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Have a Go!

I was away having a holiday when I received a letter from my sister. Kaye knows everybody and everything and she passes it all on, orally if you're standing there or she can persuade you to stay on the line or, in this case, by letter.

Among the snippets she passed on was that James had got married to a lovely girl. I wouldn't know her as she was new in the town. James had been seeing her for a year or so and finally done the deed and brought her home.

James presence was something I could take or leave, preferably leave. I'd considered him a snarky bully when we were growing up and nothing since then had caused me to change my mind. I felt a vague sympathy for his bride, James being the sort of chap who was going to be a real domestic dictator unless she had the balls to comb his hair with a frying pan. I strongly suspected she wouldn't as I doubted James would marry someone with a strong personality.

Mind you, James was reasonably intelligent and girls seemed to find him attractive, and you never can tell how the female mind works. The fact that he was conceited and arrogantly sure of himself seems to be a sign of a strong man to some women. Where James was concerned I just saw it as a sign of the triumph of invincible idiocy.

I forgot about James and his new bride as soon as I'd finished reading Kate's letter. It's odd but, while I deride Kaye's gossip, all those little facts seem to take up residence in the back of my mind, and I find I have some strange insights as to why some people are doing what they do. Quite useful during some business dealings.

I'd been back home for a couple of weeks before I actually ran into James and his wife. I was at some sort of party when they rocked up, James making the rounds to ensure that anyone who hadn't already met his wife finally got introduced.

Her name was Candi. Whether that was her baptismal name or one she chose herself I don't know, but I had to admit it suited her. She was a lovely little thing, a real treat to the eyes and it became quickly obvious that she knew it and enjoyed the men looking at her. Her dress was low enough to show some very nice cleavage and I suspected that if James hadn't been with her she might not have worried about wearing a bra.

Mind you, whenever she leant forward, and she seemed to do that a lot, it was pretty plain that the frilly little nothing she was wearing as a bra wasn't there to support those breasts. It was purely there as decoration, a framework for things of beauty.

I chatted with her for a while, taking her measure. She was quite a likeable girl, but her conversation seemed to revolve around her. I did find out that she loved flowers and enjoyed pottering around in the garden.

That brought to mind the front garden that James had. It was already there when he purchased the house and it was unusual. James had as a matter of pride maintained it. He like having things that other people found attractive, be it wife or garden.

I had a chat with James later, congratulating him on his choice of bride. During our discussion I ventured to suggest that his wife wasn't the brightest spark I'd come across, meaning no offence.

James answer was typical in my opinion. He didn't resent the remark. He just told me, "She doesn't need to be, does she. I'll do her thinking for her."

After a bit more casual talk I ventured the honest opinion that Candi was really quite lovely.

"Aren't you worried that some of these wolves might try to come on to her?" I asked him, indicating said wolves hanging around the sweet Candi.

"They're welcome to try," scoffed James, "but Candi is actually very shy, so they won't get anywhere. If I wasn't here to give her moral support she'd probably be hiding behind a bush or something to get away from the crowd."

"Were we talking about the same woman?" I wondered. James seemed to be offering a challenge, and I suspected a few of the wolves might take him up on it.

A few days later I woke up and it was a really nice day. Sunny, but not too hot. A gentle breeze. A day to be outside, not cooped up inside. I had no appointments scheduled for the day so I decide to take a walk and just enjoy the fresh air.

I didn't have any particular destination in mind and, as far as I was concerned, it was pure chance that saw me strolling towards James place. I vaguely noticed it coming up on my left and as I did so a few thoughts seemed to gel.

Kaye had been gossiping again and one item that came to mind was that James had gone to a convention and would be away for a couple of days. Another thing that had been nagging at me was James's careless indifference to anyone trying to seduce Candi, invincible in his assumption that she'd just run away screaming.

The third thing I remembered was that Candi said she loved gardening, and today was an ideal day for gardening, especially if she wanted to potter around in that front garden of James.

That front garden of James consisted of a central lawn surrounded by garden beds of bright flowering ground cover and the entire things further surrounded by bushy type flowering trees that stood about ten feet tall. The only entrance was a little passage near the front door.

You could get out in that garden and settle down and it's as though you were in the woods somewhere. The bushy trees killed the city noises and you had your own private bower. On a day like today it was just the place to potter around if you liked a little gardening.

All these little bits and pieces seemed to merge together and I'd turned into James's driveway before I'd even made a conscious decision. Reaching the entrance to the garden I turned in and there was Candi, doing a little weeding.

She really was a lovely little thing, especially dressed the way she was now. She had on a shift dress and (I assumed) panties but I'd lay odds that she hadn't bothered with a bra. Not the way her breasts were leaning down and filling out her shift dress while she was bent over the garden.

