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Assigned Seats

My longtime crush, Nina, was finally assigned a seat next to me. The dark blonde with green eyes and pouty lips was seated in front of me in my English class, looking as calm and indifferent as ever. Her indifference to everyone and everything was what attracted me to her, making her nearly unattainable. I couldn't take my eyes off of her, staring at her face hungrily whenever she turned it to either side. It was exciting for me just being near her, knowing that we were seniors now and time was running out on me having a crush that I saw frequently, although only in school. This seating arrangement, I was sure, was my last chance to get to know Nina.

There was nothing that I could think of saying to her to start a conversation. I needed something that we had in common, but other than what went on in class, I couldn't think of anything. I didn't want to use the class as an excuse, thinking it was unimaginative and that she deserved better.

After the bell rang -- as usual -- I waited for her to move first, wanting to see her full but jiggly ass walk out of the room first. Instead of getting up, she turned in her chair to talk to me. Nina placed her left hand on my textbook and tapped her manicured fingernails on it. I looked at her black colored fingernails, mesmerized by the tapping and by how perfectly the nail polish was applied.

"My notes from yesterday got deleted, I notice that you write yours on paper. Can I copy your notes in the office? Please," Nina said, scratching the edges of my textbook.

"Sure," I said, thinking I would do whatever she asked of me.

Her ass, in a pair of tan pants, had me transfixed, as I followed Nina to the office. She reached back with her hand and waved me forward, saying, "walk next to me, Cam."

"Okay," I said, moving alongside of her.

Since we both had lunch after our, there was no hurry for either of us to do anything but waste time. We casually walked into the office and asked a sour-looking secretary if we could use the copy machine. She looked at us as if she was annoyed by our request. Unafraid, Nina crossed her arms over her chest as if telling the secretary that it was she who was annoyed.

"Go ahead," the hefty secretary said, dismissively.

"Thank you," I said.

Nina moved to the copy area and held her hand out for my notes. I handed them over, watching as her hand gripped my notes as if she were taking hold of me. She was efficient at making the copies, dominantly pushing buttons and emptying the tray of the copies she needed. Nina received a text on her phone that she looked at quickly, accidentally dropping the phone after she responded to the text. I reached down and picked it up for her, noticing that the screen saver was a picture of her dressed as Catwoman, while an older guy in a suit had his hand on top of her masked head.

"Thanks for picking up my phone and thank you for letting me copy your notes," she said, exchanging my notes for her phone.

"Anytime," I said, wishing we could be together longer.

"Rawr!" Nina said, moving her hand as if she was going to scratch me with her fingernails.

Just like that, with my notes copied, she was off, leaving me in the copy room alone. I wanted to follow her to the lunchroom or wherever she was going, but I had no way to work through that with my crush.


It took me a couple of days to work up the courage to ask her why she was dressed as Catwoman. I waited for the end of class, hoping she'd have another request of me, but she merely smiled at me and got ready to go to lunch.

"Nina?" I said, hopefully.

"Yes, Cam?" Nina said, taking time for me.

"I'm curious, why were you dressed like Catwoman?"

"You are?" She said, playfully.

"Yeah," I said, feeling as though I were blushing.

"It was for Halloween. I like dressing up like Catwoman. She's so hot."

"Wow!" I said, wanting to tell her that she was the one that looked hot.

"Bye, Cam," Nina said, walking away.

"You looked hot," I said, hoping it meant something to her.

There was a moment that made me think she didn't hear me, but she finally stopped walking and turned around. A few students bumped into her on their way out of the classroom, but Nina seemed unfazed by it. She waved me forward, like she had done when we were on our way to make the copies of my notes.

"Walk me to my locker," Nina said, handing me her book bag.

"Sure," I said, realizing she now knew I had a crush on her.

Part of me was elated that I was spending time with Nina, but part of me was disappointed that she probably felt I was not boyfriend material and was just a beta-guy willing to humiliate himself for a girl that he liked. She walked slowly, as if she was the one carrying two book bags. Nina was wearing leggings and a long-sleeved blouse that showed off a slim torso with surprisingly small boobs in comparison to her bigger than average booty. Since she was wearing ballerina flats, her full height was on display. The girl with the strong personality was short, standing just a few inches above the five-foot threshold. Still, I felt subservient to her.

Everyone seemed hurried trying to get to lunch, so no one really paid attention to us. I stood by her locker and waited for her to open it, so I could put her book bag inside it. When she opened it, I noticed a picture of her and the guy from her screen saver. Nina was sitting on his lap smiling, acting as if she was the one that had to try to keep things in the relationship going: she was the beta of that pairing. I had wished there were other pictures in her locker, especially one of her dressed up for cosplay.

