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Sheela's Story

Part 1 - Seduction by stealth

The message was short & sweet. It just contained one word - "Noted". He shut his private phone, an instrument with no internet & used only to call one person. It was never far from him, but also sparingly used, as & when an opportunity arose.

Sriram smiled with smug self-satisfaction. It had been a long journey; but he had enjoyed every single step. Even now he could vividly recall and fondly remember ever single moment. A carefully crafted and cunning plan; executed with patience & persistence had achieved the objective. He was now a proud man who had as his Mistress a breathtaking beauty who was over forty years younger than him. He chucked at the nomenclature - "Mistress!"; for in reality, HE was the master. He had as his very willing & obedient lover a girl many young men would be ready to die for.

Sriram was a short stocky man, barely 5 feet in height. He was never athletic nor known for his physical prowess since his youth. As a student, he was always mediocre and never aimed nor attained academic excellence. With his dark complexion, and unattractive attributes; he was largely a fringe figure throughout his early years. Largely ignored by the opposite sex, he nonetheless possessed a strong personality; which only those close to him would know. He lacked height and rarely stood out in a crowd and was obsequious in a gathering. All his shortcomings in height and other physical & mental faculties were more than compensated by native shrewdness & business acumen. Sriram had learnt & perfected to an art the advantage of appearing stupid, inconsequential & a nonentity. Over the years, he had skillfully amassed a large fortune, which very few people knew about. He preferred to operate behind the scenes, using two layers of intermediaries and managed a vast financial empire. Most people he interacted with were unaware about the influence & strings Sriram could pull. He chose to remain a mediocre man who was self sufficient in resources.

Smoldering beneath the surface was a man of intense sexual appetite. Nature had short changed him in most matters. However, he was blessed with the ability to leave any young woman whom he had bed; begging for mercy after he had sexually ravaged her. Sriram was a lover who could play on a woman's body like a musician. He was both patient and forceful in his love making. No lady who experienced him; ever left unsatisfied.

At the age of sixty-eight, Sriram was still a bachelor. It was as if he was cursed. Most attempts at match making in his youth failed. Girls were not impressed with his height or looks. His social status was nothing remarkable. Over time his family & relatives too lost hope. Everyone felt that finding a girl for him was a lost cause! Sriram was forced to satisfy his sexual appetite with call girls. He felt dissatisfied although he could pay & get all his desires satisfied. His immense sexual drive & prowess were combined with an underlying sense of anger at not finding a mate. This often resulted in him expressing his frustration with paid lovers, by indulging in sexual perversions.

Sriram first set sight upon Sheela two years ago. He was a guest at a dinner hosted by Sheelas's husband, Rahul & mother-in-law, who were related to him. Rahul's family was in a dire situation after his dad had passed away at an early stage in the boy's life. Taking pity upon the family, Sriram has supported them financially. After his studies; he helped Rahul to find a job. Rahul & his mother Bina were unaware about Sriram's wealth and treated him as a benevolent old man, often in a patronizing manner. He would visit the family, often invited for dinner by Bina who was fairly good looking & considered herself a high society hostess. As a benefactor; albeit an unattractive old man, Sriram was often left to his own devices at these parties. He would barely get a perfunctory introduction to the other guests. When Rahul got married Sriram was abroad & could not attend the wedding. When he first saw Sheela; he was completely bewitched.

Sheela was a tall lass with an hourglass figure. A qualified Chartered Accountant, her looks & beauty overshadowed her intelligence. Her flawless complexion could enable her be mistaken for a foreigner. She was charming, vivacious & bubbly by nature, easily making friends. She hailed from a poor family & had lost both her parents at an early age. Brough up by an uncle; she was always treated a secondary citizen to her cousins. Sheela was happy to get married to Rahul; looking to escape her home. Little did she know, that Bina felt highly insecure upon seeing her new daughter in law. The bride was prettier, and given freedom, Sheela would easily overshadow both mother & son. She quickly convinced Rahul; that their family tradition would not allow Sheela to pursue a career. She made the girl stay at home to become a full-time housewife. Rahul had grown all his life under his mother's thumb, and told Sheela to obey her & assist his mother in running the house. As an IT Engineer; Rahul had to frequently travel. He felt that his mother required help & company at home. Sheela was a dutiful girl and obeyed her husband. She felt stifled at home & often ignored when mother & son would converse upon various matters. Her opinion was rarely sought and any attempts to contribute to the dialogue was quickly put down. Even when the duo was discussing investments in shares, Sheela's opinion was dismissed casually. Sheela too resigned herself to the role of a housewife serving both husband & mother-in-law.

When Sriram was first introduced to Sheela; he immediately got captivated by her beauty. A keen student of human nature; he quickly observed & understood the dynamics at play. He saw how Bina would often crudely display her authority. Rahul himself would be more deferential to his mother; often ignoring his wife. Sriram could notice the frustration, often bordering upon anger in Sheela's demeanor. Sheela rarely let her mask of pleasantness & image of a demure housewife slip, but Sriram knew better. In most parties, the guests would often converge around Bina. Sriram was used to be the outsider at such parties; but Sheela felt very small and insignificant. Her husband rarely involved her in the conversation & focused upon his mother & the guests. Sheela was only called when snacks & drinks required replenishment.

