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Marking my Wife

 It's always been my contention that we tend to be sexually conditioned by experiences in our formative years – at least that was very true for me. My first rather bumbling sexual experiences many years ago with Kiki, my then fiancé, were as thrilling and unsettling as were two earlier brief college flings. There's something to be said for being young, clueless, and always horny. And I really was without a clue in so many ways. I had no idea what it took to please a woman, sexually or otherwise.

As I recounted in another story, Kiki graduated a year before I did and took a job in another city. We had vaguely talked of marriage and I blithely believed that our relationship was just fine – I mean, weren't we in love? But as I soon learned the thread holding our relationship together was just that – a thread. In rather short order Kiki began dating without my knowledge and it was not long before she had taken one of them to her bed. In a phone conversation, which is still seared in memory, she candidly told me that she had had sex the night before with a man named Jim. The shock to my system was immediate and electric. In an instant I understood that there was no reason for her to put her life on hold for me. However it was her matter-of-fact statement that Jim had cum inside of her that detonated my emotions and touched an erotic nerve that I didn't know I had. Another man had inseminated my girl – her first sperm – and the knowledge both thrilled and nauseated me, even more so her admission that he was quite well endowed. I was spurred to action. We married soon thereafter, though not before Jim had taken her to bed many more times, all with my consent and yes, even my encouragement.

Wonderfully Kiki helped me sort through my conflicting emotions. She made it clear that while she loved me, her frustration with my lack of real commitment and the loneliness of her life in a strange city had led her to take a lover. She accepted and was in fact delighted that another man had brought us truly together. Though more than willing to forego what was for her a casual and primarily sexual relationship, she gladly accommodated my wish that Jim continue as her lover. I never tired of the rush of watching him mount Kiki with his lean, muscled physique and his vigorous mating with her. But the greatest thrill of all was each exquisite moment when his penis withdrew from her vagina to be followed moments later by the telltale welling up of the sperm he had just deposited. In these moments I was erotically transported back to that thrilling moment when she had owned up to having taken her first dose of cum from this man. Though not fully understanding of my reaction Kiki lovingly accepted the simple fact that all of this charged me sexually. She knew really before I did that I wanted to taste Jim's leavings and encouraged me to do so. And I did. Many times. Through all of this our lovemaking improved exponentially and I am grateful to this day for Kiki's loving tolerance and even encouragement. I embraced my sexuality at an early age and was the better for it even though Kiki and I parted ways some years later.

But I digress.

Single now for many years I have had more than my share of satisfying, passionate relationships, several of them long-term though I have never remarried despite several good opportunities to do so. I've been quite content with my life and found I do best with serial monogamy, learning that life is good for me when I focus my attentions on one woman at a time. Life has been extraordinary on those occasions when a woman in my life has brought another man to her bed, either through my efforts or simply because we are not exclusive. A very select few women have been made privy to my particular kink and have indulged me to varying degrees – for that same intense gemlike erotic flame still burns bright. From time to time I have actively sought out and found couples that enjoy the attention of another man. Though I now have experienced both sides of the MFM equation, there is nothing that matches the intensity of giving my woman to another man. But I am a connoisseur. It requires the right woman and just as important the right third wheel to kick my erotic sensibilities into high gear. What can I say? I've been spoiled.

A few years ago I was dating a terrific woman named Sandy. Physically she was a marvel – a competitive bodybuilder and professional trainer, Sandy had a lithe, athletic body coupled with the physicality found so often in female gym rats. She was amazing and even better, recently divorced and intent of sampling what had been lacking in her marriage. Sampling perhaps understates the situation. She was fucking around a lot, merrily carnal and unapologetic. Though initially not forthcoming about the extent of her sexual activities, I knew that her social calendar was rather "full" and was always glad when we found time to get together. She was fun, easy going and the sex was fabulous. Though it may have been my overactive imagination at work, I was reasonably certain on several occasions that another man had very recently serviced her. Her labia seemed a bit swollen and there was just the faintest hint of an extra something in her vagina when I entered her. Wishful thinking? As it turns out, it was anything but.

One early afternoon I decided to just pop over to her place early as we had a date for later that evening. As I turned the corner to her house, I saw a car parked in her driveway. Slowing as I passed her driveway I saw the same parking tag from the fitness center where she worked hanging from the rearview mirror of the car in the driveway. A colleague, I thought, and in a split second it hit me that she was the only female trainer at the center. The rush was immediate. Sandy likely was "entertaining" one of the young bucks who worked with her. Shaken and more than a bit aroused I stopped at a Starbucks to steady myself, determined to return in an hour or so.

And that was the most deliciously difficult hour of my life. Alive with lust, I drove to her house again and found the driveway empty. I rang the bell several times before Sandy answered wearing only a t-shirt, appearing a bit disheveled and taken aback that I had arrived so early for our date. I thought for a second that she wouldn't invite me in but she did and then immediately excused herself to freshen up saying she had just awakened from a nap. I took her in my arms and kissed her deeply. Though initially reluctant to yield to my advance she soon melted and responded in kind. She tasted of sweat and sex. She broke our embrace and again said she really wanted to shower but I was not to be denied. I led her to the bedroom and quickly removed her t-shirt and laid her in bed on her back. It was then that I saw the unmistakable evidence of her tryst – a large, wet, shot spot on the sheets. Mumbling a protest I pried her legs apart and tasted the real evidence of her recent activities. Her pussy was awash in cum.

"No, please, don't," she mumbled as I buried my face between her thighs. "Please, please..." But I was not to be denied and her protests quickly dissolved into moans of pleasure as I continued to lap her nectar.

"You've just been fucked, haven't you?" I gasped between breaths.

No answer. Again I urged her to confess.

"Tell me, you just fucked one of the other trainers, didn't you? Didn't you?"

"Yessss," she moaned. "He just left. Oh god, don't stop what you're doing..."

And I didn't. There seemed to be no end to the seepage that flowed from her freshly fucked pussy. Finally I could stand no more and I pulled down my shorts and entered her ravaged vagina with my rock hard cock. And it took only seconds before I added my own load to his. There are times when stamina counts, but this was not one of them.

Spent, both of us lay next to each other gasping for air. Then I took her in my arms once more and kissed her, this time more tenderly but still with conviction.

"That was amazing," she whispered as I broke the kiss. "I can't help myself sometimes. I had no idea you would react like this."

We lay there for hours talking candidly and easily about what had just happened and most importantly learning a lot about each other in the process. Sandy told me that she had several other lovers but had an especially intense sexual connection with Trevor, the young trainer who had just been in her bed. Initially reluctant to become involved with a colleague, she finally gave in to his persistent advances with the stipulation that it was to be physical only and that he keep his mouth shut. She admitted that she was enamored of his sculpted body and was not surprised that he was beautifully endowed as well. Young, hung, and full of cum was how she described him. Sandy rather fancied playing cougar to this youthful stud but also said that Trevor notwithstanding, I was the only man she was seeing who really delighted her.

"Except maybe for a guy named Steve that I see occasionally," she added, "but he's even more of a player than I am. Still there's something about him that fascinates me. He's a very bad boy – worse than you!" she giggled.

I had hit the jackpot.

Steve, as it turns out, had been above board with Sandy from the beginning. They had met through the same online dating site I had used on occasion. Sandy said at first she wasn't that attracted to him and had put him off a time or two when he called for a second date. She did find that his honest admission that he was not looking for a long-term romance to be refreshing at least.

"Just not really my type," she said. "I mean he's not that great looking and not tall like you and Trevor." But he was fun and she was intrigued by the various adrenalin activities he pursued, so what he hell, she thought, I'll go out with him again and maybe go skydiving together.

And so they did. And after several fun-filled afternoons, Sandy, being Sandy, finally decided to see how he was in bed. And he was surprisingly good, she admitted. There was just something about him that compelled her. Perhaps it was his casual acknowledgment that he had something of a "stable" of women he slept with. At that point in her life, Sandy certainly understood that as she had her own coterie. Perhaps it was his cock that made him irresistible.

"Steve's cock is really thick and shaped, well, different from any other man's. He's not that long but he's just super-thick and veiny. I love to just look at it – taste it – and he's harder than any man I've ever been with. Like a rock." She looked at me and got this far away look. "It flares out at the base and when he is fully inside of me, he fills me like no one else. Like I'm stuffed!" She paused, then sheepishly grinned and said, "I do love being single and being such a slut!"

We had obviously cleared a hurdle in our relationship, as I owned up to my own sexuality with Sandy. Candor is cleansing in many ways, however in my case I knew that Sandy would now have my full attention. There was no question that I would see other women after that afternoon. Sandy had it all as far as I was concerned. In rather short order we set the tone for our relationship and that suited me just fine.

"You know," she said, "I've never done a threesome. You have. Could we?"

Silly girl. We both knew that Steve would be perfect. Trevor was wrong for many reasons but Sandy assured me that Steve would jump at the chance. I told her to arrange matters as best suited her. And she did, calling me the following Monday to say that I was to pick her up on Saturday and meet Steve for drinks around 7:00.

We were both keyed up with anticipation and talked and e-mailed constantly that week, though at my suggestion we both abstained from sex so as to heighten the sexual tension. And Steve also apparently had agreed to take a sexual holiday as well. Everyone was on board. Saturday we met as planned for drinks. He was as advertised – nothing much to look at but charming and exuding a palpable animal magnetism. I felt it and understood Sandy's initial take on him – he was totally self-assured. Steve and I hit it off immediately, talking about this and that. Sandy was relaxed and obviously enjoying every moment.

Steve brought up the subject of online dating, a common thread for all three of us. He related some of his experiences and to my surprise I found that we had dated – and bedded – several of the same women. I actually said very little as he matter-of-factly discussed the women he had been with. I can still be a bit old-fashioned and never have been one to casually kiss and tell. But knowing that Steve had also done several of the women I dated touched my erotic nerve. It was one thing to anticipate what was to happen tonight but Steve had just raised the sexual stakes as I realized that he had already marked some of the women I had also had. And I was about to witness him inseminate Sandy. I hoped neither of them saw how flush I had become.

By arrangement, Steve drove Sandy home in his car and I followed in mine. She wanted to discuss "ground rules" and just generally be sure that the scenario would play out to everyone's liking. Steve and Sandy would make love first and I was to watch. After relaxing over a glass of wine in her living room we made our way to the bedroom, where I found my chair so as best to relax and observe their coupling.

Undressing Sandy slowly and lovingly, Steve gently urged her to her knees as she unbuckled his belt and tugged off his pants. His cock was rock hard and fully tented his briefs which she then removed as she caressed his ass. And he was as advertised, almost obscenely thick with an upward curve that Sandy hadn't mentioned. She instantly took him in her mouth and fellated him as he gently thrust in and out of her mouth.

"You're such a great cock sucker, Sandy. Yeah. Nice and slow. Mmmmm...not too fast or I'll cum. Don't make me cum, baby. No, don't make me cum," he murmured. "You want me to fuck you, don't you? Go easy now...easy..."

Sandy's loving attention to Steve's cock showed me unmistakably how enamored she was for his sex. Finally, he pulled her to his feet and with his cock pressed against her belly; he kissed her passionately, helping himself to the touch of her firm ass and her rounded breasts. I had a ringside ticket to a show of pure passion from these two, so obviously sexually in tune with each other. I was only a few feet away from a cock that had pleasured other women that I knew and a pussy I had fucked many times. I was mesmerized.

Steve took his time tasting Sandy's sex, preparing her for his hard, erect penis. She never looked more beautiful, lost in the pleasure that she was receiving. Steve moved on top of her as she spread her legs to accommodate him. She placed her hands on his back and gently pulled him onto her. With one long, slow, deliberate thrust he entered her body. Sandy was now filled with Steve's penis and I moved to get a better view of their coupling. His balls hung low but still didn't mask completely how dilated her pussy was by his thick, veiny cock. Slowly they found their rhythm and the room was filled with the sounds of their lovemaking. Time seemed to stand still as they moved first this way and then that. For almost an hour, they pleasured each other and Sandy's four orgasms were unmistakable.

I waited for the finale, as I knew that from Sandy's tales that Steve always turned a woman over and placed a pillow under her when he was ready for his own orgasm. And he did not disappoint. He positioned Sandy as he wanted and then entered her almost violently, thrusting in and out of her vagina with jackhammer intensity. Finally his buttocks tensed and he let out with a low, guttural moan as he unloaded the first stream of sperm inside of Sandy, to be followed by four more passionate bursts of his seed as he gave it up completely. These two had just mated.

But as Steve withdrew his spent penis and Sandy lay there spent, I was more than ready to join in the fun. Gently turning her over, I put my head between Sandy's thighs and caught the first upwelling of Steve's jism in my mouth. Sandy was drained from the fucking she had just received and could do no more than moan with pleasure as I cleaned her swollen pussy. Finally, needing my own release, I entered her well-used vagina, still brimming with another man's cum. I quickly added my own load to Steve's still fresh deposit. Afterwards and not surprisingly we all three dozed a bit; with Sandy warm and sweet and nestled between the two of us under the covers.

