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My Wife's First Time - 3: I got a Part Time Job

My name is Jan. I'm 48 years old and I work as an office manager for a large corporation in downtown Hartford.

I do very well for myself as does my husband and we have no children; Accept for our mortgage, we are debt free. We both have advanced degrees in our fields.

When I was in college I was a cheerleader, and I enjoyed the attention of a gym full of men watching me do our routines. I was not one of the small skinny girls, I have a larger frame and I am almost six feet tall. But boy was I gifted with a pretty face and a well-proportioned body. (My husband refers to me as smoking hot.) I had and still have 38 D breast, not to brag but they have never sagged. But they have just a slight little jiggle in them, 'you know the set of tits that a man has a hard time looking me in the eye while talking to me. It probably doesn't help that I flaunt them by wearing low-cut blouses. I also have long full silky chestnut brown hair that flows down to the middle of my back and it bounces back and forth as I walk. I have a smaller waist and; legs that go on forever and they are toned from wearing high heels most of the time. The only time I don't wear heels is when I run.

Men still stop and look when I pass them (Why Wouldn't they). If I am aware I shake my ass a little bit extra to give them a show. At my age, I can still do a split and I do yoga at least three times a week to keep a supple body. I love wearing lingerie under my business suits and for that matter under my slacks and jeans. That was my only vice in life until I lived out one of my husband's fantasies. I guess I am now what you would call a hot wife and I love pleasing other well-endowed men in front of my better half for both our enjoyment.

As part of my job, I have to take 5 deserving employees each month out for a nice dinner at an upscale hotel in downtown Hartford.

Afterward, once they have left, I go to the lounge and wind down with a drink or two. Tonight was supposed to be the first time my husband would come to watch me try to pick up men and have them dance with me. With hopes, that they would feel me up in the dark corner of the lounge. Then maybe if I got lucky I would have them come home to fuck me if they were OK with my husband being there and filming us.

But he had an emergency and had to leave on very short notice to fly down to Houston for a week. He had left in a big hurry on a mid-morning flight, and would not be back until the following weekend. It seems the vice president had died of a heart attack and the owner wanted the whole sales force in town to decide who should replace him. So I went to the lounge for a few drinks instead of going home to an empty house and bed.

I had a few drinks and was starting to get approached by all kinds of lounge lizards. Then my favorite slow song was played, so I excepted an offer to dance with a thirty-something guy with long blond hair, he was taller than me, something I don't find very often with me being almost six feet tall. He looked like a well-dressed surfer dude. While dancing I could feel that he was well built as he held me close. We stayed out when the next song started it was also a slow song, but a very long one. I could feel that he was happy to be dancing with me so close, his package was growing and he ground it into me.

He bent down and whispered in my ear, "You are a very good dancer and are also a good-looking woman, and you would make any man proud to have you as his partner." I thought to myself 'He might have a chance. I like being complimented.'

His left hand slipped around me and was rubbing my ass, it felt nice. But then he brought his right hand up and cupped my left tit. His mistake was going for the breast so quickly. I said, "Please move your hand off of my breast I'm not quite ready for that right at this moment."

The song ended and I went back to the bar but he did not follow me. I grabbed my drink and found an empty table in the corner on the other side of the bar so I could relax. I called Frank on his cell and I could hear another voice as he answered his phone.

I asked, "Who's voice was that I heard dear?"

"Well, it is the saleswoman from the DC area. Her name is Jane," there was a pause then he continued.

"Look Jan I never got a chance to see what ground rules we were going to set for us when we go out of town now that you have broken out of your shell."

"I see Frank, I guess I'm supposed to stay at home and be celibate while you fuck some sales slut while you're gone for over 10 days," I said in jest with a chuckle.

I could hear the door to the room close and the sound from the TV was gone. There was an echo he must have gone into the hallway.

"Jan it's not like that. I have known her for years and she is married also. There has always been this little something between us, you know?"

"No Frank, I don't know, tell me" I wanted to make him squirm a little.

OK, we have always flirted, but we never did anything because of our marriages. Tonight she told me she was now in an open marriage when we were at dinner. I wanted to ask you if we taped or streamed it on the computer, and if it might be OK with you." A pause to see what I was thinking.

"If you are OK with it, if so, maybe I can do something with her?"

I asked, "So Frank do I have your permission to pick up guys while you're gone?"

