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Lust at First Sight

Every year my head of department invited me to his special wine tasting. Desmond had been a country boy scholarship winner from North East Victoria. His academic career had settled him in Melbourne but he never lost touch with his country roots and childhood friends. A few of them had taken over their family's farms and become vintners. They sent their friend Des annually a generous sample of their latest bottling.

Usually once during the academic year, Desmond decided that a particular vintage in his growing collection had reached perfection. He would invite a select group of us to a tasting. Apart from me, the other members of our party worked in different departments of our university. They had met Desmond in his role as independent chairperson, and often peacemaker, on various committees. This year five of us knew each other from previous tastingsco. The two things we knew about the three newcomers were that they appreciated wine and that they, like us, had won Des's friendship.

What was unusual this year was that Des had invited a woman to join us. He, like many other male teachers, had responded to the Me-Too onrush of accusations against men by avoiding any personal, non-formal relationship with female students and staff. What was different about this woman that Des had invited her to a party of males in his home?

We surreptitiously looked her over: she was tall, slim, a brunette with shoulder-length hair, no discernible make-up and casually dressed in jeans, a plain t-shirt and runners. We were put somewhat at ease when she introduced herself with a cheery, "Hi, all. I'm Kate from Biology. I'm still new here."

Introductions over, we settled comfortably into Des' large and homely, intergenerationally over-furnished living room. The big red Des had selected for more than just a furtive tasting was superb. It was accompanied by a generous feed of cheese, smoked ham and thick slices of country bread laid out on a sideboard for the taking. The relaxed, unfussed mood found us quickly companionably engaged in relishing the offerings, and a lively exchange of laughter and talk.

For us previous acquaintances, the talk switched naturally to the news and changes in our lives since we were together at Des's last year's party. I told them that after my divorce was concluded I had bought an apartment in Carlton. I lived now close to the university and might invite them over for a drink. Regarding the divorce, mine wasn't the only one. But - with a sideway glimpse at new member Kate - we male divorcees swallowed the hurtful details and turned to the wine and food.

When I asked Desmond where he had located this wonderful cheddar cheese, a movement by Kate made me look at her. She, holding a plate, chimed in, "God, Desmond, with your wine this cheese is worth dying for!" Looking up at Des, Kate licked a finger, swept the plate to collect the remaining cheese crumbs and then pushed the loaded finger into her mouth for an appreciative suck.

Desmond laughed and moved away and Kate's eyes shifted to me. With her dark eyes wide open and the laugh wrinkles behind her oversized fashion glasses, she let her finger demonstratively plop out of her mouth. Then she leaned back in her chair and pulled her legs up under her. Lifting her wine glass inviting me to toast, Kate gave me a broad smile and said, "So, to life and all you and I seem to enjoy."

Without wanting to be too quickly won over, I merely raised my glass in response. But now really looking at her for the first time, I was stricken by the openness and beauty of Kate's strong, intelligent face. Also, as she lounged in her chair, Kate neither hid nor displayed her slim body's allure from my furtive eyes. The well-shaped ankles left uncovered by her jeans, and the enticing shape of her smallish breasts under her t-shirt caused me a politically incorrect stirring in the groin.

I tried not to stare but it was long enough for Kate to notice. In leaning back her boobs suddenly showed nipples of pointy perfection under her stretched top. Kate momentarily turned her eyes down on their betrayal. When she looked up again, she gave me a knowing, not at all chastising smile.

The magical moment passed, and Kate and I were drawn into the lively exchange of opinions about our work situation. Eventually, our talk turned to the, most of us felt, increasing alienation of us in our university jobs. Be it in the humanities, sciences, marketing or psychology, the language in which we think, teach and write has become for the outside world a foreign tongue. And with it, we have become either half-understood or ignored.

I do not know if it was the wine or the sideways glance at Kate that made me burst into this general debate with a personal confession. With an embarrassed guffaw, I said, "You have just given me the perfect excuse for my writing for Literotica."

There was a moment of silence, then suppressed laughter before Roger, the mathematician, declared, "Oh, I see! Benjamin, our English prof, has started to write porn?"

"And our pure maths colleague knows all about the porn in Literotica!", commented David dryly.