We enjoyed a few more hours together, Steve and I more languidly enjoying turns with this fabulous woman. And while not the only time we played together, this magical evening was certainly the most intense.

And this was also not the last of the erotic thrills I experienced with Steve and Sandy, both together and singly. Sandy was neither the first nor the last of my women that Steve marked.

Sandy and I thoroughly debriefed each other after our first threesome with Steve after he had left. She was languid with pure sexual satisfaction – as well she should have been – and found that she delighted in being the center of attention. She also found the sheer naughtiness of it all wonderfully satisfying. Sandy was high on her herself and on her newfound freedom as a recently divorced woman, determined to make up for lost time. More than just spreading her sexual wings, she was glad to be finally living life on her own terms. What I found fascinating was her take on Steve. I wanted to know her level of interest in him.

"Steve is not boyfriend or really even friend material for that matter. I mean, he's a player by his own admission," she mused. "I do like bad boys sometimes, so he's that, with all of his alpha male stuff. I really don't find him all that attractive but I'm drawn by his attitude. A woman can see him coming a mile away but still he's just so damn sexy!"

Sandy and I really bonded that evening, a relationship that has continued to this day. She had a firm footing on life, despite the fact that she was often on her back in the first two years after her divorce. In time she accepted that I was not at all interested in remarrying, so I occupied a special place in her life as a treasured friend and occasional lover as she in time set out to find a true life partner. I'm glad to say that she succeeded. Steve joined us perhaps half a dozen more times over the next year and a half, sometimes at her instigation and sometimes at mine – he made it clear that he was always up for a repeat, so all it took was a phone call and reasonable notice for him to join us. Each session was intense, draining, and highly sexually charged.

Steve and I had random e-mail and occasional phone contact with each other during that period, usually to make arrangements for the next tryst. Interpersonally I found him to be agreeable though we were far from friends or even buddies really. He was a very bright guy though I was frankly a bit put off as he had only three topics of interest; women, motorcycles, and sailing. The first one I shared, though not to the consuming degree that he did. The latter two were of no interest at all. Steve wanted to compare online dating notes; more specifically the women he was seeing, doing, or wanted to do. This made sense – we were more or less sailing the same waters with the same group of women, so why not share and compare?

Occasionally we would meet for drinks at happy hour. I generally let him do most of the talking about the women he was dating. The guy was rapacious. This both fascinated and repelled me – fascinated by his obvious sexual successes yet repelled at the same time, perhaps because I genuinely liked women and was not one to treat women as disposable pleasures. Don't misunderstand – I was not in the running for monk-of-the-month. I was simply more moderate in my sampling. Generally I was not all that interested in his rap until he brought up the name of a woman I knew and had taken out and perhaps slept with. Steve was candid about whom he had 'done' and whom he had not been able to seduce. I knew of two women I had seen that he had slept with. It didn't take much of a push from me for him to provide details of his bedding these women – and when he did there was no hiding that electric effect it produced in me. Steve was a smart guy. He knew that I was 'into' his status as an alpha male. I mean I never, ever was the first one to pleasure Sandy in our threesomes. I always batted cleanup, in more ways than one. He actually didn't go into to much detail about his conquests, but this I knew – he always took women bareback. It appealed to his alpha male syndrome. He called it 'marking' them. This was in stark contrast to my use of condoms when the sex was casual.

One evening I got a call from Susan, one of the women we had both slept with. Steve had actually dated her exclusively for a few months, a rarity for him. She was that hot. Susan was a nice enough girl, though more of a party animal than I was, so our dating life was short lived. She had a superb body though and an even more superb sexual appetite. I genuinely liked her despite our obvious differences. She thought it would be fun to have dinner together and catch up. I lit up like a pinball machine at the sound of her voice, instantly hard knowing that Steve had had her repeatedly some months ago. And had her unprotected – risky, as Susan was a smoker and couldn't be on the pill. I showered, dressed and was at the restaurant she suggested within the hour.

Susan looked great as usual. And she was obviously on the make. Her breasts are truly magnificent and she was making a statement of renewed interest in me with the sluttish outfit she was wearing. I won't bore you with the details of dinner or the conversation that evening, save to say that I couldn't take my mind off her sexual connection with Steve. We were both hot for each other and it wasn't long before I was back at her place and we were naked in bed, renewing our passion for each other. I couldn't get enough of the feel or taste of Susan. In and of herself she was magnificent and totally delicious. But knowing that Steve's thick cock had repeatedly violated and marked the pussy I was devouring put me into a totally enraptured state.

Taking her in my arms I moved between her wonderful legs and rubbed my cock up and down her labia.

"Wait, I'll get you a condom," she said breathlessly.

"Not this time," I responded. And I entered her fully in one thrust, not caring at all that she wasn't on the pill. Just as Steve had done when he had first had her.

For a man noted for his sexual stamina and usual insistence on protected sex, this time I could do naught but surrender to my lust as in short order I emptied my balls inside of Susan. It was an act of reclaiming. The instant I had entered her body I knew I was a goner. For I knew that Steve had lain between her thighs as I was now, enjoying the same pleasure I was experiencing.

"Wow. You mustn't have had any in a long time!" she giggled as I withdrew and lay beside her. "That was so hot! But, bad boy! You know I'm not on the pill. Don't worry though, I'm sure it's okay."

The trip from the mountain top back to earth was instantaneous. Oh brother, I thought, you've done it now. But she cuddled up next to me and soothed me, telling me again not to worry.

"But that shouldn't happen again, you know. I haven't had a man do that inside of me since I was married."

It's a good thing I have such a good poker face, else I would have lost it completely when confronted with such a bald-face lie. But still and all, the evening had been a total rush. And, truthfully, single people rarely are completely forthcoming about their other 'activities', so no harm, no foul. Fortunately I did come to my senses and all further lovemaking was well protected, that night and on those few occasions when he got together afterwards. But how delicious it was to throw caution to the wind and mark her myself. And it was quite a liquid marking, as even I was impressed by what was even by my standards an overflowing well of cum which I had deposited in her pussy.

It was a few more months before I met Steve for an after work happy hour. Sandy was to join us but she had a few late clients, so we sipped a few brews. I was considering telling him about my 'reclaiming' Susan, but waffled a bit before finally spilling the beans.

"What a slut!" Steve exclaimed. "I fucked her bareback dozens of times," he said after listening to my brief account of the evening. I defended her a bit. I mean, I liked her and really wasn't put off by her lie. "Hey, I'll bet she'd do both of us together, " he said. "Ask her the next time you see her. I know you want to."

Maybe he was right. Perhaps I wanted exactly that. But as I pondered this for a moment it hit me that while that might be fun, it just wouldn't have been the same as sharing Sandy with Steve – or sharing my ex-wife Kiki with Jim. And I knew why. Susan and I were too casual for such an otherwise enjoyable tryst to really ignite the booster stage that would propel me into a higher sexual trajectory. For that to occur, I had to be bonded to some degree with a woman. The giving of my woman to an alpha male required a level of true intimacy if it really was to touch a raw sexual nerve. I was truthfully very close to Sandy before our threesome and got even closer when I shared her with Steve. Kiki's mating with Jim drew me intensely close to her. It was something of an epiphany. What was even more fascinating was that in the next few days I accepted the simple truth that I had quite a submissive side – but one which would only surface in a very specific set of sexual circumstances.

Still, I couldn't deny that it would be hot to watch Steve do Susan.

There's nothing quite so wonderful as sharing time with a good friend. And I was fortunate that Sandy was mine. Quite apart from the great sex, we were both candid with one another. No subject was taboo. We both accepted each other and truthfully I was a bit in love with her. But ever practical, she knew that I was not marriage material and in time she had set her long-term sights elsewhere. We chewed that over at length more than once. Later that week, after my 'epiphany', I brought up the subject of our threesomes as we sat outside on her porch, really wanting her take on it, or rather her take on me and why I was so enthralled.

"Well," she said, "I know why I enjoy them so much. I love the sex and I love being with you and I love the attention." She was thoughtful for a moment and went on. "As for you, I just think you enjoy a break from being so dominant in your work and other relationships and can just be a bit submissive and enjoy. You're really at your best when you're relaxed."

I was more than intrigued and asked her to continue.

"I know your history with Kiki and Jim, after all. I think you probably have bi tendencies and giving your woman to a more dominant man excites you and allows you to act out a bit."

She was right, of course.

"Look, Steve and I both are pretty sure you want to handle his cock and maybe go down on him. We've talked about it but neither of us wanted to broach the subject with you." She paused and then went on, "I mean, you do want to do that, don't you?"

"Yes," I said flatly.

"Well then," she smiled, "just go ahead and do it next time. I won't mind at all. I think it'd be kind of hot and I'll tell you that Steve would totally get off on it. Look, just relax and do what you want. No one is going to judge you."

Food for thought, and then some. And I chewed the idea over and over for weeks, but never brought up the subject again with Sandy. Nor did she with me. It just kind of sat there for a while before I mentally tucked it away. I know enough about myself to realize that I am best served when I allow personal change to take a slow, unhurried course. And somehow I knew that Sandy would deftly see to it that I acted out this obviously deeply buried desire.

And I was not to be disappointed. Sandy's bad-girl period had about run its course and she had winnowed down her list of suitors to a very likely prospect from out-of-town who, though very attentive, was wise enough not to push her too hard, too soon into a monogamous relationship. Our relationship had certainly evolved and while intimate, was only occasionally physical. It had been months since our last threesome, despite Steve's frequent entreaties. So I was at first taken aback a bit when she called one evening and asked if I had plans for the following Saturday - and if I had any to break them. Steve was bringing her to my place at 7:00 and she wanted to spend the night with me afterwards. And she hung up the phone.

And I thought of little else for almost a week. I didn't know exactly what I would do but I knew I would do something and it would be life changing. Sandy was in training for a show and so was super lean and out-of-this-world desirable. I was dying to talk with her but somehow I knew that would not be in the spirit of the occasion, so I was left with my surging desires and frequently with a rock hard cock, which I was determined not to abuse before Saturday.

They arrived only a few minutes late and Sandy looked amazing – tanned, and ultra-toned, sporting a tight, form-fitting red knit dress that showed off her legs. The three of us relaxed over a glass of wine before Sandy wordlessly made her way to my bedroom. Steve was right behind but I poured myself another glass of liquid courage and took a minute to gather myself. Steve was just taking her into his arms as I entered the bedroom. She melted into his embrace as they kissed, his hands testing the tautness of her sculpted ass. Her form simply merged with his body.

Then, without so much as a glance in my direction, she allowed Steve to tug her dress over her head, revealing her perfect body. He then embraced her once more before she began to work to remove his belt. Kneeling, she tugged down his pants as he unbuttoned and discarded his shirt. His boxers came down next, as she tugged them off and then over his completely erect penis, which he quickly fed into her mouth. She gave me the most fleeting sideways glance and smiled, her mouth full of his thick cock. My own clothes came off instantly. I was to be a spectator no more.

I was the first one in bed; lying there gently stroking myself for a minute or so. Sandy joined me and kissed me warmly. I never could remember the name of her fragrance but it was distinctly her and filled my senses. Was it my imagination or did her kiss taste of Steve's musk? I felt the bed move and saw Steve move to the other side and felt his hand brush my chest as he fondled her breasts. Sandy moved slightly onto her back and as I moved down to taste her, I could see her tiny hand stroking Steve's penis and fondling his low hanging sac as they kissed intimately. I lifted my head as I felt Steve shift slightly and place his cock on her thigh. And that was all it took. It took no coaxing for me to first touch and then fondle his erect penis. My exploration was unhurried. Sandy's hand was gently stroking my hair but she had not broken her kiss with Steve. At first I was only aware of the newness of it all, but then, when I thought that this same cock would soon be pleasuring Sandy - be deep inside her body - I gave it up completely and took him into my mouth.

The sensations were totally new. I remember thinking how the soft, spongy glans was set off by the stiff, thickness of his rod. It took me fellating him to really grasp just how thick he was. I was fascinated by the upward curve of his penis, like the end of a ski jump. Steve moaned in appreciation and murmured the same entreaty that he had used so often with Sandy, to not make him cum. I felt his cock pulse once or twice and I wondered if in fact he was going to fill my mouth with his sperm, which really I didn't want. Before releasing my hold on him, I withdrew his penis from my mouth and gave it a quick, gentle squeeze and was excited to see a drop of pre-cum extrude as a result.