"Sure you always do sweetheart. If you do I just finished wiring our bedroom and master bath with a state-of-the-art hidden camera system, the switch to turn them on is on the back wall behind the lamp on your side of the bed."

"So how open is she," I asked.

"I don't know what you mean Jan?"

"Is she OK with you putting this online?"

"Yes, she thought it would be fun."

"Ask her if she would take off her blouse so you can take a picture of her to send to me for my approval. I don't want my husband fucking some fat fucking pig. I know when it comes to sex you think with your little head." I said laughing.

I heard the door open and his footsteps. Then he asked, "Jane my wife wants to know if I can take a picture of you topless so she can decide if I have her approval to do this or not?"

Her voice came back "Why just topless how about a full-body nude? But only if I can get the same from you to send to my husband."

I heard heavy footsteps and; then what sounded like the drapes being opened then the clicking of the camera on Frank's phone. The first picture arrived it was texted to me and a number in the DC area. She had just removed her tank top. You could see her in a blue lace bra and her jeans with a view of Houston in the background.

Snap this one with a very nice set of tits which I would have thought were 32 B boarding on C tits.

Snap, Jeans around her thighs showing her nice ass and matching blue lace panties.

Snap, her stepping out of her jeans.

Snap, a pair of panties on the camera.

Snap, a naked woman with her leg's spread with one of her hands on her hip the other spreading her shaved pussy lips wide open.

Then I heard "Your turn stud muffin."

A picture popped up from the other number. It was what looked like a 6-inch hard dick, shaved all the way around.

A text message came up from Frank's phone. "Is that you giving me permission to fuck him, Jim?"

Another text said, "Yes Jane."

"But you haven't seen what he looks like yet."

Snap, a picture of Frank with no shirt.

Snap, and picture of Frank in his boxer brief.

Snap, a picture of Frank holding on to his 7-1/2 inch cock that was hard already.

A text came to both numbers "Jan can I fuck your husband as if he was mine this week?"

"Yes, you had me at the blue bra send us your link so we can watch you two." I typed

"We can watch, who's we?" Jane typed.

"I assume you're going to send it to your husband also. Right?"

"Fuck No, he just gets to dream about it. I won't even let him jerk off while he's waiting for me to get home. Jim time to put on your cage, be a nice chuk and send us all a picture of you all locked up waiting for me to come home." She said as she was shaking a pink key on her necklace.

A text came with a picture of Jim's cock in a little pink cage with frilly bows along with a lock on it.

A URL # popped up in a text addressed only to me.

I texted Frank back "I love you, buddy have fun."


I thought to myself what a dominant fucking bitch. At first, I was afraid of what might happen to him. Then I thought Frank is a strong-minded man and will end up being the dominant person in that week-long fling if it lasts that long.

My next step was to send the URL# to Jim.

My text said, 'I thought you should have this.'

One of the waitresses brought me a drink I did not order. Then she said "Miss Evette over there sent this over for you and asked if she might have a little bit of your time."

She came over and introduced herself and sat down. She asked, "Jan am I right?"

"Yes, you are correct?"

"I've seen you around in the past after your dinners you take your employees out for."

"Yes, about once a month."

"I have also seen you in the back seat of your car with a guy you picked up here would you mind telling me what agency you work for or, if you are an independent?"

"I can do much better for you than the back seat of your car."

"EXCUSE ME!" I said with a very pissed-off attitude.

"Oh, I'm sorry I may have gotten this all wrong. So you are not a working girl? I thought with all the texting you do you were contacting your agency?"

"If you are asking me if I'm a prostitute, No I am not. I did it that one time just for the sex. Why do you think I trying to move in on your turf?"

"In my line of work we don't call our girl prostitutes, we refer to them escorts or call girls and we get paid a hell of a lot more for our time than prostitutes do. But if it is just sex you are looking for I can get you paid very handsomely for it. I'm very sorry for the misunderstanding and to have bothered you."

She went back to her seat at the end of the bar. Every once in a while very well-dressed businessman would come in, they would talk and she would show him pictures on her tablet. Then she would make a call a few minutes later a good-looking well-dressed woman in a cocktail dress would come and leave with the man to the elevators that took you up to the rooms.

