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Shy Wife

"Oh, come on, Bret. I don't want to go to that theater. The place is sleazy, and they only show bad porn movies," Linda told her husband for what felt like the 100th time.

Bret knew that Linda wasn't into going to the theater. She had made it clear every time he brought it up what she thought of the old theater a few blocks from the house. She didn't like the look of the old building or the men who hung around outside.

She also didn't see the need for porn. That was another sore spot in their relationship. Bret didn't see anything wrong with it and watched them since college. Linda thought it was disgusting and thought that Bret watching them was a form of cheating on her.

This topic had been one of the things that they fought over in their short time married. On their honeymoon, Bret had brought up wanting to watch porn to spice things up. But, unfortunately, Linda thought he didn't find her desirable. The resulting fight made things miserable for both of them for a couple of days.

That was a year ago, and sex between them had gotten pretty stale. Missionary style, one or two times a week with the lights out. Bret tried to get Linda to try new things. This often led to fights over her not being enough for him and his porn watching.

Friday night rolled around, and Tim begged Bret to go out all week.

"Hey babe, Tim asked if I would go out with him tonight. Are you ok with me doing that?" Bret asked his wife Linda, knowing that she would let him know about their plans.

"Well, we don't have any plans for tonight, and Beth has wanted to go out as well. So I guess we can split up for the evening," Linda replied, looking up from her magazine.

"Cool, thanks, babe," Bret said, kissing Linda before going upstairs to get ready. Fifteen minutes later, he came back downstairs.

"See you later, love you," Bret told Linda, kissing her and walking out the door.

"Love you too," she said to his departing back.

They both were gone for a few hours and arrived back at the house about the same time.

Linda walked in and kissed Bret before putting her purse down and pouring herself a drink. Once it was ready, she sat on the couch.

"How was your time with Tim? Did you like the new bar?" she asked, taking her shoes off.

"It was good. I really should go out more often. The bar was great. Would you like to go there some night?" Bret asked, knowing that she would never go to a bar.

"You know I hate bars. They are loud, and it's hard to hold any kind of conversation. Unless you are yelling," Linda replied, shifting in her chair.

"I know, but the food might be worth the noise," he assured her.

"How is Tim doing?"

"He is doing ok, same old Tim, you know," Bret told her as he sat next to her.

Not wanting to be rude, "Beth doing ok?" he asked.

"She seemed to be."

"Anything interesting going on?" Bret asked, fishing to see if Beth had told Linda anything about the theater.

Linda paused. She didn't want to tell Bret what Beth had told her, not right now anyway. She had to figure out how she felt first.

"Not really. Beth mentioned Tim had a new position."

"Tim did mention it," Bret told her, disappointed that Beth hadn't told Linda of their trips to the theater.

"Anything interesting going on with Tim?" Linda asked, hoping that he would confirm what Beth had said.

Not falling for that trap, Bret thought.

"Nothing other than the new position," Bret assured her.

They quickly ran out of things to talk about and picked something on tv to watch, each lost in their thoughts.

The story Tim had told him kept repeatedly playing in Bret's mind all evening, as did the story Beth had told Linda.

Linda had noticed that Brett seemed preoccupied with something. Part of her wondered if it was the same thing she was trying to come to grips with from her conversation with Beth. Her night out with Beth had been unexpected and shocking.

Realizing how late it was, they turned in for the night, laying side by side. Both tried to work through how to tell the other what they had learned about their friends.


Bret's story

Bret sat at the bar with his best friend, Tim. They were talking about their wives. The usual stuff men complain to each other. That is until Bret told Tim of Linda's aversion to porn. Bret also complained of the lack of excitement in their marriage. Tim had married Beth six years ago, and Bret hoped that Tim could give him some advice.

"We had the same problem. Beth hated porn," Tim told Bret.

He laughed at the surprised look on Bret's face. "A couple of times, she caught me looking at it. That led to the largest fights we ever had," Tim confided to Bret after taking a drink.

"You said had. Is it still a problem," Bret asked, hoping that Tim had found a way to get Beth to like it.

"Not anymore," Tim said with a grin.