I rolled to my side and gently parted Sandy's legs, in an offering to Steve. With a familiar motion he rubbed the head of his erection against her labia. I gently guided him into her vagina and then gave them both a bit of space. Thank goodness for my king sized bed. I smiled inwardly thinking perhaps it was the size of my bed that made my place the chosen venue for the night. Steve seemed especially into the lovemaking but what really made the moment so special was Sandy's attention to me, kissing me even as she took pleasure from Steve's bare cock inside her body. For the first time I was truly and fully offering my woman to another man. I was hyper-conscious and thrilled that Steve could inseminate her whenever he wanted.

Steve withdrew after about five minutes of deep, intense thrusting. As if on cue, Sandy urged me to my back and straddled me, taking me inside of her. I was afraid I would cum too quickly but her initial rhythms were slow and measured.

"Now, it's time for my fantasy," she whispered in my ear. With that she tilted her pelvis slightly up, causing my cock to withdraw an inch or two. I felt Steve move between my legs as he settled into position. Sandy leaned back ever so slightly. I experienced a pressing sensation as he pushed his erection with some force past the entrance to her pussy, which I already occupied. I lay perfectly still as I felt his thick member finally push past the resistance and fill her vagina. At first I was conscious only of the extra pressure but then the intensely erotic thrill of it all overwhelmed me. Steve took complete charge and rhythmically drove his penis in and out of her pussy. He grasped her buttocks as if to brace himself. It required all of my self-control not to cum from the stimulation Steve's thrusting cock and Sandy's tight pussy provided. Sandy was out of her mind with pleasure. I felt the familiar spasm of her orgasm as her body was wracked with the obscene satisfaction that these two cocks were providing.

In the blink of an eye I felt Steve's weight push forward and felt his leg shift as he tensed and cried out his impending orgasm. Sandy and I stayed very still as his cock twitched noticeably; followed immediately by the warm, liquid sensation of his seed flooding her pussy and coating my shaft. With that my cock spasmed its offering. Steve and I were simultaneously pulsing our loads of sperm inside of this magnificent woman. The primal release of inseminating, marking the same woman was overwhelming.

Still on his knees, Steve collapsed on top of Sandy and the three of us lay together totally spent. As he withdrew his shaft, mine fell out as well and immediately a torrent of our mixed fluids surged from her pussy and onto my abdomen.

"Thank you...," Sandy gasped as Steve withdrew his spent penis. I kissed her gently as she collapsed in a heap beside me. Totally drained I looked at Steve, still kneeling before me. His shaft was not yet totally flaccid and I saw a thin thread of sperm dangling from his prick head. I sat up and in one motion gently held his sweaty balls and licked away the last upwelling of cum from his softening cock. Wordlessly the three of us gave in to our exhaustion and slept. I must have been out for a bit. When I awoke, Steve was gone but Sandy slumbered peacefully beside me.

We had the most marvelous evening and night that followed. Sandy and I talked, held each other, and made love. It was perfectly languid and wonderful. She let me know that this was a swan song for our sexual connection. Anders, her out-of-town suitor was to be her focus from this night on. And I am delighted to say that they did in fact marry and he takes very good care of her. She is still my great and good friend and well settled in her new life.

Life goes on. Steve and I had a few fine adventures before us. In time I settled into a long-term relationship with Mary Ann, a sweet, though sexually somewhat naïve woman. But the erotic pleasures experienced with Steve still lurked in the corners of my mind – troubling but intensely compelling. And there was something about Mary Ann...

Life seemed rather vanilla after the mind-blowing experience of that last threesome with Steve and Sandy. The sensations of that session were both thrilling and unsettling. I was accustomed to tasting another man's leavings as I done so on numerous occasions with both Kiki and Sandy. The silky texture of the juices of these women and their lovers was both familiar and compelling. Both women delighted my senses when I tasted and savored their sex. Jim and Steve's sexual fluids in their bodies took that pleasure to a much higher, more intense level. Great sex always begins in the mind and in my mind there was nothing more erotic than offering my women to the sexual needs of an alpha male. And Jim and Steve were in my mind just that -- men who were casual in taking their sexual pleasures and thankfully mindful not to take my sexually submissive streak too far. They were both just cool, sexually and personally. Both also took great satisfaction inseminating women. Jim owned up to the delight he took in being the first man to take my wife Kiki bareback. While Steve was certainly not the first man to mark Sandy he clearly took an almost obscene pleasure from taking women unprotected -- slutting them out as he termed it.

Learning that Kiki had first had bare sex with another man seared my consciousness. The indelible memory of her awful, yet delicious revelation has driven my sexuality to this day. My first thought, after the initial visceral shock, was that even as we discussed the consequences of her fateful tryst with Jim, her sex was soaked with the many millions of his tiny, wriggling sperm cells. For days after that phone call, and despite coming to a good result for our own relationship, Kiki carried Jim's living seed in her body -- and would continue to accept his marking even as we planned our future together. Knowing that she was on the pill did little to calm me, as the simple truth was that she had casually and willingly taken the baby-making sperm of another man into her pussy. Nor did my own bare coupling with her a few days later undo what had already been done. Moreover I encouraged Kiki to continue to offer herself to Jim, which she gladly did throughout our marriage -- draining his balls regularly in my wife.

Yet these sensations paled in comparison to the overwhelming mental and physical rush of experiencing Steve's sex myself; first touching, then tasting it, and finally feeling the liquid release from his thick penis enveloping my own cock as we double penetrated Sandy that memorable night. That experience brought me into a new and unfamiliar submissive state. Though disturbing, it was at the same time intensely erotic. I learned that Sandy and Steve had arranged this final scenario with great care, both of them well and truly aware of my deeper desires even before I was. For that I am grateful. Though that night was never repeated with Sandy and Steve, she encouraged me to accept and explore, living life on my own terms as she did with hers.

Steve and I stayed in touch, exchanging the occasional e-mail and knocking back a few from time-to-time at happy hour. He let me know that I was welcome to his cock if I wanted but frankly that had no appeal in and of itself and I told him so, though his smug attitude indicated that he didn't believe me. His attitude really could be quite grating at times. Still I was in awe of his voracious sexuality and he knew it. Steve let me know that he would be glad to service any of my women as he had done Sandy. I was non-committal but I knew that nothing would give me more pleasure than to do just that, though I couldn't bring myself to tell him so.

We swapped a few details about whom we were seeing. Steve seemed fairly settled with someone named Debbie while I was spending time with Ellen, a gorgeous though demanding and rather self-absorbed woman -- not my type really as typically I steer clear of high maintenance women. But she channeled much of her manic energy into sex, so I wasn't complaining. Steve was very interested and let me do most of the talking for once. Ellen could go from calm to upset quickly if she felt I wasn't being sufficiently attentive. She expected, no demanded, adoration and constant attention from her partner. I found being her boyfriend to be both exhilarating and exhausting. Her energy was intoxicating and physically she was a marvel -- absolutely athletic with full C cup breasts and a delicious, rounded ass. While a great mother to her son and otherwise a decent person, she admitted to occasional indiscretions while she was married, rationalizing that as they were all one night stands they were not at least not sordid long-term love affairs. Though she didn't threaten in so many words, I did have the sense that she would look elsewhere if her needs weren't met. I mean, she had rather a track record in that regard -- not that I would have minded so long as I was privy to the details. And she had over time opened up to me a good bit about her somewhat checkered past. She knew a good bit about mine, save some of the specifics about my relationship with Steve.

Steve took in all of this information and coolly, and as it turned out correctly, pronounced her a true slut. He encouraged me to probe her sexuality more deeply. He was certain that she would enjoy a threesome -- would even suggest it herself first if given the chance to own up to her lustful nature.

"And I know you want to see me do one of your women again," he smirked. "You know you do."

Yeah, I wanted just that and set about making it happen.

Ellen was in one of her demanding moods and insisted that I spend my entire weekend with her, as her son was with his father and she didn't want to be alone. I acquiesced though I knew that she would drain my energy, not to mention my cock, as she was insatiable. Such is the life of a guy with a high maintenance woman. Not that I really was complaining, mind you. We spent all day Saturday together, running a few errands but always returned to the bedroom. Though tiring, the very sight of her magnificent body kept me going and going. Thankfully we slept in Sunday and enjoyed a nice brunch after making love when we awoke. It was a far more relaxing day than Saturday but by mid-afternoon she was getting restless. The conversation turned to sex and I could tell that she was getting turned on telling me about her fantasies and a few of her sordid deeds. Some of it was typical sex-on-the-beach-at-midnight stuff, but she added that she would love it if someone were watching. Ellen admitted that she had done one of her ex-husband's employees once and found it perversely thrilling to see him on the job afterwards, knowing she had had him.

"You must think I'm awful, don't you?" she asked. "Sometimes I just can't help myself. I've had these urges my whole life and I just give in to them from time to time. Do you think there is something wrong with me?" Her eyes looked to me for acceptance.

I assured her I was not at all judgmental. I also told her that I found some of her experiences to be frankly quite hot. And I was getting hotter by the minute.

"Let's do something really wicked sometime like go to one of those swinger resorts or something. Wouldn't that be amazing?" she asked with animation. "I've always wanted someone to watch me having sex and watch someone else. Maybe even have someone join us. What do you think?"

I thought I would love, love, love to have Steve join us. But she spoke first.

"I don't think I could handle your being with another woman though; but how about another man with me? You've done that haven't you?" She knew I had. "I want to fuck another man and have you watch." She was deeply rubbing her pussy as she spoke. "Can we do that? Soon?"

"How about tonight," I suggested. She looked straight into my eyes.

"Tonight? But how?" she asked.

"I have this friend...," I said tentatively. She paused for a moment and then continued.

"What's he like?" she asked.

"He's single, nice looking (OK, I lied) - sort of a ladies' man. You'd like him." I told her.

"Call him," she said. And that was all it took.

I went to the other room and with shaking hands dialed Steve's number, hoping that he would be answer. I was in luck. He did. I kept it brief asking him if he could come over to Ellen's house and fuck her. I told him he was right about her. He chuckled.

"Yeah, buddy, I'll totally do your woman. Give me her address and I'll be over in an hour." I could almost see the satisfied smirk on his face. "I'll do all of your women."

I almost forgot to tell him not to mention anything to Ellen about our threesomes with Sandy -- especially not the fact that I had gone down on him.

"That's our secret, dude. See you in an hour."

Ellen was already in the shower when I returned to the bedroom. I told her that Steve would be over in about an hour. I sat on the chair in her dressing area as we talked.

"An hour? That doesn't give me much time to get ready! Oh, this is soooo exciting, isn't it?" she said as she peeked out of the shower curtain.

She looked amazing; alive with radiant sexual beauty as she stepped out of the shower. Her breasts glistened with water and I gazed with pure delight at her toned haunches, knowing that very soon they would carry the weight of Steve's body. Ellen clothed was a marvel as she knew how to flatter her best features, her high, full bosom and slender waist. She was unaccountably displeased that her limbs were so muscled and never wore jeans so as not to draw attention to an ass she felt was too rounded. Naked, as she stood before me now, she was nonetheless utter perfection -- her presentation that of a jungle cat; muscled and predatory. While Sandy shared her athleticism, she was tiny - a spinner. Ellen was built altogether differently -- a warrior, dangerous and feline in form and motion. Steve was in for a rare treat. All three of us were for that matter.

Ellen was terribly keyed up about the impending threesome and talked nonstop as she did her hair and makeup at the dressing table. It wasn't so much nerves as excitement. As with most men I find the process of a woman's dressing room preparations to be tedious, however with Ellen the visual delights were as compelling as basking in her anxious energy. And she peppered me with questions about Steve and how this scenario should be best played out.

"See to the drinks. Tidy up the bedroom. Light some candles. Put on some music." (Yes, dear; certainly, dear; whatever you say, dear) She was clear that I was not to join in and Steve was not to linger afterwards. (Whatever you say, dear) She could have been reciting a laundry list for all I cared. She never looked better -- beyond amazing. Ellen decided the best presentation was for her to receive Steve in bed, naked under a single sheet. She did just that and fussed at me a bit when I kissed her as I tucked her in. I sat on the floor and we chatted a bit, waiting for the doorbell, as Ellen gently played with her trim, beautifully formed pussy. I foolishly asked if she was ready.

"Mmmmm, what do you think?" she whispered as she pulled her hand from under the sheet and showed me the glistening wetness of her sex on her fingers. I gingerly kissed and licked the liquid sweetness of her upwelling passion. Delicious.

Steve was fortunately prompt and as I went to answer the door, Ellen gave me the most wicked, mischievous smile. As instructed I mixed him a drink and went over the 'ground rules' for the tryst. I had one too to steady my nerves. And I had a case of the jitters so I told him again not to reveal anything about our 'past' escapades.

"Rest easy," he assured me. "Let's do it. Lead me to the slaughter."

