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Chinese Wife - 1: Wife being dominated by her past boyfriend

 Lin and I have been married for over 10 years and we couldn't be any happier with two beautiful children, but our sex life has somewhat diminished over the years. This is quite typical for most marriages particularly in the Asian culture so over time, I have accepted it. Unfortunately, my sex drive has not and I have since developed numerous fantasies to potentially offset the lack of it. I for examples fantasized fondling my mother in-law's huge D-sized breasts, or sucking my sister in-law's dark nipples, or seeing my wife being screwed by a big black cock. Off course they were only fantasies, as Lin would never approve of such behaviors.

I am Chinese in my mid-40s weighing about 140 lbs and Lin is also Chinese in her early 40s but with a much smaller frame weighing only 100 lbs. Although she is only 5-feet tall, she has an amazing 34-26-32 figure. Her breasts are a natural C cup topped with medium brown/pinkish nipples, which get a little more than a half an inch long when she is aroused.

We have been hanging around in the same circle of friends since we got married and one of our friends that I have gotten to know and like is Dan. He and I have one common activity we love to do and that is drinking beer, assuming you can call that an activity. Dan is also Chinese and has two children with similar ages as ours but unfortunately, his wife recently left him so he is raising both of them mostly on his own. Dan is about 5'4", just a bit shorter than I at 5'8", but do weight a little bit more at 155 lbs with a slight beer belly. He started too bald a bit and does wear glasses so not a model figure by any mean. He is however soft spoken and extremely kind so we try to help him when we can because we know single parenting can be tough.

What I didn't know until a year or two after Lin and I got married was Dan and Lin used to date each other back in their senior high school years. At first, it was a little bit weird but overtime, and once Dan got married, we all got along so the weirdness eventually went away. I did find out from Lin the reason she broke up with him was that he had anger issue and they fought a lot. I was curious if they ever had sex but never did have the gut to ask. The thought of them having sex grew on me and I became more aroused as time went on which became another one of my fantasies.

Since his divorce and when his kids were with their mom, Dan and I usually go out for a drink or two. During one evening after the two of us have been drinking for about a hour, not sure how the discussion got started but I ended up calling him out, pointing the fact that I have noticed him checking Lin out when we are together. Off course he immediately denied it but once I pointed out that I understood his situation because he hasn't had anyone since his wife left him, he finally came clean.

He apologized for the situation but did say I was one lucky man to be with such beauty, and that he once had a chance but couldn't hold on. He said he's been trying very hard not to stare at her specially her breasts. He loves the couture of her breasts when she has on those tight tank tops showing her cleavage or when she has on her blouse with the top few buttons left un-done. That was the icebreaker and I took the opportunity to ask the one question that I have been dying to ask, "Did you have sex with Lin when you two dated?"

His reply was simple but yet detailed, "We never did screw her, just a lot of foreplays. It looks like her breasts are much bigger now but back then, they were smaller but very perky and I used to spend a lot of time nurturing and sucking on them and she loved it. She did allow my hand to wonder between her legs and a finger or two inside her very moist wet little tight teenage pussy then."

Oh-my-god, listening to him gave me such an instant hard-on. I was so aroused and not even a thought of jealousy listening to Dan.

Dan continued, "I tried to get her to give me a blow job but the closes she got was licking my penis' head and she thought that was pretty gross. Most of the time, she just stroke it and I did once accidentally release onto her hand and she didn't know what to do with the load of my white milky cum. I tried a few times to insert my penis in her but she stopped that pretty quickly given she didn't want to be young mother. We had a lot of fun sneaking around fondling each other when no one was looking at the parks and school stairwells."

Dan confessed he misses those innocent days and that he had a huge hard on telling me their past and he was sorry. Dan asked if I could tell him what sex is like with Lin and without thinking, I replied, "Why don't you find out yourself?"

Ops, I think I may have accidentally said that out loud but Dan quickly replied, "Really?"

I struggled to answer but did finally say, "Why not. This may help spike up our boring sex life a bit."