This scored applause and tension-easing laughter. It encouraged me to give my reasons for what I was doing:

"My friends, I wanted to find out if I still could write. I mean differently, in a way that would be read and enjoyed by ordinary people. Requiring proof, I had to make my writings available. But how? They were not for our academic journals. Eager to have my story published, I settled on Literotica. It offered me for free a large and interestingly mixed readership. There was a price to pay. I had to shed my inhibitions in writing entertainingly and sexually arousing about erotic experiences."

I leaned back in my chair. Suddenly brave, I faced Kate as I concluded, "Yes, I needed to become sexually unashamed. Since then, some twenty-thousand anonymous readers have followed and enjoyed my disreputable stories. When it comes to sex, my language and my stories must have found the common touch!"

Kate's eyes had not wavered in looking at me. She had sucked in her lower lip. Suppressing a question, Kate blushed. None of the others asked about the details of my contributions to Literotika either, and our talking switched back to general matters.

When our party broke up and we gathered around Desmond for our Thank You and Good Byes, Kate stood close to me. So close, that her breast pressed attention demanding against my arm.

Then her breath caressed my cheek as she whispered, "Ben, I have questions I didn't dare ask. Can I text you?"

I looked down to see the phone in her hand resting against my hip. Its screen was lit up on 'Contacts'. Turning towards Kate, sheltered by our bodies, I typed in my phone number and private mail address. In looking down, our foreheads touched and neither she nor I pulled back.

But then we went home our separate ways. I strongly felt it was the wrong ending to the night. However, as I was undressing to go to bed, my phone binged.

Looking at the screen I suddenly knew the unknown number had to be Kate:

"Dear Ben, I have to send you this request while I am still in the afterglow of D's wine and remembering/feeling what tonight has happened between us. You looked at me and wanted me! You did, didn't you? I felt it so strongly. Therefore, I dare to ask you to let me read your stories. I want to know how you write, how you feel about sex, women and -- yes, I admit it -- their (and your!) sexual passion. Are you shocked? Is it too much to ask? Will you mail me the titles of your stories? Or your Username in Literotica? You see, I dare to be as shameless as you!!?? Kate."

"Dear shameless Kate, I love your brave, in 'afterglow' penned, message. How can I refuse your wish and not hope that you, being aware of the sensual vibes between us, will like and respond to the sex and passion in my stories? My Erotica username is Benultimo. What will happen if you give me a 5, the highest mark? Will that be all for you? I am intrigued, and yes, Kate, hoping for more! Ben."

There was no immediate reply. Over the next five days, I used some contacts to find out about Kate and her background.

Kate was a Western Australian who had undertaken further studies in California, completing her doctorate in Plant Biology at Berkeley. She secured her lecturer position in Melbourne nine months ago. Beyond learning that Kate was probably in her early thirties and appeared to be unattached, my contacts knew nothing more about her past and present life.

On the sixth day, late at night, Kate's mail arrived:

"Dear Ben, I hope this reaches you in bed for I am typing it, after having tossed and squirmed for the last hour, in mine. Will naked me now dare to say all? I have read your stories and relished especially the longer ones. To me, they are romances of beautiful, guilt-free, life- and self-affirming sex between fully engaged and consenting partners. What arouses me most in your stories is that your women wait not to be picked up and taken by predatory males. They all make bravely the opening move on the partner they desire! It encourages me to follow their example. When and where can we, will we meet? I would love it to be over a hot chilli-dinner at my place, or yours. I somehow know you must be an accomplished cook. All great lovers are! When will you let me know? Will I get some sleep tonight? Kate."

"Dearest Kate, Come tomorrow, 7 pm to 27/608 Canning Street, Carlton. A deliciously hot dinner and I will be waiting. For tonight, sleep well and sweet dreams. Ben."

At a quarter past seven, with the Chilli Con Carne close to perfection, Kate rang my bell at the main entrance. Not wishing to punish her for being late, I not only quickly unlocked the entrance but went out to the lift to welcome her.