The moment lasted almost a minute before Bret couldn't take it any longer.

"Well?" Bret asked, pressing Tim for an answer.

"I convinced her to go to the old Londow Theater on east main."

"Didn't they condemn the place," Bret said, confused about why going to a condemned theater helped.

"It was, but someone fixed the issues and opened an adult theater there."

This impressed Bret. "You got Beth to go to an adult theater?"

"Although It took some doing, pestering her to go and check it out. Eventually, she asked if she went, would I drop it."

The conversation stopped as the bartender walked up. They ordered some appetizers and another round.

"I told her that if she went and didn't like the place, I would never bring it up again. She had to make an effort, though, not get to the door and say I'm done," Tim said after the bartender walked away.

"What did she think after she went there?"

"She bitched about the outside being old and dated. She also didn't like the crowd hanging around outside. Especially when the men outside seemed to follow us into the theater when we arrived. The inside is dark. Even the common areas aren't well lit."

"There are a couple of theaters showing different flicks. You buy the ticket for the one you want to watch, but no one cares if you slip into the other movies. The thing I like most was the seats are leather and reclined."

Tim started laughing. "The stuck-up little princess found the place turned her on. The action on and off-screen got to her. So we went home and fucked like we did when we were dating. Now every once in a while, she asks to go."

"Wait, off-screen action?"

"Yeah, well, watching the movies gets some people excited, and they don't seem to mind if other people watch. Most of the time, it's some random guy jacking off. We saw a couple go at it once. The woman sucked off the guy. That got Beth's motor running."

They stopped talking as the bartender dropped off the food and drinks they had ordered.

"Never in a million years would Beth perv on something like that," Bret laughed. It was hard to picture one of the most stuck-up women he knew getting excited. Let alone from watching someone give a blow job."

Tim glanced around, ensuring no one was listening before leaning in a little.

"That isn't the best part. A few weeks ago, we went there, kind of a date night thing," He said with a smile.

"Beth wore a short skirt that showed off her long legs and a tight top that barely contained her large breasts. But, since we were going to the theater, she opted to leave her panties and bra in her purse. She said it got in the way, and she would put it on when we left for dinner."

"So there we are, making out. I pulled Beth's top upward enough that her tits popped out, exposed to the other men around us. Beth was past the point of caring that we had collected a small crowd who were watching the live-action." "

"I had pushed two fingers into her soaked cunt when a woman walked into the theater alone. She sat down in the next section. Dressed in a short skirt and a button-down blouse, she caught everyone's attention."

"Guys started moving from all over, sitting around the new woman. Finally, even our audience left for the new woman. The guys crowding around the woman worried Beth. She thought that they were going to attack her or something. That was one of the reasons that she had not wanted to go there at first."

"Her fear led to her wanting to go to the management to get help. Well, around that time, the other woman unbuttoned and opened her blouse. She wasn't wearing a bra, so this exposed a set of large milky white breasts to the men around her."

"Beth had stood as the other woman exposed herself. She was still pulling on me to go with her to get help. At this point, Beth froze. She stood there watching as many sets of hands attacked the other woman's breasts."

"You should have seen Beth. She stood there like a deer caught in the headlights of a car. She watched as the woman dropped her hands over the sides of her chair. Right into the laps of the men on either side of her."

Tim smiled as he remembered. "Beth could see that several men had their dicks out and that the woman was tugging on them."

Bret sat there, enthralled as his best friend described a scene out of a porno movie. But, the best part by far was that Beth stood and watched.

"Did they fuck her?"

Tim took a drink of his beer. "I was coming to that. So a group of men was pawing at this woman. She lifted her feet and put them on the seats in front of her, exposing her pussy. One of the guys must have been fingering the slut. As we watched, she stopped moving and started shaking."

"While this was going on, Beth wandered over. She moved to the row in front of the woman and stood, watching. "

"One of the guys sitting there must have thought Beth wanted to play. So he slid a hand up her leg and started creasing her pussy."

"She was so into what the other woman was doing that it took a minute before she realized what he had done. Then, finally, she looked down at the guy and half-assed pushed his hand away, shaking her head."

