kissing her mouth while we fucked. I felt the walls of her pussy tighten around me as we both reached for another climax. When we had finished I pulled out of her pussy and Paula shoved me aside to lick Alice clean.

I went into their shared bathroom to dispose of the used condom and clean myself off. Upon returning to Alice's room, I found them engaged in eating each other in a classic sixty-nine, with dark-haired Alice lying upon red-haired Paula's slightly larger body.

As shaving their pussies was not de rigueur as it seems to be today, I noticed that both women had trimmed their pubic hair so that nothing would stick out of their underwear or a swimsuit. If I hadn't noticed Alice's dark bush when I was lapping her cunt earlier, it was only because my field of vision had narrowed to her vagina.

When the ladies had finished each other with a strong orgasm, Alice went to her bathroom to clean up. Paula gestured to me to join her in Alice's bed where we kissed for several minutes. Then she sucked my cock into full rigidity, placed a condom on it, and then sprayed the spermicidal foam into herself. I then moved to get on top of her, but Paula said, "Mark, I want to ride your lovely cock."

So I laid myself on my back on Alice's bed and Paula wrapped her cunt around the tip of my cock, and slowly slid down its length until our pubic bones ground on each other. She then rose up and down on my cock while twisting from side to side. After only five minutes of this intense stimulation I fired my load into the condom inside her. It took another five minutes of fucking before Paula screamed out her orgasm. She slumped onto my chest and we kissed and cuddled.

Paula pulled off of my cock, which was now deflating rapidly. But she sat her dripping pussy on my chest and placed my hands on her C cup tits. She had no visible areolae around her pale pink nipples. She pulled my head to replace one hand on one tit, while I used my hand on the other. She moaned appreciatively, then climbed off of me and went to their bathroom to clean up.

Alice had watched Paula and me as Paula had previously watched Alice and me. Paula came out of the bathroom and I went in to dispose of the condom and clean up once more.

When I returned both women gestured me to sit between them on the bed. Now they got up, knelt down on either side of me, and proceeded to jointly suck my cock. When Alice sucked the cock by her self, Paula was fondling and sucking my balls. Then they switched activities. When they observed my balls tightening up towards the base of my cock, they went back to jointly sucking my cock. I shot my wad down Paula's throat, while Alice cleaned us both up afterwards.

I now staggered to Alice's desk chair where I found my clothes piled nearby. I dressed and walked over to the both of them, pulling them into standing positions where I was able to hug and kiss them goodbye.

As I walked towards the outside door I turned and said, "Ladies, that was some kind of a thank you."

"You are welcome, Mark. Maybe we'll need to thank you again before the summer trimester is finished." And with that I floated out their door and made my way across campus. To this day my first wife was not aware of what happened that June day. And my present wife will never know about it either.


This story is based upon a high school fantasy of mine. Both of the characters are over the age of 18. Their names are pure fiction.



On an early May afternoon I was at home, trying to do my homework. I was in my last year of high school, and I was dreaming of the fall when I would attend State University, located some 200 miles east of the city where I lived.

I was also trying to figure out what to make for dinner. My widowed mother worked as a clerk in the store down the street. She was on the night shift and would be home around 5:00 p.m. for her meal break. She depended upon me to prepare her meal so she could eat and return to work until 10 p.m. when the store closed.

Therefore I was not expecting the knock on the door that came about 4:30 that afternoon. It was a fellow senior from Boulevard High School who also lived in our apartment building. We lived on the second floor; she lived on the third floor. Our apartment door was on the left side of the hall; hers was on the right side as you came up the front stairs. She lived in the rear of the building; we lived in the front.

Kylene Darby stood about 5'7" tall, had curly, sandy brown hair, and a figure that I would drool over later when I became familiar with it. "Gary," she said to me, "I've locked myself out of our apartment. Could I wait here, in your apartment, until my mother comes home from work?"