Sriram made small talk with Sheela as the two were left to their own devices. He learnt that Sheela possessed a sharp brain and had qualified as a Chartered Accountant in her first attempt. During their conversation he was impressed with Sheela's analysis of a few shares he intended to buy. His gentle probing encouraged the girl to open up as she told him her life story. Sriram was too polished to push matters at the first meeting. However, he had quickly sized up Sheela as a prey ripe for his seduction. He was already enamored of her beauty and the gentle well of her ripe breasts. Her sparkling smile revealed two dimples which he was tempted to kiss. He observed that Sheela was feeling alone & left out even when she was with her family. The circumstances were favorable & Sriram knew he had to take advantage. The fact that Sheela was only 22 and he was more than thrice her age did not deter him. On the contrary he was more determined to possess this girl who was young enough to be his granddaughter. He wanted to completely own her!

Sriram was a patient man. He knew that rushing could only defeat his purpose. As he bid good bye to Sheela & her family; he remained a charming but unattractive old family friend. A short man with a big paunch belly and balding head, he was considered a harmless person with who they were obliged to keep a relationship. They felt compelled to invite him although they would not; given a choice. Sriram knew that he was considered a necessary but not welcome guest. He would attend their parties just for a change from his normal lonely evenings. Now he was a man on a mission. He had his sights upon his goal. He was determined to achieve it no matter the means or the morals. He was already plotting & planning; imagining various scenarios that would enable him to seduce Sheela. Sriram was not used to losing. He knew that Sheela stood no chance once he began his carefully planned campaign.

As someone who believed in always timing his moves, Sriram bided his time. His next opportunity to interact with Sheela came only after a month. It was this time a dinner at Sriram's house; where he had invited Rahul & his family along with a few other carefully chosen "high society" families. As anticipated, Rahul's mother hogged the limelight & the son was obediently compliant. The two of them kept conversing with the other guests; relegating Sheela to the sidelines. Sriram had cleverly sent his house help on leave. Rahul's mother Bina, gladly volunteered Sheela to help serve the food & other arrangements. This gave Sriram plenty of time to chat with Sheela. He gradually made her open up to him about her boredom in being confined to household chores. Sheela was too reticent to express her anger at being constantly being bossed over in public by Rahul's mother. Sriram noted her frustration in not being included in any conversation. Sriram cleverly kept praising Sheela's qualifications & intelligence. He got her engrossed in talking about financial matters. He saw how Sheela blossomed open and began to speak freely and with great enthusiasm. Sriram was also truly impressed by her financial acumen. He told her that if she has no objections; he may wish to seek her opinion when he wishes. Sheela readily agreed & they shared telephone numbers. The first step was taken & the ice broken. Sriram did not push matters thereafter. He only satisfied himself by paternally patting Sheela once.

Bina was a prolific entertainer & loved to gather people around her. Although she did not have respect or regard for Sriram; he was almost a constant invitee at all their get togethers. She was aware that Sriram was much wealthier than he appeared. She was unhappy that they had to take his financial help. After her husband passed away, Sriram had helped Rahul secure his high paying job. She felt that she was reciprocating by patronizingly inviting Sriram to all her parties. Bina did not feel guilty even though she ignored him for most of the time. Another advantage of inviting Sriram was that he would often arrive after ordering many dishes from outside. This saved Bina a lot of expenses in arranging a lavish spread. Hence Sriram was not surprised to get another dinner invitation a month after he had hosted Rahul & Sheela.

The get together on this occasion was a little larger than usual. Bina kept Sheela on her toes; rattling out a steady stream of instructions. Sriram felt pity for Sheela & sensed another opportunity to get close to her. He volunteered to help Sheela & was happily playing the role of her assistant. He was not surprised that neither Rahul nor his mother took any notice of him. They were immersed in interacting & trying to impress their high society visitors. They forgot that Sriram was also a guest. An hour of bustling between the kitchen & parlor, loaded with trays of food & drinks took its toll upon Sriram's old body. The sixty-eight-year-old could barely walk and he wearily slouched upon a chair in the kitchen, with his panting body & bald pate shining with sweat.

Sheela observed his plight & felt sorry for him. In helping her, Sriram had exhausted all his strength. She went near the old man & tenderly wiped his face & bald head with the pallu (long trailing end) of her saree. As she was bent over Sriram, her low-cut blouse permitted Sriram to enjoy the swelling & curves of Sheela full & rounded breast. He unobtrusively looked deep; trying to spot her nipples, but in vain. Sheela was totally unaware of the strong sexual emotions surging thru Sriram. While she was bent almost at a right angle from her waist; she was about to lose her balance. One hand clutched the back of the chair while the other was floating over Sriram's face. Sheela was wearing a sleeveless blouse & Sriram could see her armpit clearly. The armpit appeared freshly shaven, but Sriram could male out a dark shadow where her hair was shaved.

Pretending innocence, Sriram moved his mouth upwards. When Sheelas's hand descended, Sriram's face was squarely enclosed within the warm & cozy confines of Sheela's arm. Sriram poked his tongue out & quickly licked Sheela in the armpit, before he pressed his lips firmly within her pits, with his head slouched as though he was totally exhausted. He kept breathing slowly, exhaling through his mouth and blew cold air onto her armpits. Sheela shivered, but it took her a few minutes to gather herself. She was still unaware about Sriram's nefarious aims & thought that the old man was truly tired & helpless. She lifted Sriram's face & crooning words of sympathy she folded the old man to her body. Sriram's face nestled in the open fold of skin on her torso, between her saree & blouse. Sriram was almost in the seventh heaven as he gently rubbed his face over Sheela's stomach. He tried his best not to obviously dwell upon her deep navel; although he once pushed his nose into the cavity.