"I had walked over and was standing next to her. The guy looked nervous. I guess he thought that he might get his ass kicked."

Tim finished his beer and motioned for the bartender to get him another. Then, new beer in hand, he continued his story.

"You know Beth. If this guy had pissed her off, she would have ripped his head off."

"She would have also pulled his heart out through the hole his head had left," Bret added, laughing.

They both laughed at the image of Beth doing that.

"Anyways, since she had pushed him away, I decided to have a little fun. So I slipped my hands under her top and started pulling on her nipples."

"She tensed at first but realized it was me and stood there with her legs spread. The other woman was now on her knees, blowing a large cock while another man fucked her."

"It was pretty intense, watching her moving between the two men, like their own fuck toy. Anyways, I was kneading and pulling on Beth's nipples while the guy who had tried to finger her watched."

"She leaned back against my chest, and I pulled up her top, exposing her again." Tim paused, looking over as the table next to us stood and walked away.

"Beth had passed the point of caring what was going on around her. Focused on the other woman getting used and my fingers on her tits, she was in her own world. I noticed that she had slipped a hand under her skirt, fingering herself."

He stopped and took another drink.

"I pulled Beth's hands up and put them around my neck. She groaned, wanting to cum. I kicked her legs apart more and moved my hand to cup her pussy. God, was she soaked!"

"I took my eyes off the other slut and made eye contact with the guy who had fingered Beth. While he looked at me, I slipped Beth's skirt up, exposing her cunt to him. He leaned in closer to watch my fingers run in and out, bringing her closer to a massive orgasm."

"Beth was grinding her ass against my pants, and I could tell she was getting close."

The server showed up with their dinner, and Tim stopped talking. He cut into his steak, putting a piece into his mouth. They ate in silence until Bret couldn't take it any longer.

"So what happened?"

Tim smiled, enjoying the suspense. "Well, the two sluts were working on synchronized orgasms or something. The other woman was going nuts as she sat on one dick and another plowed her ass. Beth was grinding against me, moaning as I twisted her nipples and fingered her cunt."

"I knew that Beth couldn't hold out much longer, so I motioned to the guy watching forward. When he got close to her cunt, I pushed the back of his head towards Beth's pussy."

"He smiled at me, leaned in, and started licking her, and that was all she wrote. Beth exploded, squirting cum all over the guy's face. The guy kept licking while I twisted and groped her tits until she came again."

"The guy backed away, letting Beth calm down. The other woman had changed partners again when Beth had come back to herself. She pushed my hands away and fixed her clothes. Then, with a scowl on her face, she marched out of the theater, leaving me to follow in her wake."

"Ouch, I guess that pissed her off?" Bret asked, chewing on some bread.

"Yeah, she gave me the silent treatment all the way to dinner. Then, while we were out, she ripped into the wait-staff for every minor thing at dinner."

"Funny thing was when we got home, she ripped my clothes off and fucked me harder than she ever did."

"Wow, so everything worked out in the end?" Bret asked.

"Yeah, Beth told me that she would leave me if I ever did that again," Tim said, still smiling.

"I take it that you don't believe her?" Bret asked, confused why Tim was taking this so well. If Linda told me she would leave if that happened again, I would not be smiling about it.

"I figured out that Beth is all bark when it comes to this. She wants limits, you know, look but don't touch. We have been back a few times since then. I swear each time she wears fewer clothes."

Dinner was pretty much over, and Bret had a long day tomorrow. So he excused himself and left.


Linda's story

After Bret and she had discussed the boy's night out, Linda decided to see if Beth wanted to go out and hit the mall.

She dialed Beth's number.

"Hey Linda, how are things?" Beth asked when she answered.

"Oh, you know, living the dream," Linda replied, chuckling.

"I suppose you heard. Tim wanted to spend some time with Bret tonight," Beth asked.

"Yeah, Bret asked a little while ago. I told him to have fun. Do you want to go out since the boys will be gone?"

"That would be great, we can catch up. Where would you like to go?"

