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Amy's Neighborly Welcome

 A few months ago, we met our new neighbours, Anna and Matt. We occasionally chatted to them at the verge about gardens, work etc, so we finally decided to invited them over for a BBQ with another neighbour couple for a neighbourly welcome. They have no kids yet, are both working and are a few years younger than Amy, but very mature and down to earth. They are both slim and attractive. The BBQ was very enjoyable, and they seemed more connected to us than to the other neighbours. You could tell Anna and Amy liked each other, they laughed and joked, and had similar work roles, so they talked work while Matt and I talked cricket.

While Amy and I were enjoying a kid free day/night and after a nice late lunch together one Saturday, a knock on the door came at 5pm, beer o'clock time. We had just settled down with some drinks, deciding which DVD movie we would watch on TV tonight, and had just cuddled up on the comfy lounge, a place we often have sex if time and freedom are available. Amy always gets a bit frisky after a couple of her drinks. I encourage that.

I got up and opened the door, Matt was there with a couple of beers. "Anna has gone to a meeting and I thought you'd like a beer," he said.

"Sure, come in, we just got some drinks organised for ourselves," I replied.

I knew Amy wouldn't mind because she actually likes Matt. I had even asked her after we first met them on the lawn verge, whether he would be a definite or not. She had said, yes, he's a definite but don't get your hopes up, he's got a very nice wife and they look very happy together.

"You never know unless you ask, and you should keep your hopes up because if an opportunity comes our way, I'll be asking," was my reply.

"Haha, you never stop trying do you." She was right, we'd had a few threesomes already and we did have the ongoing occasional one with a guy from where we both used to work, until he met someone. It had been four months since we'd had a naughty liaison with him, with Amy enjoying the additional dick. Although we have a great sex life ourselves, I was very keen for a new threesome, as I enjoy it as much as she does. I can tell when Amy is keen as well, but she would never admit it, she just waits for me to suggest it, then agrees very quickly. And I know she would like one with Matt.

Matt came in, we shooks hands, Amy stood up, they cheek kissed and he sat down. Hmmm I thought, my creative mind started.

Anna is out for a couple of hours. Matt is here and I know he likes Amy. I know Amy would like to fuck him if possible and I would like a new threesome, and so would she. They had cheek kissed a greeting and he is alone. Plus, we had both already started to feel a bit amorous. A Moscato or two for Amy and she would drop her guard from her self-imposed embarrassed firewall.

All this added up to a near perfect opportunity, in my mind at least. Not sure about theirs.

We were having a nice relaxed chat with a few laughs. Amy excused herself to go to the toilet, so Matt took that opportunity and opened up to me.

"You are so lucky you know. Amy is very attractive and I love Chinese girls as well. I guess you're taking every opportunity you can, he said with a wink. I knew what he was getting at, as I was older than Amy.

"Anna is very attractive as well," I replied, "and yes, your right, I am taking every opportunity that comes up, and there's more opportunities to be had before its too late than just sex between us," I replied, leaving him with an opening to ask questions which will allow me to explore an opportunity if he did. He looked at me, not sure what my comment meant, and in that second or two of silence he decided to ask.

"What do you mean by that," he asked.

"There are other things couples can get up to, you know, not just one on one sex with each other, which is really good, don't get me wrong, but there are other ways to enjoy great sex, especially if your relationship has been going for a while and things need spicing up. And as you get older you feel there's things you would like to try with other parties before it's too late." He then realised what I was talking about.

"Are you saying that you and Amy are swingers."

Too late to answer as Amy swung back into the lounge and sat down. I noticed a change in clothing, the skirt was changed to a nice short loose flowing one and her top was a clingy easy pull over the shoulder's kind, rather than the buttoned up one she had on before. Her nipples were trying to punch through the tight fabric, no bra as well, it was very obvious what she had in mind. I guess a bit of advertising doesn't hurt either. She looked at me as I noticed, smiled and shrugged. I'm sure Matt noticed the top; he'd have to be blind if he didn't. I knew then she was hoping I would try to arrange something. Little did she know I was already onto it, laying down some obvious thoughts and feelings in Matt's mind about what we get up to and what might be possible for him. His mind would now be spinning.

So, before the moment past I asked him. "How long have you and Anna been together," I asked.

"Nearly seven years, over four years married," he replied.

"Have you and Anna ever done anything really naughty, sex wise."

"Like what," he asked.