As Steve entered the room they both smiled, clearly pleased with each other. Frankly, I was a bit concerned that she wouldn't find him that attractive but Steve just has that sexual quality about him that women sense immediately. They chatted for a few moments and as they did Ellen sat up slightly as the sheet fell to reveal her full breasts. Steve eyed them appreciatively and whistled softly.

"You're gorgeous," he said, as he moved his hand over her tits. Ellen just smiled and allowed him to take his fill of her treasures. She moved to undo his belt and with his willing assistance, his pants came down quickly.

"Ooooh, nice...," Ellen whispered as Steve's fully erect cock emerged from his pants. I had taken my designated seat by the dresser and as Ellen's hand wrapped around his manhood, she stole a quick look at me and smiled. She was more than pleased with my choice of a lover for her.

As Steve finished disrobing, Ellen got up from the bed and he embraced her -- a familiar and thrilling sight; my woman naked in Steve's arms. They kissed and their hands moved freely over each other's body in unhurried exploration. The entire scene was in slow motion as far as I was concerned. The flickering light of the candles, while perfect for the mood, maddeningly was too dim for me to see it all clearly. Ellen was expertly pleasuring Steve's erect penis with her mouth. At one point Steve moaned his familiar entreaty not to make him cum.

They moved to the bed and kissed as Steve probed her sex with his fingers. Even with the soft music in the background, his stimulation of her pussy showed her to be very wet and very, very ready for his thick, veiny cock. Steve moved on top of her as her legs spread to allow him full access. I shifted in my seat and saw her hand guide him inside of her. Steve's body moved on top of her, Ellen's breasts pushing into his chest and he fed his cock into her vagina. He must have bottomed out on his first thrust as Ellen grimaced when he was fully inside of her. They paused for a few moments and then found their rhythm. Ellen was softly vocal telling Steve how much pleasure he was giving her and urging him to fuck her. Steve's buttocks flexed with each thrust of his penis in her vagina. Again and again he sheathed and unsheathed his cock inside of my girlfriend. And each time he did she moaned her pleasure.

Ellen was really into their lovemaking, having cum once just a few minutes into the session. When she orgasms, her body tenses and becomes rigid. The sight of her toes curled tightly told me that Steve had gotten her off. With a quick, practiced motion he rolled onto his back as Ellen's weight took his cock deeply inside of her. Steve was really stretching her pussy as she now took control. Ellen rocked her hips to maximize the friction of their joining and then her thighs tightened as she climaxed again. Coming down from her orgasm she leaned forward and kissed Steve. I couldn't take my eyes off her breasts as she did. Steve couldn't take his hands off of them. His large balls came clearly into view and I thought of the sperm they contained and how soon he would empty them into my willing girlfriend.

Ellen may have been self-conscious about her ass, but Steve was clearly enjoying their fullness, playfully slapping her ass cheeks as Ellen moved on top of him. I couldn't make out all that he was saying to her but I know that he asked her to slow down at least twice as he was about to cum. Steve moved Ellen off of him and coaxed her to her knees as he positioned himself to take her from behind. His cock, slathered in her juices, glistened in the candlelight. Gratefully, they had turned sideways on the bed and I saw him work his spongy glans past her labia and then, grasping her ass, Steve mounted her fully. I knew that he was preparing to ejaculate inside of Ellen; and I knew he would do so fairly quickly.

Steve was true to form. He pistoned her with perhaps a dozen strokes and then with one hand on her left, low-hanging breast, he buried his cock against her cervix and released his orgasm. His bare cock was sending out volleys of cum inside of Ellen as she too climaxed yet again -- it was intense and insanely erotic to witness this.

Spent, Steve withdrew his spent member from her pussy with an audible plop. They fell exhausted into the bed and lay there sated from their sexual exertions. Seeing them lying together peacefully I felt out of place, so I silently left the bedroom to give them a few minutes alone. It must have been about fifteen minutes and a gin and tonic later that I returned to find Ellen fast asleep and Steve dressed, ready to go.

"Thanks, buddy," he grinned as we walked to the door. "She was better than advertised. Any time you two want a repeat, just call. Anytime." He chuckled and then looked me in the eye and reminded me. "I'll do all of your women."

Any hope I had of reclaiming Ellen that night vanished as she had fallen fast asleep. I took off my clothes and as I lay next to her I knew why she had moved to one side of her king bed. I was lying in a sickeningly wet shot spot, soaked with Steve's sperm as it had cascaded out of Ellen's well-used pussy. Carefully, so as not to wake her, I managed to part her legs slightly and felt her still engorged labia and the slimy mess coating her sex. Much as I wanted to enter her juicy kitty, I moved to the other side of the bed and soon I too fell asleep.

Ellen surprisingly had little to say about the episode, except to say that Steve was great in bed but was adamant that it was not something she cared to repeat. She pressed me on how close I was to him and I truthfully told her we were not really close at all. She snapped at me several times in the weeks following and said that she did not want me to discuss that evening with him. As she brought up the subject more than once over the final few months that we dated I began to wonder why she was so insistent on wanting to know. I assumed she didn't like guys kissing and telling and left it at that. How wrong I was.

About a month later I got an e-mail from Steve informing me that Ellen had asked for his phone number after I had left the room and did I know that she was making booty calls to him. Unbeknownst to me Steve had fucked her a week after that first evening and was going over to fuck her again that very same evening. What a slut. As much as I would have liked to have gotten the story from Ellen, I had to rely on Steve for details of their mating. Seems that she thought he was really great in bed and she had no compunctions about inviting him back for seconds, and thirds, and more. Steve marked her repeatedly over the next few months and always made sure that I knew when he had been invited over to Ellen's house and to her bed.

My relationship with Ellen, while exciting, was also exhausting and a few months later I was more than ready to move on. Had she been up-front and simply said that she wanted Steve again, I would totally have been there and stayed with her. That was not her style. Once a cheating woman....

In time I simply let my relationship with Ellen fade away. I missed her energy and her unmatched physical charms, but not enough to continue to subject myself to her nonsense. She still calls on occasion but I have more or less extricated myself from her strange, weird web. I met a 'nice' woman named Mary Ann online soon thereafter and we began dating.

Mary Ann was bright but unsophisticated and I found her naïveté rather charming. She was recently divorced and typical of newly single women her age (mid-forties) she was ready for someone and something different. Mary Ann had been out with a number of men but though most of them had asked to see her again, she always declined. She came from a rural upbringing and I always had the sense that while thoroughly grounded in those values, she wanted more from life. Certainly she wanted more than her controlling, Type-A ex-husband provided. And she seemed to have set her sights on me.

Mary Ann was a bit of a project. I was on occasion still fucking Susan and her tart girlfriend Jacque, so I was not put off overmuch when she rejected my initial advances. I mean, I wasn't going without. Mary Ann was cool, comfortable and while not beautiful, she had a lithe runner's body and the most stone-cold perfect legs I have ever seen on a woman. And she had absolutely no real sense of her physical charm and that was really part of her appeal. She also adored me and when does that not work? Once I managed my way into her bed -- and that took several months as she had not had a man since her husband -- she was, well, OK. Physically Mary Ann was wonderful -- a size double zero with enhanced breasts -- but she was totally vanilla. Then again, after the emotional workout that was Ellen, a nice, vanilla woman was OK by me. I settled in and settled down a bit. And I rarely heard from Steve, which truthfully was OK by me as well. We did get together once for drinks but I found myself rather disinterested in his prattle about Ellen and the other women he was doing. I really had little to offer except to say that I was dating Mary Ann and was pretty content. Well, I did offer up a few tidbits, specifically that she had this lithe, runner's body and insisted on condoms, as she was not on the pill and could not be so for medical reasons. Steve had a laugh about that but really I was rather done with him and his lifestyle, so I just ignored it. I couldn't ignore that his definite interest in Mary Ann was troubling -- especially about her yummy body and how she performed in bed. Okay, yeah, I thought about Steve and Mary Ann together...

The DTR (Define The Relationship) moment comes for most men in any relationship and mine came about six months in. I was surprised really, as Mary Ann had been so totally cool up to that point. Well, the cool disappeared quickly enough when she asked me where I thought the relationship was going. Can you hear me groaning? I was cornered -- the walls were closing in. Despite my deft attempts at escape, Mary Ann learned in short order that while remarriage may have been on her agenda, it was not on mine. And that really was that. Once a man has made it clear that he is not interested in marriage, a woman's interest drops precipitously. In our case it took another six weeks of revisiting this painful issue for her to be convinced that I was not then nor would I be in the future open to remarriage. Regretfully that pretty well cut it for her. Sure I had regrets but confirmed bachelor that I am, I simply moved on. I assumed Mary Ann was still pining for me.

And then one day a few months later this fateful e-mail message appeared in my inbox:

Just thought you might like to know, I'm fucking another one of your women - Mary Ann.

She hit me up on online a few weeks ago; 'Southerncutie' or something. I instantly recognized her from your description. I've fucked her a couple times now, and am headed over there a bit later this evening to fuck her again. She calls me now, when she wants some dick. She loves my cock.

And you were right about her body. Lean and lovely. Whew. When I cum, I lay her across a pillow just like I did Sandy and Ellen, and pump her from behind until my cum is dripping down her slit.

She wanted me to wear a rubber the first time, but when she got hold of my cock, and I started rubbing it up and down her pussy, she forgot all about that and just took it bareback, and I came so hard it was dripping out of her pussy for a half-hour.

You would have been down there, licking every drop.

Speaking of which, why don't you come by my place and suck my dick again sometime? You were very good, very eager, and you got me so close that evening with Sandy. This time, I'm quite sure I'll give you a big mouthful of hot cum.

Right now, I'm going to go shower, and then drive over to her place. Just for a fuck. And I'll give her a big pussy-full of my hot cum, and when I do... I'll think about you

Drop me a note and come over sometime. You can suck this dick again... and I'll tell you all about Mary Ann while you do.


Was there no woman of mine that Steve could not do? Or had not done? Even sweet, naïve Mary Ann, who would not take me bareback but who would Steve on a whim? Was there something about her that I was missing? I determined to find out...

Steve's note, detailing his seduction and bedding of Mary Ann, was a real haymaker. My sweet, lovely, naïve ex-girlfriend had not only spread her legs for Steve but had been allowed him to inseminate her as well - and not just once but over and over again. My imagination had free rein and it took little effort to visualize his all too familiar erect penis sheathed in her sweet pussy. And unlike my condom-clad member, Steve had pleasured himself bareback with Mary Ann -- and was continuing to do so at will apparently. The all too searing memory of Kiki's first mating with Jim returned with nauseating effect. Steve had violated her in my mind as Jim had violated Kiki -- marked her with his potent sperm. And I knew that she was quite fertile. She had insisted on protected sex with me for that very reason. Yet again an alpha male had tread where I feared to tread -- or perhaps was not allowed to tread. I didn't know. And I was disturbed that I read and re-read Steve's note, getting myself off each time I did. And each time the vision of his cum upwelling from her pussy triggered my release.

What to do? Well, what could I do? Not a damn thing. I had once again allowed a truly amazing girl to slip through my fingers, easy prey for a sexual vulture like Steve. Already he had done four of the women I dated. Ellen was a total player and while I enjoyed giving her to Steve, it didn't faze me that she continued to fuck him behind my back. Steve had had Shalice as well, but my relationship with her was casual at best. Sandy was special to me but her sexing Steve was at least open and fun. Mary Ann was an entirely different matter. I had to know the whole story. Approaching Mary Ann was out of the question. But I had to know and only Steve could tell me. Living in the shadow-land of knowing but not really knowing was agonizing. Steve had seduced, mounted, and bred Mary Ann but the vision was cloudy and the particulars unknown. And I had to know.

So I wrote him back a few days later, trying my best to sound cool. I congratulated him on his conquest of Mary Ann and made some passing reference to getting together in the future for a drink. Steve was having nothing of my studied indifference. His reply was terse.

Come by my place and I'll you what you want to know -- I'll tell you all about Mary Ann while you suck my cock.

It didn't take long for my reply -- when? His reply popped up in my inbox only a few minutes later.


It's a good thing that I didn't have time to think about all of this. I just got in my car and drove to his place. My heart was pounding as I rang the bell. Steve greeted me with his familiar insufferable smile and invited me in. I did a quick survey of his place and wasn't impressed. By any measure his pad was not inviting but I really didn't care. I gratefully accepted a proffered beer and relaxed on his sofa and took a few deep swigs, glad for the rush. Steve sat next to me and we got through the small talk fairly quickly.

"So, what do you think of me balling Mary Ann?" he asked casually.

"I was surprised," I answered honestly. "She didn't seem to be that kind of a girl." I took another swig. "I mean, she's not really your type."

"Well, she is. I fucked her on our first date" he replied. "Did I tell you that?"

"No," I replied meekly. "I didn't know that."