Instead of going to the lunchroom, Nina led me to a common area with a view of the football field. I tried to recall if I had ever seen Nina at one of the football games, but I couldn't. She sat down on a cushioned chair and put her foot on the edge of a small table. I sat down, too, willing to bet on something intriguing happening between us at some point. There really was nothing bringing us together but, to me, it seemed that we meshed well.

"Why are you curious about me dressed as Catwoman?" Nina said, looking around to see if anyone seated near us was listening to our conversation. There were a few people reading and snacking, but no one paid attention to us.

"It looked so cool, seeing you dressed like that," I said, making it obvious I liked her.

"I only wish my boyfriend had felt that way."

"Why do you say that?" I said, curiously.

"We were at a costume party, and he couldn't take his eyes off this girl dressed in a sexy Viking outfit. She was really tall and walked around like she was the one hosting the party," Nina said, looking a bit sad.

"Wow!" I said, trying to picture a female Viking.

"Wow what?" Nina said, angrily.

"I was just surprised he paid more attention to someone else," I said, trying to appease Nina.

"Yeah, well, it wasn't the first time," Nina said, confiding in me.

"Why are you with him?" I said, prying.

"Cam, do you really feel you have a right to ask me that?" Nina said, disappointed.

"I'm sorry, Nina," I said, contritely.

"I have to go," she said, standing up suddenly.

"Bye, Nina."

"He's twenty-six years old. It's fun, was fun, I don't know," she revealed.


Nina looked upset again; she leaned down and whispered in my ear, saying, "If you promise not to say 'wow' again, I might let you see me as Catwoman."

"I promise that I won't ever say that word around you again," I said, looking at her in total shock.

"I'll think about it."


Staying in Nina's orbit was not easy because we only shared one class. I'd occasionally see her in the hallways and from across the room at lunch, waving to her and getting a smile as her only reaction. I was stuck at a table with a couple of friends, and she was seemingly tethered to a friend that she had known for a long time. Still, we talked after class a little more every day. I felt as if this was the first time I flirted with a girl, and it was unbelievably with my crush and with an experienced girl who had me out of my depth, but I sensed that her boyfriend was not giving her what she wanted: to be worshiped. I wanted to be her hero, replacing the guy causing her grief.

Before our next exam, Nina asked me for my number, so we could discuss what might be on the test. I was more than happy to exchange phone numbers with her, wanting to believe that I had a chance with her, that my crush was not going to turn into a blurry memory after graduation. When I had not heard from her, I decided to text her on a Saturday night, wanting to feel how the weekend vibe affected her. She responded in the middle of the night, while I was sleeping.

Her text read: Drunk AF!!! bro

My response: Okay Nina talk in school

Her final text: Wait bitch!!!

When I didn't hear from her for a while, I turned my phone off and went back to sleep, figuring she was probably getting fucked by her boyfriend. In the morning -- thinking it was a dream that I had spoken to her -- I turned on my phone and saw that she had sent me a picture of her wearing her Catwoman mask and sticking her tongue out. I couldn't tell if she was drunk, but she looked beautiful to me.

I responded: Thank you Nina you look amazing!!!!!

The next thing I did was to make her picture my screen saver, getting so much satisfaction by having her image so close to me. I liked looking at her face and her tongue teasing me, imaging things I might say to her, imagining what she would do to me or let me do to her. By the time I got to school the next day of classes, my mind was going in so many directions, envisioning Nina sending me images of her to my phone.

Nina was wearing a pair of high heels, walking into the room as though she was nice enough to spend some time with us. I smiled at her and motioned with my hand for her to sit her lovely ass down. She shifted on her heels and did just that, turning in her chair to look at me with what seemed like a look of pity to me. I was so invested in her, forsaking other girls, that I didn't care if she felt that way about me. I needed her more and more, especially since seeing her in her feline costume.

"What did you do this weekend?" She said, grabbing a pen off of my desk.

"Not much," I said, wanting to tell her that I jerked off to her picture.

"Did you like my picture? I was so wasted."

"Yes, I did."

"Maybe you can come over to my house on break and see the real thing," she said, turning to face the teacher.

There was no way Nina and I would have been talking if she had not been seated in front of me. Our teacher, a kind man who was obsessive about punctuation, must have known I was crushing on Nina, I wanted to believe. It didn't matter, I had to now worry about whether I could actually impress Nina beyond admiring her in her costume. Was my adulation all that she needed from me, or was I supposed to compete with a guy in his mid-twenties who treated her badly? The answers would be revealed soon enough.