About an hour or sometimes two the man would return, he would very discreetly slip her a credit card and she would go off to the ladies' room, one time I followed her, in the ladies room she had the credit card and was tapping numbers into her tablet then wait for a minute and cut and paste a number on to another part of her tablet and go back and just as discreetly she would slip the card back in his pocket. There were one or two times that her clients would point over towards me. She would shake her head no.

At one point one of the guys that had gestured towards me came over and sat down while she was in the ladies' room. There was a slow song playing and he held out his hand and asked me to dance.

"Miss can I have this dance." he was so formal. I took his hand and we went out on the floor.

He held me real close and said, "I was upset to hear you did not work for Evette because you are such a beautiful and mature woman. I would have taken you for the entire evening. I even offered her double the regular going rate. By any chance do you work for another agency I could call?"

He was extremely handsome and had a tailored suit that fit his body very nicely.

I asked, "Do you work out a lot? You look and feel to be in very good shape?"

"Yes at least an hour or two a day, thank you for noticing," he said.

He asked, "How do you keep your body in such great shape? Are you a model? You could be on a magazine as a cover girl."

I could feel his cock growing in his pants and it was one of the biggest I had ever encountered in my short time dancing with men in here.

"So I have a question for you. Does dancing with me make you excited?" I asked.

"Sorry I guess you noticed. Yes being around beautiful women like yourself does that to me. Do you want to stop dancing?" he asked.

"Oh No, I enjoy it when a man gets aroused because of my body. It tells me all my workouts and my time on the yoga mat along with my running has paid off."

The song was about to end he excused himself and went over to the band and took out a hundred-dollar bill and told them to keep playing slow songs and they did.

When he came back he placed his hands on my ass and pulled me close and ground his meat into me. I pushed and ground back with just as much passion and nuzzled his neck and said "If you don't mind me asking, what is Evette's going rate for a night with a woman like me?"

"Because you would be a top-shelf girl she would charge $5,000 for you and $750 for her fee."

"So you are willing to pay $11,500 to sleep with me for one night?"

"No, it would have been $11,250. $10,000 for you 10 percent for her, and $250 for the room so it would not appear in my name."

I reached down and ran my hand over his cock and asked; "I suppose you know how to use this weapon?"

"YES oh yes I do."

I asked, "So tell me why is it that a good-looking man like you does not have a ton of girlfriends falling at his feet so that you can pick one to go home and have sex with?"

"It's the no strings attached thing when I get tired of one of her girls or girls from another agency I move on. I am sure they are drug and disease free. There is no pressure to get married, or them wanting gifts all the time, or me having to stay at home because of nature taking its course every month."

"I see, well then would you be willing to spend a night with me in my bed at my home, I hate hotel rooms?"

"YES most definitely."

"Would you be willing to pay three times Evette's going rate?"

"Without even having to think about it. Yes, I would. Money means nothing to me. Especially for a night with a beautiful, sexy, and mature woman like yourself."

"OK then go tell Evette to come over and see me."

He left and talked to Evette and she came over and sat down at my table.

She started to speak but I put up my hand to stop her. I needed to control our conversation. I said "I have figured out what you do, and I have a pretty good idea of what you charge your clients and what you pay out to your girls. I'm interested but only in overnights with good-looking clients that are buff like our friend over there. The time must be spent at my house. I hate the impersonal feeling I get at a hotel. I have a very nice house in West Hartford on the Boulevard but you would not get the room rate you charge your client for the room; I will get it. That's my deal Take it or leave it."

"How would I get you your gratuity? She asked.

"I'll give you an account number to transfer it to. Also, I will always have to pick up my clients somewhere. I don't want all kinds of different cars parked in my driveway overnight." I told her.

She said "This was easier than I thought it would be. I don't need us getting busted you need to read this to every first-time customer. Having them read it is not good enough."

She handed me her business card on the back was printed "Any compensation that I receive is for our time spent together only and anything that may or may not happen is between two consenting adults of legal age and is not contracted for in any way!"

"OK then e-mail me your account number you should get a deposit within an hour of you calling the agency letting us know that your client has left."

She started to walk away then came back and said, "I see you have A wedding ring and a diamond on will your husband be a problem?"

"No he is not in town right now and when he is, he will be hiding away and be as quiet as a church mouse during any future services. Oh, one last thing I'll only be taking one client on Friday or Saturday nights I have a full-time job and this will only be part-time. After I get my mortgage paid off I'll consider if I want to continue or not. If he's willing to come to my house I'll be waiting on the third floor of the parking garage. I'll give him 10 minutes to make up his mind."