Dan was surprised hearing Lin and I were not sexually active. Unfortunately, I explained to Dan her sex drive deteriorated once we had our second child. We continued drinking and at the end of the night, Dan was uncomfortable with the idea of Lin cheating on me and didn't want to jeopardize our friendships. I realized I had some convincing to do.

Over the next few weeks, whenever we got together with the group including Dan, I kept my eyes on Dan to see if he was still checking out my wife and when I knew he was, I would intentionally pinch Lin's ass in front of him to try to excite him.

Finally Dan and I met again at the bar and as usual we chatted about anything and everything. I asked if he has given further thought about Lin and off course he has but still has the same concerns and some reservation about ruining our friendship. I assured him it wouldn't and we would take it slow and be very meticulous. I spent that night trying to further convince him by telling him things like her breasts are no longer small, but they are a set of C with nipples large enough that you can literally bite and pull on them, her left breast is much more sensitive than her right, etc. By the end of the night, Dan could only think of doing what he did with her back in the school days but this time, he may get to go all the way.

We started our planning and the plan was simple with one condition. We agreed that he must somehow secretly record the encounter so that I can witness it after. Only fair I get to watch since I can't participate. The plan was when Dan's kids were at their mom during one of the weekend, Dan would invite Lin and I over for dinner and once dinner was over, I would receive an emergency call from work of which I would have to immediately attend. Lin would be left with Dan for the rest of the evening. From that point onward, Lin was all his to pleasure.

That Saturday night finally arrived when Lin and I were at his house for dinner. It was not unusual for us to go over to his house to hang out so Lin just had her usual outfit on, nothing fancy just a pair of blue shorts and a red tank top which fitted her tightly showing off her amazing boobs. We had dinner along with a bottle of wine, and as planned, Dan went upstairs and called my mobile pretending it was coming from my work requesting I be in the office as result of an emergency. Lin agreed to stay with Dan so I left quickly. As I was leaving, I felt a bit nervous but yet excited that my wife could potentially be screwed by her once lover and a longtime friend. It could either go really well or we could all be in a lot of trouble - a risk Dan and I were willing to take.

After leaving them for almost 4 hours, I did finally come back to pick Lin up at around 1 am. Glad to see they were still talking and surprisingly, Lin gave Dan a good-bye hug, which I have not witnessed before, so the night must have gone well. Dan also had a smirk on his face, which gave some further indication that they got along. I could not wait to hear all the details and see that secretly taped video.

On our way home in the car while I was still driving, Lin reached over and gently rubbed my crotch area which was very unusual but off course I was not complaining. She then asked that I pulled over and when I did, she unzipped my pants and pull out my penis and started to give me one of the best blowjob I have ever had. I noticed she didn't have her bra underneath her tank top when I was rubbing her back while she was blowing me and that was odd. I am sure she had it on earlier and I weren't about to ask her. I warned her when I almost came so that she can remove her mouth, but this time strangely she didn't. I blew my load in her mouth, which felt amazing. She slowly spitted out my cum in her mouth onto her right hand to show me and then slowly put it back in and swallowed all of it. Wow, that was the first time she ever did that. It was definitely a win-win situation for all of us thinking Dan's high school sweetheart finally screwed him, and Lin and I got to experience something sexually new.

I finally met up with Dan a few nights later to hear the details and hopefully get the video. I asked Dan what happened once I left that night and he replied with a huge smile on his face, "First, I want to say thank you for the opportunity to be your wife as she was amazing. You are one lucky guy."

He raised his beer to toast me, "Cheers!"

Dan continued, "Once you left, we continued to talk with the TV still on. Not exactly sure how long after you left but there was a couple kissing on whatever movie we were watching so I took the opportunity to approach her. We were sitting next to each other when I leaned over to try to kiss her but she quickly resisted. She gave me this strange stare as to say what the fuck was that for. I tried again but she again resisted by shifting further away from me. I moved closer but she quickly put a stop to that by telling me no, she can't.

Dan paused and took a sip of beer before continuing.