The woman stepping out of the lift with a surprised laugh at my presence took my breath away. I had only seen Kate - yes, fallen under her spell -- dressed in loose-fitting jeans and a plain cotton top. Today she wore a close-fitting, silver-grey silk blouse under her loose open jacket. An equally close-tailored black skirt, slitted to her thighs to let her walk, highlighted the perfection of Kate's long legs. Her ankles - I had fallen in lust with them before - were now encircled by the straps of dressy, high-heeled sandals. As Kate stepped unhesitatingly in my in-surprise half-raised arms, she was almost as tall as my six foot two.

Kate brought her lips immediately temptingly close to mine to murmur, "Kiss me, Ben. Let's get over the first awkwardness of our beginnings. We like each other, don't we?"

When her lips opened slightly and the tip of her tongue slyly ventured on mine, I drank in the hot breath she tried to hold back. And then we sank into a long, telling-all kiss, and her arms and mine pressed our bodies into a voluptuous one. Kate's nipples rubbed against my chest. When my rising cock nestled into her crotch, Kate's legs parted as wide as her tight skirt allowed. She welcomed it by moaning deep into my mouth.

Although we were alone in the hallway, we had to break apart.

"My God, Kate, what a tempting beginning. But there is also a dinner waiting for us. Not only a bed." I said with a grin as I led her into my apartment.

We went straight into the kitchen, filled with the rich smell of the ready Chilli Con Carne on the stove. The table was all set.

"It will be a hot dinner. May I relieve you of your jacket?"

Stripping it slowly from Kate's shoulders, I bent forward to plant a kiss on the nape of her neck while my hands half-cupped her stretching-out breasts. Kate's ass immediately pressed back against my quickly hardening cock. It assured me that Kate's mind and blood were as hotly as mine, set on the carnal feasting to come.

However, the wait did not spoil our appetite for the meal I had prepared. The Chilli's invigorating heat was tempered by side dishes of new baby potatoes and a cucumber salad, both in my special yoghurt dressing. It being such a special occasion, I replaced the usual beer with a chilled bottle of King Valley Prosecco, keeping one in reserve for later.

Kate and I did the same with the intimate questions about us and the needs and desires that brought us together. So, we chatted about our jobs and general background, with both of us weaving in some personal information that we felt was for the other important to know. I told Kate that I was forty-two, divorced, no children. During the three years since the marital breakdown, I had almost deliberately remained unattached.

Meeting Kate's look of disbelief, I grinned and confessed, "But not quite celibate. There were two beautiful married women; they comforted me in succession. They are still married and we have remained friends."

Kate's reaction was difficult to read. She talked about her growing up on a wheat farm in Western Australia, and then the seven years of her life and studies in California. Looking somewhat wistfully across the table, Kate admitted she had been engaged.

Shortly before getting married, she had taken flight and returned to Australia:

"I ran away from something I could not live with. Since then, now fifteen months ago, I've been unattached."

With a forced laugh she added, "Unlike you, I've been celibate. Until Desmond's party, no man has threatened my nun-like state."

Seeing my bewildered look, Kate giggled and raised her glass, "Let's drink to a happy ending for my unnatural condition. The bubbly is all gone. You will take me to bed now, won't you, Ben? This nun is on fire. God, I'm ready to shed my habit!"

Kate paused, "And fuck!"

Getting up from the table, Kate stretched. Then she provocatively assumed a pose that showed off her dress clinging to her sinuous body.

Smiling down at me, she said, "Thanks to you and your sexy stories the nun's habit is gone forever. I went shopping today to buy sexy clothing just for tonight! And especially, for you to strip me, piece by piece, till I am naked and shivering to be loved."

Stretching out her hand, Kate whispered, "Come now, come, Ben. I've been waiting for this too long!"

When we stopped next to the bed in the bedroom, I turned to Kate. Cradling her face, I gently kissed her on her lips, her cheeks, her eyes her forehead. Then I whispered in her ear that she made me the luckiest man on earth, that she was the most beautiful, sexiest and excitingly naughtiest woman I had ever known or invented in my stories.

All the while, I gently caressed her face and hair, desisting from groping. When I sat down on the bed, Kate stood between my legs. As I started to pull her blouse out of the skirt, Kate, eagerly began to undo the blouse's tiny buttons. However, I only pushed the fabric up to the beginning of Kate's orbs.