"Like had sex in public, in a car park, in your bedroom with the curtains open, talked about fantasies or swapping or anything like that."

"No, we haven't, nothing like that. I don't think Anna would be interested."

"Maybe she would," I replied, "maybe you should ask her. Maybe she'd like to talk about it. Talk about her fantasies and maybe she'd even like to try something a little naughty and she's worried about what you might think. And what about you, would you like to talk to her about it, do you have fantasies."

"Of course, every person has fantasies." Amy was keenly listening in now, as she poured herself another glass of Moscato, then crossed her legs in a way that made Matt look. She has gorgeous golden legs.

"True, but you haven't yet spoken about anything with her."

"Not really, I guess. I would find it a little bit hard to bring something like that up, in case she gets the wrong idea or angry," he said.

"Unless you do talk about it, nothing will happen. You could both just be happy to fantasize and just do some dirty talk to yourselves or maybe you might even attempt to try something with others. It doesn't mean you have to do anything; you can always pull out if you're not comfortable."

"You mean we should try a threesome," he asked.

"I'm not telling you to do anything, but yes that's one option, but just start talking about it, ask her what her fantasies are. You'll soon find out what options you both like and might think about trying, if you're not too pushy or fixed on a certain fantasy. Maybe you both would like to try a threesome, male or female, so long as you talk it through, and you're both comfortable to actually do it so that it does not affect your relationship or your love for each other. You might need to compromise to start off. You need to be certain of your love for each other and just think of it as another activity, like going to the movies or playing cards. There will be emotions for you both, but if your mature enough to talk it through you'll be okay."

He looked at Amy and then back at me. "Have you guys done it."

'Yes, we have, several times and even a foursome with another couple."

"Wow, that is so cool. How did that affect your relationship."

"We talked about doing something for some time before we took the plunge with a guy we both felt comfortable with, and we both felt that it heightened our relationship, as we realised then that our love for each other was strong enough to overcome any issues something like that brings. Same when we involved another woman," I added.

"Wow," he muttered, "that is so cool."

"Do you think you could do it, enjoy a threesome, with another man or woman," I asked.

"Sure, I'd love to, but Anna, well I'm not so sure, she's a bit old fashioned."

Amy suddenly stood up, moved over to the side of him and put her arm across his shoulders and kissed him on the lips. He kissed her back as he put his arm around her. It appeared that Amy wanted to try right now, and she hadn't even finished her second drink. Good girl I thought. She told me after that she had got horny listening to me talking to him. Another time we might see if we can get old fashioned Anna to join in, if not, this new situation could be a good thing occasionally.

Amy then stood in front of him with her back to me, I lifted up her skirt from behind just to check what I thought she'd done earlier. Sure enough, no knickers, she's a very naughty proactive girl my Amy, she's done that before when she's sure I'll organise something. I moved up closer behind her and kissed her cute little cool bum while she was leaning down and kissing Matt. I then lifted her top up and over her head and let her cute little boobs bounce out, right in front of Matt. Her unbelievable nipples would be irresistible to him. Matt looked at them, then up at her eyes with wonder and back down to her nipples. She pulled his head to her tits as he took one in his hungry mouth. He didn't know what had just happened, he had just said he'd like a threesome, and now he might have one without his wife and become unfaithful. This will test him; will he go ahead.

Yes, I believe he would, I think my talking got him ready. He continued to kiss and suck her nipples. He was not going to stop now. I quickly closed the curtains, and took the big cushions off the lounge and spread them out on the floor into a long comfy temporary bed while Matt was busy with Amy's nipples, and his hand was up her skirt playing with her bum.

I turned back and slipped my hands up inside her thighs until they came close to that gorgeous soft, warm, juicy place between her beautiful golden legs. Amy spread her legs a little, allowing me to feel her wetness and soft swollen enticing pussy lips while Matt continued to greedily suck her nipples as she made soft sexy noises. She was wet, juicy and ready for anything. I slid my finger inside her pussy from behind and heard a little squeal of delight. Amy placed Matts hands on the bottom of her skirt, he got the hint and slowly pulled it down, exposing her neat mound of pussy fur and then her lips as it slid slowly down, giving him a nice surprise. I kissed her bum as the skirt came off, so cool and yummy. I laid Amy down on the cushions and she dragged Matt down with her as he quickly took off his shorts and jocks. She was going to have him first it seemed, which would allow me to watch what they were about to do. I didn't mind, in fact I will enjoy watching Amy's pussy take all of his cock, as always.