"I was thinking about the mall for a little bit and afterward that new Italian restaurant on the loop."

"Sounds perfect. I still have a couple of things to take care of here. How does sixish at the food court sound?" Beth asked.

Linda glanced at the clock. Brett was already gone, and it was a little after 4 pm.

"That works, see you then," Linda said as she hung up the phone.

Enough time to get ready, Linda thought as she went to take a shower.

Linda stripped off her work clothes and stood in front of the full-length mirror. Her long black hair hung down almost to her butt. At 24, she still had the figure she had in school. She modeled herself in the mirror. She turned as she admired her medium-sized breasts, smooth belly, and tight ass.

She took a shower and got ready. Then, dressing in a bulky top and yoga pants, she was out the door by 5:30 pm.

She pulled into the mall and spotted Beth getting out of her car. She waved as she drove by and parked at the first spot she found. As Linda walked towards Beth, she noticed that Beth's outfit was more revealing than usual.

Beth wore a transparent crop top which showed off her black bra and flat stomach. The bra looked like it might be too small, causing her breasts to push upwards. The black yoga pants were so tight they looked painted on.

The other striking change Linda noticed was Beth's hair. The entire time they had known each other, Beth had always been dirty blonde in the past, without any actual cut to it. Beth had dyed it to an almost ash-blonde with a Blunt Bob cut. She looked like a completely different person.

Linda wondered what was going on with Beth. Why had she decided to wear that outfit to the mall and dinner?

Beth was in her early thirties, so Linda didn't think it was a midlife moment.

I guess I will find out shortly; Lindy thought as she wrapped her arms around her friend and hugged her.

Holding Beth at arm's length, "You look amazing! When did you get your hair done?"

Beth laughed, "About a week ago. Tim loves it!"

The two women walked arm in arm into the mall. They spent the next hour shopping before leaving for their dinner reservation.

Linda couldn't help but notice the attention that Beth was getting. She seemed to realize it too and was almost playing into it. She would glance at men under her hair, smiling at the cute ones.

She even flirted with the older man sitting waiting with his date or wife. The other women didn't seem to find it as cute as Beth, but it was evident that she could care less.

Linda didn't know if she should feel ashamed for her friend or blow it off since it wasn't her.

Beth noticed that Linda looked uncomfortable, so she dialed back her flirting.

"Don't be so uptight, Linda. I'm don't want to fuck them. I enjoy the attention."

"It's not that," Linda started, stopping when Linda raised an eyebrow.

"Ok, it's weird. I have known you for years, and you have never acted this way," Linda admitted looking perplexed.

"Let's get our table first. Then, we can discuss some of the interesting things since we went out last."

A few minutes later, the hostess took them to their table. It was in the back of the restaurant, away from the chatter and noise.

The server arrived and took their drink orders, leaving them to look at the menu.

Beth noticed the way the server had been checking both women out. She also noticed that Linda looked awkward as he did it.

"You know how pretty you are, don't you, dear?" Beth asked Linda after the server walked away.

"What?" Linda asked, confused.

"The server? He thought you were hot."

Linda glanced at his retreating back, noticing how tight his pants were for the first time. She blushed and looked down at her menu.

Beth chuckled and looked over her menu as well.

Drinks arrived, and they ordered dinner. Linda was much more away from the server and how he kept looking at her. It was making her feel self-conscious.

After he walked away, Beth leaned forward and took Linda's hands.

"Can you keep a secret?"

"You know I can," Linda said, leaning forward. She knew that something had happened with Beth. Her outfit, new hairstyle, the way she was flirting all pointed to some significant change in her life.

"I have to tell someone! You might have noticed a few changes with me," Beth paused as Linda nodded.

miling, she continued. "It all started a few weeks ago. Tim had been plaguing me to go to an adult theater with him. He knows I hated porn, but the asshole wouldn't let it go with the first hundred rejections."

Linda smiled. She could relate with Beth on this because Bret was the same way.

"So around two weeks ago, he asked again. I guess he caught me in a moment of weakness. I told him yes with the understanding I would cut his balls off if he brought it up again if I hated the place. I expected to hate it, so at least he would stop whining about wanting to go."