Drawing her in surprise heaving midriff to my mouth, I sank my tongue into her navel while my hands gripped the still skirt-covered firmness of her ass. Kate yelped in surprise. Pushing aside her unbuttoned blouse, she grabbed my head to drag my mouth up onto her already stiff-perky nipples.

I resisted because my searching fingers had found the zips on either side of Kate's skirt. Confronted with the choice of getting familiar with Kate's glorious tits or her yet unseen tempting pussy, I decided on the latter.

I unzipped the skirt on both sides and in one swift move slid it down to Kate's ankles. As my fingers dug into and parted her buttocks, my lips moved south. After kiss by kiss over her tensing belly, my lips and my tongue began teasing the edges of Kate's well-trimmed triangle of dark hair which left the deliciously plump shape of her pussy-lips on sight.

Kate's hands were in my hair. They did not push me away, nor did her hoarsely whispered words discourage me:

"Do you like your nun's pussy, Ben? Until this afternoon it was covered with a bush hiding-all for the last fifteen months. I trimmed and shaped it for us tonight because this nun's pussy is hot and hungry to be seen and loved, kissed and fingered and fucked. Ben, it will be all-new, like never before. But first, let me undress you. I want you naked like me!"

Standing over me -- with her glorious nakedness accentuated by her high-heeled sandals and beautifully long and shapely legs in silvery stockings --Kate stripped me of my shirt. Kneeling before me, she freed me of my shoes and socks. Then, smiling and looking up at me through her oversized glasses, Kate deftly undid my belt and zipper. I lifted my backside and my trousers joined her skirt on the floor. With my underpants, Kate took her time. Her hands stroked up my thighs venturing closer and closer to the tent in my boxers. And then she slid both hands through the boxer's leg openings and began a tantalising play with my cock and balls.

After a while, she murmured, "Ben! I think I'm going to love this cock. Will you let me?"

Not waiting for permission, Kate pulled down my boxers. Then she bent over the precum glistening head of my rampant cock, giving it a probing, tasting tongue-flicking kiss.

Getting up from the floor with a big, mischief-filled smile, she stated, "God! Am I ready for bed now!" Looking down at her heeled sandals and stockinged legs she added, "Will it be too slutty, too sexy if I leave them on?"

With a shrug of her shoulders, Kate slid past me onto the bed and stretched out, raising her arms behind her now turned-away head. With her sexy, pointily aroused tits arching to be touched, her legs parting to show her pussy's luscious lips, Kate was incarnate temptation.

And I succumbed. Kneeling beside Kate, I slowly began to kiss my way up one of her legs, from the straps around Kate's sexy ankles to the black, lacey tops encircling her thigh. Once there, the shivering of her thigh and Kate's moaned, "Yes, Ben! God, yes!" told me not to stop. On kissing my way up, my tongue at its first crossing only stroked over the voluptuously swollen lips of her pussy.

But with a shrill cry of "Yes!", Kate grabbed my head. And on kissing my way back, my mouth was met by her arching-up groin. As her pussy's lips pressed against mine, they parted and my tongue slipped into the hot-slippery slit.

As I licked and probed, my mouth filled with the tangy taste of her cunt's juices and my nose drew in the intoxicating smell of Kate's state of shivering arousal.

Being right on the fringe made Kate pull me up into a wild kiss. Her shameless tongue, twirling in and filling my mouth, repeated the way mine had pleasured her cunt into coming.

Eventually, out of breath, Kate panted against my lips, "God, Ben! Your wicked tongue in my hungry pussy! God, I was getting too close, I had to stop you! But Ben, my pussy wants you, God, I want you to eat-me-out, again and again! But now, fuck me! God, you have to fuck me!"

"Can we wait a bit longer? I have not yet made love to your beautiful tits. Remember, when we looked at each other at Des's party and your excited tits grew nipples that poked at me through your t-shirt. And suddenly I knew; my stirring cock told me, we were meant for each other"

"With me, it wasn't just my rebellious nipples! My pussy flushed too. I had to pull up my legs. And when I got home, before and after I mailed you, God, did this nun's pussy flow. Are you shocked?"

"We fell in lust at first sight!"