I handed her my business card and wrote my cell phone number on the back. Then said, "I'll let you know if this works out, if it does you can call me."

She went over to talk to the guy and I grabbed my purse, paid my tab, and walked to the elevators, then pushed the down button. Just as the door was about to close my client walked in. He stood next to me and put his arm around my waist. When the door closed it dropped down to my ass and squeezed it until the door opened on our floor. We walked to my car in silence and I went to the passenger side and opened the door for him. I scanned the garage area to make sure we were alone, Then I french kissed him and grabbed his cock and stroked it, he was hard already. Then I unbuckled his belt and dropped his pants and had him set inside the car and closed the door. I walked around opened my door and got in. My car had a fold-up center console so I put it up and I bent over and sucked him deep down my throat and gave him a world-class blow job that lasted for over fifteen minutes. I swallowed every single drop then licked him clean and helped him pull up his pants.

After we were done I told him "You see I even swallow. Now you will last longer when we get to my place."

It only took fifteen minutes to get to my place. I open the garage door with the remote and parked the car inside. We stopped by the kitchen and I asked, "Wine or a snack before we start."

"No! The only snack I want is between your legs."

"So you like licking pussy, I'm going to enjoy you," I told him.

I took him to the bedroom and turned on a bedside lamp and flipped the switch to Frank's new recording system. A small blue LED light turned on, and I smiled at that. Then I went over and got Frank's suit hanger stand and rolled it over to my client.

He said, "I know your name is Jan don't you want to know mine?"

"No that would make it too personal I'll just call you Dick. If you don't mind." I said as I rubbed his cock. Then I removed his jacket and hung it on the suit hanger.

I noticed that a red LED light next to the blue one had come on. I wondered to myself what it was for.

I had him sit on a reading chair and I took off his shoes and socks and then placed them in the spot on the suit rack for them. Then I took his tie off and unbuttoned his shirt and ran my hands over his hairy, muscular chest then removed it, placing it on the suit rack as well, I didn't want anything to get wrinkled. I had him stand to unbuckle his belt and removed his pants folded them and put them on the hanger. The only thing left was his silk dark blue boxer brief so I bent down and removed them, he was hard again already and it popped up and brushed my face.

My phone vibrated I excused myself saying, "I'm very sorry but I did not turn my phone off and I should have, this is your time, I'll be right back." I opened the phone and saw it was a text from Frank that said, "I see you hooked one, enjoy your night I'll be watching you and jerking off. Just so you know I sent Jane packing she's not my kind of woman, much too dominant for me!"

I chuckled because I knew it would not have worked out myself.

I turned my phone off and said, "Again I apologized that won't happen again."

"Now would you like to unwrap your prize or would you like me to do it for you?"

He was still setting in the chair by the bed and motioned for me to come over. He slowly slipped his hands up my skirt and rested them on my ass then said, "You can do it for me."

"Oh by the way I just love a woman that knows how to dress under her dress," he said as he played with the straps on my garter belt.

I pulled my skirt up to my waist to reveal my matching black silk garter belt, tied bikini panties, with silk stocking, and asked, "Like This?"

He gasped as he said, "Oh; Yes just like that."

I undid the button on my skirt and then zipped it down slowly. The skirt fell off my hips and around his hands. He moved his hands down my legs slowly as he lowered the skirt to the floor. He never let his eyes move up to look at my face he just stared at the damp spot on my panties. They were semi-transparent and he could see my freshly shaved and wet vagina. I stepped out of the skirt and kicked it aside. Then I pushed my pantie-covered slit into his face.

He took a deep breath to inhale my womanly aroma and said, "Oh My God you are worth every penny I am paying for, you are so much better than those young girls from the agency." He said.

I turned my back to him and bent over and pulled the strings on my panties letting the strings fall dangling on each side. Then I let him pull the panties off. He sniff them and tossed them aside and buried his face in me licking down from my puckered ass hole to my pussy. He grabbed my legs and pulled me back as he unleashed his tongue on me. As he did, I unbuttoned my blouse and let it fall and float to the floor. Then I unhooked the bra and let it fall into the pile of my unwanted clothes. A shiver passed through my body as I thought to myself 'I am so turned on right now. I'm getting paid to have sex, and I'm enjoying the hell out of it.'