"She said she was happily married and this can't happen. I told her why not and as if she has never cheated before. I was expecting a defensive reply from her, but instead, she froze and looked at me as if she just got caught for doing something bad.

I had no idea but realized that I could take advantage of the situation. I quickly changed my tactic from being a mister nice guy to someone more controlling.

I changed my tone and raised my voice a little and told her she was a bitch to cheat on her husband. I asked her how many times but she didn't acknowledge and didn't dare to look me in the eyes likely because she may have been ashamed and embarrassed. I told her this is what we were going to do for the rest of the time until you return to pick her up.

I told her I would not tell you or anyone else if she agrees to obey me for the rest of the night. I asked her if she understood but she didn't reply, so I screamed at her once again and this time, I called her a dirty bitch. She didn't look up but finally nodded her head a bit."

We each ordered another beer and Dan continued, "At that point, we were clear of our roles, I was going to dominate your submissive wife for the rest of the night."

I had no idea Lin would ever be the submissive person as she never once gave such indication over the past decade. May be this was what we needed to spice up our sex life. I had mixed emotion about what Dan was telling me from her cheating on me to being dominated by my best friend, but regardless, I had such a huge boner listening to Dan so I encouraged him to go on.

Dan continued, "I had to test your wife out to see if she was going to obey any of my commands so I demanded her to get up and walk towards the wall, once there to face the wall and don't look back. She did as she was told. I was so relieved and knew I needed to continue to maintain control in order to ultimately screw her. I went up to her and pressed my body hard against her back with my crotch tight up her ass and whispered in her ear that she was to stand there and not to move until I fucken told her to. I gave her ass a hard spank with an opened hand to ensure she understood who was in command. I went upstairs and grabbed the camera along with the tri-pot and had it set up for the occasion. I didn't have to secretly video us, as I wanted her to know we were being filmed so that I can watch it afterward. She begged me not to. I replied in an angry voice that I was not asking."

Dan stopped describing further and said I should just enjoy watching it and gave me the USB stick with the recording on it. He mentioned he had the original copy.

I was so horny by then and wanted to leave the bar immediately to watch.

I finally got home and Lin was already in bed so I went downstairs and plugged the USB into our computer and put on a head phone so I can listen to every detail like sighs, moans, and whimpers coming from Lin.


Dan had the camera set up perfectly with the sofa on the left and Lin still standing facing the wall on the right. Dan went up to Lin, grabbed her shoulders and turned her around facing the camera. Lin did not dare to look up but he forcefully lifted her face and demanded her to look straight at the camera. She did look scare likely thinking that angry boyfriend she left once finally came back to haunt her. Dan then gave her another opened hand spank on her ass and she let out a slight whimper while she was being spanked. Dan repeatedly called out, "You like that bitch, you like that bitch."

Her replies were, "Yes, yes."

Dan instructed her to remove her red tank top while he went to pick up something outside of the camera view. When Dan came back with some ropes, a neck brace of some sort, and what looked like a leather whip, Lin still had not yet remove her top as instructed. Dan got angry and yelled at her, "If you don't move that top, I will have to cut it off and you will have nothing to wear when your husband comes to pick you up."

She took it off reluctantly while Dan watched her. Once off, she stood there with only her light creamy bra on that was holding her amazing breasts in place. Dan circled her slowly checking her out and then commented, "Wow bitch, you look amazing! What have I missed all these years? We will make up for the lost years."

Although Lin looked nervous, I can see she was starting to accept the situation.

Dan put on her the neck brace with a leash on one end and made her get on her hands and knees on the floor like a dog. He walked her around the room a bit while lightly whipping her with the leather whip. He then sat on the sofa with his legs opened and while she was still on her hands and knees, told her to lick his crotch. He rubbed the back of her head running his fingers through her hair as if to comfort her like one would for a dog that did as it was told. He cupped one of her breasts with his hand as if to confirm the firmness of it.

I can't believe how obedience she had been so far.