While we bantered, I made love to Kate's sexy little breasts. Beautifully shaped, I found out, they were just more than a mouthful. They came, as I caressed, kissed and sucked them, into their gloriously sexy own. Out of their pink areolas, they sprouted slightly darker, pointy and lasciviously sensitive nipples. With my mouth switching from eagerly pressed forward tit to tit, I slid one hand down over Kate's tensing belly. Drawing my fingers through her bush, one found unerringly Kate's clit.

Kate greeted it with a throaty meow and twisted her lower body to press it close to mine. I gently lifted her near leg till its knee almost touched her shoulder. It opened Kate's crotch and pussy to the wished-for invasion. Moving out of the hips I moved in, left, however, cock and pussy to their search.

While we kissed with growing abandonment, my rock-hard rod pushed and poked and Kate's pussy ground and twisted in blind search. My hand could have assisted. Instead, I allowed my cock's head, now sliding up and down the pussy's hot-slippery slit, to fight my finger for a caress of Kate's clit. But eventually, the pulsating opening seemed to suck in the full length of my cock.

As Kate howled, "Yes! Yes, Ben! Fuck me! God, fuck me!" I felt the red-hot fire in her cunt as its muscles gripped and mauled my cock.

Already with my second thrust, Kate's thighs had begun to shiver. But with the third one -- my clit finger had pushed into her cunt with my cock -- Kate lost all control.

Crying out, "No! God, no! Ben, please, please! God, not yet!" her lower body spasmed so violently that her ass thumped repeatedly on the bed.

I had withdrawn and moved away; this was not a mini-orgasm to be stilled in a cuddle.

Kate sat up; her hair in wild disorder, her face flushed and strangely beautiful over her tits in their rebellious, proud array. Her unexpected, wild climax had not passed and she was still shivering and gripped by after-spasms that made her throw back her head and moan.

Sitting there, avoiding my eyes, she clutched her pussy. And its juices were trickling through her fingers. Her wild beauty took my breath away.

I got up and got a towel. Standing before her I was suddenly self-conscious about my still proudly erect cock. I managed to pun, "After our foreplay, we deserved a bottle of champagne. Agreed, Kate?"

Kate also managed a grin. Pointing to my cock she said, "Foreplay: so that's what it was? It did the damage to me and left you unspent? Will champagne be a cure?"

I just nodded. When I returned with the Prosecco and glasses, Kate was sitting in bed, deceptively composed, leaning against the headboard. Admittedly, she had not taken off her glamorous stockings and spiked sandals. Therefore, her so sexily dressed, beautiful long legs suggested -- even crossed -- that the lady was still for turning. And after we had greedily drunk our first glass, Kate confirmed it. Nestling into my arm and placing my hand on a stretched-forward boob, she kissed me.

Then, her voice low and more hesitant than I had known, Kate confessed her feelings about leaving me behind:

"You see, Ben, the build-up to before, from the moment we met at Des to tonight and our -- yes -- oh so arousing foreplay to the love-making I knew would come, got me undone. It surprised me with the wildest climax ever, giving my pussy the longest, wettest, hottest coming it ever had."

Kate stopped and grinned. Reaching for my still half-erect cock she added, "And all without the long, hard fucking I so much wanted. So, coming like that shocked me but, Ben, God, I felt proud! I loved it even as I left you behind. Because it was magic, mine as much as yours!"

I was, of course, curious about Kate's so far unmentioned past, and saw an opening. After refilling our glasses, I companionably leaned back on the headboard. Avoiding her eyes and looking down on Kate's now again invitingly uncrossed legs, I pursued my question:

"Surely, Kate, you being an experienced, and so openly sexually alive woman, must have had in the years in America some sexual relationships with wild, breathtaking orgasms? You were engaged, ready to get married. Surely, your chosen man's loving must have left you spent and satisfied?"

Kate slid down on the bed. Turning on her side towards me, she put her hands caressingly on my thighs. Without looking up, she started to talk:

"Ben, dearest, if you expect a very sexy story of my time in the US, you'll be disappointed. Yes, I was then as sexually alive as now but much less discerning. In the early years at Berkeley, I was more than ready for the occasional college affair, for fucking without obligations. And yes, if I liked the boys, and when their lovely but untutored cocks pleasured my fuck-ready pussy, I readily climaxed. It did not happen all that often. I intimidated the young college boys. I was a few years older, a higher degree scholarship student, and confident in knowing I was sexy and beautiful. I confirmed it every time I paraded my alluring nakedness in front of the mirror, and by looking at the professional photos that showed me in the heat of contest fighting for selection to the university's elite basketball cadre. All this stifled the prescribed maleness of prospective fuck buddies. When something happened, I had to be the initiator of our sexual trysts."