As Matt positioned himself between her legs, Amy moved them back and out allowing him full access to her wet tempting pussy. He moved his dick up to her opening. He was oblivious to me still being here, his dick was now in control of his mind. She could feel him using his oozing dick to slide between her pussy lips, pushing them apart with the help of her juices. Amy moaned at the thought that it will soon be deep inside her, as the head of his dick moved up and against her silky soft pink inner pussy. With his hand he used her juices and his to slide the head of his dick up and down her wet open pink lips, occasionally teasing her clit. Suddenly, because she was so slippery her pussy opened up and swallowed half his dick without him trying. He then slowly pushed forward. I watched as it disappeared, then looked at Amy, she had her eyes closed but she was totally loving this sensation of another new dick sliding into and completely filling her pussy, knowing I was watching. I will lick her pussy to cum later.

I leaned down, she felt me come in close, reached out and pulled me in for a beautiful long passionate kiss while he was fucking her with slow deep strokes. Her nipples were hard and erect and needing attention. I moved to one nipple and kissed it as she placed a hand behind my head. I sucked as much of her tit and nipple into my mouth as I could, flicking my tongue across her nipple as I sucked. Amy loved the sensation of her nipples being sucked while she had another cock fucking her at the same time. I could hear their fucking, the noise of their juices and the movement of his dick, the soft wet sound of secret wicked sex being enjoyed.

I leaned back to kiss her beautiful lips again, her tongue thrust into my mouth to suck. Amy was enjoying two men again; she was the centre of attention again and loving it. I could tell he was enjoying her wet tight pussy, as would any man. He looked down at her, her long black shiny hair spread out across the pillow, her moist beautiful perfect full lips and her large black sexy eyes opened, taking in the sight of the man above her, fucking her as I watched.

She reached up and pulled him down for a kiss without him stopping his consistent thrusting. I was lucky enough to see it moving against her pussy lips as he lowered himself to kiss her. I moved down behind him, his legs were out and apart, enough to let me see his dick filling her pussy as his balls swung in rhythm up against her bum. Her creamy juices were flowing slowly down her pussy crack to the crack of her arse. Suddenly he started to make irregular movements, he was about to cum. Seconds later he did, he twitched and spasmed as he exploded his cum deep inside her. I could imagine that Amy, using her pussy, was squeezing every drop out of him.

She moved him off quickly but nicely, for me to quickly take his place. Her pussy was wide open from his dick just being inside it, and wet with his cum, so my dick slid inside her effortlessly. I fucked her as I kissed her as well. I whispered "this is so nice, watching you being fucked again by someone and now me fucking your very bad naughty hot pussy". She kissed me and replied "my pussy loves being wicked", then squeezed my dick inside her. I cum not long after, as watching her being fucked or licked to cum by someone else, man or woman, always excites me too much.

At that moment just after I cum, my dick still inside her, a knock on the door made us all stop and look up. I reluctantly pulled out and went to the door with my dripping dick and asked who it was.

"It's Anna, is Matt with you guys."

Before answering I looked around, they were pulling on clothes quietly and quickly, luckily our drinks were still on the coffee table. "Yes, hang on while I get the deadlock keys," I replied, not that you need them but it gave us all a few more seconds and I needed to get dressed as well. I finally opened the door as Anna came in.

"Sorry," she said, "the meeting was cancelled and I remember Matt saying he might come over for drinks."

We were all stuck for words, standing around not knowing how or where to look, it must look fairly obvious that something had been secretly going on, and the room possibly smelt overwhelmingly of sex.

So, I said, "Would you like to drink Anna."

"A G&T would be great thanks." As I left to go to the fridge, I noticed a cushion was still on the floor, under the coffee table, I'll have to get it later. I got Anna her drink and tried to get the cushion by stealth, but it would be too obvious. Anna was looking a bit thoughtful as we talked, she was thinking. Amy had her short skirt back on, no knickers, and her naughty nipple top and her hair looked a bit dishevelled. I think Anna was suspicious of something.

As I gave her the G&T, she said, "it smells of sex in here." Shit, we all looked at each other as she added, "if you guys have been having sex without me, then I don't think that's fair, and if you have, you'd better start all over again and include me because I want to be part of it."

Holy shit. We all looked stunned after a few seconds of fear that this was all going to be undone really badly. "I've wanted to swap with you guys since we met. And by the way, if you have, I'm not upset because I think Matt needed a bit of coaxing to start something like this. I've been wanting to do something for years now, and he's never asked." Well, Anna got straight to the point. Matt could not speak.