"Good morning, Candi," I called, and she turned to look at me. Definitely not wearing a bra, as all she did was turn to look, without standing up. Her shift hung low in front and I could see quite plainly what she had on under it. A tinge of red that would be her panties and two snow white globes swinging free. I couldn't quite see the nipples, but I could see them pressed against her shift.

"Oh, Paul, isn't it?" she said. "I'm afraid that James isn't here right now."

"Oh, too bad," I said, strolling over to her. "I was hoping to catch him. Another time will do."

Candi stood up as I approached, but I was able to appreciate that her shift-dress still provided me with a nice view of her cleavage, and the way her breasts under the shift pressed pointedly towards me the lack of a bra was no hindrance to Candi's prime attributes. They just stood firm, pointing her nipples at me like two little guns.

'Shy' little Candi knew exactly where my eyes were straying and she was enjoying it. She liked men looking at her.

"Tell me, Candi," I said, curious all of a sudden. "Is Candi your real name or did you pick it yourself?"

Candi giggled. "I often get asked that," she confided. "My mother named me Myrtle. I mean, really! Do I look like a Myrtle to you?"

"Ah, no," I agreed. I reached out to lightly touch her breasts as I added the rider, "No Myrtle ever had this sort of shape."

Candi wasn't quite as dumb as I thought. My hand failed to touch her as she slipped nimbly to the side.

"Uh-uh," she said, giggling. "You can look, but not touch. If you touch, I might think you're trying to seduce me, and that's a no-no."

"As a matter of fact," I informed her, "I have James's permission to try to seduce you, so trying is not a no-no."

Candi blinked at that.

"You have what?" she asked, not really believing what I had said.

"Permission to try to seduce you," I repeated. "On the day I met you I told James that you were very lovely and that the wolves would be coming around. He said that we're welcome to try but that you're too shy for us to actually get anywhere."

Candi's face was quite a study after that little explanation. She couldn't work out if she'd been complimented, insulted or both.

"Whatever," she eventually said, "but I meant it. You can look, but not touch."

"That's really not fair," I grumbled, while Candi smirked. "Am I allowed to touch your shift if I don't touch you?"

"Ah, what do you mean by that?" she asked cautiously.

Moving slowly so that Candi could see what I was doing, I reached out and hooked a finger over the edge of her shift and pulled it gently forward, giving me a far better view of her breasts.

She slapped my hand away, blushing, but I noticed she took her time doing so. She was proud of her body and enjoyed being looked at. Seeing she hadn't said no, I couldn't touch her shift, I took a closer look at it. It hung loosely on her, and the shoulder straps were very narrow. If they were moved to the side...

I reached up, hooked the shoulder straps to the side and gently tugged. That shift promptly slithered down to her waist, and a beautiful pair of breasts were on display. Not satisfied, I gave the shift another little tug and then it was pooled around Candi's feet, leaving her standing there in what appeared to be a red thong.

Candi squeaked and snatched her hands over her breasts, but still didn't seem in too much of a hurry. Modesty was telling her to grab for her shift, but her ego was saying he's looking at me. Right now her ego was in command, despite the modest blush she had.

"What do you think you're doing?" she hissed at me. "You can't just pull a girls dress off like that."

"I didn't," I protested. "I just edged the straps to the side and it sort of fell by itself. Not that I'm not happy that it did so. You've got a really spectacular figure you know.

And I'm only looking. Not touching.

Um. Could you move your hands for a moment?"

I took her hands and eased them away from her breasts, letting me see them and letting Candi see me admiring them. And admiring them was an easy thing to do.

Stepping back a little, I both gave her room and gave myself a chance to admire her full body. She was all curves, graceful and tantalising.

Candi was casting looks down at her shift, knowing she should be putting it back on, but she was enjoying the way I was admiring her. For the moment her ego was rampant and controlling her.

"Still not touching, only looking," I told her and reached down, hooked that silly little red thong and pulled it down, leaving her completely nude.

Candi squeaked and put both hands in front of her. Definitely taking her time covering up I noted, amused.

"Don't tell me they just fell," she said. "You did that deliberately. I think you'd better go."

"OK," I sighed. "But I just want to look to you properly for a moment."

Again I took her hands and moved them away from her body, and again she let me, though blushing fiercely.

"Very nice," I murmured. "Very, very nice."

I admired the view for a moment while Candi squirmed a little. She was enjoying me looking at her naked figure even though she knew she shouldn't. From the way her breasts seemed to heave a little and her legs part slightly it was as though she could actually feel my eyes running over her, stimulating her as they moved.

Before Candi lost her nerve and grabbed for her clothes I advanced another step.

"Do you mind if I use the Braille method when I look at your breasts?" I asked her, confident she would have no idea what that meant.

"What's the braille method?" she asked.

I smiled. "It's what blind people use I told her. They cup a woman's breast like this and then run their fingertips lightly over it, like this, feeling the nipple and all those little bumps around the nipple."