The scene lasted just a few minutes, but both of them quickly recovered. Sheela forbade Sriram from helping her & firmly told him to sit down. Sriram continued to sit happily in the kitchen as Sheela moved about continuing to serve the guests. Sriram was absorbed in observing Shella, following the contours of her body He was trying to trace the outlines of her bra & panties. He furtively kept staring to see if he could make out the protrusion of her nipples but in vain. After some time Sriram decided to go away before he did anything to create suspicion in Sheela. He bid her goodbye in the privacy of her kitchen. He thanked her paternally patting her head & shoulder. Sheela replied that it was she who was grateful. Rahul & his mother barely took notice when the old guest departed after thanking them.

A few days later, Sriram telephoned Sheela. He kept the conversation purely platonic. They spoke mainly about matters relating to finance & the stock markets. Sheela felt very happy that Sriram was appreciating her knowledge & intelligence. The two of them shared a lively conversation.

Sriram was aware that Rahul & his mother were both living beyond their means. He was waiting to strike when the time was ripe. He pulled a few strings and ensured that Rahul was put under immense pressure by creditors to settle some large sums immediately. Mother & son were worried and scared. It was Bina who thought of borrowing money from Sriram. They decided to invite Sriram alone for a meal to request a loan.

A lavish spread was laid out for the guest. Both Rahul & Bina dressed up. They asked Sheela also to look her best. Everyone wanted to impress Sriram & gather a large sum of money. Mother & son bought and served expensive wines for the occasion. Sriram was always a social drinker & kept his consumption of alcohol to the bare minimum. Sheela was not used to alcohol & refrained from drinking any wine. As the evening progressed, mother & son gently broached upon the topic of the loan.

Sriram pretended to be shocked, and pretended to be reticent about advancing any money. Rahul & his mother kept pleading until Sriram relented. He insisted that if he were to provide a loan, Rahul would also take a housing loan to buy an apartment. Once the apartment was ready, the family would shift there to save rent. He said he knew a builder who would allot a flat to them on a convenient installment purchase plan. However, Sriram would retain the papers to the flat as collateral for the loan. Rahul & his mother were overjoyed. They profusely thanked Sriram for his generous gesture. As Sriram was going home, both mother & son hugged him. When Sheela went to say bye, Sriram gently pulled her close & embraced her. Since he was shorter than Sheela, his head rested below her neck and he buried his face between her breasts. Sheela did not want to create any commotion. She was also unsure whether Sriram had innocently hugged her and ignored his behaviour.

Rahul had to travel abroad on an assignment for a few months. For the next month it was only Sheela and her bossy mother-in-law. Sheela was feeling bored and frustrated. Her mother-in-law would keep going out. She left Sheela with a long list of household chores. One day, Sriram came for a visit in the afternoon. He had to go shopping for gifts as he had to attend a relative's wedding. He asked Bina if she could accompany him to help him chose some gift. Bina dd not want to go with this ugly old man. Sriram was fine as a source of money; but not for socializing and that too in public. She quickly volunteered Sheela's help. Sheela too was glad to be away from home for a few hours.

Sheela & Sriram entered a swanky mall. The place was patronized by the elites of the city. Sheela was surprised to note how comfortable & confident Sriram was while examining costly jewelry & gifts. She was unaware about the true fortune owned by Sriram. Initially Sheela was a bit wary about being in close proximity to Sriram. She was not sure unsure about how Sriram kissed & licked her armpit. She remembered his hug accompanied by his slobbering over her cleavage.

Sriram could sense that Sheela was wary & knew that he had to disarm her suspicion & fear. The two of them went about selecting jewels which Sheela was only too happy to model for Sriram. After picking up an expensive necklace set, both of them decided to sit down for a cup of coffee. The shortest route to the food court led them through a very expensive women's boutique.

As they strolled along; Sheela spent a few minutes examining some items of ready-made clothing. She put them in front of her & asked Sriram how it would look upon her. Gradually Sheela became more comfortable & relaxed. She was laughing & joking with Sriram & to an observer it looked like an old parent shopping with a young daughter.

The final section of the boutique was full of women's lingerie. Shella picked stopped to examine a set of sexy bra & panties. She could observe that Sriram was feeling uncomfortable. She tried to hide the twinkle in her eyes & a grin that showed her dimples. Sriram was feeling flushed & vainly appeared to be his normal self. On one hand he was feeling increasingly aroused and wanted to get closer to Sheela. At the same time' he did not want to create a scene & lose the possibility of seducing Sheela.

He wisely chose to remain quiet. It was the luckiest choice he made. Sheela felt more comfortable with him. In fact, she felt in control; knowing that Sriram was trying his best to appear nonchalant where as he felt embarrassed in a surrounding of ladies' undergarments. The two of them enjoyed a nice coffee & Sriram dropped Sheela home.

The next meeting between the two came about accidentally. It was in the same shopping mall. Sriram had come to purchase a statuette for a foreign guest. Sheela was entering the premises & seeing Sriram examining an art piece; she went up to greet him. After exchanging pleasantries, she spent some time examining the art pieces. She was getting impressed by Sriram's knowledge about sculpture.

On Sriram's enquiry about her visit; she grinned & said that she came to buy a dress for herself. Sriram said he too would like to reciprocate & help her select the dress. Knowing that her family was beholden to Sriram, she could not object. Sriram was a polite; but interested onlooker as Sheela tried out over a dozen garments. Rahul was never so patient when shopping with Sheela who felt grateful to Sriram.

Sheela was in a playful mood. She purposely stood in the ladies' lingerie section, pretending to examine a piece. She wanted to embarrass and tease Sriram. However, this time Sriram was more prepared. He had been mentally fantasizing about Sheela since their last meeting. He had cursed himself for his cowardice in not taking any step to let Sheela know how he longed for her.

