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An a 25 yrs old Widow be so innocent?

This is a story of innocence being lost, or at least the beginning of it being lost. If this appeals I hope you enjoy the story.

"Ever since Stan passed I have been having these strange dreams or sometimes they seem more like nightmares. Last night was the most vivid. I was so confused, agitated but kind of buzzing when I woke up."

"What was the dream about?"

"Well I think I was being attacked by aliens. I was lying on my bed and I couldn't move even though there was nothing apparently securing me. Sometimes the figures were quite human looking but at other times they were small with tentacles and faces with huge eyes. They were talking about me but I couldn't understand what they were saying. I felt a mixture of terror and the sort of comfort that you feel when someone is looking after you. I was naked in the dream and they were kind of massaging me with lots of tentacles all at the same time. It is really embarrassing but it felt - well kind of nice.

When they massaged my head and face they explored my ears, my nose but particularly my mouth. When one of the tentacles slid into my mouth I thought it would taste foul but the taste kept changing and each time it changed it was even better than the last one. They seemed pleased with this. I cannot tell you all the places they found to massage but they never actually hurt me. When I woke up the whole area between my legs was covered in slime from my bellybutton right round behind me to - well above my bottom. I immediately ran to the shower to get the slime off. Your shower is quite powerful and the slime washed away easily but as I washed between my legs I felt a powerful energy down there and I needed to pee really badly. Part of me didn't want to stop the water but I knew if I didn't I would pee myself right there in your shower. I dried myself quickly but the urge to pee got worse as I dried between my legs. It felt much more normal down there once I had emptied my bladder. I am so sorry I should never be telling you all this Stan would certainly not have approved."

Carla was talking to her sister in law Pauline. Pauline was married to Chas, Stan's brother. Chas and Stan had not been very close as Chas found his brother's extremely rigid religious beliefs rather uncomfortable. He also didn't like how Stan had treated his young wife. While never obviously cruel he was extremely controlling. This control seemed to cover all areas of her life from who she could be friends with, what she was allowed to wear, not to mention the views she was allowed to hold. Carla had been such a lively pretty girl when Chas had first met her but recently the excitement in her eyes and voice had disappeared. The death of her husband Stan who had been the minister of the local church was certainly going to change the twenty five year old Carla's life. Chas and Pauline were determined to be supportive to their SIL at this difficult time.

"Carla you don't have to apologize to me for talking about such things. That is what friends and family are for. I hope you will feel much freer to talk to me in future. Your dreams do sound interesting. It sounded to me as if you were having a wet dream. Did you feel like you might have an orgasm at any time after you woke up?"

"No, no it was not anything like that. I just felt all sort of swollen, full and slimy down there. I'm not sure what you mean."

"What I mean is it sounds like you were sexually aroused during your sleep and the shower only made it worse. I often feel like I need to pee just before I orgasm don't you?"

"I am not sure I understand what you are saying. I am not sure I have ever had an orgasm. The nun's always told us that an orgasm was the devil's work unless experienced as part of married life. Stan wasn't really into things like that."

"Are you saying you didn't have sex? I know he had some very odd religious beliefs but you were married surely you did have some sex."

"Oh yes we had intercourse every Friday night, well three times a month. Stan believed it was not very ladylike for me to became too involved - you know aroused and anyway I don't think he had any idea about how to excite me."

"But you must have pleasured yourself if Stan wasn't doing it for you? If Chas is away or not doing the business for me there is no way that I am going to miss out. When my fingers are not enough I have a number of toys to meet my requirements. I would go insane if I couldn't enjoy an orgasm every few days."

"You didn't know Stan very well did you? He told me that even if he didn't know that I was sinning God would and therefore he forbade from what he called abusing myself. Sometimes I was so unhappy with this I disobeyed him and did abuse myself but it only made things worse as when my body did respond I got very excited but then nothing. I soon just gave up trying it was much easier."

"It is true that some females are unable to have a climax but I think in your case the sooner you stop worrying about the devil, self abuse and God watching you the quicker you will find some satisfaction. Now are you going to go upstairs right now and finish what the aliens started or am I going to have to show you?"