True to her word, Nina invited me over to her house on a day her mother -- the only parent in the home -- was at work. I was surprised when she told me that she lived on the edge of the downtown area, near the university district. I had thought that she lived closer to the school neighborhood. The inconvenience of having to take two buses to get to her house was worth it. There was nothing that was going to stop me from seeing Nina, except possibly Nina. Half-way there, she sent me a text saying that she was bored and hungry and wanted me to pick up some fast food for her. I got off the bus when I saw a cluster of restaurants, realizing that I was in a rough part of the city. It didn't matter, I was going to get Nina some food.

The smell of the food must have annoyed some passengers on the bus, making me want the ride to be over quickly. When I got to the stop nearest her street, I hurried off the bus and walked quickly to her place. She answered the door wearing a pair of red shorts and a loose-fitting top; Nina was barefoot and had an ankle bracelet and toe ring on her right foot. She seemed happy to see me with food for us; she welcomed me into her home.

"Thanks for getting us food," she said, smiling.

"No problem," I said, following her into the family room, where she was watching a reality television show about hot females and hot guys.

Her ass looked amazing in her shorts, showing a little more jiggle than usual. There was a bit of cellulite on her pale thighs that looked thicker than I had expected. Her small boobs were moving nicely under her blouse, bouncing freely without the restraint of a bra. Nina wasn't wearing any makeup, but she looked as pretty as ever, with flawless skin and soft facial features.

"I'm so bored today," Nina said, taking a hamburger and fries out of the bag.

"Yeah, being on break does that," I said, watching her get up and go to the kitchen for some bottles of soda.

"Here," she said, handing me a bottle of soda.

"Thanks, Nina," I said, trying to contain my excitement about being with her outside of school and seeing her dressed so casually.

"Let's eat and watch some television," she said, putting her feet up on the coffee table, while using her lap to place the food on.

The show was full of girls in bikinis competing for the attention of some athletic-looking guys with lots of muscles. I was mesmerized by the bodies of the girls in bikinis; Nina just laughed when the females spoke. I could tell that she was impressed by the guys, sizing them up as potential mates or as lovers. Watching the show with Nina felt strange and erotic at the same time, raising my expectations for what was to come.

"Bitches are so desperate," she said, finishing up her meal.

"And horny," I added.

Suddenly, it seemed like she was sizing me up and contemplating what I had said, pausing in the middle of cleaning up our garbage. It felt rewarding in a small way, that I had made her pause and think about what I had said. Nina, after bagging her wrappers and containers in a garbage bag, walked over to me to add my items to the bag. When she leaned over slightly, I caught a view of her titties, seeing a flash of pink before I respectfully turned away. I didn't want Nina to think that I, too, was desperate. The truth was that I was desperate to have any type of connection with Nina. Just knowing that she was teasing me with her boobs was enough of a thanks for bringing my crush lunch, but little by little, I was starting to want more.

"Are you ready to experience my version of Catwoman?" Nina said, straightening up.

"Yes," I said, turning to look at her again.

"Okay. I have to get ready for you, but I want you to go to the basement and wait for me. There's a pool table down there and another television to entertain you while you wait for me."

"That's fine."

Nina escorted me to the top of the basement stairs, gently placing her hand in the middle of my back, as if encouraging me to descend. She turned the lights on and told me to wait for her while she got ready for me. I went down the stairs and into the basement, liking the cozy feel of the area. There was a pool table, some gym equipment, a television, and a sofa. I looked for any evidence of Nina, but there was none. Unless she played pool or worked out, the room most likely served to entertain a brother that I didn't know about.

While I was recklessly hitting pool balls all over the table, I had the thought that I did not deserve both Nina and Nina and her version of Catwoman. She had been my crush for so long, it was hard to accept that she was making time for me. I had seen her with different hairstyles through the years, including a perm that made her look deliciously bitchy. I remember that she also spent a short time cultivating a goth persona. It didn't matter, my attraction to her had never wavered.

After a third round of pool, I finally heard footsteps on the floor above. The footsteps alone were enough to get me excited: dominant heels walking slowly and with a purpose. I heard some other noises coming from upstairs, before Nina announced to me, "I'm ready for you. Are you ready for me?"

"Yes," I said, almost fearfully.

I moved to the stairs to watch her come down them, instantly mesmerized by how well she looked the part of Catwoman; her mask covered the top of her head and her eyes. Her zippered catsuit fit her tightly, showing off her curvy hips. Nina's boobs seemed to have disappeared under the tightness of the material, but I knew her titties were small but amazing, nonetheless. The heels that had made the noise from earlier belonged to a pair of boots that were almost knee-high.

