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She Fascinated about being watched

I consider that my wife has a fetish. She loves to fantasize that she is being watched as she has sex. She loves to actually be watched as she has sex.

It wasn't until we were married that I discovered this. I would say we have a really good sex life. Both of us enjoy a high libido and unlike some of my friends who complain that their wives/girlfriends don't initiate sex Jane is just as likely to make the first move. When she does the sex is usually exceptional. It was on our honeymoon that after a leisurely lunch she suggested that we retire to our room. She had been in a playful mood while we ate teasing the young waiter who clearly had taken a real shine to her. Jane asked him his name, which neither of us could master. She held the poor besotted boys stare as she asked him if she could call him Carl. He seemed delighted by this and left the table with a tip and a huge smile.

When we got back to our room Jane remained very playful but far from leisurely. She stripped herself naked before removing the two garments I was wearing. She was clearly in charge and I was very happy to oblige. Her enthusiasm alone was enough to ensure I was already fully erect. She knelt next to me as I lie on my back and found my erection with her mouth. Usually she would offer her pussy to either my mouth of my fingers but as I tried to maneuver myself to reach her pussy she moved out of reach. She was in full teasing mode and I loved it. She used her mouth, particularly around the head of my cock, to get me almost to the point of cumming before removing it and playing with my balls. A quick visit to my sensitive anus was added before her mouth would envelope me again. By the time she had done this sequence three times I considered throwing her on her back and just fucking her with no regard to her needs. She must of sensed that I was at breaking point as she now mounted me and took me with ease fully into her dripping pussy in two downward thrusts.

"Close your eyes and don't open them until I have finished with you. I am so close to cumming and I don't want to cum too soon."

I was amazed. I had not touched her in any way and if she had touched herself I had not been aware of it. It is fantastic how quickly Jane often becomes very aroused but this was in a different league. I closed my eyes and asked,

"What the hell has got into you? You are like.......... "

Her finger touched my lips and I was slightly relieved to have not said what I was thinking.

"Keep your eyes closed and imagine Carl is standing at the door watching us."

I wasn't sure whether she was saying that Carl was there or just saying I should imagine it. Whatever her game was I was not going to ruin it by opening my eyes. What happened next shocked me. Jane let out a wail and started to fuck me as violently as she had ever done. She sounded almost demented as she thrust up and down on my erection. She started to orgasm almost immediately cumming with a violence that matched both her thrusting and the noise she was making. Although her orgasm went on for many seconds things had been too quick for me. I was stunned as she collapsed forward onto me apologizing. I might not have cum myself, it might have lasted little over a minute but it is a fucking I will always remember as breathtaking.

She didn't object as I started to fuck her gently just as we were. I was mystified when again she offered an apology.

"I am so sorry I am not sure what got into me. Can I make it up to you? You can fuck my bottom if you want. You have always wanted to do that haven't you?"

She was right it was something, which I had often hassled her about. Yes the idea excited me greatly but somehow this didn't seem the right time. There was something that she wasn't quite saying. Why was she so apologetic? I decided that now was not the time to spoil the atmosphere by asking. Trying to add a little humor I said,

"Well I did wonder whether it was Carl that got into you? I think if you had asked him at lunchtime he would have happily thrown you onto the table and fucked you in front of all the diners."

Jane went to protest saying that she didn't want to fuck Carl but did admit that he seemed to have the hots for her. She was laughing as she said this and she knew I was not upset. I carried on fucking her gently until she felt excited enough for it to feel like she was into it too. I rarely enjoy sex when Jane is not fully into it. We did make love now in a very relaxed way. Even our orgasms seemed low key compared to the violence of her earlier one.

The next morning (after giving ourselves the night off) Jane was again the initiator but this time in a much more relaxed manner. I always love going down on her and she held my head with one hand and one of her cherry red nipples with the other as I licked, sucked and nibbled her clit, her pussy and her arse. I considered requesting the anal penetrating that she had offered the day before but again decided to keep that pleasure for another day. Unlike the day before Jane was slow to respond but happy to take her time. It was a long time before I sensed she was ready to receive my cock.

We do not often use the missionary position, but do sometimes use it as a starting position. Usually this does arouse her and gets her juices flowing without any threat of bringing her to orgasm. She was very happy when I slipped easily into her well-lubricated pussy. There was a loving look in her eyes but it did lack the passion of the day before. After making love in this position for a few minutes her juices were covering her bottom, which is always a good sign of her arousal levels. I got onto my knees and pulled her back towards me so that my cock could find her pussy again. Her hips were now raised and her clit was presented perfectly for me to play with. My thumb found her erect clit and my fingers on the same hand reached as high as her bellybutton. Jane loves this position as I can apply a pressure between her clit and her bellybutton that she finds exciting. What I find amazing is how excited she gets when I play with her bellybutton.

