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Jogger Next Door

A few weeks back we got some new neighbors, a young couple, in their early twenties. He was OK, I guess, but a lot younger than me so I didn't bother getting to know him. She on the other hand was a real honey, so I certainly couldn't get to know her. I'm married and I suspected that my wife would understand me just a little too well.

Debbie (that's the neighbor, not the wife) was a sweet young thing. A full nubile body, long dark hair, and very fit. She kept her fitness up by jogging. I've seen her go jogging off down the street a number of times. I've always thought that young ladies with a fuller bust should wear sports bras when they go jogging but Debbie didn't, and every time I saw her bouncing down the street I was glad of it.

I happened to be standing at the window one day when Debbie came jogging down the street on her way home. She was wearing a short top, shorter shorts, and a smile that was bigger than her entire outfit. Marie (that's my wife) came wandering over to see what I was smiling at.

"Tart," she grouched as she saw Debbie bouncing along.

"Now that's a bit harsh, Marie," I told her. "You don't really know the young lady. She's probably a very nice young woman."

"I do know her and she is," Marie said dryly. "I was referring to you."

"Me?" I was highly indignant. All I'd been doing was stand there and Debbie came along. Not my fault surely.

"Yes, you. Standing there, lusting after a young woman. Have you no shame?"

"Oh, please, acquit me," I protested. "I was just standing here. I'll admit that I admired the young lady when she came along but that's as far as it goes. You have to admit that she makes a pretty picture."

"Uh-huh. A pretty picture that you'd like to review from close up. Very close up. If you thought you had a chance you'd be after her like a tomcat in heat."

To emphasize her point she grabbed a certain part of my anatomy and squeezed it.

"You're not being totally fair, Marie," I murmured. "You know I'd never go behind your back."

Marie laughed at me.

"I know. You're too honest, too loyal, too scared that I'd dock something important to you."

I ignored the implied threat. I have a generous nature. I can rise above these things.

I adroitly changed the subject. Seeing that Marie had forgotten to let go what she'd earlier grabbed it made for an easy subject change and an interesting interval.

"You know, I've met Steve and Debbie," Marie mentioned later. "He's a bit boring but she's quite sweet. I'll introduce you sometime. I think you'll like her."

I was damn sure I'd like her. With a body like that and a smile like hers what's not to like? Unless she was a complete moron she was a keeper.

I forgot about Marie's offer to introduce me but remembered it abruptly on the next weekend. It was Saturday afternoon and I'd been down the street. When I got home Marie called out to me, telling me they were in here. Guessing that in here meant the front room I wandered down to see who she was referring to when she said we.

Walking in I found that the we referred to Marie and Debbie. From the look of it they'd just finished having coffee. Also, from the look of it, Marie had dragged Debbie in off the street when she was out jogging, as she had on her typical jogging outfit, short shirt and shorter shorts and doubtful underwear.

"Ron, this is Debbie. You may have noticed that she and her husband moved in next door a little while back. You've probably seen her doing her jogging exercises."

Damn right I had and Marie knew that damn well.

"Debbie, this is my husband Ron. Still quite fit and virile for his age."

And just what did she mean by that age crack, I wondered. She ignored any offense that I might have taken and kept right on talking.

"My beloved husband has never got past that teenage lust stage. You know what I mean, no finesse but a gratifying desperation to get it on. He makes up for the lack of finesse with his robust style and stamina."

OK. I was now officially ready to strangle my sweet wife but I stood there, saying nothing, letting her use her mouth to dig her own grave.

"Ron," she continued, "has noticed you out jogging and from the way his head bounces slightly as he watches you he is fascinated by the way your breasts bounce as you jog."

Debbie was now blushing slightly and I was considering multiple homicides on a single victim.

"What Ron really wants to do is to push you down onto the nearest flat surface, yank off your clothes, and fuck you so hard you wobble when you walk. Are you interested in obliging him?"

What does a man say when his wife makes such a suggestion? Nothing, that's what. His mind goes completely blank, totally unable to comprehend the working of a devious female mind.

What does a sweet young thing say when she's given such a blunt proposition? Well, I don't know about the average sweet young thing but I do know what Debbie did. She giggled, sounding mightily amused.

"You're kidding?" she said, still laughing.

"Why would I be kidding?" Marie asked. "Look at the way his trousers are bulging. Better yet, reach out and grab a handful. That'll show you how serious he is."

"But, don't you object to him cheating on you?"

"It would only be cheating if he went behind my back. If I'm watching it becomes a sex game."

"Oh. Ah, do you do this sort of thing often?"

No, we bloody didn't. As in never before has Marie made such a wild suggestion. She had to be going insane.

"No, but I could see how taken with you he is. He gets an erection every time you go bouncing past. It's been quite amusing and I was curious as to what it would be like to see him actually doing the bouncing on you. So, are you game?"

Of course she's not game you silly woman, She's probably wondering what's the fastest way to escape. Maybe I should just open a window and stand clear.

Debbie looked over at me with a smirk on her face and then turned back to Marie.

"Why not?" she said, with a giggle in her voice. "It'll be the most diverting thing I've done in ages."

"Why not?" I wanted to scream. "Are you fucking kidding me? We've only just been introduced and you're saying, 'Hi, let's fuck?'"

"You have got to be kidding me?" I said looking at both Debbie and Marie.

"Why would I kid you about something like this?" Debbie asked, sounding genuinely puzzled.

"I wouldn't kid you," my sweet wife said. "You know you always get a hard-on when you see Debbie jogging. You've got one now. It's rather obvious, you know?"

"Maybe he doesn't feel capable of handling me," suggested Debbie.

"No, I think it's just nerves. He hasn't wet his pants so I think he'll be fine."