"You look amazing!" I said, enthusiastically.

"Don't say anything, unless I require you to. Do you understand?" She said, taking a whip off of her belt.

"Yes," I said, submissively.

Nina took hold of me by my hoodie and walked me to the middle of the basement, where there was more room for us, letting her whip uncoil menacingly. She was quiet, circling me as though I was her prey: defenseless and afraid of what was to come. Nina draped the long whip over my shoulder and slid it close to my neck, letting me feel the leather on my skin.

"Get completely naked for me; take everything off. Is that clear, Cam?"

"Yes, Catwoman," I said, lowering my head.

My hoodie was first to come off, followed by the t-shirt that I was wearing underneath it. I felt exposed and vulnerable, wondering if she thought my body was muscular enough for her taste. Following my first reveal, I took off my sneakers, stalling by slowly taking off my socks next. I think she sensed that I was nervous; she once again ran the whip over my torso, letting the end of the whip dangle next to the zipper on my pants. With her heels on, she was close to my height. Nina nibbled on one of my earlobes, letting me feel the power of her bite and the sensuousness of her tongue.

"Take your pants off for me," she whispered in my ear, slowly unbuckling my belt for me.

With her encouragement, my pants came off, leaving me in my blue briefs. My cock was nearly full erect, feeling coiled under the fabric of my underwear. Nina wasted no time in sizing me up, pulling open my briefs by the waistband to look inside. For that moment, I felt at her mercy and utterly defenseless. There was so much she could do to me. Nina could humiliate me, she could approve of what she was seeing, or she could reward me with her touch.

"Not bad, Cam," she said, letting go of the waistband.

"Thanks," I said, proudly.

"No talk! Now, take off your underwear and get on your knees for Catwoman," Nina said, smacking me on the ass.

Fortunately, there was a rug on the floor to come between me and the hard floor. I took off my underwear and tossed them on my pile of clothes; I was naked for Nina, letting my manhood do the talking for me. My erection did not fail me, standing out forcefully at the base and dipping a little at the head from the weight of it. I could tell that she liked what I had revealed, what I had brought to her house on our break from school.

"You follow instructions well," she said, running her whip along my ass and back.

The sound of a zipper opening brought things into focus for me, as I struggled with my role in being witness to Nina's interpretation of Catwoman. I wondered just how much the zipper had moved and what exactly Nina was showing behind me. I didn't have long to wait to find out; Nina's foot/boot pushed me to the floor. Her heel dug into my back, and the ever-present whip slithered on my ass. My cock hurt from pressing into the floor, even though I was on a rug.

"Turn over," Nina commanded me to do.

Grateful to finally turn around, I expectantly did so. Standing above me, impassively looking at me as if I had been caught in her trap, was Nina and her exposed breasts. They had a conical shape that seemed to not have completely formed, but they belonged to her, and they undeniably were a goal to get to for me. Her puffy areolas and erect nipples were pink, contrasting well with her black outfit.

"Do you like them?" She said, noticing that I couldn't take my eyes off of her titties.

"Yes, I do," I said, wondering if she was going to let me touch and suck them at some point.

"Catwoman has something else for you," Nina said, moving forward to straddle my torso.

The feline's pussy was next to make an appearance; Nina unbuttoned the catsuit's crotch covering, revealing her dark-haired pussy. She then reached down and pulled my head up by my hair, introducing my mouth to her vaginal lips. Nina held me tightly by my hair and the vice her thighs created. I was trapped, and I liked it. I was not sure what to do with my mouth, so I let her lead the way. She told me to suck her pussy and to use my tongue; I did as she ordered, happily pleasing my Catwoman any way that I could.

My head was immovable, and I was close to feeling real pain, but there was nowhere else that I wanted to be. Nina moaned approvingly of what she was getting out of my lips and tongue. Her fluid did not take long to reach the inside of my mouth, generously flowing into it. My first exposure to the female anatomy felt unique and unforgettable. The hassle of taking two buses to Nina's house was worth it, now that I was in her double grip.

"Would you pick Catwoman or the Viking bitch?" Nina said, squeezing me even harder.

"Catwoman, always," I said, mumbling it.

"That's the only answer I'd allow," Nina said, releasing me.

Nina leaned down and presented me with her tits, letting them dangle out of my reach like precious fruit. I stuck my tongue out, hoping to gain her favor, hoping to taste her pink beauties. She finally let me get my lips around her charms, moaning when I greedily tugged on one of them. Her boobs were so soft, seemingly fresh and still blooming. I couldn't believe that what I had imagined for so long was actually taking place, and I wanted to devour what she was offering to me.