Candi was too slow to move away this time and I captured her breasts quite easily, rolling her nipples with my thumbs. Perhaps it was the shift lying around her ankles that prevented her jumping to the side.

"You're touching," she whispered. "I said no touching."

"I know and I'm sorry. But you really are lovely, and I find you fascinating both to look at and to touch. You have such beautiful curves. Like these."

Candi's eyes opened wide and she seemed to freeze as one of my hands dropped down and captured her pussy. I covered it with my hand and started slowly squeezing and relaxing, gently massaging it.

"You're trying to seduce me," Candi told me. "You really should stop."

"I know. But I'm not going to and you're going to let me. Lie down. You'll find the grass is really soft today."

I lowered Candi to the grass, her eyes looking at me as though she couldn't quite believe what was happening. But she didn't resist, and her mound was hot beneath my hand.

Lying there, Candi watched as I took of my trousers, staring at my equipment as the trousers dropped away. She swallowed, but didn't take her eyes off me as I eased her legs apart and settled between them.

Looking a little bewildered, Candi voiced an objection.

"I'm naked in the middle of my front yard," she whispered. "People are probably walking past us just a few feet away."

"I know," I murmured. "Exciting, isn't it. You're out in the open and about to be ravished in broad daylight with people just the other side of the bushes, and they don't know. They can't see your lovely body as it yields to me."

Suiting actions to words I rose above her, pulled her hand down to where it could hold my erection and placed her other hand on her pussy.

"Your turn to do something," I told her. "Ease your lips apart and direct me where I want to go."

Candi looked indignant. "Do you expect me to seduce myself," she demanded.

She didn't, however, move either hand away from where I'd placed them.

"Yes," was all I said.

"I thought so," she grumbled, and then she was easing her lips apart and steering me into position.

As soon as she'd let her lips close over the head of my cock she looked back at me.

"Well?" she demanded.

I grinned at her and pushed heavily into her, hearing her gasp as her hips rose up to meet my plunge.

For a shy young woman, Candi certainly knew what she wanted. No sooner had I driven into her than her legs came arching over and clinging, holding me in her and apparently determined I should not escape.

"My breasts," she was gasping. "Bite my breasts."

With one hand I mauled her right breast while my mouth latched onto the other. I suckled fiercely, with Candi softly squealing and writhing under me. (She may have been hot and eager, but she was also aware of possible passers-by. She kept the volume muted.)

At the same time I was driving fiercely into her, with Candi humping hard to meet me. She had no intention of taking a backseat and was right with to me, helping me drive.

Our bodies were entwined as we came savagely together. Sweet little Candi wanted fulfilment and she wanted it now. I had no objection as my cock was leading the charge, eager to find its own fulfilment.

We bounced together, and it was probably a good thing that we weren't in a bed. We probably would have broken the springs. I was hammering into Candi so hard that I wouldn't have been surprised to find a couple of smooth hollows pressed into the lawn, conforming to the shape of Candi's sweet little bottom.

Candi was clawing at my shoulders, squeaking and squealing softly, while pleading for me to go in harder, please, harder.

Finally Candi snatched her hand away from my shoulders and jammed it in her mouth. I could feel her shuddering under me and muffled screams were coming from around her hand as she climaxed and for the first time her legs lifted, releasing me.

That didn't leave me free, of course. Her internal muscles had clamped onto my cock like a vice as I hit my own climax, locking onto me and daring me to try to leave before she was satisfied.

We finally both collapsed onto the lawn and lay there, breathing hard. Eventually Candi pushed herself up onto an elbow.

"I'm going to have to go and have a shower. You are just going to have to go away. You're an evil man."

I grinned, reached out for her shift and handed it to her. I watched as she slipped it back on and then spoke up.

"Do you remember what I said about James saying the wolves were allowed to try to seduce you?" I asked her.

Candi stiffened slightly. "Yes," she said, sounding very cautious.

"Do you hear that car?" I asked as a very loud vehicle passed slowly along the road, accompanied by some loud music. "That is the car of the Jameson twins, two of the wolves in question. You would have met them the same night you met me. They hunt as a pair. You'd better be fast with that shower because I suspect that they're coming here to say hullo."

The sound of the engine and music stopped and a couple of car doors slammed. Candi squeaked and rushed into the house. She did not bother, I noticed, to lock the front door. Actually, she didn't even bother to close the main door, just letting the wire door swing to.

She must have ducked into the en suite and jumped straight in the shower because I could hear the water start hissing. I stayed back in the garden a little, observing the twins as they passed the entrance to the garden and knocked on the door. There was no answer, but I heard the wire door open and one of the twins call out, "Hullo. Anyone home."

There was a second of silence and then Candi sounded off.

"Oh, my god! You're the Jameson twins, aren't you? You can't just walk into someone's house like that. You caught me in the shower and I'm not even properly dressed. This is so embarrassing."

Shy little Candi seemed to have the situation well in hand. I continued with my stroll.


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