I stood back up and asked, "Do you want me to take off the garter belt and nylons or leave them on?" I asked as I was pinching and rolling my nipples. My tits just wiggled as I did this.

"If you don't mind please leave them on if they get them stained I'll buy you a new set. They are real silk aren't they?" He asked

"Yes, I prefer the feel of silk over the ones made of poly material as you get at regular stores. They are more expensive but they feel so sensual on my skin."

"OK, Dick this is your night how would you like me to start?"

He stood up then went to lay on the bed, and spun around so his head was hanging over the side a little bit. Then he said, "Jan come here." He had me turn around so he was looking up my backside. He moved my legs apart and pulled me down so that my pussy was over his mouth. I got the picture and squatted so he could lick my love passageway. Once he made contact with his tongue I leaned forward and rocked back and forth to give him full access to my now dripping love canal. I thought to myself 'I have to have Frank do this to me it's kind of nasty.'

He licked me to a nice orgasm and shimmed back on the bed. Then I asked if he could get up so I could turn down the bedspread. Much to my surprise, I found that Frank had made the bed after I had left for work with red satin sheets. Then I pulled the top sheet down and found fresh white rose peddles between the sheets and I said out loud "Thank you, Frank." I noticed the red led light blinked a couple of times as if to say you're welcome.

Dick asked, "Who's Frank?"

"My thoughtful husband, he put satin sheets on the bed before he left just in case I got lucky tonight!"

"OH Are you in an open marriage?"

"I sure am, Yes very open, I hope that is OK with you?"

"Do you have a camera so we can tape us, tonight for him?"

"No, he likes me to tell him all about my dates."

"Now get on the bed. What I would like to do is suck your dick again so that when we have sex after you recover you will be able to last a long, long, time. I just love being fucked on satin sheets covered in rose peddles. Is that OK with you.?"

He laid down on the bed in the white rose peddles and opened his leg. I keeled down between them. I was playing with my tits and rolling my nipples.

"Dick your not too much of a breast man are you? You haven't paid any attention to them."

"Oh, you have a magnificent set of tits Jan."

"Would you like to fuck my tits before I give you another blow job Dick?"

I reached over to the nightstand and got a bottle of strawberry-flavored lucubrating gel.

I poured some on my tits and leaned forward and said "Can you help me rub it in Dick?"

His hands came up and started rubbing it in and pinching my nipples at the same time. I moaned and said, "You do have some experience doing this, don't you?"

He said in a very low voice, "Where have you been all my life Jan?"

"Oh, how nice of you to say that Dick, Could I have held out for 4 times her going rate?"

I asked as I wrapped his cock between my lubed-up tits.

"Let's not talk about money right now. Oh, fuck does that feel good!" he said.

"Well, Dick I learned at business school to negotiate while you had your opponent on the ropes, or should I say when the iron is red hot."

I grabbed his hands and put them on my tit's then forced him to squeeze them together and play with my nipples and push the base of my tits together. I was moving my tit's up and down on his cock slowly and very sensually.

I asked him "Is this the first time you fucked a set of tits?

"NO, just not as wonderful as yours," he said.

The next time the head of his cock came up from between my tits I licked the head.

He moaned saying "Oh fuck."

"You like that Dick?" I asked

"Oh ya!"

"Do you want to cum on my tit's lover?"

"I don't want to get cum all over you."

"It's OK Hun when I'm in bed I become a slut, we will just take a shower together and you can wash it off. Just remember I'm a mature sexy woman on the streets and a slut between the satin sheets. You can cum in my mouth, or on my tits, or all over my face like in the porn movies it's your choice what's your fantasies, Dick?"

He moaned and started fucking them faster until he shot a load of cum all over my tits and neck and all over my face. Once he stopped shooting his load, I grabbed a towel we kept on the nightstand and wiped some of it of.

I asked, "Did that excite you, lover boy?"

He just nodded so I took his hand and led him to the shower and turned the water on. While I was waiting for it to get hot I bent over and sucked his cock into my mouth to clean it up some.

I washed him first then he washed me and, made sure he got my tits and pussy clean.

While we were washing each other he asked, "Do you have any plans for tomorrow during the day and tomorrow night?"

I said, "No, not set in stone right now. I expect I will take a nap after I drop you off. Then I was thinking about going to Mohegan Sun for a couple of hours of gambling and people watching."