When Sheela was holding a set of undergarments, Sriram confidently beckoned one of the attendants. When the lady came near; he told her that Sheela wished to buy some undergarments & whether there was any trial room nearby. Shella was shocked and about to protest, but even before she could speak, the lady had whisked both of them to a private chamber.

Sheela angrily asked Sriram what he meant by asking her to try out undergarments in his presence. Sriram cooly replied that Sheela was wearing old fashioned undergarments; especially her bra. He explained to the lady attendant that he wanted her to suggest some bras with a soft cup. He said they would be more comfortable. He described as armor, the present bra being worn by Sheela.

He told Sheela the shop attendant that Sheela was from a small town. Sriram wanted her to dress in a more modern manner. The shop lady smiled. She gently asked Sheela why she was getting angry. Seeing her mangalsutra; she congratulated Sheela for having a kind husband. Sheela was full of rage & embarrassment when her small-town background was mentioned. She was also unsure how to deny that she was Sriram's wife. She was sure that the shop lady would then conclude that she was a call girl' even if she was married.

Sheela cursed her naivety for underestimating Sriram. She understood the predicament she was facing. Sheela decided to try a few pieces in the confines of the changing room. While she was inside Sriram; cleverly bribed the shop lady. He said that his bride was shy & angry. He asked her not to mind Sheela. The shop lady was only too happy. When Sheela asked her to hand her a new piece after trying one item, she gave it to Sriram & went away.

Sheela was shocked when she opened the door of the changing room in her undergarment & saw Sriram standing there. She was about to scream, but Sriram quickly clasped her & locked his lips upon hers. Sriram had to pull Sheela's neck downwards & he held her tight preventing Sheela to move away. Sheela was taken aback at the strength in Sriram. She viewed him as an old man; but even in the prime of youth; her feminine strength was easily subdued by the old male.

She could feel Sriram's perfume along with a faint trace of his sweat. Although she felt helpless; she felt strangely satisfied in being subdued & overpowered. It was a classic case of the weak yielding to the strong & a female happily surrendering to a stronger male without any feeling of guilt as she knew she was powerless!

It took a few minutes for Sheela & Sriram to recover their breath. By now Sheela was more subdued; almost in a submissive frame of mind. When the shop lady came Sriram took his own time & made Sheela try out at least six pairs, making her model them for him & even commenting upon the softness & the designs of the undergarments. Sheela was quietly compliant & went through the motions. Sriram asked the shop lady to bill the clothes & paid for the same. He led Sheela lovingly out of the showroom, with his hand around her waist as though they were a married couple.

As soon as they left the shop Sheela began to angrily shout at Sriram. Sriram just put a finger upon her lips. He told Sheela not to create a scene which will embarrass both of them. He led Sheela to the coffee shop. Luckily for Sriram, the shop was very crowded.

The two of them sat close to each other; an Sriram once again put his arm around Sheela in a proprietary manner, resting his palm upon her bare stomach. Sheela once again had no option but to speak softly. With her teeth clenched in anger; Sheela asked Sriram what his behavior meant. She threatened to expose Sriram to Rahul. Sriram was calm & composed. He never removed his palm from her stomach. He kept caressing her midriff even as he spoke. He said that ever since he set eyes upon Sheela; he was captivated by her beauty. He told Sheela that if she complains to Rahul; the family may not believe her. On the contrary may incur hardship if he makes them repay all the loans.

Sriram told Sheela that he wanted to keep her as his mistress & lover. Sheela angrily retorted whether Sriram was even aware of his age. She said Sriram ought to be ashamed of lustful feelings towards Sheela who was young and his granddaughter's age. She added that she had lost all respect for Sriram as she had considered him as a respectable gentleman.

Sriram patiently heard her angry outburst. He allowed Sheela to vent her anger. When Sheela finished; she was overcome with emotions. She began to cry saying that she felt helpless as her family would not believe her. They would blame her if she was the cause in spiling their relationship with Sriram. Sriram put a consoling arm around Sheela & waited till she had calmed down. He replied in a soft tome apologizing for his behavior. He added that he was overcome by Sheela's beauty.

He added that he would never interfere or harm her marriage or reputation. He even confessed that if Sheela rebuffed his advances; he would simply move out of her life. He promised Sheela that his threat to recall the loans given to Rahul was only an idle bluff. Sriram promised her that Sheela would never experience harm from him, even if she refused his advances. He however pleaded with Sheela to allow him to be her lover. Sriram told Sheela that he had never in his long life experienced love from anyone.

He humbly said he would leave the final decision to Sheela. Hhe prayed that she would accept his proposal. He ended by removing his hands from Shella and sat waiting in front of her with folded arms. Sheela took his hands in hers. She said she was afraid where this would lead to. She did not want her reptation to be tarnished; neither did she want her marriage to suffer. She asked Sriram how his proposal could work out without any adverse consequences. Sriram asked her to leave the future to him.

He added that it was his sacrosanct duty to protect her interests; if Sheela acquiesced to his request. He promised Sheela that if she agreed to be his mistress & lover; she would have the full right to terminate their relationship at any time. He told Sheela that he wanted both of them to enjoy their time together. He said he did not want a one-sided relationship where Sheela would feel forced to be with him.

Having agreed upon the foundation of their arrangement, both of them walked towards the exit of the mall. They were at ease walking close to each other. Sriram took Sheelas's hand in his and she did not pull away. He also boldly drew her closer with his palm resting upon her stomach & began to tickle & play with Sheela's navel. Sheela to gently brushed his hand away asking hm not to be naughty in public.