She took a drink of her water. "I wasn't disappointed. The place was a complete dive. The outside has seen better days, and I almost punched the guy selling tickets for the look he gave me. Several older men were hanging around the outside of the building, who happened to want to go see a movie when we did."

"I made sure Tim knew how upset I was as we went inside. Anyways, there are two different movie rooms. So he bought tickets to a teen fuck flick. You know, a bunch of eighteen-year-olds who end up falling on top of every dick they see."

"The company running the place maintained the movie rooms better than the outside. The seats were the best part. Leather recliners took up most of the middle. Surrounding them were nice stadium seats," Beth paused to take another drink.

"The lights dimmed, and the movie started. Right away, Tim is completely focused on the screen. The two roommates go at it before one of their boyfriends joins in. Anyways, while he focused on the screen, I started looking around."

"Most of the people in the room were men. The only other couple there was a few rows in front of ours, on the other side of the room. I saw them start making out and noticed that some single men started drifting towards where they sat."

"I thought it was odd but ignored them looking at the screen. The scene had changed, and one of the roommates was fucking the landlord. She was bouncing on top of him with her fake tits. She looked awful. Anyways, I glanced at Tim. I could see that he was enjoying the movie. He kept adjusting his dick through his pants," Beth laughed.

Linda wanted to tell Beth she didn't care for the details but had promised her friend she would hear the story.

"So, just to tease, I put my hand on his thigh. Tim moved around, trying to get me to grab his dick. I moved my hand until he stopped moving before putting it back. He decided having my hand on his leg was better than not."

"I glanced around the room again. Looking for something interesting, I noticed that the couple had a group of men all around them. The woman had her face in her date's lap. It was hard to see, but as the movie brightened, I could see her head bobbing up and down in the brief flashes. The slut was giving head and had an audience."

Linda didn't know what to think. She found it disturbing that this seemed to turn on Beth.

Beth noticed the look Linda gave her and smiled. "Some of the men around had their dicks out, jacking off while watching the live sex show. I don't know what was wrong with me, but it was the most exciting thing I have ever seen. I watched her suck the guy off, and when he came, she must have swallowed it."

Linda found herself scandalized by Beth's story. She didn't know how a woman could suck off someone in public, let alone swallow his cum. Despite this, she leaned closer to listen to Beth's story.

Beth could tell how hard the story was on Linda and almost felt sorry for her. She knew Linda's upbringing was very conservative. Linda's parents think that sex wasn't something good girls did for fun. It was to be a private thing between husband and wife with the lights off. So doing something in public must be very upsetting.

eciding to push Linda a little, Beth continued. "In the dim light, I could see how endowed the guy the woman sucked was."

Beth held her hands up approximately nine inches apart. Linda's eyes grew large, causing Beth to burst out laughing.

"That wasn't the end of it, though. The woman's date reached over and opened her top, exposing her small breasts to everyone. I thought I was past the point of being shocked when she let the other men grope her breasts."

The server returned with a bottle of wine and their appetizers. The two women settled back as they shared the plate.

A few sips of wine later, Beth continued. "So, around ten feet away, this woman let strangers paw her breasts. I must have tightened my hand on Tim's leg because he looked at me then followed my gaze. The asshole smiled and reached up to unbutton my top."

Linda had been taking a drink of her wine and started choking. Beth patted her on the back, smiling as she asked, "You ok dear?"

Linda held up a finger, asking Beth to pause, waiting until Linda was ready.

"What the hell was he thinking?"

"Yeah, Tim is one of the brightest people I know, but sometimes he is a complete idiot. So, of course, I smacked his hands away and glared at him."

Beth sighed. "The idiot smiled at me and turned to watch the couple instead of the movie. The woman was jacking off some of the men around her by now. It didn't take any of them long before the men started cumming all over the woman's chest."

"Once everyone finished, the woman fastened her top over her cum covered tits. The couple stood and walked to the center to exit. As they walked by us, they glanced at us. There wasn't anything weird about them. They were close to our age. For instance, if I saw them at the mall, nothing would have screamed sexual deviant."