"Would you mind if I called Evette in the morning and tell her I was going to keep you for the whole weekend until Sunday afternoon sometime? I'll take you to Mohegan," he asked.

"That depends!"

"On what?" he asked.

"On how good you fuck me tonight, I feel rather risque after that face painting you just gave me."

He pushed down on my back and had me bend over and entered me right there in the shower, he gave me a huge orgasm before he shot a load deep into me, I could feel it splashing against my cervix. He then took me into the bedroom and bent me over the short dresser that has a mirror on it and started fucking me again, I was amazed that he never lost his hardness.

He told me, "Look in the mirror and see how beautiful you look while you are getting fucked with your tit's swinging around and that look of lust in your eyes."

It turned me on to no end watching the look on my face as he fucked me senseless. The next time I came I squirted a small amount of cum around his dick. This sent me off the deep end and I matched each and every one of the thrusts that he was giving me. I reached back and pulled him out of my pussy and lined him up with my ass hole and pushed it in until he pressed into and passed my sphincter muscle. It was a little raw so pulled it out and ran it around my dripping pussy then did the same thing a couple more times watching the joy on his face as I did it. When I had enough cum in my ass for lube I pushed back to take him balls deep.

Then I said "Come on now you brought the slut out of me, the least you can do is drop a load in my boules. Please fuck my ass with that big dick of yours. Please, Please."

He started fucking me with small strokes and rotations around my ass hole. I was in heaven.

"Oh yes, you know how to fuck an ass don't you big guy?"

"Oh yes, that feels sooo good."

"You feel so tight. I'm afraid I will rip you apart," he said

I said, "Don't worry sweetheart."

Then I pulled forward until he almost popped out and then slammed back hard. I looked at his face in the mirror his eyes were shut and he had a look of pure lust on his face. I did the same thing three more times and he opened his eyes, now they had a fire in them he grabbed my hips and started pounding me with a vengeance.

I kept repeating to him "Fuck that ass you paid for it, punish this slut harder go on make me cum."

I was pinching my nipples and they were as hard as 38 caliber bullets.

He noticed me pulling my nipples and asked "Do you like my dick up your ass sweetheart?"

"I love it, your fucking me so good I'm about ready to cum again."

"I'm ready now!"

"Hold on for one for a second."

I reached for his hand and brought it to my clit and told him to please pinch it and that it would put me over the top. He did and I came all over his hand and he started shooting his load deep in my ass and then he pulled out and shot the rest up my back and into my hair. When we recovered I stood up and turned to face him and he massaged the hand full of my cum all over my chest.

Then he said, "Did I fuck you good enough to continue our date for the rest of the weekend?"

I deep french kissed him pulling him close to cover him with the cum that he had spread all over my body.

Then said, "You sure can as long as we can do something like this again before you leave me."

We showered again and went into the bedroom and went to bed.

We spent the next day at the casino in style. A limo picked us up we gambled on his dime in the high rollers section. I had to sign in and get a high rollers card that kept track of my winnings. When we took a break, he took me to some high-end dress shops and bought me an elegant little black dress with some CFM heels and new silk stockings and, intimate apparel. I wore them at dinner at a high-end restaurant. He happened to know the owner.

Later we were given complimentary tickets to a women's basketball game. Before we left he asked me to cash in my player's card. The cashier asked if I wanted cash or if I wanted it deposited onto my debit card, I chose the card and put the slip in my purse without even looking at it. Then I had to use the lady's room very badly so I excused myself. When I was done he handed me my debit card and said, "You left this with the casino hostess when you cashed out and ran off so quickly, are you OK?"

We then drove back to my house.

In the limo on the way back, I pulled his pants off and claimed on top of him. I had to pull the dress up to my waist to do this. As I was grinding against him with my panties on, he reached down and pulled them to the side, and, slipped inside of me. We mostly kissed while I ground around taking him as deep as I could. This was not to get off it was more to give each other pleasure while we made out. The road needed work and the potholes would drive him very deep every once in a while, I would have a small orgasm when this happened. Neither of us really wanted to get off we just enjoyed the feeling of being joined together while we kissed.

When we got dropped off I told him how much I had enjoyed our time together. We went into the master and I turned on the cameras while he used the bathroom. When he came out he asked, "Jan please call your husband so I can speak with him?"

I dialed Frank and when he answered, Dick took the phone from me and put it on speaker. While sitting on the bed, I took his dick in my mouth while they talked.