If in this position I work her clit with my thumb she usually orgasms very quickly. She settled back happily with her eyes closed but didn't seem to be close to cumming. I know not to rush her as she often says that her orgasms after a slow build up are her most satisfying. I love the position as I can see her excitement growing and her face when she does cum. There is one small limitation and that is my knees become uncomfortable after a few minutes. I remembered the previous afternoon and said,

"Do not open your eyes just imagine Carl is standing by the door watching you. He is going to watch you cum isn't he?"

"Tell him not to come any closer. Tell him to stay where he is."

Jane had clearly slipped into the fantasy extremely easily. Her whole demeanor changed in a stroke. She demanded that I fucked her and rubbed her much harder. I did what she demanded but knew that even if I had stayed still she would have still exploded immediately exactly as she did. She swore at me, praised me and shrieked some complete nonsense before after many strong orgasmic spasms she went limp. I had been taken by surprise again by the timing of her orgasm. Partly to give my knees a rest but more to get into a position where I could fuck her hard much more easily I slipped back into the missionary position. Now with her encouragement I fucked her hard and fast while pushing her bottom up to allow for deeper penetration. I didn't rush to my orgasm but allowed it to hit me when it was good and ready. It was a beauty.

When I returned to the land of the living Jane was happy but a little subdued. I teased her about how fantasizing about the young waiter had triggered two of her orgasms. I pretended that I thought she wanted to be fucked by the boy who was clearly taken by her. She was surprisingly serious as she replied to my teasing with,

"I fully admit that the fantasy was very powerful. It was the fantasy of being watched as we - as we did what we did. The boy is sweet but the fantasy does not extend to him fucking me. It could have been any man watching me and the fantasy would have been as strong. Trust me I don't fantasize about being fucked by any other man."

I believed everything she was saying but made it clear that I was going to tease her about Carl for the rest of the holiday.

"Oh if Carl is not man enough for you we will just have to find someone who is. You know that every man fantasizes about watching his wife fuck another man."

"You are kidding me aren't you? Would you really want to watch me with another man?"

"What I said is true. Almost every man fantasizes about watching his wife with another man. Even if I do fantasize about it I would not be able to stand the idea of it if it actually happened."

"Well maybe we have both learnt about fantasies that we both have. I have enjoyed mine the last two days. Maybe I can return the pleasure in the next few days. Tell me when you identify the man that you want to imagine me being fucked by. I might just be able to not only allow you the fantasy but if you are really convincing I might be able to get into it myself. Until then I will just have to tease Carl."

Over the next few days we teased each other unmercifully about who I wanted to fantasize Jane having sex with and who she wanted to watch her while we had sex. It kept the excitement levels high and we enjoyed lots of fantastic sex. Carl seemed to be serving our table at almost every meal. Jane enjoyed the boy's worshipping of the ground she walked on. Whenever she either joked or otherwise about being watched she always talked about Carl. We also had fun discussing whether any of the men in the hotel were suitable for us to fantasize about her having sex with. The closest we got to either of these fantasies was on the penultimate evening when she told me to sit and watch as she masturbated. As she did so Jane told me she had picked Bert the oldest of the men we had joked about earlier. Over the next ten minutes or so she described in forensic detail how Bert was fucking her with great skill. She told me not to touch myself unless I wanted her to stop the fantasy. The arousal that her masturbation caused her was no fantasy and my untouched cock was not far behind. When she announced that Bert was going to cum deep inside her it was her that had the orgasm. As soon as she recovered she walked over to me and took my erection in her mouth. I filled it before she had taken more than the first three inches in.

The final evening, as we got dressed for dinner, Jane was in an impish mood. She said that she wanted to tip Carl for all his attention during our stay. For a moment I actual thought she wanted to invite Carl to witness us having sex. She sensed my confusion and read my mind.

"You know him watching us would excite me but I don't think I have the bottle and anyway he is no more than a boy."