Sriram smiled and said that Sheela's beauty was clouding his senses. Sheela was pleased to hear this compliment & she blew an air kiss at Sriram asking him to be patient. It was at this moment that Sriram played another trump card. He decided not to press Sheela; but instead got her to promise to call him whenever she could be free.

He added that he looked forward to their union; but true to his promise' it would be at her convenience. He promised that he would make discreet arrangements for the venue & only asked Sheela to give him at least a few hours' notice. Sheela felt happy; thinking that the initiative was in her hands. She little knew that Sriram wanted her to think so. He knew that he had to give Sheela a long rope at the beginning. Sriram intended to bind her closer & tighter as time goes by.

The next few weeks were slow to pass for both Sriram & Sheela. It was a test of will power between the two. As Sriram waited in vain for a phone from Sheela; she too decided to keep silent. She was still unsure how safe the arrangement with Sriram would be. She wondered whether she could end matters where they stood.

A week later Bina once again hosted a small get together. Sheela was in a quandary. She was sure that Sriram would attend; but not how he would behave. She feared that Sriram may behave inappropriately & create a scene. Both Sheela & Bina were surprised to observe that Sriram did not show up. Sriram did not telephone to give any reason for his absence. Bina mentioned about Sriram's absence & speculated about the reason.

That night Sheela could not sleep. She was lying in bed & feeling lonely & missing sexual intimacy. Without being aware; she found herself masturbating. What took her by surprise was that it was Sriram; not Rahul who she imagined while rubbing herself. She could still remember the masterful way Sriram had subdued her in the changing room.

She recalled his commanding tone when he made her model various sets of lingerie. His animalistic behavior in kissing & claiming her, still sent shivers up her spine. As her climax approached, she was unknowingly uttering Sriram's name. She buried her head in the pillow to muffle her voice & was wondering how Sriram had captured her mind.

Part 2 - Making of a mistress

Bina was worried about Sriram's absence from her party. Bina did not hold Sriram in high regard; but she knew that Sriram could be of help to her son. Bina wanted to be in his good books. She telephoned Sriram & enquired about the reason for his absence. Sriram gave a lame excuse which did not satisfy Rahul's mother.

On Sriram enquiring about Rahul & his wellbeing; she handed the phone to Sheela; telling her that she too must mention to Sriram about how they missed him yesterday. Sheela told Sriram that Rahul was fine. Upon being asked if she was missing him, she replied in a teasing voice that she was truly missing her husband. She too asked Sriram the reason for his absence from the party.

Knowing that they could not be overheard on the phone; Sriram replied. He had promised Sheela not to meet her unless she called him & explained that since only her mother-in-law invited him; he decided to abstain. Sheela laughed softly & Sriram answered that as a man of his word; he would wait a lifetime if required for Sheela to call him on they could meet.

At that time Rahul's mother had gone to her room. Sheela's heart melted and she told Sriram to be a little more patient & be a good boy. She ended by saying that Rahul's mother was going to be away all day to visit a relative the next day & told Sriram that she would meet him at the mall by 9am.

The next day saw Sriram pacing the entrance of the mall from 8,30am onwards. He phoned Sheela to confirm that she was on her way. Sheela was dressed in an attractive pair of slim jeans & tee shirt. Her attire did full justice to her long & slender legs & full breasts. The top two buttons of her tee-shirt were undone & Sriram could see her cleavage. Sriram barely controlled himself & waited for her taxi to approach.

Being in public, both were careful & formal; even as Sriram summoned an Uber. The vehicle dropped them at the basement of a swanky apartment complex. Sriram led her to a lift & pressed the button to one of the higher floors. As soon as the lift closed, he clasped Sheela & hugged her tightly. Sheela asked him to wait as other people may board the lift. Luckily, they were no stops & they reached their designated floor.

The apartment was tastefully furnished with expensive furniture, dark curtains & high-quality decorations. Sriram told Sheela that he owned this apartment & nobody would disturb them. Sheela teasingly asked if this was Sriram's love hideout & how many women he had brought here before. Sriram solemnly swore that this place was meant for his discreet business dealings. Although women had set foot, they had all come on pure business transactions.

Sheela playfully enquired what business the women were engaged in. Sriram laughed saying it was not what she imagined. He solemnly swore that what he said was true & neither he nor any visitor ever used any room other than the parlor. He added that the apartment was maintained by a steward who came every morning. The kitchen was well equipped but no cooking had ever taken place. He gave Sheela a sort tour of the studio apartment before they adjourned to the sofa on the parlor.

Suddenly seeing Sheela close and with him. Sriram was unsure how to proceed. He did not want to be too aggressive & scare Sheela. He began by talking about general matters, taking her hand in his. Occasionally he would caress her face; ears, lips, and cheeks brushing his fingers softly. He also stroked her shoulders and rubbed her back. He thanked Sheela for abiding by her promise. Sriram reiterated his vow not to cause her any harm or spoil her marriage.

He gently kissed her lips and Sheela responded opening her mouth and their tongues interlocked. Sriram moved from her lips to her tongue & cheeks & kissed her head & neck. Sheela too was getting aroused & took his hands & placed them upon her breasts. Sriram began to knead her breasts, starting softly but increasing the pressure till Sheela cried out in pain. He apologized and Sheela asked him not be too rough.

She removed her tee-shirt & bra and Sriram buried hi face with the warm confines of her ripe breasts. He began to lick & kiss her breasts, and blew air softly upon her nipples till they became hard. Bending his face, he captured a taut nipple between his teeth & bit slowly. Sheela cried in joy and Sriram began to gently suck on her nipple like a nursing new born. Sheela tenderly ran her fingers through his head and bald patch and bent down to kiss his forehead.