Dan stood her back up and had her hands tied behind her back. He then ran his hands up and down the side of her arms and tried to give her a kiss on the back just about her bra strap which caused her to adjust her posture slightly. He turned her to face the camera and held her tightly by the shoulders and licked her top back from the neck brace to the bra strap, up and down and backs up again. One could tell she was starting to enjoy it as both of her eyes were closed.

Dan left and came back with a pair of scissor and when Lin saw that, she looked nervous. He started to play with her breasts outside of the bra with the scissor circling clockwise from the outside to center of her nipples. He played with her right breast first knowing that her left was much more sensitive. You can see she started to breathe a bit heavier when the tip of the scissor pressed against her nipple. Dan told her because he has not forgiven her for breaking up with him back 20 plus years ago so he was going to keep a souvenir from her. Instead of unstrapping her bra, he snipped it with the scissor from the front between her bra cups and when that happened, she looked shock. With the tip of the scissor, he moved the bra to the sides slowing revealing her incredible breasts and those amazing nipples.

Dan left Lin standing there half naked with her hands still tied behind her back, her bra hanging off her shoulders, and her breasts pointing right at the camera. Dan came back with a bucket of ice with the scissor in it. He went up to Lin and examined her nipples much closer likely to see if they look any different than her teen years. Breast fed two children had definitely made them grown much larger. Dan removed the scissor from the bucket of ice and slowly touched her left nipple with it. The cold scissor caused her nipple to be even more sensitive. He grabbed the nipple with it and gently pulled it towards him. You can hear Lin started to moan and get excited. The harder he pulled, the louder she moaned. She was definitely aroused by it. He stuck the scissor back into the ice bucket and returned to Lin's left breast and started to suck on it. He put his mouth over her nipple and pressed hard onto it, then grabbed the nipple by his teeth and pulled it towards him. Lin couldn't stop moaning and the louder he moaned, the harder Dan pulled. It was finally half an inch long by the time he was done with it.

Dan looked at her and asked, "Was that good bitch?"

"Yes, yes!" replied Lin.

He then looked down at her and decided it was time to remove the blue shorts she still had on. He took it off and noticed her underwear looked a bit wet around the pussy area, which confirmed he was on the right track.

Dan took the ice-cold scissor and stroked it back and forth on the underwear where the wetness was. Lin started to shift her pelvic back and forth to sync with his strokes. It didn't take long for the wet spot to get even larger.

Dan moved Lin to the sofa and had her sit down with her legs spread wide open. He moved the camera with a close up view of her pussy area and it looked pretty wet. Instead of removing her underwear, he cut a hole around the area exposing her lightly shaved pussy. He looked up at her and asked if it, referring to her pussy, wanted to be eaten and off course, Lin nodded.

"It does look extremely delicious but not just yet." Dan commented.

He grabbed one of those bullet vibrators and slowly massaged the outer pussy lips before pressing it hard on her clitoris. She shifted uncomfortably because her hands were still tied behind her back as her breathing became harder and harder every time he pressed the vibrator onto her clitoris. He felt her orgasm was about to come so he stopped. He inserted the vibrator along with his middle finger inside of her pussy. He found her G-spot and started to flick at it and Lin started to scream out, "oh my gosh, oh my gosh..."

He continued with his flicking and the faster he flicked, the louder she screamed. It got pretty intense and when Dan quickly removed his finger, Lin's bladders broke and squirt violently everywhere, followed by her screaming, "Fuck, fuck..."

It was amazing to watch as I almost blew my load in my pants.

Dan only gave her a second to rest. He removed the vibrator and told her, "I am not done with you yet, bitch. Do you want more?"

He didn't give her time to respond but took the wet vibrator and started to play with her nipples with it. While the vibrator was on one nipple, he sucked violently on the other. He definitely got her aroused once again. Dan pulled on the neck leash to sit her straight up and then pulled down his pants exposing his fully erected penis which look like it was about 7 inches long, average size for an Asian. He put it in her mouth and pressed her head against it putting all 7 inches inside. He was in total control moving her head back and forth at the pace he wanted and as he sees fit. Sometimes he left all 7 inches in her mouth for what seemed like hours.


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