It was Friday morning and the two women were sitting around the breakfast table in Pauline and Chas's house. Carla was staying with them for a week or so following the funeral. Chas was at work but Pauline did not work on Fridays. Pauline was wearing a summer dressing gown and Carla was dressed in PJ's covered by an old gown of Pauline's

The comment did cause Carla to smile but it didn't last long.

"I don't think I could go upstairs and just - you know. It just wouldn't feel right, it's your house and I would just end up even more frustrated."

"Well that leaves me no alternative. You are just going to have to come upstairs with me right now and I am going to show you how I masturbate."

Pauline led the bemused Carla by the hand before she had the time to really protest. They were in the bedroom before Carla managed the single word of "but ...?" The older woman was naked in an instant as she dropped her gown off her shoulders. Even when she started unbuttoning Carla's PJ top there was no protest and the only reaction was that she closed her eyes. She was standing completely naked within twenty seconds.

Pauline was very close to changing her plan and touching the perfect body of her sister in law. She hadn't touched another woman for a number of years and if it had not been for worrying about freaking Carla out she would have dropped to her knees and buried her face in the hairy pussy in front of her. Instead she took a few seconds to drink in the view. Carla's boobs were conical in shape and very firm. There was no hint of a ski slope at the top and under the nipples, that were set high, the curve didn't get even close to curling under leaving the boobs appearing to be presenting themselves perfectly. The total lack of areola made the very solid nipples look very pronounced and almost stark. They were like giant rubber pencil erasers over half an inch in diameter and three quarters of an inch long. Being almost black they contrasted strongly with Carla's pale skin. Pauline was stunned by how young and virginal her SIL looked. She had to pull herself together as Carla was looking very nervous and starting to cover herself with her arms.

"Let's just sit at the top of the bed and we can watch each other as we explore our bodies. You look so young and beautiful I cannot wait to see your gorgeous body as you become sexually excited."

"I can't do it in front of you. I can't do it when by myself but having you here is only going to make it harder. I am really sorry I just ........ "

"Okay if you can't do it yourself I am just going to have to give you a hand - or two. Just settle back and I will just give your stunning boobs a gentle caress. I find there is nothing that gets me started like having my boobs and particularly my nipples played with."

Pauline was actually delighted at her sister in law's reluctance. It gave her every excuse to do exactly what she was desperate to do. Her first touch was incredibly gentle as kneeling she brushed both her hands over both of the perfect boobs being extremely careful to just avoid making contact with the rock solid nipples. She tried to justify this approach as being necessary so as not to spook Carla. In fact she wanted to tease the younger woman until she pleaded to be touched in more stimulating ways.

Carla did manage to whisper,

"No, no you mustn't do that. It just isn't right. It must be very sinful to feel that good but I have always tried to avoid being sinful. I am sure Stan always knew if I even thought about being the slightest bit sinful."

This was all said in a voice that could not have said "that is wonderful please don't stop" if she had used those words instead. It was almost as if Pauline was teasing herself just as much as she was Carla. It seemed like an eternity before she finally used two fingers and a thumb from each hand, using a twisting action, to stimulate the nipples. The contact was so gentle the nipples didn't move but did expand beautifully. Carla's eyes had glazed over but now they closed as a long soft sigh allowed all the breath she had been holding since the first contact to escape. Pauline was sure that Carla had decided that, right now at least, she couldn't stop herself indulging in some serious sinning as her SIL was not giving her an option.

As for Pauline she felt like a child in a sweetie shop. The delights laid out in front of her were endless all she had to do was to make a choice of which of them to enjoy first. It was a risk but she could not resist as she bent forward and took the closer of the two nipples in her warm mouth. She firmly closed her teeth around the base of the now huge completely solid nipple and found the end of it with her tongue. The tongue was still gentle but much firmer than her fingers had been. Instinctively she found the other nipple with one of her hands. She concentrated on the nipple in her mouth and let her hand do its work completely without any thought. Without opening her eyes the young woman muttered,

"You mustn't, I mustn't, we mustn't ....... it is just not ..... it is ....... "