Anna looked at Amy, and in a really nice way said, "don't be embarrassed but I hope you did let him have sex with you tonight because I would actually like to watch him fuck you while your husband fucks me."

Amy could not lie and said, "well, yes, we actually just finished as you knocked," then looked at us two guys for help and without letting Anna say anything, she said, "and you scared the shit out of us." We all laughed, including Matt. He stood up and kissed his wife.

"Well let's go again then shall we," I said and stood up, grabbed Anna's hand and Amy's and lead them to our bedroom. Matt was stunned at his wife's forwardness and her admission of wanting to have sex with others, but he couldn't say anything, because he'd just been caught out being unfaithful, and whether he liked it or not, he was about to see his wife being fucked by me while she watched him fuck Amy.

Matt followed, and when we all got there Anna said, "Matt can you strip me please, I'm as horny as all hell right now." Matt stripped Anna slowly, but left her knickers on. While they did that and we were watching, Amy came over to me, I took her top off again and kissed her gorgeous nipples, undid her skirt and let it drop to the floor. Anna watched intently as Amy became naked in front of her and saw us kiss. Hmmm I thought, I think Anna may be a little interested in Amy. I guess we'll find out sooner or later, hopefully sooner. Within seconds we were nearly all naked.

Anna grabbed Matt, kissed his hard dick, spun him around and gently pushed him in Amy's direction at the same time grabbing my hand and pulling me to her, and up against her naked tits. She pushed my hands down to take her knickers off. Anna's cute furry bush came into view as Matt hugged Amy's gorgeous body and kissed her nipples. We got the girls to sit on the edge of the bed with their legs up and open, exposing their very inviting wet pussy's, which were ready to be kissed and fucked. I kissed Anna's very juicy pussy, licking along her lips and up to her clitoris. She whispered that Matt is not that good at licking her pussy, so I looked across. Amy had hold of Matt's head, making sure his tongue was working on her pussy. He didn't have much choice I thought, so I guess they'd make the most of it.

In the meantime, Anna was loving her pussy being licked. I like to think I'm reasonably good at licking pussy and it wasn't long before Anna started to show signs of cumming. Amy had sensed Matt was not going to make her cum, so she pulled him up, grabbed his dick and placed it at the entrance to her wet pussy and let Matt's dick slide into her for a second time tonight. Anna, sensing what was going on sat up slightly and just managed to see her husband's hard cock glide beautifully, all the way into Amy's hungry pussy. I wondered what Anna was thinking, as this is the second time he'd fucked Amy, once in her absence and now with her watching. Anna and Matt looked at each other as he started to gently fuck Amy's pussy, it was a moment of respect and love between them without them being physically with each other. I think they will be okay, it was a good sign for them and maybe for us, as I hope we might do this again, and as much as I'm sure Amy likes Matt fucking her, I think she'll want to teach him how to lick her pussy, and make her cum. I also was thinking Anna might want to add Amy to her list.

Not long after Matt slipped his hard cock into my sexy wife, Anna started her wild cum, no doubt helped by Amy fucking her husband. After Anna had cum, I moved up and made it obvious that I was putting my dick into position so that Matt and Amy could watch, I pushed her legs back a bit further for better viewing. I lubricated my dick with Anna's cum juices, and pushed it into her pussy just a little, holding it, so Matt could see that her wet lips were wrapped tight around it, before I leaned forward and let it slide inside her silky cum filled pussy without hindrance. She closed her eyes and moaned, her mind was probably thinking about having another man's dick being inside her while her husband was next to her, fucking another woman. Anna reached out and held Amy's hand while us two boys shared fucking our gorgeous girls, or was it them sharing us.

I watched both girls' tits wobble while we fucked them, I was more excited about Amy having the new dick inside her again, than me fucking Anna. I always wonder what Amy's thoughts are while she enjoys being fucked by someone other than me while I'm with her. I know she enjoys it and she knows I love watching. Anna's pussy felt nice and warm and tight, as Amy's would to Matt, it is so fantastic being inside a pussy. I laid down on Anna and kissed her, then kissed her nipples as I continued to move in and out, and whispered to her "would you like to try a toy later."

"Yes please, I've never done that before, but first before I do, if it's okay with you I'd really love to kiss Amy's pussy".