Kate struggled up to lean next to me against the headboard. Reaching for her glass she croaked, "For the rest of this story I need more champagne."

After greedily drinking what I had poured, Kate collected her thoughts and continued:

"Two years ago -- I had completed the PhD, published two papers, and was in line for a tenured position -- I met Oliver. He was a few years older, from a wealthy background, working as a marketing executive of a large agricultural machinery company. But I, considering myself a success, did not need a marriage prospect. What drew me to Oliver was his self-assured manner, his athletic body and his rugged good looks. I was captivated by Oliver's Alpha-male aura. And in the beginning, even the first few months of our relationship, I and my hungry pussy responded quite fervently to Oliver's love-making. Taking great pride in his sizeable penis, there was little love in Oliver's lengthy poundings of my cunt. But he made me come. As time went on with less and less conviction."

Kate broke into a sudden fit of giggling, "Oliver, unlike you - and I in the mirror - had never seen or tried to look at the luscious loveliness of my pussy. Or kissed it! It was just something to fuck, not admire or love."

The image made Kate turn to me for a long, lust-laden kiss as she took my hand to cup her pussy. But then she continued:

"Oliver proposed, mainly, I think, because he learned that I could be an asset; a collector's item like a rare car or gun. His acquaintances thought I was beautiful and interesting in a foreign way. They were also impressed if not awed by my academic achievements and Berkeley connection. So, Oliver staked his claim, his ownership of me by proposing. It makes no sense to me now why I accepted. In the meantime, our sex had become for me more and more unbearable. His cock-centeredness was absolute. Like many others like him, he had embraced the now almost compulsory foreplay of having his cock sucked, with the woman, preferably, in the worship of his cock on her knees before him. And I became that to Oliver. I sucked his limpid cock into an erection to have then my face fucked till I gagged. As much on my shame as on the tyrannical cock in my throat! And then he put me on my knees to fuck me from behind."

Kate swallowed hard. There was anger in her voice:

"His favourite position became mine. I no longer had to see his distorted face or smell his sweat as I was fucked. So, in the end, on our very last fuck, as he rammed his cock into my dry cunt, slapped my ass and called me his fucking slut, I pressed my face into the sheet. And suddenly I thought of Mario, the cheeky, young Latino helper in my department's plant house. He had fallen in love with me during work, especially my beautiful ass, Every time I bent into a plant bed -- and I bent often -- his eyes undressed it, made love to it. I sensed his hands and his kissable lips on my ass like I felt your eyes on my tits at Des's party. And now, getting shagged from behind and my buttocks burning under Oliver's unsparing hand, my mind whispered, 'Why not? God, why not? Mario, sweet Mario, it is you. God, fuck me.' Then, I orgasmed with my dry pussy suddenly flooded with cum. After this night, ashamed about what I had become, about gifting the brute another man's climax, I ended it with Oliver. Within a month I left to come home to Australia."

At this point of Kate's confession, I embraced her in consolation. But in our whole-body embrace, my hands on Kate's back soon began to feather over the shapely-firm contours of Kate's girl athlete's ass.

"There is something else I have not made love to," I whispered between kisses.

And as I grabbed and parted her twitching buttocks, Kate's thighs locked over my growing erection and pressed its head into her pushed-forward crotch. As she moved, grinding her groin and pussy-lips against the cock's tip, her rising nipples kissed my chest. Half-laughing, with her tongue flicking over my lips, Kate sucked in her breath every time my blind cock found her clit or her cunt's opening.

But fighting for calm, she finally said, "You see now, Ben, why there was such a long celibacy between Mario's stolen climax and my magical, stormy coming of before. I had to atone but now with you, all is wiped away. I celebrate, atone no more!"

