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Showing posts from July, 2024

She Fascinated about being watched

I consider that my wife has a fetish. She loves to fantasize that she is being watched as she has sex. She loves to actually be watched as she has sex. It wasn't until we were married that I discovered this. I would say we have a really good sex life. Both of us enjoy a high libido and unlike some of my friends who complain that their wives/girlfriends don't initiate sex Jane is just as likely to make the first move. When she does the sex is usually exceptional. It was on our honeymoon that after a leisurely lunch she suggested that we retire to our room. She had been in a playful mood while we ate teasing the young waiter who clearly had taken a real shine to her. Jane asked him his name, which neither of us could master. She held the poor besotted boys stare as she asked him if she could call him Carl. He seemed delighted by this and left the table with a tip and a huge smile. When we got back to our room Jane remained very playful but far from leisurely. She stripped herself

Sheela's Story

Part 1 - Seduction by stealth The message was short & sweet. It just contained one word - "Noted". He shut his private phone, an instrument with no internet & used only to call one person. It was never far from him, but also sparingly used, as & when an opportunity arose. Sriram smiled with smug self-satisfaction. It had been a long journey; but he had enjoyed every single step. Even now he could vividly recall and fondly remember ever single moment. A carefully crafted and cunning plan; executed with patience & persistence had achieved the objective. He was now a proud man who had as his Mistress a breathtaking beauty who was over forty years younger than him. He chucked at the nomenclature - "Mistress!"; for in reality, HE was the master. He had as his very willing & obedient lover a girl many young men would be ready to die for. Sriram was a short stocky man, barely 5 feet in height. He was never athletic nor known for his physical prowess sin

Worry Not

I was walking alone thinking about all the worries I had, and I got a text from my ‘new’ girl friend, Abena Mansa  that her parents had gone out. I told her I wasn’t feeling like it, yet she still invited me to her house and said I should be there by 10pm. I said okay, looked at my watch I had an hour. I drove to her house and went in. She looked stunning even though she was just wearing shorts and a T-shirt, which highlighted her great boobs. She is shorter than me (5ft 4) and I like teasing her about it. We have been having relationship troubles and it was only a week ago we settled them and got things back to normal. Since then we hadn’t been able to see or be intimate with each other, I miss her. We sat down to watch a comedy movie, but we ended up talking through it. After a while of absolute silence she asked me what was wrong.  I usually bottle up my feelings and she said that I could trust her and that she’s always here for me. I told her I knew that and stood up to go get wate

Wife's First Black

The morning of my birthday dawned brightly - while the temperature was cold, I breathed a sigh of relief that my birthday wouldn't be a rainy one. The day was finally here. I was finally going to meet you for the very first time in person, as we had decided that my birthday would be the perfect day for me to realize my fantasy of having my pussy stuffed full of a beautiful black cock. I arose very early, the first person in the house to stir. I didn't even wait for my 5am alarm to wake me, I hadn't slept much the night before, waffling between excitement and fear about this new adventure. I quietly made my way into the master bath, stepping over the two sleeping dogs in my path, careful not to wake the husband just yet. I was always the first to rise, then wake the rest of the household in order of their individual schedules. I stared at myself in the bathroom mirror, willing the knot in my stomach to go away as I eyed my image reflected. I was glad you had wanted to take t