"Hello, Frank I wanted to thank you for letting your wife have sex with other men. Most men would not let someone as beautiful as her do something like that."

"Not I problem I enjoy sharing her and having her tell me all about it."

"So you don't have a problem with me staying with her for the rest of the weekend?"

"No, not at all. I will enjoy some good sex as she tells me about how you guy's had your fun."

"Roger so you have not talked to her last night or today?"

"NO. Not really, but she did send me a text telling me she was bringing someone home last night."

"So you don't know that she is fucking me for money?"

I heard Frank say, "Jan are you holding back on me?"

I stop sucking the dick in my mouth and said.

Frank it will be all part of the story when you get home."

I went back to sucking Dick's cock.

"Frank you know she sucks some real good cock?"

"Yes I do she just learned to deep throat a month or so ago, but she always gave good head."

"So Frank what's position gives her the best pleasure?"

"Is she sitting on the bed right now while she sucking your cock?"

"How did you know she's sucking me off right now?"

"I can hear her slurping on you, she gives the best head when she's horny, she tends to make them real sloppy."

"Yes she is sucking my dick and she is sitting on the bed."

"Push her onto her back and put a pillow under her ass."

"Then pull her ass right to the edge."

He pushed me on my back and put a pillow under my ass and did what he was told.

"Now pull her legs up onto your chest with her feet around your shoulder."

"Wow Frank that is some view."

Frank asked, "Can you see if she is wet yet?"

"As a matter of fact, she is dripping."

"OK now fuck her. Start with deep slow strokes to start."

Dick entered me in one long slow push until he hit my cervix. He was fucking me with long slow strokes. God did it feel so good as he passed over my G-spot and come to rest while touching my deepest adepts.

"Oh fuck does this feel good Frank," I said

Frank said, "Don't tell me, tell him how good a job he's doing sweetheart."

"Dick you are fucking me so good."

"Oh god, this is so nasty talking to my husband on the phone while I get fucked so deep."

"Oh, I just love it when you hit bottom."

"It sends shock waves through my body," I said.

He took 4 or 5 deep rapid strokes and I squirted some cum out around his cock.

"Frank did you know she squirts?"

"Yes, I do. When she is getting fucked just right. Was it a big one or a small squirt?"

"It was a small one but she is the first woman that has ever done that while I was fucking them."

"You just weren't paying the right women to fuck you, Dick."

I was saying "Please don't stop."

"Fuck me harder and deeper."

"Oh shit."

"Oh shit."

"Oh shit."

"Yesss, Please don't stop!"

Frank then said "OK dick now put her legs together and push them up towards her chest. Fold her in two and show her no mercy and fuck her as hard as you can. It's time to treat her like the cock hungry whore that she really is, that is what you are paying for."

He pushed my legs together, bent me in half like I was a jack-knife, and slammed into me time after time. All I could do was grunt out,





"Please don't stop I'm going to cum soon."

"Yes, That's It,"

"Fuck this slut while you talk to my husband on the phone,"

"Fuck my married pussy harder make me cum, I'm just your sex toy."

Then I scrammed "I'm Cuming OH fuck I'M cuming!"

I came so hard that my cum pushed his dick out as I squirted harder than I ever had before.

Dick said, "Frank I wish you could have seen what just happened."

Just then the TV turned on all by itself and it was playing back shots of me squirting from 5 different views and just kept replaying them in a loop.

Dick asked, "Frank what line of work are you in?"

Then Frank's face popped up on the right corner of the TV screen: "Electronic security cameras and recording equipment. You know dick she looks so beautiful with that I've just be fuck real good look on her face."

"If you want I'll send you a CD with the hot parts of your stay?"

I asked, "Frank can we have some alone time?"

He said, "Sure", then the red light on the wall went out and he finished by saying, "Call me tomorrow Dick and I'll tell you about another position that will get her off just as good as that one did."

Then we heard a dial tone and just before the TV turned off Frank said, "Jan enjoy yourself. I love you."

Dick and I laid down and kissed and cuddled while we watched a porn movie from Frank's collection and fell asleep.

In the morning I let Dick sleep in and went into the kitchen to cook breakfast. I had some leftover baked potatoes that I made home-fries with, I made a pancake batter just in case then fried up some bacon. When It was already I went back to the bedroom and claimed between Dick's leg and sucked his morning wood to full staff and swallowed him down my throat and sucked him until he gave me my breakfast, a nice big warm load of hot sticky cum.