The words just seemed to slide out of reach as she gently held her sister in law's head as if to ensure that she didn't stop doing what was so enjoyable. If there had been any resistance at any point this now seemed to have evaporated. Sensing this Pauline was keen to see how Carla would react to further stimulation. Keeping the same contact with the nipple in her mouth she now removed her hand from the other nipple and slid it down the suddenly very tense body in front of her. She paused as it reached the bellybutton stopping just long enough to tease it. She then reached the pubic hair, which she had noticed earlier was jet black very short and curly. Wasting no time her fingers slid on down finding the moisture before she even got to the pussy lips. When she did find the pussy lips these were not moist they were soaking and swollen. They were so swollen Pauline's fingers slid between them without any pressure being applied. It was not enough for Pauline to feel her sister in law's arousal she now wanted to see it. Reluctantly she released the nipple from her mouth but not before sucking on it hard as she pulled away.

"Oh my you really are aroused down there it feels wonderful. I hope I can do as good a job as the aliens did. Let's just find your clit I am sure it is very ready to join the party."

"My what?"

"Now you are surely teasing me. You cannot get to what 25 and not know what a clitoris is. It is here where your pussy lips come together. Yours feels buried very deep but it feels very large and hard. I am going to try and tease it out from behind its hood."

Pauline was working a finger and thumb in an attempt to be able to see the hidden clit. Eventually she managed to find the right angle and the substantial erect clit pushed through its very tight hood. The moaning noises made by Carla sounded painful as Pauline kept rolling her finger and thumb around the shining hard little head.

"There you go this is your clit. Feel it for yourself. There are so many parts of your body that can give so much sexual pleasure but your clit is at the heart of all sexual pleasure along with the most important organ - the brain. Chas loves to suck my clit and he has been known to bring me to orgasm after orgasm using only his mouth and tongue."

Carla did bring her fingers down to explore her clit but looked like she had been electrocuted when she rubbed it. She quickly moved her hand away with a deep sigh. Pauline's fingers were quickly back to explore further. She used the fingers of her right hand to tease the now hard nubbin while exploring lower with her other hand. She had realized earlier that Carla was not only soaking wet but very swollen. Now she could see that her pussy was also very red. Her fingers slipped very easily through the soft red outer lips finding the inner lips were even wetter. She used just her middle finger to follow the contours into the warm orifice until it bent upwards towards the fingers of her other hand.

Carla had been fighting an internal battle. Her body was swimming with arousal, an arousal she had not believed possible. Her brain had been tortured with guilt. What was happening was going against everything she had been taught, everything Stan had insisted on. The battle was closer to being won than either woman realized. Pauline had intended to tease Carla until the younger woman was desperate. It hadn't taken anywhere near so long as expected but Carla's body was now squirming and thrusting trying to find that something extra. Sensing Carla's desperation Pauline applied greater pressure with both hands and said,

"I am going to bring you to orgasm Carla, enjoy."

"No, no you mustn't it's not right, it's a sin. I am not going to let you no, no, no."

"If it helps you feel better about yourself do fight me and your body every inch of the way it will make it even more special. I dare you to play with your nipples."

Carla's words were of defiance but her physical reactions were completely of compliance. Her hands found her nipples and she didn't need to be told what to do.

"Cum for me, cum for me now and cum for me strongly you beautiful sinner."

Carla's nipples were caressed, her clit was caressed, her pussy was caressed but her mind was also caressed. Her body and mind exploded together. Pauline was delighted to have to pin the thrashing Carla down to the bed as her body convulsed as if in agony. The distressed sounds of her orgasm were every bit as exciting to Pauline. There was nothing aggressive about how Pauline stimulated the body in front of her but she refused to reduce it until Carla's orgasm had completely finished and her body melted into the bed.

"How was your first orgasm? It looked wonderful but I cannot guarantee that every one will be that spectacular."

"I thought for a minute that the devil had come for me. I thought I was going to die. You said earlier that Chas could make you do that more than once. How many can you have? I cannot imagine being able to repeat that for days it was completely awesome but totally exhausting."