I vigorously suckled on her blooms, wanting to get as much of them as I could. She was generous in giving me access to them, letting me gobble them up enthusiastically. I could not resist her soft and puffy areolas, chewing on them as f they were sustenance.

"Stop! You're going to rip them off," she said, letting me drop to the floor.

With the end of the boob play, it was time to transition into something more primal and undeniable. Nina was now on top of me, powering her body into the dominant position. Part of me was not ready for her advanced moves, the part of me that didn't know what to do. Another part, the instinctual part, knew things would doubtlessly unfold naturally, especially with an experienced partner like Nina was.

Her pussy was soaking wet, as she slid onto my stiff dick, wrapping her vaginal walls around my member. I was relieved that we paired up so easily, joining together as passionate lovers. The friction between our parts was amazing, tying us as one. She was riding me, taking advantage of my tool, of my only real contribution so far. The latex material of her bodysuit on my naked body felt slippery but protective of me.

"You're bigger than my ex," Nina said, surprising me with the fact that she had broken up with the man in her life.

My response was to mumble something in agreement, trying to steady myself as Nina had a tight hold of me now. She was humping me with her strong hips but was holding my head in her arms, as If I needed reassurance that everything was okay. Her tiny tits were pressed against my chest, needing reassurance that they were more than what I needed from her. The Catwoman heels dug into my legs, marking the spots where Nina had anchored herself to me. Still, I was willingly going through a rite of passage full of adventure and necessity, and Nina was proving more than a capable guide.

The distance that had always been there for us was now emphatically obliterated, leaving us holding onto each other tightly like survivors of the whole high school experience that was coming to an end. It was when she started to hump me even harder that I understood why she had dated an older guy in the first place: Nina had a natural ability for sex that most boys in our high school -- me included -- could probably not easily handle.

Somehow, her thrusts and her dominant movements had put me in a corner of the room. She was all over me, seemingly prepared to annihilate me. I was pressed against the wall and was trying to survive the sexual onslaught that was seemingly routine for Nina. She suddenly bit my neck, as if I was an offering to her alter ego, piercing my skin and my soul. Nina locked her eyes on me, watching me closely and deftly bringing out my orgasm. Before I knew what went where and what needed to follow, I was ejaculating into the tight space that had made me feel so welcome: Nina's juicy cunt.

Even after I had cum, Nina continued to fuck me, using the last bit of vitality that my cock had left. With my erection diminishing, it no longer felt as if we were tethered to each other. She stopped her movements and rested her hard-working hips. Capping off our first time, Nina finally initiated our first kiss, sticking her tongue deep in my mouth with the same intensity that she had fucked me with. After she licked my face and said "rawr" playfully, Nina disengaged from her top position. She stood up, showing that she also endured some effects from our time together. Her pussy was dripping my juices down her latex pants, and her breasts were reddened and slightly bruised with my bite marks.

"Catwoman enjoyed that," Nina said, smiling brightly.

"May I speak?" I said, cautiously.

"Ha! Yes, you may speak without asking for permission," she said, laughing.

"It's going to take me a long time to figure out what you did to me, but it was the most amazing thing I've ever experienced," I said, truthfully.

"But the show is over, for now. My mother is coming home soon."

"I understand."

"Good. Go to the bus stop; if I can borrow her car, I'll pick you up and give you a ride home. Keep an eye out for a silver SUV," she said, zippering up her catsuit.

"Those were fun."

"I know. You almost tore them off."

"I better get dressed," I said, standing up.

"Yeah," she said, eyeing my flaccid penis.


It was starting to get dark and, aside from visiting the university campus to see if I wanted to go there, I was not familiar with Nina's neighborhood. I kept an eye on the street that led to her block, and I kept a look-out for the next bus. There were two other people waiting for the bus with me, waiting anxiously for their ride home. When it looked like the bus was going to get to me before Nina did, I decided to get on it. I couldn't wait indefinitely for her, even though I wanted to do more stuff with her.

As I boarded the bus, I looked back one final time to see if there was any vehicle that resembled a silver SUV coming my way, but there wasn't. I had a long ride home, but I had plenty to think about to keep me occupied. There was so much that Nina had given me to process. After a few minutes of contemplation, I was jarred from my thoughts of Nina by the honking of a car alongside the bus. It was Nina, waving to me; I waved back at her. She blew me a kiss and laughed, slowing the SUV down, as I continued on my route home. One thing was for sure, Nina was no longer a crush. I had somehow passed that stage of longing.


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