He got up to use the bathroom and I went and scrambled him some eggs and brought him his breakfast to him in bed. As he ate his meal he asked, "Why aren't you having any?"

I told him "I don't want to spoil the taste of the great meal I just had." and shook his cock and licked the last of his cum off my lips.

After he ate he checked his phone and sent a few messages and asked if I could take him back to his hotel because he still needed to get back to New York by 4 PM.

We showered and dressed. I took him back to the hotel and went up to his room. It was just past eleven, and he ordered a car to pick him up at one o'clock. We stripped our close off and I had him lay on the bed. I claimed on him in the reverse cowgirl position and took him in real deep.

Then I said, "If we were to call Frank he would tell you to take your hands and place them on my sides with your thumbs in the valley in the small of my back."

He moved his hand in place and started massaging my lower back. As he would find one of my trigger points I would respond.

"Yes right there but keep moving downward then come back up and do it again."

"OK, you got it, Yes just like that with just a little more pressure," I said in a strained voice.

As he did that and my pussy muscles would contract to give his cock even more pleasure.

He started pushing up and massaging from the crack of my ass up to the small of my back while moaning from the pleasure his cock was getting from my pussy muscles squeezing his rod. He found one spot that made me moan and buck violently up and down on his rock-hard dick. Each time I came down he would hit my cervix and a shock wave went through my whole body.

I was trying to not turn into a rag doll but was having a hard time with it.

"Oh fuccckk Diiiick!"

"Pleeese donnn't Stooppp!"

"I, I, I hoppppe your clossse Because I'm going to cum soooon!"

As soon as I said that I could feel shot after shot of hot sticky cum hit my cervix and that sent me off into never-never land. Once again I squirted all over his cock with my hot sticky cum. We both fell asleep until the hotel phone rang telling him his car was ready to take him to New York.

We went down and he had a valet get my car and we had a passionate minute while we waited for it to come up from the garage. We both left the hotel and I went home.

I called the service and told them that I had left my client off at the hotel. The girl said she I would have a deposit in my account in an hour or so. I did some laundry and cleaned up the bedroom. When I was done I turned on the computer and it said I had three messages from my bank and two from work. I could take care of work ones tomorrow morning. I opened my bank application and went to my account. There was one deposit from the agency for $25,000 I excepted that. Two were from Mohegan Sun. One for my player's card for $4,500 and another for $8,700. Wow, $38,200 for some of the best sex I have ever had. I thought to myself. I called Frank's cell phone and told him how everything at the hotel had happened and asked if I should continue working for Evette. He said we would discuss it when he got home.

At one point just after four o'clock, my cell phone rang so I answered it. It was my client Dick and he told me to go check the glove compartment of the car which I did. I found an envelope with another $5,000 of cash in it with a note that said, (I read it out loud) "Thanks for a weekend to remember."

Then he said on the phone.

"That is A tip for you if I had added it to Evette's funds she would have taken ten percent from it and she had nothing to do with the way you made me feel, I still floating on a cloud."

I asked him "Dick did you have our casino hostesses put your card into my bank account while I was in the ladies' room?"

"Yes I did You were my lucky charm and I won that because you were with me, and my accountant would have gone off the deep edge if he knew I had been gambling again."

I asked him "I have a real personal question for you and I hope it won't offend you?"

"Go ahead ask away."

"You have paid me almost $43,000 for the weekend was I really worth that for you?" I asked.

"Every last penny my love, every last penny. But I think the girl that cashed me out did not know about the deal I had with Evette and you. You should have gotten at least $75,000 from the agency, her regular weekend rate is $25,000. I'll call her and get that straighten out." He said.

Then I asked, "You know all weekend I have been calling you Dick what is your real name and what do you do for work?"

"Well you were not that far off my real name it is Richard and I own a large hedge fund in New York." He said.

"So Richard I just want to say something, I don't usually use this type of language except when I'm in the throes of an orgasm but thanks for the great fucking you gave me this weekend. Feel free to request me any weekend your in town."

An hour later my e-mail alerted me to a new bank deposit. I opened it and it was for $50,750. Wow, I thought $93,950 was not bad for a weekend full of wonderful sex.

'I think I like the life of a high-priced call girl.'


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