Admittedly, her smile as she looked up at me (I was 5'10" tall) was totally charming and I invited her in. I left the door open so that she could see her mother coming up the stairs from the front door of the building. Kylene sat on our phone bench at the back wall of our living room, across from the door on her left. On her right was the entrance to our kitchen. The bench faced the front window of our apartment, which looked out on Busy Creek Road.

After Kylene sat on the bench I walked toward the front window to see if I could see her mother coming. As I turned around Kylene smiled at me. It was then that I noticed that the front of her skirt was pulled up and that she was not wearing any sort of undergarment to cover the junction of her legs and her torso. Her pubic hair was as curly as the hair on her head, and of the same sandy brown color.

I did not know how to react except to turn away to hide my embarrassment. When I turned back to face her, her skirt once again covered her properly. Neither of us said anything. Two minutes later her mother came by, saw Kylene in our apartment, and said: "Locked yourself out, have you? Well, come on, let's leave Gary to do what he has to."

With that, Kylene arose, thanked me, and followed her mother upstairs to their apartment. My mother came home for dinner and did not notice my agitated state. That night I got very little sleep, because I kept visualizing Kylene's nakedness in my mind.


The next afternoon, I went to her apartment and knocked on her door. When she opened the door and saw me standing there she jumped into my arms, kissed me, and pulled me into her place, closing the door so that no one could see us. "What took you so long?" she asked me. "I expected you to come and check on me last night. Well, you're here now, so let's talk."

"Okay," I replied, taking a seat next to her on her sofa. "Tell me what yesterday was all about," I implored her as I wrapped my arms around her and shared short, sweet kisses with her.

"It's very simple, really," Kylene replied. "We are just a few weeks from graduating, and I am still a virgin, but I don't want to be one when I get to college in the fall. I was hoping that you could be enticed into helping me out. That's why I flashed you, Gary."

"Well," I admitted, "I have no more experience than having kissed a girl; correction, a young woman before. Wouldn't that be like the blind leading the blind?" I smiled at her and kissed her for even longer than at her door. Kylene did not stop me, so I put my right hand on her left breast and squeezed it. This was more instinctual than deliberate, but she did not mind.

"Gary, just like your hand found my breast, I am certain we can figure a lot of this out together. And I want to do this. And what we don't know we can ask our friends about," she declared. "Surely," she continued, "we can find someone who can tell us things. Or we might even find some things out at the library. The only part that concerns me is when, where, and how to actually fuck each other for the first time."

"For me, Kylene," I answered, "it means that I have to find out how to acquire rubbers so that I don't get you pregnant when we do fuck. But before we get to that step let's figure something out. For instance, if we meet each day after school we could have as little as one hour to as much as two hours to do stuff, depending upon my mother's work schedule. And we could only count on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays."

"Why is that?" she asked.

"My mother's days off are Sunday and Monday," I explained. "And the Jewish Sabbath begins at sundown on Friday and lasts until sundown on Saturday. But regardless of that, I go to services that begin at 8:00 p.m. on Friday. And I have to take a bus to get there and back. That means that I don't have a lot of time on Friday to get ready.

"When my mom is on the late shift on Saturday, we might be able to do something together for about three hours, which we could pass off as a date. But again, there would be issues of timing and transportation. And what about your mother's schedule?" As unused to talking to a female as I was, this was quite verbose for me.

"Well, let's just play it by ear. You knocked on my door, and the next time I'll knock on yours. We'll just take advantage of whatever time we can," Kylene said. And we spent the rest of our time that day holding, touching and kissing. When she noticed my aroused cock tenting my trousers, she stroked it briefly. Her touch was so erotic that I later took to padding my underwear with paper towels to prevent stains if she made me come in my underwear.


The next time we got together, when Kylene knocked on my door, I pulled her in quickly and kissed her face and her neck, and blew into her ears as I sucked her earlobes. Whatever I did to her, she delighted in doing to me as well. And it did not take us long to figure out about swapping tongues as we kissed.