A few minutes later Sriram released her nipples. Sheela made Sriram sit & she removed his belt to pull down his pants and underwear. Sriram unbuttoned his shirt & threw it aside. He lifted his hands & Sheela drew up his vest. Sriram's hairy chest, paunch belly could not hide the grandeur of his thick erect penis surrounded by matted grey hair.

Sheela had only seen Rahul naked before and was surprised at the size & strength of Sriram's penis. Almost unknowingly she felt obliged to kneel in reverence in front of this magnificent male organ. She gently licked the tip & slowly surrounded it with her mouth. She moved her heard and although the penis seemed to plumb the depths of her throat; as thought it wanted to reach her abdomen thru her mouth.

The discomfort was surprisingly pleasant. Her mouth appeared to be stretched wide to accommodate the girth and her nose could absorb the strong but not unpleasant male odor that filled her lungs. As she moved her mouth up & down to swallow & release the penis, she licked the pee hole on the top. She could taste the urine on the pee hole and felt excited at the thought.

Sheela continued to suck like a woman possessed and suddenly she was overwhelmed by the copious amount of sperm that flooded & filled her mouth. She was unable to swallow fully. The last drops fell upon her nose & cheeks even entering her left nostril. As Sheela panted, the drop of sperm snorted up her nose and she could feel it pass down her throat. Sriram, caressed her face and scooped up the sperm from her cheeks and fed in to her mouth.

Sriram pulled up an exhausted Sheela onto the sofa & both of them lay pleasantly as they caught their breath. It took Sriram almost fifteen minutes to recover & regain his strength. Sheela too was gathering herself. She could still sense the remnants of Sriram's semen in her mouth & tongue. She found the taste strangely pleasant. Sriram asked Sheela whether she was offended by his ejaculating in her mouth. Sheela replied that she was not angry and asked Sriram whether he had enjoyed her surprise.

Sriram replied that he was overjoyed. He called it the happiest moment of his life. Sriram began to gently remove Sheela's jeans. As he was sliding down her panties; Sheela crossed her arms in front of her chest & bent her face down with eyes closed. Sriram patiently and gently finished undressing her & the two adjourned to the bedroom.

The lovers lay besides each other. Sriram ran his hands all over Sheela's soft body, gently squeezing her buttocks. He thereafter moved his hands into the soft & curly patch of pubic hair. Sheela shivered in anticipation. Sriram began to kiss Sheela on her stomach and abdomen & gently moved down. Sheela was weakly trying to prevent the downward movement of Sriram"s face.

She almost jumped when his lips began to lick at her vagina. Sriram was gently insistent & despite Sheela's vain attempts to pull his head up. He continued to lick her & sucked on her erect clitoris. Sheela was lubricating and Sriram's face was getting soaked but her kept on stimulating her vagina until Sheela erupted with a sharp cry. He whole body convulsed pushing both of them up and down. Sweat was flowing down Sheela's body along with her vaginal fluids. Sriram's face was drenched and he too was wet & sticky.

The two of them clung to each other as glued by their mutual exhaustion. Sriram was the first to recover. He moved up Sheela's body resting his head upon a soft breast like it was a pillow. Sheela clasped his head tightly almost suffocating him against her bosom. Sriram then continue to move up and looked at Sheela who was still panting. He bent down & the two of them locked lips with their tongues dancing like two mating snakes.

Sheela could taste her own secretions on Sriram's mouth. She was surprised to find a few strands of her pubic hair in Sriram's mouth. Moving aside she gently inserted her finger into his mouth & managed to remove one strand. Asking Sriram to keep his mouth wide open. She began to explore his oral cavern once again, moving her finger all over until she located the second strand & managed to remove it.

Sheela apologized to Sriram for the hair in his mouth. Sriram brushed her apology away and asked her if she had enjoyed him going down upon her. Sheela shyly admitted that this was her first ever experience. She thanked Sriram for the pleasure. She added that her love making with Rahul was mostly in the missionary position. Rahul never bothered if Sheela enjoyed the coupling. His whole aim was to satisfy himself.

It was his selfishness that led her to never giving Sriram a blow job after the first time. She said that the only occasion she had let Rahul come in her mouth; the experience was very rough & the taste of his ejaculate unpleasant. She had quickly spit out and ensured that her mouth was removed after the first drop touched her tongue. Shella told Sriram that she would be happy to give him a blow job again if he desired.

Sriram replied that at his age, he may not be able to go for a second round & apologized to Sheela. He said that he was very happy to have been the first person to give her cunnilingus. Sriram promised to happily repeat it any time she wanted. He added however that he would like Sheela to be clean shaven as he found her hair was irritating his nose & eyes. Sheela replied that she was willing but wondered how she cold explain her new shaven look to Rahul.

Sriram said that Sheela as a smart girl would find a way, but he sincerely hoped that she would keep her self hairless as per his wishes. Sheela promised to find a way. Sriram told Sheela that every time she felt her clean-shaven pubes; she would remember that it was kept that way for Sriram as a mark of her love & respect. He also made Sheela promise that she would never ever give Rahul a blow job. Sheela was reluctant as she felt duty bound to please her husband. Upon Sriram's insistence she agreed that she would never swallow Rahul's sperm. That privilege was exclusively reserved for Sriram.

The lovers lay comfortably besides each other stroking & exploring each other's bodies. Sheela loved running her slender fingers thru Sriram's hairy chest & stomach. She muzzled his hairy armpit & found the sweaty odor strangely intoxicating. Sriram kept teasing her nipples, patting her cheeks & explored Sheela's deep navel cavity. He was strumming his fingers gently over her body making Sheela moan in pleasure. He moved her arms above her head & daintily stabbed at her armpits with his tongue making Sheela groan.