"The woman smiled at me and winked. Winked! After they left, the men noticed me and thought that the show wasn't over yet."

"What did you do?" Linda asked, sucked into the story Beth was telling her.

"I told Tim I was leaving. He could come if he wanted. Otherwise, he could find a way home."

Linda was proud of her friend. The place sounded awful.

"Well, I made Tim's ride home miserable. The only problem was, the entire thing had turned me on."

The admission shocked Linda. The evening sounded like a train wreck to her. Her confusion must have shown on her face because Beth started laughing.

"I don't know why but I was soaked from watching that woman fuck. We managed to make it inside the door before I pushed Tim against the wall and pulled his pants down. His shocked look was priceless," Beth smiled, remembering.

"Anyways, I pulled his cock out of his underwear and deep-throated him. He must have been very excited because he didn't last very long before erupting in my mouth. Normally that would have pissed me off. But, I remembered what the woman in the theater had done. So I swallowed it all."

The look Linda gave Beth was somewhere between surprise and disgust.

"Oh, come on, Linda. Are you going to tell me that you have never given Bret head?"

Linda blushed a pretty shade before mumbling, "Yes, I would never let him, you know, in my mouth."

"It's called cumming, dear. I didn't like it either before, that is."

Beth took another drink, motioning Linda to do the same.

"After he came, I pulled him in the bedroom by his dick and made him eat me until he recovered. After that, he fucked me like he used to. You know, before we got married."

"After we finished, Tim asked if it would be ok to go back."

"You told him no, right?"

"I was going to, but I realized something then. Everything was consensual. No one made the woman do what she did. Watching her, well, it got me more excited than I had been in years. To top it off, sex with Tim had been better than ever. So I said maybe," Beth said with a smirk.

Linda shook her head and went to say something when the server brought their dinners. For a little while, the only sound was silverware on plates. Eventually, they finished the meal.

"Have you gone back?" Linda asked, trying to pick up where they had left off.

"Tim and I went back a few times. The last time, we started making out. I let Tim slip his hands under my top, playing with my breasts. Heaving petting with nothing exposed. A few of the single men drifted over to where we were sitting, hoping for a show."

"I was getting turned on when Tim slipped his hands under my skirt. He pushed first one, then two fingers inside and started fingering me," Beth watched Linda as she said this. Telling her the rest of the story depended on her responses now.

Linda, for her part, was getting turned on by her friend's story. The story wasn't anything she had expected. The conversation was completely different from what her other friends would have discussed. She nodded for Beth to continue.

Beth felt relieved. She wanted to tell someone what had happened to her.

"So I was getting hot, and before I knew what was going on, Tim had exposed my breasts to the guys around us. I considered pulling my top-down, but part of me was very excited that strangers were seeing me. I guess I let it go, getting hotter as Tim fingered me. I was getting close to cumming when a woman came in by herself."

"She had long brown hair and wore a short skirt and halter top. She immediately got a lot of attention as she sat in the middle. Men from all over the theater swarmed her. Even the ones sitting around us drifted away. I was ok with that. They were creepy anyways."

"The men around the woman started whispering to her, and I could see that she shook her head. What was happening to the woman was why I hadn't wanted to come here. I had heard stories of guys forcing women. So I pushed Tim off me and told him we needed to get her some help."

"Tim wasn't listening to me. His brain was asleep, and he was only thinking with his dick. I told him to get up and stood myself. I guess I hoped that the men would back off the woman. I held onto Tim's shirt when the woman smiled and opened her top, exposing her large breasts to the men. The men high-fived each other before they started groping her."

"She grabbed one of the men. He was an older guy and pulled him in for a kiss while she reached down and grabbed his dick through his pants. I couldn't believe what I was seeing!"

Beth took another drink, glancing at Linda. She could tell the story was getting to Linda. The flush on her face and chest gave it away. Beth also noted how Linda was playing with the top buttons on her shirt.

"Anyways, the annoying thing was that the guys around her kept getting in my way as I tried to watch. I tried moving around in the area around my seat but gave up and walked over to where she was sitting. I don't know why, but seeing her act so brazenly was almost mesmerizing."