"Wow, yeh, great, I'd love that and I know Amy would, but she probably won't do anything to you."

"That's fine by me," she whispered, "I just want to do it, she turns me on. I've been wanting to kiss another women's pussy forever. I'm so glad you guys included Matt earlier, otherwise this may never have happened, he's a bit slow."

That comment about Anna wanting to kiss Amy's pussy got me just a little too excited and I cum immediately. Matt was still thrusting in and out of Amy but was very close, I could hear him trying to hold off, but he couldn't. Knowing now that his wife had wanted to do something like this, which he thought she never would because she's too old fashioned, and the fact I'd just exploded cum into his naughty wife's pussy, tipped him over the edge. Amy had now been fucked three times but was yet to cum herself. I moved over to her as Matt, completely exhausted, rolled himself off the bed and onto the floor with a pillow to relax.

"I want to make you cum now with a little help from pinky, is that okay," I asked.

"Yes please, don't be too long, I need to cum now," she said. I quickly got pinky. After a few beers and cumming twice Matt had fallen asleep. While I was getting pinky, Anna had rolled over next to Amy, kissing her shoulder and playing with her tits. Amy's eyes were closed but she was not complaining. While Anna had one of Amy's tits in one of her hands, I moved Amy's legs up and out, and after being fucked three times, her slick pussy opened easily, eagerly waiting for me and pinky to make her cum.

I put pinky on low vibration but Anna quickly saw what was about to happen and moved between Amy's legs and started kissing her pussy. Amy, expecting pinky to be used, looked down in surprise, but because it felt so nice, she laid back to let it happen and completely enjoy the sensation of another woman, and maybe make up for Matt's poor effort. I knew Amy's heart would be beating very fast right now from extreme arousal and erotic thoughts about what was suddenly happening just from someone just dropping in for a drink. Amy's pussy would have been quivering with excitement, waiting for the moment Anna's mouth would touch her hot wet hopeful lips. Amy moaned the moment Anna kissed her pussy, that was so nice to hear and see. Amy's eyes were closed but she was so horny and excited. Anna slowly and gently kissed her pussy all over, sucked on her exotic dark tipped lips and sweet clit, allowing her tongue to explore the soft pink flesh inside Amy's gorgeous sweet pussy. Anna wanted to take her time and enjoy thi moment as much as she could before she too was so aroused, she would not be able to control herself. I knew Amy would not take long to cum, as it's not that often that Amy has another woman lick her pussy. Each time it has happened, it's been like a new extremely erotic experience, one that she dearly loves when it does happen. She has said it's somehow completely different from another man making her cum, it's like she's being a very wicked girl, but it's such a beautiful moment.

Soon Anna could tell that Amy could not hold off any longer and sucked and licked Amy's clit while slipping two of her slim fingers inside Amy's open juicy pussy. As I thought, Amy didn't take long to cum, it was wild, she held Anna's head against her pussy as long as she could stand the sensation, then pulled her legs up and rolled onto her side as she shivered and savoured the moment her pussy felt the beautiful release of pleasure, created by another woman. Anna laid back and cuddled Amy while she recovered. I laid down as well, facing Amy with my arms over her, showing her my complete love and softly kissing her face.

I knew Anna was still very horny and remembered that pinky was still waiting, having missed out on Amy's pussy, it was now hoping to fuck Anna's pussy. As Amy started coming back out of her dreamworld Anna laid on her back, pulling Amy over on top of her. Amy was covering Anna's body, boobs touching boobs, mounds and pussy hair mingling. Amy's head was resting against the side of Anna's, her hair covering Anna's shoulder as Anna's arms were around her. Wow, this looked so hot, I kissed Amy's bum all over, including giving her now sticky bum hole a few little licks, making it twitch. I spread her legs so I could see her pussy below her bum from behind, as well as seeing Anna's pussy below Amy's.

Under Amy, I moved Anna's legs apart as well. I slid my finger into her, it was still very juicy with her own excitement from what she'd just done with Amy. I picked pinky up, turned it on low, slid it down Amy's contented slippery pussy, collecting her juices on the way to Anna's pussy. Anna felt pinky against her lips, and moved her legs slightly more open, indicating she wanted it. I slowly slid pinky inside her, in and out, a bit at a time until pinky was fully inside her, vibrating and letting her pussy gradually enjoy this new sensation for her. I could feel Anna reacting, hugging Amy while pinky was pleasuring her. After a few minutes I slowly pulled pinky out and placed it against her clit, letting the vibrations bring her slowly to orgasm as I slid my fingers deep inside her, playing with her G spot. Amy was happy just to lay on Anna's warm soft body, feeling Anna's reactions as she headed towards her first vibrator cum. Not long after, Anna began twitching until she could no longer hold back and she soon cum, closing her legs and holding Amy tight against her. Amy later told me that pinky was also touching her clit and she had nearly cum as well.