Sheela asked Sriram if he wanted to make love once again saying that she would have to leave soon. Sriram expressed his regret & inability and apologized for his lack of prowess. Sheela tenderly kissed him & said not to bother. She said they could wait for the next opportunity. Sriram's spirits rose in joy. Her remarks meant that Sheela was willing to continue to meet him.

As they were leaving, Sriram gave Sheela a new telephone number. He asked Sheela to save it under a different name, preferably that of a female friend. This way whenever she called, nobody would, upon checking her phone, know that she had phoned Sriram. Sheela was happy at Sriram's discretion.

Sriram also gave Sheela a prepaid debit card loaded with a huge sum of money. Sheela protested saying that Sriram was treating her like a prostitute. Sriram gently cradled Sheela's face in his hands. Looking squarely in her eyes; he denied the allegation. Sriram said that since Sheela was his mistress; it was his duty to pay for her expenses.

He said he wanted Sheela to buy more sexy lingerie & attractive dresses. He said that she could store them in their apartment & wear them when they were together. He was sorry if Sheela had misunderstood his intention. Sheela relented & Sriram saw her home in an Uber.

The nest fortnight passed agonizingly slow for Sriram. He knew that as a married woman, Sheela would find limited time for him. However, he found the separation painful. He was almost losing hope that Sheela would call back. As a gentleman he was resolved not to break his promise & phone her himself. He wanted to keep his word of not endangering her marriage in any way.

Sriram was in an important meeting. Suddenly his private phone buzzed. People were surprised when Sriram abruptly adjourned the meeting to answer the phone call in privacy. He excitedly asked Sheela how she was & when they could meet. Sheela replied that she called just to inform Sriram that her mother in law was home every day. She explained that as the reason she never phoned. She just wanted to keep Sriram informed of her situation.

Sriram was both happy & sad. He was overjoyed that Sheela phoned him but disappointed that they could not find time for each other. However, Sriram was a businessman used to solving difficult problems. He quickly conceived a scheme to get Rahul's mother out of the way.

It was Thursday. The weekend was around the corner & Sriram was anticipating it with glee. As he had hoped, his phone rang & it was Sheela. She informed Sriram that they could meet on Friday. She would be free for most of the day. Sriram knew why Sheela was free; but did not tell her.

Sheela told Sriram that she would meet him at the mall by 10am. Sriram could not retrain himself and asked Sheela why she could not make it earlier. Sheela replied that she had some work in the house & teased Sriram for his impatience.

Sriram met Sheela promptly at the mall at 10am. He was surprised to see her having a big bundle in her hands. Restraining himself; he waited till they were home to ask Sheela what she had in her hands. Sheela coyly explained that she had bought some clothes using the card given by Sriram. Sriram could not contain himself. However, Sheela persuaded him to allow the contents of the bag to remain a secret for now.

Not wanting to waste any time, Sriram almost fell upon Sheela to remove her clothes. She chided him & asked him to keep his eyes closed till she undressed. At Sheela's signal, Sriram opened his eyes & the eyeballs nearly popped out. Sheela was standing in her regal glory, fully nude but for the mangalsutra around her neck & her wedding ring and toe rings (all signs of a married hindu wife).

Sriram was taken aback to see Sheela smooth and clean below her waist. Sheela gracefully & seductively twirled around asking Sriram if he liked what he was seeing. Sriram was almost slobbering in lust. Sheela told Sriram that she had gone to a nearby saloon to get her pubes & pits waxed as a surprise to Sriram. She told Sriram that although she was shaving herself every day, as demanded by Sriram, the waxing was smoother & softer for Sriram to enjoy.

She told Sriram that she had informed Rahul that she was always keeping her pubes clean shaven as per her gynecologist's orders. She asked Sriram if he was pleased with her for following his instructions. Sriram replied that he was proud of her. This made Sheela's heart to swell with pride. He began to kiss & lick her vagina. Sheela asked Sriram not to be in a hurry, and said that she hoped Sriram would truly make her his own this time. She confessed that she was also missing Sriram.

Sriram began to kiss Sheela as his hands roamed across her soft body. Sheela too was more comfortable and relaxed and reciprocated by fondling Sriram all over. She was holding Sriram's testicles, cupping them in her hands' feeling the size and enjoying the coarseness of his hair.

Sriram's penis was fully engorged and to Sheela it felt like a throbbing iron rod with a life of its own. She kept running her fingers along the length of the rigid organ comparing its girth & length to Rahul. She looked forward to being pierced, impaled & surrender herself to this wonderful weapon.

When Sriram asked Sheela if he wanted him to use a condom. Sheela replied that she was in her safe period. She wanted Sriram to enjoy her without anything coming between them. Sriram was thrilled. He was trying to gently enter Sheela when she told him to use all his strength & claim her body as his own.

Egged on by Sheela, Sriram used his full strength & and with a roar plunged himself deep into the moist depths of Sheela. Sheela cried in pain as the size of Sriram's penis stretched the walls of her vagina. She almost felt as though he would reach her abdomen piercing her cervix. Sriram was worried whether Sheela was in pain. Sheela pulled him and began to wail in joy raking her nails on Sriram's back leaving deep scratches. Sriram was a powerful lover & kept plunging in and out of Sheela. He kept raising the tempo and making her cry out for more.

After almost five minutes of frenetic activity, Sriram released with a huge sigh. Stream upon stream of thick semen coated the walls and depths of Sheela's vagina. Sheela kept her legs tight to hold all the sperm inside her but a few drops leaked out. She scooped the sperm in her finger and licked it like ice cream, smiling at Sriram.