I noticed that her main reasoning was his age not her unwillingness to be watched, but dismissed the thought. When I asked her how she was going to tip him she hesitated before pulling her loose fitting dress up above her waist and then slipped her sexy panties down her legs. After pulling her dress back down to cover her shapely arse she pulled the top down so that her matching bra was uncovered. Her bra followed her panties on the floor before she straightened up and said,

"There. That is better even a boy as young as he is is likely to enjoy a view or two while I am dressed like this. We cannot invite him to watch us having sex but I can still allow him a little sexy fun."

I am sure Carl spotted Jane's lack of bra before she even sat down. He was straight to her enquiring whether she had had a good day and asking her what she wanted to drink. I left her to order a bottle of wine as Carl's eyes nearly popped out of his head as she bent on the pretext of scratching her leg. He must have had a clear view almost to her waist, but certainly of both of her naked boobs. She seemed to be enjoying the attention and her erect nipples supported my theory. I got very little attention from the young waiter but that was fine by me.

As we got up to leave the table for the final time Jane gave Carl a motherly cuddle and said her goodbyes to him. Sitting in the bar we were joined by Bert. He was full of the joys of spring but I suspected also full of alcohol too. He immediately complimented Jane on her dress as he tried his best to get the view Carl had enjoyed earlier. In some circumstanced Jane would probably have been uncomfortable about Bert's appearance and familiarity but not this evening. She played the excited newly wed who didn't understand the power of her sexuality. She managed to give me a view up her short dress as he was concentrating on her boobs. It was surprisingly erotic for me who had seen plenty of her pussy over the last few days but not in a bar full of people. Bert asked Jane whether she was enjoying her honeymoon in such a way that he might just have well asked whether she was enjoying the sex. She assured him that her honeymoon had met all her expectations and more. His response was,

"Oh I am happy for you my dear, and you are such a lucky man to have such a ..... such a ...... such a lovely young wife."

I wondered what he had really wanted to say but was relieved that he had not embarrassed us all. We sat drinking for five or ten minutes and Jane enjoyed teasing Bert who was enjoying it but clearly hoping for even more than the occasional view of Jane's excited nipples. I was just concerned for a minute about Jane's intentions for the rest of the night particularly as she had enjoyed more wine than usual. It did occur to me that she might be considering turning my fantasy into reality. This excited me very strongly but frightened me far more. It certainly didn't feel right, particular with the over enthusiastic Bert. She did have a surprise for both of us men as she managed to drop something from her purse in such a way as Bert was best positioned to pick it up. As he bent down she flashed me an evil smile before making out that she was attempting to rescue the article. This ensured that her legs were wide apart and it was not a smile that she was flashing at Bert. He spent as long as he possibly could pretending he could not recover whatever it was that was on the floor while getting an eyeful of my wife's pussy. Even from my restricted view it was quite clear that it was a swollen wet pussy on display.

When whatever it was was returned to her purse my wife had clearly had enough of the games and announced that as it was the last night of her honeymoon she was very determined to enjoy it alone with her husband. Jane had enjoyed her evening of teasing three men. A part of me was disappointed that my fantasy was not going to be turned into reality but I also felt very relieved. Our sex involved Jane pretending that Carl was watching her as Bert fucked her. The fact that it was me fucking her hard from behind with no one else in the room didn't seem to dampen her enthusiasm. We both came surprisingly strongly given the number of orgasms we had both enjoyed during a wonderful if exhausting honeymoon.

The honeymoon did kind of set an agenda for us. Fantasizing became an increasingly very important part of our sex life. The one that was dominant was Jane's love of the idea of being watched. Almost without exception Jane referred to being watched by Carl. She never mentioned the waiter but always used his name. It was six months after the wedding that I asked her where she thought the fantasy about being watched had stemmed from. She became very flustered and embarrassed trying to convince me that she did not know. We had had a couple of drinks and I was determined to uncover the truth or why every time she imagined being watched having sex she lost all control and orgasmed immediately. I asked her whether she had ever been watched having sex and I immediately realized I had hit the jackpot. I had hit a raw nerve and now she was more than flustered. Rather than pursuing the issue with further questions I decided to try again when she was on the verge of a climax as this usually loosened her tongue.

When we were in bed I went down on her and was delighted by her beautiful response. I moved to lie alongside her but moved her hands above her head making it clear to her that she was to keep them there. I dropped things down a notch using just one hand to play with her pussy and particularly her clit. She seemed very happy to settle for this without demanding that I brought her to orgasm. If I had slipped my other hand under her and found her anus with my fingers she would almost certainly cum as soon as I penetrated her sensitive sphincter. Instead I started talking to her. I took a risk when I asked her,

"Who was it that watched you having sex and what were you doing?"