"I was able to find an empty spot next to some other guys who were watching her too. Standing there was better than any porno I had ever seen. There was no weak, unbelievable script. No fake moaning or hearing the woman encouraging the men to fuck her harder."

"While I watched, some guy decided to slip his hand up my leg and into my pussy."

"He did what?" Linda asked as she choked on her drink, coughing to clear the liquid.

Beth smiled. "Some strange guy slipped his fingers under my skirt and into my soaked pussy."

"Did you kick his ass?"

"No, I pushed his hand away and glared at him." Beth leaned forward, "Between us, his fingers felt so good, and I was so close to cumming, I almost let him finish me."

Linda tried hard to hide her shock. This entire conversation felt wrong, taboo almost. But she couldn't argue that it was getting her hot listening to her friend's exploits.

"About this time, Prince Charming showed up. He reached under my top and started pinching my nipples. I almost kicked his ass before I realized it was him."

Beth took another drink, "The woman was getting her face and cunt fucked at this point. It looked like she was having small orgasms as she shuddered and squirted on the floor."

"Somewhere around, then Tim lifted my top, exposing me to the guys standing around watching. I relaxed and let him play. I was watching the woman getting fucked. Part of me almost wanted to be her."

"I started fingering myself, trying to time my orgasm with the next big one the woman on her knees had. I was getting close to cumming when Tim pulled my arms up and behind his head. The asshole wouldn't let me touch myself."

"I thought he was edging me until I felt my panties pulled to the side. Tim was going to get me off! The feeling lasted for a moment until I felt someone's breath right on my cunt. Following that, I felt a tongue pushed inside my cunt. I couldn't stop and came all over the guy's face. who had tried to finger fuck me face."

Beth paused, taking in Linda's response. She seemed a little flushed and fidgeted in her seat as she took sips of her drink.

Beth waved the server over and asked for the dessert menu. After they both ordered, Linda sat waiting for Beth to finish, but she seemed lost in thought.

"Well? Come on, Beth, you can't stop there. What happened?"

Beth looked up at Linda and paused a second before continuing.

"After I calmed down, I glared at the man who had sucked me off before pushing Tim away and fixing my clothes. I couldn't believe what had happened and what Tim had done, so I marched out of the theater."

"I wasn't in a mood to go to dinner or anything else, but I went because I wasn't going to fix anything after what had happened. I may have taken some of my anger out on the wait-staff. But by the time we got home, I had come to grips with what had happened."

"I assume that you ripped into him," Linda said, knowing how she would have dealt with Bret.

"Not exactly. I wrapped myself around Tim as soon as the door shut. I was so turned on that the only thing I wanted was his dick in me. We made it to the couch before I had his clothes off. I sucked him to get him wet and rode him through two orgasms before he soaked my cunt with cum."

They stopped talking as the server brought the dessert to the table. While eating in silence, Linda thought about what Beth had told her. After the dessert was gone, they ordered coffee.

"So, I guess things ended well. Have you been back?" Linda asked, almost afraid of the answer.

Stirring her coffee, Beth looked up at Linda. "We have been back twice."

Beth glanced around. They still didn't have anyone close to their table in the back. She glanced at Linda, "I have gone back by myself too," Beth said in almost a whisper.

Linda blurted out, "After what happened to that woman?"

Beth looked her in the eyes. "Because of what happened to that woman."

Beth glanced off to the side, almost like she couldn't look at Linda for the next part of her story.

"It was in the middle of the week after. Tim was at work, and things around the house were boring, so I drove to the theater. Part of me wanted to see what happened during the day. At least, that is what I told myself. Not wanting to get too dressed up, I wore black shorts and a button-down top with nothing on underneath."

"There was a different pervert at the desk. When I tried to buy a ticket, he told me it was on the house for such a fine-looking woman. The fucking asshole, why would he...."

Beth sighed and shook her head, "Anyways, I thanked the asshole and went inside. It turns out that the inside is the same during the day. So I went and sat down in the middle of the theater."