So what's a man supposed to do in a situation like this? If I backed down I'd look a fool, Marie would kill herself laughing over it, and Debbie would probably get the giggles every time she saw me. And make it a practice to jog back and forth in front of my place every day and twice on Sundays if I know women.

Having to do something I moved in on Debbie. Perhaps she'd panic and cry off when she found that I was quite willing to fuck her. There again, maybe Marie would call it off if she saw I was going to do Debbie.

Debbie watched as I approached her, a little smirk playing around her lips. She gave a squeal when I grabbed her and swung her off her feet but it was a squeal of surprise and excitement. She certainly wasn't showing any signs of fear. I had her lying on her back on the carpet in nothing flat.

Kneeling next to her I flicked open the button of her shorts and dragged them down and off, grabbing her panties on the way past, what there was of them. Taking hold of her top I yanked it upwards, finding Debbie quite willing to move her arms above her head to facilitate the removal. I'd been right about one thing - no bra.

I stood up and looked down at Debbie lying naked at my feet, her face alive with expectancy. A glance at Marie showed her laughing and watching, giving me a hurry up gesture with her hands when she saw me watching her. Mentally shrugging I undid my belt and dropped my own trousers and undershorts, proving to Debbie that I certainly did have an erection waiting for her.

Once my trousers dropped Debbie suddenly looked just a little less sure of herself. Now I'm not claiming to be super-sized in the genitals department but I certainly had my fair share and possibly a little more. From Debbie's double-take my fair share might have been a little more than she was used to, but that was her problem, not mine. I hooked a foot against her ankle, dragging it to the side. With her legs nicely parted I settled down between them.

Now it was my turn to be laughing. I wasn't sure what Debbie was expecting but I don't think it was what I proceeded to give her. I skipped the foreplay, pushing her knees further apart, and then I was looming over her, my cock already pressing against her slit. A couple of fingers to help spread her lips and I was driving home.

She wasn't quite ready for what I was giving her, even though her body adjusted to my intrusion quite fast. She gave a startled shriek, twisting about under me as I drove home. Did I say a startled shriek? Silly me. I should have said she gave a series of startled cries and complaints, demanding that I slow down a little. My balls were slapping against her pussy before she really caught up with what was happening.

I kept my cock pressed firmly inside her while my hands came up and closed over Debbie's breasts. I could feel her hips shifting slightly as her body came to terms with what had just happened. I looked down at her slightly irritated face and smiled.

"Weren't you listening to what Marie said?" I asked, trying to project an air of innocence. Not easy to do while you're fucking someone. "I believe the words she used were along the lines of no finesse and robust. Oh, and virile stamina. Allow me to demonstrate the stamina."

I winked at her, pulled back and drove in robustly, eliciting another squeal.

"Do try to keep up with me," I suggested, already pulling back for my next demonstration of my virility.

Now that Debbie finally understood what she had got herself into she proved that she was no slouch in the fucking game. She made a sort of angry hiss, her legs coming up to wrap around me, and she used both legs and hips to pull me firmly into her when I started my next thrust.

From that point on it was on for young and old. Strike that. I'm not that old. Let's say it was on for young and not quite as young. I bounced on her bodacious body doing my best to prove that I was as virile as Marie had claimed. I was robust to the point of roughness and as far as stamina went I intended to last all fucking day if I could.

She loved it.

She was clinging to me, moving with me, pressing urgently up against me as I thrust into her. It seemed to me that the rougher I got the more she liked it and the more she wanted. I just pressed home with my cock attack and tried my best.

Naturally enough I couldn't keep it up all day but I certainly did my best to drag the affair out, using subtle changes of pace to bring both of us down off the boil every so often, before lighting a fresh fire under her. She was gasping and carrying on, gabbling away without actually saying anything while I drilled into her, thoroughly enjoying this unexpected encounter.

Eventually I had no choice to finish off. I settled down into my end run, thumping away at her at a frenetic pace, feeling her responding, her excitement ready to finish her at any moment. Then I was blowing my stack and she was screaming and bucking beneath me, climaxing in an explosion of noise.

We separated and lay on the floor gasping. Marie settled down on the floor next to Debbie, stroking her breasts.

"Ah, Marie," I said softly, not wanting Debbie to hear. "She likes it a little rough. How do you think she'll react to a spanking?"

"Have you got the energy?" Marie asked, looking doubtful.

"Not me. You, the wronged wife, should punish her."

Marie gave me a considering look and then turned to Debbie.

"Come on, love," she cooed, "onto your feet."

She helped Debbie rise, directing her towards the couch.

"Just lean here for a moment," she said, sounding sweetly helpful as she steered Debbie over the end of the couch.

"That was my husband you fucked," she yelled, her hand coming around to swat Debbie's bottom.

Debbie was a little upset at this, giving a startled yowl. She was even more upset when she found she couldn't straighten up, Marie holding her firmly in position.

I let the spanking continue for a short time and then gave Marie another suggestion.

"Her pussy will be very sensitive right now," I observed.

Still reprimanding Debbie for her heinous behavior Marie switched to slapping her hand down firmly against Debbie's mound. It certainly was sensitive. Half a dozen firm slaps and Debbie was climaxing again, shrieking her head off as she did so.

After that Marie whisked Debbie away to the bathroom to get cleaned up. I didn't even get to kiss her goodbye as Marie ushered her out of the house while my back was turned.

"What was that all about?" I demanded when I was finally alone with Marie.

"I was bored and it seemed like a fun idea," she said, smirking at me.

I just shook my head, not knowing what to say.

"I hope you enjoyed yourself," Marie said. "She'll be back tomorrow."


"I promised her we'd have a threesome. Oh, and you get to do the spanking."

That I would be happy to do, but I wouldn't guarantee that Debbie would be the one to whom I spanked.


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