As if it required proof, Kate's grinding had succeeded. My cock's engorged head, slippery from her pussy's juices, had breached the tight opening of Kate's almost virgin cunt. I now began to fuck Kate, slowly and lovingly, sinking with every push my member, centimetre by centimetre deeper into Kate's tight, pulsating cunt. When we started to fuck, with slow, deep strokes, I occasionally rested my cock deep in her to enjoy the gripping and massaging of the muscles of Kate's more and more lascivious cunt. And then, occasionally again, I withdrew. Leaning back to look down, I let my cock play through Kate's hot glistening slit, over her pussy's lips and, at length, over the shiny pearl of her clit. Her so-teased pussy looked like a feast but for the moment, all Kate wanted to do is fuck.

As I rammed my cock into Kate's now hotly responding cunt, she sang her more and more uninhibited love song:

"Yes! Yes! Ben, don't stop! Fuck me! God, fuck my pussy, fuck the hot cunt that you love. Hard! Harder! Don't stop! God, fuck me till I explode! Like before -- just like before."

She was close. As I gripped her ass to ram my cock harder and deeper into her squelching cunt, Kate's already high drawn-up thighs started to shake.

I stopped fucking her. When I pulled out Kate whined, "No, Ben, No! Don't stop! Fuck me, fuck me hard, I'm coming! I want to come with you! Aren't you close, God, like me?"

To pacify her rage, I wrapped Kate in a close embrace until her shaking stopped. My mouth in her ear whispered my wildest desire:

"Kate, my beautiful, sexy Kate, give me your pussy again. I want to eat out your juicy pussy, like before, Kate. I'm going to lick and suck your wide open, hot-fucked cunt and lap its hot juices! Sink my finger into your heat as I lick and suck your clit! Touch my cock, Kate. God, you turn me on like crazy! Are you too? I promise, my greedy mouth will bring you -- us - right to the edge of ... you know of what, Kate, don't you? Do you want that? Do you want me to eat you out, love you like that?"

"Yes, Ben, God, yes! I want it! No man has ever done it to me. No, Ben, ... for me, giving me such pleasure!"

Kate, her voice high-pitched, almost sang her answer. When we kissed and my tongue sank into her mouth, Kate greeted it with a mad swirl of her tongue, followed by a so suggestive biting as she sucked in the full length of mine.

Eventually, I broke free from Kate's ravenous kisses to slide slowly down her body. Coming to her lovely breasts, I could not resist putting my mouth, one after the other, over their nipples to bite into their hardness. And although Kate's cried out as her chest arched up in lust, her hands on my head urged me away; lower ever lower, over her quivering, tensing stomach and onto her bush. I, now kneeling between Kate's legs, placed a long, marking kiss on the inside of the thigh close to her pussy.

Kate released my head. Very slowly, centimetres before my eyes, her open hand stroked over her bush. As I watched, three of Kate's fingers slowly curved in between the spreading lips of her pussy. And then, her second hand joined to fully part pussy's lips, exposing for my eyes the glistening valley, the succulent, well-fucked opening to her cunt, and the ridge covering Kate's shy, half-hidden clit.

As she spread her legs wide, from far away came Kate's breathless, stammering voice:

"Ben, look, look! I have never shown my pussy like that to any man. Do you think it's beautiful? Do you love it? Do you want to kiss it, suck it, eat it up? It's yours. Do as you wish! God, I can't wait!"

I knelt up, reached for two pillows and arranged them. I feared a break in the mood but Kate smiled as she swung her sexily dressed legs over my head to place her ass on the cushions. Whispering, "Are you ready for the feast, Ben? I am, God, I am!", she brought up her bended knees and spread her thighs.

And I sank onto her with my mouth closing over the plump lushness of her pussy's lips. As I sucked and bit them into an aroused swollen glory, I heard from far away the first tones of Kate's love song. Then my tongue began to lick in slow upwards strokes Kate's already hot-slippery pussy properly open.

Eventually, my tongue lingered, more and more often, longer and longer, with its tip twirling and probing, over the cunt's aroused opening. Then it stabbed in. With my face pressing into Kate's hot dripping pussy, I sank my tongue, time and time again, as deep as it would go, probing and feeling and tasting into Kate's, lasciviously twitching cunt.