Not knowing that, and while Anna was recovering, I could see Amy's pussy had become more open and wetter, leaking erotic juice downwards. I could see a little sparkly dew drop about to fall off from Amy onto Anna's now contented pussy. Amy had obviously become excited laying on top of Anna while she was enjoying pinky, and feeling Anna cum under her, so I decided to see if Amy would like some pinky excitement. I slid pinky between Anna's lips again, which made her twitch, to get some extra juice to mix with Amy's. I turned pinky back on to low. I'm sure she heard, but she didn't move. Her legs were still apart, now over Anna's, showing the pucker of her cute bum hole and her open wet pussy. I placed pinky softly against her lips to check reaction. There was, Amy raised her bum ever so slightly, indicating I should go ahead with whatever I was thinking. I slid pinky around her wet inner soft pink lips until I felt there was going to be no rejection. I slowly slid pinky deep into her, twisting as I went, mixing Anna's cum juices inside Amy. Once I could tell Amy was nearly ready to cum, I slid pinky out and placed it against her clit, replacing it with a finger, making her squirm with pleasure as she continued to lay on top of Anna, their warm bodies and tits rubbing against each other. Amy cum soon after, with Anna again holding her tight. The AA's had helped the real AA's enjoy their time with pinky.

After we'd all recovered, we woke Matt up, but didn't talk about what had happened while he was asleep. It was something we kept to ourselves, maybe Anna will tell him later. Or maybe if she doesn't, we can some more AA fun.

Later that night, tucked up in bed, Amy and I chatted as we usually do after we have sex with others. "Well, that was an unexpected surprising night," I said.

"Yes, it was, very exciting as it turned out. I really enjoyed it, maybe even more so as it was not planned at all."

"I know you did, I was there, remember. I think you were hoping something would happen, seeing you changed your clothes so quick, you naughty girl, you hadn't even finished your first Moscato."

"Well, it was your fault, you did ask me if he was suitable," she replied.

"I did. I was happy for something to happen, and it wasn't too difficult, as it turned out. That's because you are so sexy my beautiful girl."

"It was easy, but what got me really horny later, was the fact that Anna worked it out and I was terrified she'd say something really bad. But then she wanted to join in, that made my heart race."

"Yes, I was a little nervous when she did work it out. Would you do it with them again," I asked.

"I don't think you'll be able to hold Anna back now," Amy replied as we laughed.


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Hey this is my first attempt to write a sex story, so please send me all the feedback you can, I will try best to improve myself. My name is Ankit and I live in Delhi, I have a sister, her name is Jyoti. This happened a couple of year ago when I was 18 yrs old and Jyoti was 24. Let me tell you a little about her; she’s an absolutely bomb her figure is 36-26-38 she has an angelic face and her DD cups boobs and massive ass can even make a dead man’s cock rise in attention. Well my sister recently got married but I heard that my Jijaji is totally useless in bed, I often heard my sister yelling from the adjacent room that you’re a “namard” and that you cant even last 2 mins after seeing me naked. So she remained frustrated for about 2 months. I guess she had many bfs in college, I often saw imported langere in her drawer (some of which aren’t available in India). So my sister was preparing to go to the local boutique to get a dress stitched and when at the market she called me and told m

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I am a housewife living with my husband and my three years old daughter in a city of kerala. I am an average looking keralian housewife having brownish skin with large breasts and big round ass. My hubby is a tall man of dark complexion with a great appetite for sex. Actually, this posting is one kind of confession for us. I am of 35 years now and my hubby is at 40. I got married when i was 23 with my hubby. He is an engineer and was in a central government organization at the time of our marriage.  Since one year after our marriage we tried for an issue but i didn’t got pregnant till four years back. We went to many doctors but almost all of them told that my hubby had lesser amount of sperm count and possibility of him to become a father is very less however, not impossible. We tried many times and not used any condoms since then but not succeeded to conceive. We were very much frustrated for not having a kid of our own. However, let me come back to the fact now. Four years ago, in