"I was masturbating in my room as I always did after college. As usual I was getting incredibly frustrated. All my friends had told me how wonderful the orgasms were that they enjoyed with their boyfriends or as they masturbated. Day after day I became more and more frustrated. Every time I became extremely aroused I was afraid I was going to piss myself. This day I was nearly in tears of frustration when I looked up and he was watching me from the doorway. You would have thought I would have screamed, covered myself up and told him to fuck off. What I did was open my legs wider, shift myself so that his view was improved and frig myself harder than ever. The feeling of needing to pee was stronger than ever but looking straight into his eyes I had the first and still by far the most memorable orgasm of my life. I was elated, delighted and exhausted as I looked towards the door. He was nowhere to be seen. I was so confused I wondered whether he had ever been there."

I had to ask who was it that she had or had not seen in the doorway. Her answer was,

"It was my mum's older brother who had just come to live with us for six months. I had seen him that evening and I saw him standing there almost every evening after that. I masturbated in front of him every evening. I orgasmed every time he watched me. He never once took a step towards me or appeared to masturbate himself. I am not sure but I think he was always erect. On the odd evening that he was not there in the doorway I was totally unable to climax. It was then that I started to fantasize that he was watching when he wasn't there. I never looked back. When I lost my virginity I was deeply disappointed and frustrated by the event. I was frustrated every time I had sex with my boyfriend that was until I fantasized about my uncle watching. My boyfriend was over the moon with my first orgasm during sex with him. I was delighted but was a little concerned about how and why it came about. It was you that was the first man who succeeded in bringing me to orgasm without me fantasizing about being watched. That said you know that it is still a fantasy that can be devastatingly arousing."

I assured her that I did not mind her enjoying the fantasy and that she should employ it whenever she wished, as I loved how helplessly aroused it always left her.

"While I finger your bottom and then fuck your arse I want you to imagine that we are being watched. We are being watched by your uncle who is standing right over there in the doorway."

I was not surprised that when I slid my hand under her bottom the whole area was flooded with her lubricating juices. Her anus was loose and welcomed my one finger as it worked to loosen it up more and lubricate the first three inches past her sphincter.

"Please show him how you fuck my bottom........ It hurt last time but it did bring me to the most wonderful orgasm."

The second comment sounded as if it was not said to me but to her imagined uncle. It was said with so much excitement that I would not have minded if she had been telling a room full of uncles. I had planned to loosen up her bottom slowly and lubricate it very thoroughly but these plans changed when with no more than a finger in her arse and a fantasy in her head she started a violent orgasm. Her arse fucked my finger not the other way round. She turned her face to me but was not seeing a thing. She had done so because she knows how much I love to watch her helplessness, as she seems to almost fight her orgasmic surrender.

I did apply lots of lube, very quickly, before entering her super relaxed anus. Jane was lying on her back and I was kneeling between her legs the position that we both enjoy when making love. It was very suited to anal penetration as it presented her body for me to play with. Jane seemed delighted to tell me that not only was there no pain but that it felt fantastic. She talked to me very quietly something that is very rare while we are making love. Usually once she gets to a certain level of excitement she is loud and demanding and does not appreciate slow and gentle. She just kept saying, "fuck me gently" but the quiet emphasis was on the word "fuck". It was perfect for me. I did not want to be demanded to fuck her hard, I wanted to savour every second that her tight sphincter gripped my erection and her bowels opened to welcome me into their smooth warmth. When I went to caress her clit with my thumb she smiled but nodded her head to tell me not to. She whispered that I was just to enjoy it and not rush. It was probably much quicker than the slow wonderful fuck that I remember but I loved it. Her eyes were bright and beautiful and after some minutes she asked,

"Please may I rub my clit?"

I knew there was no criticism of me implied in the comment as it felt so right as she played almost casually with her beautifully aroused clit. I have never seen her as calm when so aroused, as she was right then. The next question she asked was a first,

"Can I ask him to watch me?"

I knew immediately what she meant and even in my aroused state I didn't miss the reference to me not us. My reply was a simple,

"Of course".

"Please Uncle Carl watch me I think I am going to cum almost hard as I did the first time. Oh fuck watch me, watch me, watch me I am going to cum, going to cum, going to ..... "

Not another word left her mouth as she held her breath throughout the longest orgasm I have ever seen her have. Now I understood her fetish for wanting to be watched. Her fetish for wanting to imagine Uncle Carl watching her orgasm.


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