Soon Kate voiced sounds and words I could not follow, her fingers raked my hair, and her groin began to buck and shake against my face. The tongue-fucking of her hot, cock-fucked cunt threatened to blow Kate's imaginatively sexy-dirty mind.

To stop Kate from a for me much too early coming, I ceased tonguing her hotly aflame cunt. to Instead, I covered her thighs and belly and bush with supposedly pacifying kisses. But Kate would not be pacified. When my lips moved onto her mons, Kate was quick in pushing me south again.

She moaned, "Don't stop, Ben! Go on, eat me up! God, do it!"

And I obeyed. Pressing my lips and tongue deep into Kate's pussy, I sucked and licked until the welling-up juices almost drowned me.

I still noticed that whenever my tempesting tongue came close to her clit, Kate cried out and her ass lifted to push my tongue harder against the arousal. So, finally, I moved my mouth over Kate's clit. As my teeth closed gently over its sleeve, my sucking and the knowing play of my tongue quickly lured the pearl out of its cover.

When, after a long minute I momentarily pulled away to gasp for air, I looked up at Kate's arching and twisting body. Throwing her head from side to side she sobbed, "Ben, Ben! Don't stop! Please, Ben! Please! Suck me, Ben. Make love to my clit!"

I gladly followed her command. First, my mouth closed hard over Kate's pussy for a long, unrelentingly possession-taking kiss. And then my lips, tongue and teeth began at first to caress but, eventually, to twirl and lash, to suck and bite the captive, more and more erect tip of Kate's clit into a lust-filled frenzy.

It brought her, as proven by the intermittent spasms of shivers as her thighs locked my head onto her insatiable pussy, through a succession of minor ones, dangerously close to full-on orgasm.

As the now wildly aroused Kate, fighting for breath, gasped, "Yes!... Yes! ... Yes, Ben! ... God, you make me come again!" I slid the first, then two fingers deep into Kate's hotly pulsating cunt. I just managed to kneel up as Kate howled and her body jerked up in the first throes of her coming.

With my mind so focused on beautiful Kate and her breathtaking, mind-blowing sexiness, I was also close to coming. And God, I would fuck her now through her and then our shared, ultimate cummings. As I lifted Kate's glorious legs, she hooked them in with her arms to pull them right up to her ears. With her ass still on the cushions, Kate offered me the breathtaking sight of her glistening wide-open cunt as it shivered in orgasmic bliss. When I bent over Kate for a wild kiss, she grabbed my rock-hard cock and pressed its engorged head into her cunt's greedy opening.

Even if Kate had wanted it, I was beyond consideration and giving mercy. I rammed my cock as hard as I could and as deep as it would go into Kate's raised and wide-open cunt. Her drawn-out howl finished with a moan-garbled, "Yes! God, yes!"

As I continued to fuck her as brutally hard as I could, none of my thrusts into her hotter and hotter squelching cunt made her plead 'No! No more!' Instead, Kate sang! God, she sang as her body tossed and twisted under my strokes.

Finally, after a frantic, staccato burst of fucking, my climax stormed in. And I joined Kate. Way beyond words, we howled our lust at each other, clawing at each other in a frenzied embrace as wave after wave tossed us about.

Eventually thrust ashore, we clung to each other, sticky from our love juices and totally spent.

We recovered in silence. I, for one, was partially shocked by what Kate and I had experienced, and I could only wait for what she would eventually say.

Being the host, I got up and got some towels for us. With a degree of respectability restored, I took Kate into my arms to ask, "You are staying the night with me, aren't you Kate?"

"I hoped you would ask. It makes this night very special for me."

She cradled my head for a long, loving kiss. Then she grinned, stretched and wriggled her slutty legs and added, "If I stay, Ben, you have to finally undress me."

I immediately set about untying her sandals and then slowly rolling down the sinful stockings from her beautiful legs. I took my time, and it turned into an almost foreplay-like endeavour. But we both needed rest.

Finally, settled into bed we drank the rest of the now warm Prosecco. Then, snuggling up to me Kate whispered:

"Ben, you'll have to kick me out at five. I have a lecture at nine and will need some restoration. And after, I'll write you a very long, embarrassingly sex-filled email about the fabulous time I've had. I hope for a favourable reply. Wasn't our date tonight too good to be a one-off?"


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