"The film was about several college-age women having sex on the beach with guys they had met at a party. For some reason, the movie was turning me on. The scenes were better than I expected. But when a scene where a white woman was sucking the dicks of three black men came on, I couldn't help myself."

"If the guys can jack off when they watch, so can I."

"I unzipped my shorts, put my right hand onto my lap, and fingered myself."

"I guess I was into the movie and getting myself off. Before I noticed, the guys from around the room had migrated until they surrounded me."

Beth glanced at Linda before continuing. "An older man sat on my left while a younger man sat on my right. They began running their hands up and down my legs until they got close to my pussy before reversing."

"It felt naughty and good, all at the same time. I guess part of me knew this was what I was looking for. I wanted it to be at my pace, which the guys seemed to understand."

"They kept caressing my thighs as they watched me masturbate. Finally, I pulled my hand out of my pussy and started rubbing my breasts, staring at the movie and ignoring them."

"The guys must have figured that I wouldn't stop them because they got braver. They moved their hands closer and closer to my pussy before they started fingering me. I was so turned on. I moaned as they penetrated me."

"I sat there, ignoring them. Part of my mind thought that I wouldn't be cheating on Tim if I weren't participating. So I let them do what they wanted, and soon they got braver."

Beth bit her lip as she remembered. Linda found herself very excited and was fidgeting in her seat as Beth continued.

"The man on my left grabbed my shorts and started tugging them, letting me know he wanted them off. The shorts were too tight to slip off without moving. I couldn't seem to stop myself as I, without looking at anyone, lifted my ass enough for them to pull the shorts off. me"

"They tossed them to the side before grabbing my legs and spreading me wide open, holding my legs in their laps. I let them. They started sliding more fingers around and into my pussy."

Beth paused to take a drink. She noticed that Linda listened intently to her story and smiled as she continued.

"They each grabbed a hand and placed it on their laps as I got wetter. Then, without any thought, I stroked the outlines of their dicks. This continued for a few minutes before the men pulled down their pants, exposing their cocks."

"As I started jacking them off, one of the men behind me unbuttoned my blouse. I sat there as he pulled it to each side, exposing my breasts to everyone."

"I was on fire when he started pulling on my nipples and roughly playing with my tits. Several hands were groping me at this point, and I had the first of many orgasms."

Beth looked down at her hands. "The rest was a blur. They moved me around and took turns fucking me while I gave blowjobs to others. The last man to fuck me was a black man with a large cock hanging between his legs."

"He made me get on the dirty floor on my knees. I sucked him until he was wet enough before he turned me around and forced his dick into my ass."

Beth was blushing while admitting. "I don't know why I let him. No one has ever fucked me there, not even Tim."

"He fucked me until I had a massive orgasm. Then, while I was still cumming, he dumped a large load of cum into my ass."

"I collapsed on the floor for a few minutes as the guys floated away before I got dressed. I stopped in the restroom to clean up as much as possible before leaving the theater and going home."

"Did you tell Tim?" Linda asked, still trying to digest the story.

"Not yet. I don't want to hurt Tim, but based on how he involved that stranger, I don't know if he will mind either."

"Are you going back by yourself?"

"I don't know. I kind of wanted to experience what that woman had. It was amazing and scary at the same time."

Linda could see that Beth was nervous. It took her a second to realize why. "I won't tell anyone, Beth. But you must promise me that you won't go back alone. Anything could have happened to you."

Beth let out a breath that she didn't know she was holding. "Thanks, Linda. I wanted someone to talk to but worried that you might think of me differently."

"You are my best friend, Beth. If you need someone to talk about this, I will listen and try hard not to judge. you"

"Thanks, Linda. That means a lot to me."

The server brought over the check, and since the conversation had died down, they paid and left.

On the way out, Beth glanced back at the server. "He thinks you're hot."

"Stop doing that!" Linda said, pushing Beth. Beth noticed that Linda had glanced back to see if the server was looking or not.

Their eyes met, and Linda looked away, leaving Beth chuckling as they walked outside.

Linda kept going over what Beth had told her and found herself excited as she drove home.


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