"You do now," he said. "She made some noise about not wanting to even kiss on a first date but I just pushed through that bullshit and had her. She loved it -- took my cock all night long -- took it bare. Your ex is a slut."

I didn't know what to say. I just looked at him. Steve smiled back and unzipped his pants and took out his hardening penis. It was almost painful, but deliciously painful, to envision his thick, veiny tool inside Mary Ann's body. The testicles that had produced the potent sperm he spurted into her vagina hung low and loose.

"Here's the cock that fucked your woman," he gloated. "Take a look at the cock that's fucked Mary Ann -- that's fucked all of your women." Steve stroked his manhood and looked straight through me. "I'm going to fuck all of your women with this cock and you can't stop me. But Mary Ann was the best. Want to know more?"

It was all too much for me. I reached over and grasped his fully erect penis and as I did I felt it twitch in appreciation. I didn't say a word but Steve knew what I wanted to hear.

"She was all coy on our first date -- didn't make much eye contact with me but I knew she was into me. I can always tell. And that body -- man, you were right -- totally prime. She talked about having recently dated some guy and I knew it was you. Said she was sort of on the rebound and I just listened and sympathized -- yada, yada, bullshit, bullshit. Anyway, I drove her home. Man, when I opened the door for her at her place I checked out those fine legs as she got out. Thought about how she was going to spread them for me." My heart sank, as I too knew of the lean, smooth flesh of her thighs. Steve's cock was fully distended now and I finally had to take him in my mouth. And I did.

"Yeah, that's it," he said evenly. "Suck my cock -- just like Mary Ann did that night -- like she's going to again tonight." My heart sank and my hand gently held the balls that even now were manufacturing the sperm soon to be delivered to Mary Ann's unprotected pussy. I was totally giving it up as Steve continued his tale of seduction.

"I took her to her door and moved to kiss her. She tried to pull away but I just put my arm around her waist and kissed her. She melted, dude. She felt how hard my cock was pressing into her. She went from zero to sixty in about two seconds and kissed me back -- hard. She was going to be mine -- easy as pie."

Steve told me how she led him inside and allowed him to undress her in the hallway. Mary Ann was literally surging with desire by this point and was all but pulling Steve towards her bedroom. She sat on the bed, fully naked, her lithe, naked body totally available for his pleasure. Steve caressed her 'C' cup breasts as she breathlessly undid his belt and slid his jeans off of him. And then, just as I was doing now, she took his already fully erect penis into her mouth.

"She was hungry for my cock, dude. Like she hadn't had any for years. I had to tell her to slow down. Mmmmm...yeah, just like you need to do now. Easy...easy...I'm going to need that load later tonight." My heart sank again. Steve said that he lay next to her and explored her taut, athletic body. Kissing her, he moved on top of her and rubbed his cock on her wet, ready mound.

"There's a condom in the nightstand," she whispered. But Steve simply flexed his ass and fed his bare shaft into her in one telling thrust.

"She tensed for about two seconds and then just gave it up." Steve informed me. "Your girlfriend's a slut. Not a word of protest. She just spread her legs and took it." Steve was moaning and totally enjoying my oral servicing now. "Mmmmm...she came really quickly. Did you make her cum?" That hurt. I didn't think that I ever had. "Yeah, I just put her legs over my shoulder and pounded her -- just like she wanted. You should've seen her sweating and moaning -- she was loving what I was giving her." I was in agony now.

Steve said that he was enjoying fucking Mary Ann more than any other woman he had ever had. And he was unable to contain his orgasm for long.

"She was so fucking hot," Steve moaned. "Yeah, soooo hot. I couldn't last and I just gave it up and came inside of her. Filled her, dude. Filled her." My head was spinning and I sat back and looked at his sex, knowing Mary Ann had taken it all inside of her body. Steve was on the edge of climax at that moment as a clear dollop of pre-cum emerged from his glans. He relaxed and took a deep breath.

"Wow, you got me close, dude -- too close." Steve took a deep breath. "I've got other plans for that load tonight, if you know what I mean."

We both took a second to back off of the intensity of the moment. I asked him what had happened next.

"She just lay there for a while with my cum running out of her. We napped and went at it again. I must've done her four times before I left the next morning." Steve was grinning now. "Never a word about using protection -- that night or any other time. What do you think about her now?"

I thought I was going to pass out. I thought I had to see Mary Ann again -- see her as soon as possible after Steve had marked her again -- talk to her maybe -- anything, just so long as I had some contact with her after she had been inseminated.

"That's just incredible," I offered weakly as Steve replaced his member back in his pants. "I wish I could watch you do her."

"Yeah, well, so do I but that isn't going to happen any time soon. But how about if I text you every time I do her. It's the next best thing to being there, dude." I wished he'd stop calling me dude. "I don't know what I enjoy more; simply fucking her or messing with your head. Either way, I win; you lose." Steve smiled at me. "Don't take it personally; I like you, but fucking your women gets me off. And Mary Ann is especially sweet for me. I'm making her my bitch and loving it; almost as much as she does."

"You know, she isn't on the pill," I said.

"Yeah, how about that," he chuckled. "Well, that's her problem, not mine."

There wasn't anything more to say and frankly I just wanted to leave. I felt sick. And my cock ached for release; something I didn't want to attend to in front of this colossal prick. Steve must have sensed my revulsion.

"Look, for what it's worth, I know she really likes you. She made noise about her ex-boyfriend, which I take it was you. She never mentioned any names -- not her style, but hey, at least she misses you." He paused, then grinned and said, "But maybe not that much. You know, I've been with her half a dozen times and the last few sessions we've just skipped the pretense of a date -- strictly a booty call -- but a really great one. There's something extra special about a woman who's sweet like Mary Ann but loves sex. And she really loves getting it from me, you know."

I had a lot to think about and said my goodbye. "See you later," he said and then laughed, "I'll text you tonight after I've done her - Or tomorrow morning."

I think it was about 2:00 a.m. before I finally gave in and slept. And it was around 8:00 that morning when my cell phone dinged with a message.

Did her. Three loads. Hope you got some sleep.

I had to get myself off before I called her. I had to contact her but the tension had become unbearable. The release was welcome and quick -- the vision of Steve's body mounting Mary Ann; his ass flexing and thrusting; his cock spurting cum inside of her unprotected body -- I made quite a mess and gratefully dozed afterwards for a bit. When I awoke, it was gone 11:00.

I drank some coffee to clear my head and dialed her number. She didn't answer and my heart sank. As I was about to leave a message, she called back.

"Hi," she said softly. "I didn't think I'd hear from you again."

"Just wanted to hear your voice," I said. "Uhm, do you want to get lunch with me or something. It'd be nice to see you."

There was agonizing silence on the other end. "OK," she finally said. "Let me shower and I'll see you at noon at that Italian place."

"OK," I said, thinking that she needed that shower to wash away the evidence of Steve on and in her body. "See you at noon," I said and she agreed.

I got to the restaurant a few minutes early and got a table. I kept checking the door. When she arrived she looked really great; she wore my favorite short jeans skirt and a form-fitting top which beautifully accentuated the shape of her breasts. She smiled and gave me a quick peck and then sat down. I caught a glimpse of her legs and couldn't shake the reality that Steve had lay between them just hours before. Her pussy was likely still seeping his seed. I looked at her with desire, knowing that as I did so, millions of his sperm cells were alive inside of her. We made small talk and ordered.

"So, everything OK with you," I asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine," she answered, not really making eye contact with me.

"Good. So, what's going on in your life?" I looked for some clue in her eyes but she remained furtive and kept her eyes off of mine.

"Not much -- you know, just work and all."

The conversation was stilted and rather aimless but I hesitated to get to the point. I really wasn't sure there was a point but I was tingling just looking at her sitting across from me, so I did my best to be upbeat and casual.

"Hey, let's go out sometime soon. You know, get a bite to eat and maybe see a movie." She winced.

"I'm not sure that's a good idea," she replied after a pause.

"Why not," I answered evenly.

"I'm seeing someone," she replied, her eyes still downcast.

Well, at least she's honest about that. "Oh, well, I mean I didn't want to interfere in your life or anything. It was just a thought."

Mary Ann bit her lip and then answered, "It's okay."

"So, is it anything serious?"

"I really don't want to talk about it," she replied sharply. And then she looked right at me. "You had your chance. I don't want to start up with you again."

"Okay, I know. Sorry. I was just missing you a bit," I replied, trying to be cool. "I'll leave you alone."

"I have to go," she said abruptly and got up to leave. She took a few steps and then turned back towards me. "Maybe we can do coffee some other time." And she looked right at me.

"Okay," I replied quietly. "Yeah, I'd like that."

She smiled for the first time. "So would I. Take care." And with that she walked away. I just sat there for the longest time. It wasn't what I wanted but it was something at least -- a start.

It took a few weeks before I got the nerve to call again. And she was as good as her word and we had a nice, much more relaxed chat over coffee. I even got her to laugh a few times -- nice. Steve kept me informed about their trysts, which were fairly frequent. He even told me she was being fitted for a diaphragm, which he admitted was a relief. Mary Ann wouldn't really talk about who she was seeing when I inquired -- not even his name though she did say it was casual. She did make it clear that she only dated one man at a time and so wouldn't 'date' me or anything. I stayed cool and told her I understood.

"So, are you sleeping with him," I finally asked one morning at coffee, knowing full well that she had spent the previous night with Steve.

"That's really none of your business, you know," she answered quickly and rather pontedly. She sipped at her coffee and looked away. "But, yes, I am," she finally said and as she did she looked right through me.

I'm sure I flushed. "Oh, well, sure; I mean, yeah, it's none of my business -- sorry I asked," I stammered.

"It's okay," she replied gently. "What did you expect? We've been going out for a couple of months. It was bound to happen."

I felt betrayed. Yeah, like it took a couple of months for you to be on your back for him. But again I stayed as cool as I could manage. But I think she knew the effect her 'confession' must have had on me.

"Look, can we just not talk about this? I'm enjoying your company so much and this makes both of us upset." Her voice was firm.

"Yeah, well, it really is none of my business. I just hope want you to be happy." I smiled. "But, it's tough on me, so we just won't go there."

She took my hand. "It's okay. I do care about you." She touched my cheek. "And I do care about you and that's what really matters."

Mary Ann was of course right. Caring -- that's what really matters. The fact that Steve mounts her regularly really is of no consequence at all -- that she gives her lovely, naked body to his pleasure is not what counts; nor is it of any moment that usually when we meet she is carrying his living seed inside of her body. And anyway, Steve keeps me informed about the more sordid, unimportant matters. Maybe one day he will tire of Mary Ann -- or she will tire of him -- and I can once more enjoy her caresses and the sweetness of her amazing, toned body and reclaim her. Maybe one day there will be something more satisfying than coffee and conversation with Mary Ann, all the while knowing Steve is standing stud to her.


Steve's "relationship" with Mary Ann, my darling ex-girlfriend, has continued without a break for almost a year now. It really seems as if it were yesterday that he informed me that he had first bedded her, describing in agonizing detail the particulars of his seduction of my lovely, "innocent" Mary Ann. It has been a year of angst for yours truly as I moved from agony to acceptance of their increasingly intense and complex sexual connection. Steve continues to communicate the more tantalizing particulars although the frequency of their lovemaking has made daily updates rather pointless. He beds her several times a week as their relationship has evolved, or perhaps devolved, from a romantic/dating connection into a more intense, complex, and sexually charged one. Steve, somewhat surprisingly, has admitted that their sexual chemistry is as close to perfect as he has ever experienced. "We just sexually mesh.". This I understood. There's no accounting for this type of connection, it simply happens. It doesn't help much knowing Mary Ann has this with Steve and her lust for his sex has deepened rather than abated over time.

I have learned to content myself with a platonic relationship with Mary Ann, which has gratifyingly grown and deepened over the past year. We're much closer now than when we dated. Obviously I give her something that Steve does not, so I am grateful for that – although Steve gives her his cock, which I do not. That's still tough but in this life you rarely get everything that you want. She has a glow, a radiance, which is the unmistakable sign of a woman who is sexually active and contented – yet this is coupled with than a trace of sadness as her emotional needs generally go unmet. My desire for her spikes every time we share coffee or a meal and my eyes play over the shape of her lovely breasts and prominent nipples which are always full and erect and which no bra can fully conceal. And I think that Steve has unfettered access to her lovely melons as he does to her absolutely perfect legs – and the treasure that lies between them. Given that sperm can live 3-4 days in a woman, it is likely that not a day has passed in the past year when his potent seed has not been alive inside of her body; countless millions of his active sperm cells swimming inside her sex. Once or twice I have glimpsed her panties as she sat across from me at a restaurant and felt both deflated and thrilled wondering if Steve's semen had leaked from her pussy and stained the material. I wonder at times if she can sense my angst. On a bad day I am sure that she can and that in some way she enjoys my discomfort. Mary Ann may be a sweetheart but in bits and pieces, over time, she has slowly but unmistakably jerked my chain, making clear the boundaries of our relationship; and perhaps savoring my discomfort? I never quite know.