After about a half of an hour devoted to this Kylene pulled back and allowed us both to catch our breath. Then she asked, "Gary, can I see your naked body? I have no problem with showing you mine, but I want to look, touch and taste your body first."

I stood up and undressed as quickly as I could. Kylene was pleased at my cooperation with her request. And when I dropped my boxers, and she saw my seven-inch, fully erect cock, she was almost shocked. "Gary, are you actually going to put that monster cock in my cunt?" she asked, somewhat hesitantly.

"As soon as we figure out how, when and where to do the deed; and I will try my best not to hurt you with it," I told her. She relaxed enough to look me all over, kissing and licking me as I lay on the floor. She especially enjoyed liking and sucking my love spear. When my reaction reached its explosive end, I came all over my chest and stomach.

Seeing my gism pooled on my somewhat hairy chest was a turn on for her, and she licked it off my body without a moment's pause to consider what she was doing. And what she licked off she swallowed! I couldn't thank her enough for that. I left her briefly to wash off my body, then returned to her and got dressed. Kylene then was true to her word and touched, kissed and licked me all over. We then kissed and talked until the time was up.


The next day was supposed to be my turn, but Kylene met me at the front door to our building and told me that her period had begun, so I could not come to her apartment. Instead we took a walk around the neighborhood. As we walked we talked about yesterday's events.

"Gary, I had no idea that a guy's orgasm could be that messy," she said. Then she asked, "Is there always that much cum?"

"I never stopped to compare one to the next," I answered her query directly.

Kylene then admitted to me that she had had a small orgasm of her own in reaction to mine, and in reaction to cleaning me up with her mouth as well.

So I asked her if she had had other orgasms, and if her reactions differed. She did say that there were differences to each orgasm. "But, Gary, it can be as explosive as yours was yesterday. I hope, when my period is over and we can get together again, that you will give me an explosive orgasm as well."

Then she said something that I would not appreciate until later in our relationship. She told me, "Gary, when a woman cums, it doesn't shoot like yours does. It just flows, like volcanic lava. And you will find that the odor is stronger than with a man. And you may not like that odor. And if you should taste my cum, you may not like the taste like I liked the taste of your cum."

That I had not expected. But I said, "Perhaps that is so, Kylene, but I won't know until I try it, and I look forward to doing so." The smile she gave me then, as well as the kiss, told me everything would work out.

Four days later I knocked on her door and was invited in. Our kissing session was at least as good as it had been when she came to my apartment. And after a similar amount of time, Kylene stood up and said; "Now I am going to show you my naked body." And she slowly removed her outer clothing.

When she was only wearing her bra and panties she had me sit on her sofa, then she sat on my lap. We kissed as she leaned into me and said, "Reach around to my back and find the spot where my bra is fastened. Then press the outer ends of the fastener towards each other and my bra should open. Then pull the bra off me slowly, so you can watch as my tits become naked for you."

I did as she had instructed and managed opening the bra with minimal difficulty. As I pulled the bra off her tits I was able to appreciate their modest size, excellent firmness and the size and color of her areolae and nipples, which were a bright red. "Wow," I said to her, "Kylene, your tits are beautiful."

Her reaction was a full, bright smile. Then she told me to touch, taste, lick and suck them until she made me stop. I licked each breast in circles from the base, against her chest, until I reached the outline of her areolae. I did this on both breasts, caressing the tit that I did not have my mouth on with my hand in similar circles.

Whenever I touched the underside of her breasts, Kylene's breathing became erratic. And sucking and caressing her nipples caused her to moan, sometimes very loudly. Then her body stiffened, she moaned very loudly, and I began to notice the strong odor of her arousal as she slowly relaxed and regained even breathing.

"Gary, you are a wonderful lover," Kylene told me between kisses as I held her tightly in my arms. Then she informed me that, when I sucked or played with her nipples, it felt like jolts of electricity went from her tits to her cunt, causing her to have her explosive orgasm.