"I am delighted to have shared that very special experience with you but right now I need to have my own orgasm. I would love it if you stayed and watched or even better add your assistance. I will get a couple of toys to show you how they can be very useful when there isn't a cock around to fuck."

"I don't think I should stay it's a bit - well personal. I've never seen another woman down there and ....... "

"You didn't seem to be worrying too much about it being personal a few minutes ago. Here I find this can be a very enjoyable toy to get me into the mood. It vibrates and is very special when you tease your clit with it. Come here - it is even better when someone else does the teasing."

Pauline showed the hesitant Carla how the five inch slim vibrator turned on and found her erect clit with it. She guided her sister in law's hand to maximize the pleasure the vibrator brought her. Carla was hesitant for only a few seconds because once she saw how much pleasure she could give Pauline with the toy she became excited.

"That's wonderful tease me with it but when I tell you I want you to rub me with your fingers instead of the vibrator. Then fuck me gently with the vibrator as you tease my clit."

"You don't want me to put the toy in your vagina do you. It is far too big it will hurt you. I don't want to risk hurting you."

"What do you mean it is by far the smallest of my toys? When Stan and you had sex his cock didn't hurt you did it. It would have been bigger than the vibrator."

Much to Pauline's frustration this question confused Carla the toy was removed and in a puzzled voice she said,

"No the toy is much bigger than Stan's penis."

Pauline only just managed to stop herself laughing as it was her that became confused.

"Just let me get this clear are you saying that Stan when he was fully erect was smaller than this?"

"Yes, why is that unusual? I have only ever seen his penis so I have nothing to compare it with. Is Chas's penis as big as the toy? If so is it comfortable when you make love?"

"Let's just say for the moment that Chas's cock is dramatically bigger than his brother's obviously was. Can you stop using the word penis it feels like I am 12 again and in a biology class? There are so many words for it but why not use cock or dick? Can we hold this conversation in a few minutes my pussy, not vagina, feels like someone has just poured freezing water all over it? If you are not going to use that vibrator give it to me and I will."

Carla was quite relieved to not need to answer some of the questions asked but to be able to concentrate on using the toy again. It took a minute before the older woman was able to get back into the swing of being sexually aroused. She used her own hands to play with her neglected boobs and nipples. This soon got her heart rate up and her juices once again flowing. She coached her sister in law in how to tease a fully erect clit before telling her to fuck her pussy with the toy and rub her clit very firmly. The fucking was very tentative but was plenty enough to bring Pauline to a strong long climax much to the astonishment of Carla.

"My goodness that looked beautiful. Did mine look like that? Did I sort of loose all control of my body like you seemed to? It looked like it was painful, please tell me it wasn't?"

"So many questions but let me just recover a little before I reply to any of your questions. Thanks that was lovely."

Both women fell quiet for a couple of minutes and reflected very differently on what had just taken place. It was Carla who broke the silence and asked in an excited voice.

"Just how big is Chas's penis, sorry cock?"

"Well I am not sure I should be telling you about his cock. I am sure he would be delighted to know that you are interested to know about it. Maybe he will be happy to show you, if you ask him nicely?"

"Stop teasing me. He wouldn't want to show me his eh cock and you wouldn't want him to. You are married and that wouldn't be right."

"A few minutes ago you said quite a few things that you have just done weren't right. I rather feel though you enjoyed them and do not regret doing any of them. Am I right? You have so much to learn and I am happy to help you learn and if I know my husband he would be delighted to be allowed to be a teacher. Now come here and give me a sisterly cuddle, I am beginning to get cold."

After a brief rather awkward cuddle Pauline led Carla into the big shower cubicle and they shared a hot and intimate shower.

As they dressed Carla looked puzzled before she plucked up the courage to ask,

"How often do you have an organism? When can I have another one?"

"It is orgasm not organism. You can have one right now if you want by why not wait until later. Chas will be delighted to hear what you have been doing."

"You can't tell Chas what we did he will think - he will think .... "

"I course I will tell him and he will not think anything bad about you. He will want to look after his brother's widow. He has always wanted to look after you Carla you have always been very special to him. "


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