It was several months ago that Steve and I met for drinks after work, a meeting he initiated so I figured something was afoot as we rarely socialize. It took only a few minutes of aimless conversation before he got to the point.

"Hey, I've decided to take Mary Ann to Hedonism next week and she's agreed to go. Time to ramp things up a bit and unleash her inner slut," he said with his typical shit-eating grin.

"Hedonism," I said? "Does she know what goes on there?" I was stunned – Mary Ann at Hedonism, the swingers resort in Jamaica? Pollyanna in a sexual paradise?

"I've been working her up to this – feeding her fantasies of enjoying multiple partners when we're having sex. It's taken awhile but she's starting to get off on the idea. I've told her how great she looks naked and how she'll enjoy the attention she'll get from everyone." There's no arguing that – Mary Ann's body is incomparable and she'd be a rock star with her clothes off.

"So, she's okay with this, being naked and maybe fucking other men?" I was both thrilled and aghast and it showed.

"Seems to be," he smirked, "so long as I protect her and see that no harm comes to her. Hey, you remember how wet she got during sex, well, dude, she starts flowing now when we talk about the trip. I had to agree that I wouldn't do any other women, but, hey, no problem. I'm going to slut her out and she wants to do whatever I want." Steve's attitude was triumphant. "So, what do you think about your ex now?"

"I think that you own her sexually."

"You can rely on that!" he laughed. "But, don't worry; I'll fill you in when we get back. Give me your women, and I'll give you back sluts." This was of course true.

There was an uncomfortable silence as I tried to absorb this news.

"Tough to take, isn't it? Well, I've worked hard to get her where I want her – completely submissive." He paused and continued, "Hey, no joke, I'll take care of her, dude. No harm will come to her but she is coming out of that small town shell and her motor is going. I'm taking condoms; that's one of her conditions." I was relieved. "And most of them are Magnums – hopefully we'll find a few well-hung bulls for her." I slumped in my chair. "And I'll take some photos to remind you how good she looks naked."

"You promise to keep me updated?" I asked, knowing that he would.

"Guaranteed!," he replied. "To show you what a good buddy I am, I thought maybe you'd like to come over to my place tomorrow. It's Friday and we always get together after work on Friday. Come by early before I pick her up and you can wait in the bedroom next to mine. I'll bring her back and you can listen while I do her. The deal is you have to stay put and not interfere or make a sound."

"Really? Yeah, sure, okay!" My answer was immediate.

"Great. See you tomorrow at 5:00." He got up to leave but turned back to me, "I'll make sure that she is vocal so that you know how good she is getting it." He grinned, "See what a good friend I am?"

Yeah, some friend, but who was I to argue with someone who was giving me what I so desperately wanted?

I thought about those ads cautioning about erections lasting more than four hours and wondered if I would come to some harm from being so hard for so long in those agonizing hours leading up to 5:00 on Friday. I lost track of how many times I got myself off but finally gave my poor, abused cock some rest while at work. I showed up right on time Friday. Steve wasted no time and showed me his bedroom. There was the bed which was so familiar to Mary Ann and which would be the stage for these two in a few hours. It hit me in the gut to see where she would soon lie naked.

"There it is, dude. The headboard's right up against the wall – next to the spare bedroom. You've got a ringside seat," he said with insinuation. "Time for you to settle in. Just lie in the bed and listen." I did as he said and as he closed the door he winked at me. "Hey, no self abuse! Keep the sheets clean, OK?," he joked. Yeah, I've got it, you jerk.

I heard him leave and fire up his car in the garage and settled in and after a few minutes dozed off. I was awakened a short time later when the front door opened. Mary Ann was giggling something. Hearing her sweet voice was a jolt.

"Go and get ready," Steve said, "I'll get some drinks."

"Don't be long," she said. "I'll be waiting for you," she said with her usual perky animated voice.

Steve was right – I could hear quite clearly next door as Mary Ann shed her clothes and got into bed. I closed my eyes and remembered the sweetness of her naked body, which would soon be enveloped by Steve's. I lay motionless, intent on not missing a thing. Steve came in a few minutes later.

"Well, someone sure is ready!" he laughed. I heard him set the drinks on the nightstand.

"Take your clothes off and join me," she said seductively, "I'm getting lonely."

"You take them off," he responded.

"Mmmmmm, gladly." I could make out the sound of his trousers dropping to the floor. Then, even more distinctly, I heard the nauseating, if muffled sound of Mary Ann fellating Steve.

"Yeah, baby, that's it. Suck it like you love it. Yeah....mmmmmmm, your mouth is so good, baby, so good." My cock was instantly hard. "You love my cock, don't you?"

"Mmmmmm, you know I do," she gasped between breaths as she brought him to a full erection.

"That's it – that's it, baby – make it nice and hard. Yeah, you're such a good mouth...." Mary Ann was really into it and I could hear their urgings and endearments to each other. It took all of my willpower to stay put. How I wished for a peephole!

"Come here," she whispered. I heard Steve crawl into bed and then a few moments of silence as they were obviously kissing. I imagined her tiny hand caressing his thick, veiny cock which must by now have been fully erect and ready for business.

"Do you want me to fuck you," Steve said hoarsely. "Tell me how much you want this cock."

"God, yes, fuck me with your big cock. I am so wet for you, Steve. Please fuck me!"

The headboard creaked noticeably as I heard Mary Ann moan. Steve had entered her body. His cock was now fully sheathed in her pussy. My precious girl was lying there with her legs spread, impaled on Steve's turgid, demanding penis, taking his sex bareback as she had always done. I thought I would explode as the bed creaked with each of Steve's thrusts.

"Oh god, Steve, I'm going to cum – you're making me cum," she moaned and I heard what I had never heard when I made love to her – the sound of her orgasm. Mary Ann's vocal pleasure was unmistakable as Steve brought her off. I thought I would explode in my pants, hearing this.

"You came good that time, didn't you," Steve said clearly.

"Yes," she whispered. "So very good. I needed to cum so bad."

"Am I the best you've ever had?"

"You are. You know you are," she said plaintively.

"Better than your old boyfriend?", Steve said demandingly and clearly to me as much as to her.

There was a noticeable pause before she replied. "So much better – so much better. God, how can you even ask?"

"Mmmmm, but you still see him. He wants to fuck you, doesn't he?" Steve had resumed his rhythm inside of her.

"Yes," she muttered as Steve pleasured himself. "But he never will. You own my body. You are sooooo amazing... God, I want you all the time."

"You tease him, don't you," Steve demanded as his thrusts rocked the headboard. "You enjoy making him want you – denying him." No response. "Say it," he said forcefully.

"Ohhhh, I don't know, maybe a little," she said hoarsely. "I don't want to talk about him. Just fuck me. Fuck me."

I heard them move, changing positions, and I knew from experience that he was taking her from behind, assuming the position Steve always assumed when he was ready to orgasm in a woman. Sure enough the headboard struck the wall forcefully with Steve's first deep thrust inside of her pussy.

"I want you to let him know how good it is with me," Steve said. "He needs to know he can't ever have you back. Do you hear me?" Steve was really going to town now as he took her forcefully, his voice husky and intense. I knew his orgasm was building.

"Yes, yes, I'll tell him," she gasped and then came with a shriek of total pleasure. I was lost in the torment only a cuckold knows and that only a cuckold craves. It was one thing to know that someone else was doing your 'woman', it was quite another to hear her confirm that her pussy now was owned by another man. And Steve truly now did have her completely in his spell.

"Just think baby, next week you'll have two men pleasuring you," Steve said aloud as he thrust with a steady rhythm.

"Oh, god, yes...," Mary Ann gasped, as she gratefully received the unrelenting pounding Steve was giving her.

"Do you want me to find you a big-cocked stud." No answer. "Tell me. Tell me!!" Steve demanded, his voice rising.

"Yes, oh yes, please, find me a really big one!" Mary Ann cried.

"Oh baby, I'm going to cum – right now!" Steve announced loudly.

"Yes, yes, give it to me!"

And the bed rocked and moved with each release of his sperm inside of her ravaged vagina. Steve groaned his pleasure as he emptied his balls completely inside of Mary Ann's sweet body. As he had done now countless times, he had just marked her with his potent, virile seed. I could all but see his muscled buttocks flexing as he gave it up inside of her.

And I wanted so badly the same release but dared not move or make a sound.

And then there was a silence and I knew that they were lying in each other's arms, spent and sated. After straining to hear clearly what they were saying I could only make out a few muffled words. Then as they had obviously done, I closed my eyes and dozed. And I thought of how her words had stung and wounded me deeply. There was no hope for the two of us to ever be lovers again. But still, she had not said that she would not see me. Hey, be thankful for small gifts, I thought.

They went at it again a short time later, more lovingly and less urgently this time. Mary Ann's whispered words of pleasure were tender and told of her longing for Steve. There was no escaping her desire and fascination with Steve but as I thought about it, it was also clear that their connection was primal; sexual; much more one of lust than love. Small gifts again, I mused.

Some time later the door to my bedroom opened and I sat up with a start. Steve walked in, still naked and made a gesture to me to be quiet. His penis was still somewhat distended though I could not make out any telltale sign of their mutual sexual juices, which must have by now dried.

"Mary Ann's asleep, so be quiet." Steve stood next to me and I couldn't take my gaze from the cock that had just been inside of my precious girl – I was mesmerized and frankly more than a little bit in awe as I always had been of his size and thickness. It was almost obscene to think of this sexual weapon pleasuring Mary Ann. No, it was obscene – and yet still completely compelling.

"So, did you like what you heard," Steve whispered and smirked.

"Yeah. You really gave it to her. It was amazing." I said quietly. "She was like an animal. You both were."

"Glad you enjoyed it. Hey, you'd better split now." I agreed – it was time for me to go while she slept. "She's dead to the world, but take a peek before you go."

I arose from the bed quietly and thought it best not to put on my shoes until I got outside. We tiptoed to the bedroom and I carefully looked and saw Mary Ann sprawled naked on the bed. She looked beautiful. One breast was exposed and though the sheet covered her pussy, I saw one leg stretched out carelessly as she slept contentedly. Just as I was about to turn to leave, I saw a wet shot spot clearly visible next to her. I slumped momentarily confronted with the unmistakable visual evidence of their passion. Steve motioned for me to leave and I silently walked to the door.

"Are you going to fuck her again?" I asked, knowing that he would.

"Count on it. I'll text you later with the final tally for the night. You can think about that when you two have lunch tomorrow.

"OK. Night."

My car was parked several blocks away and as I walked in a dreamlike trance I hoped I wouldn't encounter anyone, as my erection was not quite noticeable.

I got only a few hours of fitful sleep that night, my imagination still in overdrive and having slept a while at Steve's, oblivion did not come easily. I counted the hours until my lunch date with Mary Ann. I got to the restaurant almost 15 minutes early so that I could see her walk in. She was smiling and lovely in her short summer dress. She smiled, almost beaming at seeing me, and I melted. Her lean, lithe body made me mad with desire, but I smacked myself mentally and told myself to forget what I had heard and seen briefly only a few hours before – but I clutched for a moment thinking of Steve's sperm still fresh inside of her. I gave her a quick hug and a peck on her cheek and pulled out her chair. We made small talk and enjoyed a leisurely lunch. It was Mary Ann who broke the ice. I could tell she was shifting gears and felt a knot in my stomach. Would she do as Steve bade her to do?

"You know, I really enjoy seeing you," she finally said looking a bit askance. "But you know that we're just friends now, don't you? I mean, I don't talk about Steve much but we're pretty involved. You have to be okay with that if you and I are to go forward." That answered my question – she had done as Steve required.

"I know. I'm okay with that," I said, wondering whether or not I was being completely truthful. Of course the actual truth was too tangled for me to own up to. "You know, you never have looked so lovely and contented."

"I am, sort of." She paused.

"The sex must be pretty good at least," I offered, hanging with my emotions exposed, waiting on her reply.

She dropped her eyes for a few moments and then said carefully, "It is. It's very good. I wish there were more but you can't always get what you want."

"Yeah, I know." And that was the truth. I gulped not knowing what else to say.

Mary Ann continued after an agonizing pause. "Steve's taking me on a trip next week, so I can't see you next Saturday." She kept her eyes averted.

"That's great," I said with false enthusiasm. "Where are you going."

"Somewhere in the Caribbean. I don't really know exactly where." I forgave this small lie as she was being both protective of herself and my feelings.

"You'll have a great time. You haven't had a vacation since your divorce and that was years ago."

"No, I really haven't," she said without smiling. Then she perked up. "Anyway, I'll see you when I get back. Okay?", she said with a lovely, sweet animation. I love her upbeat, Susie Creamcheese personna so much!