"Just feel how damp my panties are." As she said this she took one of my hands and placed it on her panties over her cunt. She was indeed damp.

"I'm going to take them off and then go soak them in the bathroom sink," she told me as she stood up off my lap and pulled them off. Now totally naked, I could see she was more beautiful than I had imagined. Her pubic hair was damp with her fluids, and while she was in the bathroom, she also took time to clean herself up a little.

Then, still naked, she returned to me where she pointed out a large wet spot on my trousers. "Did I get you that wet when I came?" she asked. I replied that some of it was she; but some of it was I coming in my own underwear when she had her orgasm.

Kylene suggested that I remove my trousers and my underwear until I had to leave. As I was doing so she laid herself on the carpet on her back. She beckoned me to join her so I could look, touch, lick, and suck her feet, legs, thighs, cunt and abdomen. These explorations kept her pussy damp and she eventually had an orgasm by my direct touch. Then our time together was over so I dressed and returned home to change clothes and clean up and prepare Mom's dinner.

I also soaked my trousers in the bathroom sink with a little bit of soap so that Mom would not notice the odor of Kylene's arousal on them.


Over the next few sessions together Kylene learned more about how my body worked. She also learned to recognize when I was about to shoot my cum. Sometimes she swallowed it, other times she let it land on one or both of our bodies, whereupon she would lick me clean, and/or I would lick her clean.

The same was true when I explored her body more. I found numerous places where my touch would cause her body to react with an outpouring of fluids. After this would happen I would lick up and swallow her arousal as much as I could. Eventually I was able to lick inside her vagina, sucking her fluids directly from the source. This gave Kylene numerous orgasms.

By the time we had graduated we were always pleasuring each other with our hands and our mouths until it became second nature for us to make each other come.

One day, Kylene knocked on my door, as usual, but after kissing each other for a while, she asked me: "Gary Rothberg, have you managed yet to learn how to fuck my cunt? Do you know how to not hurt me when you do? What about taking my virginity? We really need to talk about this, and make some plans."

"Miss Kylene Darby," I replied, "let us go for a long walk and we can discuss such matters as we go." With that I took her hand and led her from our apartment building to nowhere in particular, just answering her questions as we walked. We would occasionally stop to kiss, but we strolled on.

I had started to call her "Honey," just as she started calling me "Lover." So I started answering her this way: "Honey, what I think should happen is that we should make each other come with our hands and mouths first. Then, we can just take our time getting ready for the act itself."

She replied, "Lover, that much sounds good. But tell me more about the fucking."

"Honey," I answered, "I think that it will go like this. I will bring you close to an orgasm when I insert the head of my cock inside your pussy. I will pause to let you adjust to my size, then slowly push in further and pull back. By the time my cock touches your hymen you should be having your orgasm. And when I break your hymen you should not feel much, if any, pain. Once I am fully inside you and you have adjusted to the size of my love pole, I will then start fucking you for real. When I come, since I will be wearing a rubber, there won't be any gism inside you that might cause you to become pregnant.

"When you come, however, some of your fluids will get on my body and yours, and some will leak onto whatever surface we are upon at the time. If we put a bunch of cheap towels beneath us, they may absorb the leakage. Then we can throw the towels away or we can wash them and reuse them whenever we fuck afterwards."

"You really have thought of almost everything, Lover," Kylene responded. "But when and where?" she asked.

"Honey, this may sound weird, but I think next Saturday night after my mother has had her dinner and gone back to work. We should do it in our bathtub with me laying on my back and you placing my cock at the entrance to your pussy. Then, as you start to sit down on it I can use my hands to slow your descent, stop it, and then push you back up. Finally, when your hymen breaks you can just continue down my cock and back up under your own control and with my help.

"Kylene, once I am fully inside you we can pause until your cunt muscles relax, and then we can really begin fucking each other. And, being in the tub should eliminate cleaning up issues, especially if you bleed when your hymen tears."