Sriram was almost asleep with exhaustion. He was resting his face between Sheela breasts with his eyes closed. Sheela tenderly crooned to him like he was her baby & soon Sriram was snoring in peace. Sheela smiled in satisfaction & began to comb her fingers thru Sriram's sparse patch of hair and fondling him tenderly all over.

She particularly enjoyed running her hands through the hair on his chest & underarms. She rubbed his armpit & brought the fingers to her nose relishing the tangy and sweaty odor. Her hands moved to cup & caress Srirams testicles; still appearing full & majestic even after the release.

Feeling deliciously naughty and wicked, Sheelas's fingers moved between Sriram's buttocks. She explored the crevice between and tenderly inserted a dainty finger inside the tight ring of Sriram"s anus. Braving the resistance her index finger continued exploring until her entire finger length was embedded inside Sriram's rectum. She wiggled & twisted her finger & gently withdrew it. Sheela could smell the strong but erotic odor of Sriram's anus with a whiff of fecal smear and scent.

She brought the finger to her mouth and began to lick it clean relishing the dirty act. She was feeling as though she wanted to feel & taste every part of Sriram and every aspect by smell, touch & taste. She felt obliged to surrender her body, soul & submerge her very existence & identity into Sriram.

In her mind Sriram was the divine male. Sheela as the submissive female was designed & duty bound to offer herself without restraint to serve & devote her life to him. She had never before experienced such happiness.

Apart from her first night when Rahul had briefly aroused her; sex had always been a short five-minute process ending in a quick ejaculation followed by loud snoring of Rahul. Her own needs were never considered. As a dutiful wife she carried on; unaware of the joys sex could bring to women.

Sriram woke up from his dream like stupor after a quarter of an hour. He was pleased to know that he was not dreaming and that Sheela was really lying there besides him. He also observed that Sheela's demeanor had transformed. She was looking at him lovingly & her approach was tender and almost maternal.

All barriers had been shattered & it was as though two souls had merged into one. Sheela was fussing over Sriram, trying to make him comfortable & relaxed. The frenzied love making had rendered Sriram weak & almost helpless. His male energy had been expended & he was trying to recover himself.

Sheela' like any female was the recipient of his energy. She had absorbed his seed & potency and required only a short interval to be re-energized & felt stronger than before. Like any female; the coupling & sexual dynamics had receded into the background.

She wanted to reward Sriram for the pleasure he had given her and was wanting to comfort Sriram. She tenderly clasped him to her chest murmuring sweetly. When Sriram tried to speak; she shushed him like he was a child & continued to croon to him in a soft & mellow tone. Sriram was also happy to be petted & pampered. He comfortable laid against her breast, softly sucking upon her nipple like a nursing infant.

A little later, Sheela got up and went to the kitchen. She was feeling thirsty and wanted to find something to feed Sriram & herself as hunger pangs had begun to set in. She found the fridge well equipped & made two coffees and like any wife brought it along with biscuits in a tray.

Both of them comfortable enjoyed the coffee but Sriram was now once again back to normal. He would chew his biscuit & fed it to Sheela by his mouth. Sheela dutifully swallowed as though she was playing a game & both felt refreshed. Sheela said she would have to leave quickly as her mother-in-law may return home any time.

Sriram smiled & told Sheela that they had till the evening' after reading a message on his phone. Sheela was curious and asked Sriram how he could be sure. Sriram replied that he was a major shareholder in the company that owned the parlor. It was he who had arranged a fake lucky dip draw and complimentary whole day spa session for Rahul's mother

He added that they would not release her till 6pm. Sheela could comfortably stay with him till 5pm. He also said that Rahul's mothers' phone was safely put in a safety locker. Hence Bina could not even phone Sheela and disturb them. Sheela giggled in pleasure and remarked that Sriram was indeed a very naughty boy.

Sriram was curious to know what Sheela had brought in the bag she was carrying. At his insistence; she opened and showed him the contents. At Sriram's request she modelled the new western dress as also an Indian lehenga. She observed Sriram's reaction to the dresses & asked if he did not like her selection.

Sriram replied that the dresses were nice, but too conservative. He was hoping to see Sheela in tight figure-hugging outfits that did justice to her beauty. He wanted her to don short (even mini) skirts. He imagined her in tight sleeveless tops with a deep cut to display her cleavage. Sriram had fantasies of seeing Sheela in sarees of pure & transparent silks with a low waist and matching blouse cut to display her charms as much as possible.

Sheela teased him; calling him a dirty old man. She refused Sriram's wish to accompany & select her dresses. Sheela said that she would be too shy & there was a risk of being seen by any known person. She said she was still thanking her stars that Sriram's outrageous stunt on the previous occasion had not caused her any problems.

Seeing the disappointment in Sriram's face, Sheela said she would order dresses on line. When Sriram suggested that the dresses be delivered to their present location; Sheela wanted to know who would receive the parcel & how she could trust the person.

Sriram replied that the lady who acted as a caretaker for the apartment was known to him over twenty years. He assured Sheela that the lady would never betray them as she was beholden to Sriram for his past & continuing financial support. Sheela said that as far as possible she would not like anyone to see her with Sriram in the apartment; but she trusted him.

The two of them sat & spent an hour looking at dresses online. Sheela grudgingly agreed to all of Sriram's selections including two sets of bikinis vowing that she would never ever wear them outside their apartment. Sriram was happy when Sheela described the apartment as "theirs" conveying her acceptance and willingness to grow their budding relationship.

He was happy at the progress made & looked forward to making Sheela fulfil all his pent-up desires & fantasies.


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