"Yeah, sure, absolutely." There was a moment of unspoken sharing as she looked at me with her lovely doe eyes which told me of a truth which would not be shared.

"Well, I have to go run errands, so enjoy the rest of your weekend," she said as she rose from her chair.

"Yeah, I've got things to do as well. Take some photos, okay!"

"Okay," and she gave me a curious, inscrutable smile.

We walked out together and I thought that Steve's promised photos would be more eagerly anticipated than hers. I was in for a tough week I thought as I watched as her car pulled away. Would Mary Ann return with her Pollyanna sweetness still intact or would she be changed forever? Yes, it would be a very tough week indeed.

As I had expected the week of Mary Ann and Steve's trip to Hedonism in Jamaica was one of pure hell for me, yet shaded with a thrilling angst that only a cuckold can experience. Yet, was I really a cuckold or simply a guy who had lost his girl to another man? I had listened and learned that night at Steve's house of Mary Ann's intense craving for his sex, which drove home what I already knew in my gut -- Mary Ann's pussy now belonged to Steve. Knowing it is one thing -- hearing it and seeing it is quite another. In a perfect world I would have been allowed to reclaim her at some point but such was not to be. I contented myself with what she did offer -- a deepening emotional connection, which, coupled with the erotic bits that Steve continued to provide, should have satisfied me. It was certainly more than I had any right to expect, having let her go a year before. And truthfully I was doing fairly well with the realities of the situation until I saw and heard the naked truth -- quite literally -- that night at Steve's house. The image of Mary Ann lying naked in his bed and the cum soaked spot next to her was a visual which will never leave me. I suppose I could have handled the two of them pleasuring each other for a week while I waited for their return. But Steve intended to offer her up to other men and I had no doubt that he would find a big-cocked stud for Mary Ann to enjoy. And, remembering her orgasmic cries when he told her what awaited her in Jamaica, she would enjoy it immensely. So, I anguished that week, imagining the details and wondering of the changes it would bring to my precious girl.

I suppose I had expected to receive some message from Steve that week as he knew how to jerk my chain, but despite checking obsessively for texts and e-mails, there was nothing but silence. I chalked this up to the likely difficulty of any electronic communication from Jamaica. Then, much to my surprise, a rather cryptic e-mail from Mary Ann popped up the day before their return late Friday evening.

"Brunch Sunday?"

"Yes, absolutely. Noon. Miss you." My reply was immediate. Basking in the anticipation of seeing her so soon after her return, it took a few minutes to realize that I also hoped to learn the sordid details from Steve on Saturday. No doubt the prick would want to rub my face in what he had done to her and with her in Jamaica. No matter -- the delight in reclaiming her, emotionally if not sexually, thrilled me.

I waited and watched the minutes tick by on Saturday yet there was nothing from Steve and certainly I didn't want to disturb Mary Ann in any way before Sunday. There was just nothing at all but waiting. I thought of texting him but decided not to. I was wracked with conflicting emotions and uncertain what, if anything, to do. I desperately wanted to know what had transpired at Hedonism that past week. But there was only silence.

Sunday came none too quickly and I was dressed and ready hours before my brunch date with Mary Ann, wondering and hoping that she had received my confirmation. I arrived a bit early and already had a mimosa waiting for her when I saw her arrive and look around for me. I waved and she gave me a thin smile and joined me at the table. For once I saw only her -- not her lovely body -- just her, and I melted. I wonder if I was as cool as I hoped to be or whether she sensed my deep angst.

"It's so good to see you," I said with a bit of false good cheer, though I really was overjoyed to see her.

"Good to see you too. You read my mind -- a drink is just what I needed. You're so sweet and thoughtful." Yeah, that's me, sweet and thoughtful.

"So, when did you get back?" I said, knowing full well when she had arrived back in town.

"Late Friday. Too late to pick up the kids who were with Mike, but I got them yesterday." She finished her mimosa in rather short order -- surprising, as she is a lightweight when it comes to alcohol. I signaled the waiter for another.

"Thanks. It tastes really good for some reason."

"Well, I bet you drank a good bit last week, so that figures." I paused waiting for a reply that didn't come. "Anyway, it's good to see you." Damn, I had already said that. My guts were churning.

"I missed you," she said as the waiter brought a second round. She took a long drink and smiled at me. God, she was so lovely. I thought I would come undone right then and there and do something stupid like profess my undying love or something, but I stayed cool and collected.

I rambled a bit and told her about my week but she really wasn't listening nor was I particularly convincing in my attempt at casual conversation. She sipped away at her second mimosa, not letting the drink out of her hand. Something was on her mind and I felt she was on the verge of sharing. To hell with it, I thought, go ahead and ask her about the trip.

"How was the vacation? You sure got some sun." She had indeed gotten more than a bit of sun. Her normal coppery color was tinged with a bit of red.

"It was okay." She finished off her drink and I thought of ordering another but I was hanging on her every word. "I'm not sure it's good to talk about it with you."

"Hey, I told you I was okay with you and Steve and I am. I know you two are involved, so no worries. You don't have to tell me anything." Please, please, tell me everything, I thought!

She looked pensive and I broke the silence and ordered her another drink. Some brunch -- no food, just alcohol!

"I guess I did drink a bit too much last week - anyway, thanks. My nerves are a bit shaky right now." I smiled and told her to just relax and enjoy.

"Steve took me to this adult resort. It was all rather weird, really. Everyone hung out at the pool naked and just drank and played beach volleyball and got sun."

I laughed. "I can't imagine you hanging out naked. What would your friends say?!"

"They'd say I was naughty and ridiculous. But I did it and it felt kind of good. I mean, everyone was naked so it didn't seem to be that strange." She smiled at me. "Are you shocked?"

"Well, surprised is more like it. But, hey, you were on vacation. I'll bet you got some stares though. Steve must have been so jealous."

She chuckled. "Not exactly. He liked it. And I sort of did too." She thought for a few seconds and continued. "Things got a bit out of hand. I guess I had too much to drink." Mary Ann's mood shifted quickly. She was obviously pained. I said nothing and let her talk. "I started chatting with his man and it was fun flirting with him. He was younger and really cute and well, one thing led to another and we ended up back in my room." She looked around for the waiter and that third drink. And then she looked straight at me. "I'm so ashamed."

I really didn't know what to say. She was on the verge of tears and I reached over and took her hand. "It's okay, sweetie. It'll be okay." I comforted her as best as I could, yet hoped that she would continue -- as much to offer her the need for confession as to satisfy my own lustful need to know. "So, where was Steve when this was happening."

"Watching -- at the pool and back in the room. He wanted me to do it." She looked at me for a reaction.

"Wow. He watched you have sex with this guy? He encouraged you?"


"Whew, that's, uhm, really something,"

"I shouldn't have told you but I had to tell someone. I've been so disturbed by what happened and there was no one to talk to. I had to talk with you -- that's why I e-mailed you from the resort. Are you okay with all of this? I mean, I just have to talk through what happened. And we were intimate once, so I thought you could handle it."

"Yeah, I'm fine with it, baby. It's all really okay." I was cheerful and supportive. "It's sort of hot, actually."

Mary Ann chuckled. "You think? It was a bit, you know -- hot, that is. It seemed so at the time. I had too much to drink, that's for sure!"

"So, how was the sex with this guy?" I asked.

She laughed. "Well, he was pretty good. And big down there. He was just some young, horny guy out for sex. And he knew what to do. I sort of regret doing it but it was pretty amazing."

"And Steve just watched, huh? Wow."

"Well, he got into it as well. I wish he had been a bit more protective of me, really."

"How so?"

She bit her lip. "The guy didn't use a condom. I hope I'm okay."

I was overwhelmed with the visual of this young stud pumping Mary Ann's pussy full of his young, virile sperm. I'm sure my casual air deserted me. Steve had gotten his wish -- Mary Ann had indeed been slutted out. The details were thrilling but frankly I was pissed that he hadn't taken better care of her.

"Yeah, well one time is probably fine. You'll be fine."

Mary Ann looked thoughtful and then continued. "Well, he stayed the night and we had sex off and on the entire time." I shuddered, imagining this young buck pleasuring himself repeatedly with my darling girl. Who'd have thunk it? "He was with me several times the next day and night as well. It didn't seem to matter at that point, you know, so I just let him do what he wanted." She was obviously relieved to have talked about the experience with me. "The rest of the trip didn't go so well. I was upset with Steve and sore down there, you know. He was pretty big. Anyway, Steve and I had a big blowup and I spent the next few days in the room by myself. I took a shopping trip but that was about it. I just wanted to come home."

"You're right to be upset with Steve. I mean, I would have made sure anyone with you would have used a condom at least."

She looked quizzically at me. "You would have, huh? Well, it's over and done with. I won't do that again." She took my hand in hers. "I don't know what I would do without you." Her eyes glistened. I was never so much in love with her than I was at that moment.

"I'll always be here for you. I love you and I accept you." And I meant that. "So, are you and Steve done?" She looked at me with a strange, faraway expression. "Hey, it's none of my business. Forget I asked."

"No, it's okay. I don't know really. I told him we needed a break, so that's where that stands. I'm just so glad to be home with my kids and you. You're my center."

"And you are mine." She looked so sweet and beautiful and I patted her hand. "Hey, we'd better eat!"

"I'm not really hungry. Could we just go back to your place?"

At long last! "Sure," I replied. "I've missed being with you."

"Me too," she answered. We drove to my house and left her car in the parking lot. I was hard as a rock on the way over but she either didn't notice or didn't say anything. We went straight to the bedroom. I quickly disrobed and got under the covers while she was preparing in the bathroom. My eyes were glued to the door, not wanting to miss that moment when she appeared before me, naked and beautiful. And I was not disappointed. Her body was as lithe and beautiful as I remembered -- and deeply tanned all over, the naughty minx. I thought of all the men who must have seen her naked beauty the week before and it took my breath away to think about it. She slid under the covers and I took her in my arms. I want to say that I took my time, but I didn't. I was in love and in heat and entered her quickly. I tried not to think of her taking that young stud's plus-sized penis only a few days ago. He had enjoyed the same tight, wet, silky vagina that I was enjoying now. The mental visual of Mary Ann being topped by a stranger, coupled with my own ecstasy at reclaiming her, sent me off in rather short order. I flooded her exquisite pussy for the first time in a year with my own seed.

"I'm sorry I came so quickly. I just love you so much. I couldn't hold back."

"It's okay. Don't worry. I wanted you too." As thrilling as the sex was, it was even more satisfying stroking her lovely flesh. I tenderly caressed her lovely breasts and for that moment tried not think of how she had offered them to two well-hung men the week before -- and how they had undoubtedly pleasured themselves with her charms. None of that mattered. She was, at least in some way, mine again. We both slept contentedly and awoke several times and made love more slowly and romantically before I had to drive her back to get her car.

Steve finally sent me a few texts the following week -- something to the effect that she had fucked and enjoyed a young stud but had freaked out and was a drag for the rest of the vacation. I replied, with some truth, that I didn't want to know any more. And truthfully I didn't. I mean, who needs old news? Mary Ann's tender 'confession' meant more to me than the particulars from Steve, though, again truthfully, it would have been great to have had a bit more detail. But I told him not to contact me again and, with one exception he hasn't. Of course the one exception was to inform me that he had just fucked her after not seeing her for a few weeks. What a prick -- but no matter. Mary Ann has made me no promises and for now she has two lovers. I've been with her half a dozen times, usually on the weekends. And obviously she has relented a bit with Steve. Apparently he has been given the Wednesday night slot, so I don't ask any questions about what she does Wednesdays when the kids are with her ex. I'm in love once more. And, yes, I am aware that the pussy I am enjoying Fridays and Saturdays is almost certainly still brimming with the sperm that Steve has left behind a few days before. So, for me, cuckold that I am, it's the best of all worlds. And if, as I hope, she decides to be exclusive with me once again, I still have treasured memories. You see, I do want her to be exclusive with me.

But if we ever make it to Hedonism as a couple, it will be condoms only with other men. She did enjoy it, after all. She told me so!

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose -- or as we say in English, the more things change, the more they stay the same. I would have thought that after a year and a half, Steve would have tired of Mary Ann but no such luck. If anything, the pace and depth of their relationship has deepened over time. It certainly has for Mary Ann and to an extent for Steve as well, who has confessed that he has yet to find a woman as passionate and pleasurable as my ex-girlfriend. What I thought would be a fling for both of them has settled into something approaching true romance. I was cut off sexually some time ago -- no surprise there as Mary Ann is at heart quite monogamous. While we still see each other and enjoy each other's company as we always have, she has let it be known that her romantic life is no longer a topic for discussion. She does let slip occasionally that she has gone to some event or taken a trip with her 'boyfriend', but that's the extent of her sharing. Somewhat surprisingly she does question me about my love life, but I am rather vague in what I share in that respect.