"Gary, my ever thoughtful Lover, your plan sounds just right; weird, but right. Just make certain that we have a clock that we can watch so that I can dress and be gone before your mother comes home," she said with love in her eyes.

Then we talked some more as we finished up our walk and I escorted her to her apartment door where we kissed for a few minutes before she went inside.


By the time Saturday arrived I had obtained a box of condoms with help from an older cousin who had a car. Mom came home by 5:30 pm, ate the dinner I had made, and then went back to work. By 6:30 pm I had cleaned up the dinner dishes and proceeded to shave, brush my teeth, comb my hair, and otherwise made myself presentable.

Kylene knocked on my door promptly at 7:00 pm. I quickly pulled her inside and closed and locked my door. We stripped each other and pleasured each other as before. I came in Kylene's mouth. She came in mine as I started to eat her pussy. When I inserted my fingers in her love canal, she came again.

Forty-five minutes later we both thought that it was time to go to the bathroom. Kylene had to pee, so I left her sitting on the commode while I got my alarm clock and box of condoms from my bedroom. I started the water running in the bathtub so that we could lie in warm water after we finished fucking the first time.

I asked her, "Honey, do you want to put the condom on me, or shall I do it myself?"

"Show me what to do this time, Lover, and I'll do it the next time," she replied.

Since I was not fully erect, I had her suck my cock until I was. I then took a foil wrapped condom out of the box, opened the wrapper, eased it down over my love stick, then got in the tub on my back. My penis lay on my stomach, fully engorged.

Kylene then stepped into the tub and bent at the knees so she could bring her cunt within reach of my latex-covered cock. As she lowered herself I reached up with my left arm to brace her, while my right hand massaged her sweet pussy until her juices were starting to drip. As her breathing started to become erratic, I told her to make sure that the head of my cock was between her labia.

Once she was certain that I was properly located she dropped herself until the head of my cock was inside her vaginal opening. She moaned a little as her cunt began to accommodate itself to its invader. I held her in position with both hands on her waist. I lifted my head and shoulders so that I could kiss her until she nodded to me that she was ready for more.

I helped her drop another inch, well lubricated by her juices, which I could feel even through the latex sheath surrounding my cock. She moaned; I moaned, and she laid her upper body on my chest. I could not believe how hot her channel felt on my pole, even though I was familiar with that heat on my fingers and tongue.

We kissed again as she slid backwards until the tip of my penis bumped into her barrier. Once more we rested as her walls stretched for the first time around my love rocket.

Then she nodded again at me, letting me know that she was ready to lose her virginity. I helped her sit upright as I supported her bottom so that her hymen remained unbroken. Then, muscles straining, I used my arms to push her back toward the tip of my engorged cock, and then I dropped her, letting her weight provide the final push through her barrier. As we were kissing at the time, I swallowed her scream as she sank all the way down to my hips.

"Oh, Gary, I am so full of you that I can't believe it," Kylene exclaimed as she broke our kiss. Then she wrapped her arms around my neck and resumed kissing me.

"Honey, do you want to rest with me inside you or are you ready to fuck?" I asked her.

"Lover, I could not be more ready to fuck," she answered. And with that she placed her feet on the bottom of the bathtub next to my hips and pushed back up my pole and then lowered herself. As she did this again and again she increased her tempo, as we both moaned our pleasure.

"Honey, can you go any faster?" I asked another question. She shook her head no, and so I pulled her back down so that she was lying on my chest once more. Then, with much straining I managed to roll us over until she was on her back and I was lying on her chest.

I paused a moment to lift myself by my arms so that I could lean my head down and suck on each of her nipples, briefly, which caused Kylene to shudder in another climax. Once she had relaxed I began to stroke in and out of her pussy with ever-increasing speed until she came again, gripping my love rocket tightly with the walls of her cunt.

That was just the stimulus I needed; I exploded into my condom inside her. I then carefully rolled off her to increase the speed of the water filling the tub. When she was mostly covered in water I turned off the faucet and just lay there together with her.