Steve of course is a different matter and he will on occasion invite me over to his place and regale me with some deliciously sordid details of his trysting with Mary Ann -- while I worship his cock of course. He demands information on my women, which I am only too glad to provide, as I always hold out hope that he will have them. These submissive episodes are far less frequent these days as his feelings for Mary Ann have deepened and he is really no longer willing to share as he has in the past. I should be surprised at this development, but really I am not. There are no upgrades with Mary Ann and he has come to realize this. He is by all accounts monogamous with her since the first of the year though he struggles with this. Mary Ann apparently has had a fairly good idea that Steve has been 'generous' with his cock but has shown patience and forbearance with his straying. All of this is conjecture on my part as I glean bits and pieces from both of them.

My love life has been reasonably good. Last fall I was in a brief but intense relationship with a lovely, stunning, spirited woman named Dana. She is the type of woman who can make men weak the knees and mine buckled the first time I met her. Dana is above average height, with short, perfectly frosted hair, a super trim waist, and breasts to die for. We made contact through an Internet dating site and I wanted her the first time we met over coffee. She is quite aware of her effect on men but as I learned, she had always been sparing in offering up her charms. Dana had little patience with men and could be offhand with them to the point of being a real bitch if they came on too strong or tried to impress beyond a reasonable point. Still, she genuinely liked men and preferred their company so long as they toed the line. I played my hand coolly with her and took matters slowly over the first few dates. I of course desperately wanted her and, given my nature, wanted Steve to have her too. The second craving was pure fantasy as I sensed correctly that while sexual, Dana was rather conventional.

When we first made love, I was captivated the first moment I entered her. To be inside the body of such a goddess made me so glad to be a man. I didn't protest at all when she insisted I use a condom. Though she had vetted me by requiring testing proof of my cleanliness, she was not on birth control, so a condom was required. I was pleased to know that she in actuality did not care for them and long-term wanted a man who was vasectomy safe. I had actually been considering getting the 'snip' for quite some time and told her I was going to get the procedure done. To my mild surprise she did not seem all that pleased and told me that she did not want to feel responsible for such a major decision. I assured her that this was my choice and one that I had wanted to do for some time. She simply made the choice an easy one.

I had the procedure done on a Thursday and was surprised how quick and painless it was. Most doctors now use a minimally invasive procedure that minimizes the discomfort. Dana visited me several times that weekend and bitch that she could be, served me soup topless and giggled when I laughingly told her to stop the torture! She really was wonderful and told me several times that she was looking forward to bare sex with me after a few weeks. My urologist had told me that I would need to ejaculate 10-20 times over the course of those weeks to clean the pipes, as it were. Dana laughingly declined to assist me with this, though she did send several suggestive photographs that provided me with the necessary 'inspiration'. We saw each other and gratefully she didn't tease me overly much -- we just enjoyed each other's company and shared kisses and hugs. After three weeks and a final test of my ejaculate at the urologist's office, I was pronounced sterile and looked forward to my reward!

And I was well rewarded. Dana was as eager as I was to renew our sexual connection and we both welcomed the opportunity for bareback sex. My first release inside her body was intense but a part of me regretted that my ejaculate no longer was potent. Dana had said on several occasions that she was going through an early menopause but still wanted to be careful. So, apparently we both were non-fertile but though I felt a twinge of regret, I was able to blissfully enjoy unprotected sex with this goddess, so that certainly eased the doubts I felt.

We continued to be quite close for the next month or so. Everyone has his or her issues and in Dana's case her issue was a financial/lifestyle one. Due to a variety of circumstances, some of her own doing and some not, she was hanging on financially by her fingernails, to the point where she was going to have to give up her place and move in with her parents just to survive. Though she never asked me if she could move in with me, the question hung over the entire relationship. After careful thought I had to tell her that I was not prepared financially or emotionally to have someone live with me. Dana was disappointed and said that while she really liked me, she had to be realistic about her situation. She had to look to be with a man who could support her in every respect. We had several long talks about this roadblock and when it became apparent that we had come across a deal-breaker for both of us, we mutually decided to end the romantic aspect of our relationship.

Dana moved in with her parents and despite that rather significant boost she still had to watch her money closely. I realized this and offered to buy her a few months on the online dating site so that she might make a more suitable match. She seemed a bit taken aback by this offer and asked if it would bother me if she went out with other men. I did not of course tell her that I would be intensely aroused if she had sex with some of them as a result. I simply told her that I was looking out for her best interests and would be glad if she in fact found a man who could provide for her what I could not. And there was truth in that statement. I am by nature a giver and genuinely cared for her, so my offer was heartfelt. She took me up on it.

I had to get access to her account to set up the credit card payment so she provided her password so that I could activate her membership. I knew that her profile would generate intense interest and a plethora of responses. I resisted the impulse to log in and check her activity for the first week or so, though naturally I was dying to do so. One evening I was alone and bored and thinking of her. I phoned but got no answer. I gave in to temptation and logged in to her account. Sure enough she had many dozens of messages. I was a bit ashamed of myself and just as I was about to log out, I saw that Steve had contacted her. I was instantly aroused and as I sorted out my feelings, I was surprised that he was still trolling the Internet even though he was deepening his relationship with Mary Ann. Well, a leopard doesn't change its spots so easily, I thought. Reading through their correspondence, I learned that the reason that she didn't answer my phone call was that they were out on a date that every evening. I knew -- I mean, I just knew -- that Steve was bound to have her. It was fated that he would once more service one of my women. I felt both aroused and sickened to think on the likelihood of Steve bedding my goddess. I had to know. I simply had to know.

I was beside myself for hours, in total cuckold angst! I pulled up several of the teasing photos that Dana had sent me during my recovery and was in agony imagining Steve pleasuring himself with her lovely, rounded breasts before mounting her. The killer was the photo she had sent me of her treasured pussy. I knew that Steve would seduce Dana in her vulnerable state and that it wouldn't take long before he would be balls deep in her body. I could all but see his thick, veiny shaft fully inserted inside of her treasure. I could do nothing more than helplessly relieve myself several times and seek further release through sleep. Had I done it again? Had I spurned another quality woman only to see her taken up and bedded by an alpha male like Steve?

Dana and I still talked fairly regularly and when I asked how her dating life was going, she said that she had had several dates over the past week. When I asked her if there was anyone in particular that she fancied, she did tell me that there was one guy named Steve (groan) who seemed especially attentive. She didn't go into details but she did say that she wondered about his real intentions but would see him again. I breezily told her that I had confidence in her ability to separate the players from the real prospects and left it at that. I didn't ask when she would see him again, as that would appear to be intrusive on my part. She said she let me know how things were going and thanked me again for my help.

I should have let matters lie, but I was dying to contact Steve and let him know that he was on track to bed another of my women. I can resist temptation only for so long, so once I had learned from Dana that she had had a second date with him, I called him. He seemed glad to hear from me and, alpha shit that he is, asked me if I had any women that he might service. I told him that perhaps he should focus on Mary Ann and he laughed and told me that she was his primary love interest and that he had both no intention of letting her go nor settling into a fully monogamous relationship with her just yet. I thought for a minute and then spilled the beans about Dana. Steve was genuinely surprised and instantly delighted to know that a woman he had seen casually was one of my 'women'.

"Well then, I'll just have to fuck her, won't I?" he said with his usual cocky manner. "She's smokin' hot, dude. I was hoping to fuck her anyway, but now the stakes have been raised, haven't they?" I had to agree that they had. "She's looking for a guy to take care of her -- that I figured out pretty quickly and I wasn't going to get into that type of hassle, but I tell you what -- I'll do her and let you know. How would that be?" I could all but see his shit-eating grin.

"Yeah, that would be awesome," I said weakly. I told her the road I had to take to have her bareback and heard him scoff.

"You let some bitch make you get the snip? Where are your balls, dude?" I offered up some lame excuse that I was going to have it done anyway, but Steve wasn't buying any of it. "Well I'm not shooting blanks and I'll make you a bet that I can fill her with the real deal. You want me to, don't you?"

"Yeah, I do," I said with my voice dropping off. "Do it and let me know. Please!"

"Well, you know what they say. The third date is the charm and I have a third date with her tomorrow. Tell you what - I'll call you after I've had her. You can come over and taste Dana's juices and mine afterwards. How would that be?"

"Awesome. Thanks, man"

"My pleasure, I guarantee you. Mary Ann has been out of town visiting her parents, so I've got quite a load saved up -- and guess who's gonna get it."


"That's right. Hope you think about that the next few days." Believe me, I did. Still I knew Dana had bullshit radar when it came to men, so I wondered if Steve could deliver on his boastful promise.

The next day and a half was pure agony but I kept my cool enough not to call Dana as I knew that I was likely to press her for information about who she was seeing -- not a good idea. There was no point in calling Steve as he assured me that he could keep me informed. So it was two days later when my phone rang as I was preparing to go for a Saturday morning run. It was Steve. My heart sank and my cock stirred.

"Hey there, what's up?" I said trying to be casual.

"Not my cock, that's for sure. Dana was every bit as good as she looked." I was speechless for a few moments and there was nothing but silence on the line.

"You had her?"

"Baby, I had her three times last night. What a tigress! And what a slut! All that stuff she served up to you about worrying about getting pregnant. Man, when we got down to business at my place, she just wanted to know if I was clean, so I showed her my testing and when I asked her about hers, she said that she hadn't been with anyone in a long time and was going through menopause, so I shouldn't worry. What a lying slut -- I mean about not having been with anyone. Shows you what she thinks about her time with you, doesn't it?"

"Yeah, I guess it does", I said weakly.

"Anyway, I just rubbed my cock against her opening and was balls deep on the first thrust. I was already leaking cum so she got marked by me right away." I struggled to find words but couldn't. "We fucked like two minks and she came over and over. Did you ever make her cum?"

"No, I never did," which was a lie as I had gotten her off vaginally twice but only after really working at it. What required intense effort on my part was achieved by Steve with ease.

"Yeah, well, I just bitch fucked her and she was loving it, man -- just loving what I was giving her."

"And you came inside of her?" I said, already knowing the answer.

"Three loads and the first one was a major mess. She took it all and once more during the night and again about an hour ago. Your Dana is soaked with my sperm, dude -- the real deal, not the sterile stuff you put into her. How do you like that?"

"Awesome...I mean, wow...." I couldn't think what else to say.

"Come on over and clean me up if you have time. I'm headed out in a few hours, so you'd better hurry."

And hurry I did. Steve answered the door wearing only a towel and I followed him to his big easy chair and got on my knees. When he pulled off the towel, I saw his all too familiar, obscenely thick member with the matted, dry leavings of their lovemaking still coating his sex. I tasted Dana's juices and his leavings, and just went to town as Steve moaned his appreciation and told me more about their recent coupling. It took a while but he finally offered up yet another load, this time into my mouth. I felt weak and frankly rather disgusted with myself, but at least now I knew. There really is no end to this. Sometimes you get what you want and regret it and as I stood up, I felt an intense regret that I had played such a direct part in bringing Dana to Steve's bed.

"I've gotta go," I said and quickly made my exit.

Dana actually called me that afternoon and without so much as a mention of her recent seeding, casually asked how I was doing and told me she was thinking of me. Yeah, right, I thought regretfully, she sure is thinking about me. But I knew when to play it cool, so I kept the chat short and didn't ask anything about her 'date' the night before. I really couldn't make small talk as all I could think of were the millions of viable, wiggling sperm cells of Steve that she had up inside of her It was actually several weeks later that she volunteered some information about her love life, saying that she had slipped up once and regretted it. I knew from Steve that he had fucked her once more but she had told him that he was too much of a player and she wouldn't sleep with him any more. Dana never mentioned the second tryst and I didn't press her for details. I mean, why should I? Steve had reported their lovemaking in excruciating detail.

Dana has found herself these days in a committed relationship with a man named Daryl that she met a few weeks after being bedded by Steve. She has in fact moved in with him. He treats her like a queen and provides for her financially and emotionally. Dana said that he was smitten with her at first sight -- no surprise there as most men who spend time with her want to take her off the shelf immediately. She played it rather cool with Daryl but in time his persistence and obvious desire for commitment paid off. I've seen a few photos of the guy on her Facebook page and trust me, he's nothing to look at. I sort of get the feeling that he's not much in the sack, but that's nothing more than an intuitive guess on my part. We do stay in touch and I've let her know that I love and support her and want only the best for her. And I really do, despite my rather intense and requited wish for her to have been bedded by Steve. Sometimes we get what we ask for. And it's a bitch.

These days I try to focus on what's in the present and do my best not to give in to my darker desires. So far so good, but then again, it's tough not to think about the past -- with both pleasure and regret.


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