My cock shrank and fell out of her, so I reached down and removed the condom. Tying off the end of it so my sperm would not leak out, I dropped it into the wastebasket.

We smiled broadly at each other, exchanging many short kisses. Then I noticed that it was 9:15 pm, and we had to clean our bodies off, dry ourselves, and dress so that Kylene could return home. And I could have time to hide the evidence of what we had done.


I knocked on Kylene's door the next time we could be together, and she was somewhat reserved as she let me in.

"Gary that was an awesome experience, for which I thank you. But I think we should only meet once a week until you go away to State U. However, I will want you to fuck me twice more; once here in my bed, and then in your bed. Time is passing us by, and we should prepare for a future without each other," she said.

I wanted to argue for more time together, but I knew that she was correct. I then put my arms around her and kissed her, not with a lover's passion but with a feeling that we would never forget each other.

"Kylene, I hope that your experience losing your virginity to me was as wonderful as mine was losing my virginity to you. You are a very special woman," I told her. And with a brief kiss I left.

The next day she phoned me to say that she hoped I would knock on her door tomorrow so we could fuck in her bed. It wasn't full out lovemaking; it was just a fuck so we could get it over with.

The next week when Kylene knocked on my door I pulled her into my arms. As I kissed her and undressed her I said, "If this is to be our last time together, I want to make love to you so that we can end on a joyful memory."

"That would please me very much, Gary," she responded. She kissed me more enthusiastically as she undressed me. As soon as my cock was uncovered she began to give me a blowjob that really made me feel as though we were still lovers. And as I ate her pussy through three climaxes and with due consideration for what was to come, I lead her to my bed.

"If this is to be our last fuck together, then tell me how you want to do it. There are other positions beside the two we did in the bathtub, if you want to try something new. Or we can repeat what we did, without the benefit of the tub," I suggested.

"Can we try doggie-style?" Kylene asked.

"Your wish is my command," I replied as I placed her on her hands and knees in the center of my bed. I then took my place behind her and slowly pushed my cock into her tunnel of love. I went slowly because she still had some difficulty accommodating my size. But her copious juices made it easier for my condom-covered cock to slide right into Kylene's vagina until I reached the entrance to her cervix.

I then reached around with my left hand to cup her left tit, while I used my right hand around her hips to establish a slow pace in and out of her.

"Oh, Gary, that feels so good when you go slow like that. But don't forget to pound into me when you are about to come, so that it feels like it did the first time," she begged.

We fucked like this for about five minutes, when she suddenly pulled off of me and said, "Gary, I want you to fuck me missionary style until you are about to come. Then I want you to pull out of me, remove the condom, and spray your cum on my tits."

This seemed unusual to me, but I did as Kylene asked. We fucked for another five minutes or so and she had two orgasms. With the second I could feel cum boiling up from my balls, so I pulled out and came on her tits, exactly as she had requested.

"Now, lick your cum off my tits," she ordered. I did, as she demanded. Then she proceeded to suck all the leftover cum out of my cock.

Next Kylene asked me if I thought I could pull out in time if we tried fucking without a condom. When I said I couldn't promise, she said that she wanted to try it anyway. So I slid into her cunt once more, aided by her juices and my cock loved it.

"Wow, Gary, that feels so much better," she told me as I pulled out of her vagina as slowly as I had pushed in. We continued our leisurely pace, yet the sensations we felt were more intense as we built towards our orgasm.

Once again I felt my balls preparing to discharge semen inside her and pulled out to come on her abdomen and chest once more. After we were sated we went to the bathroom to clean up.

But as we finished I said, "Kylene, I bet when we can fuck our spouses without caring if we get pregnant or not it will feel so much better. But I thank you for asking to try it."

Now dressed again, we kissed and held each other. "Gary, thank you for what you have given me. I am glad that I chose you to take my virginity. You have been wonderful," she said as she left. I told her that I was equally grateful to her. And so we parted, never to see each other again.


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