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Shobha and Her Servant: 3

Chetan shut down his office laptop and took off his headset. He had just finished his last call of the day, and turned around and looked at his wife. She was gorgeous. She had tried on a new dress she had ordered in advance for her birthday and was in a playful mood. She was wearing a noodle strap top with a U cut neck that generously flattered her cleavage. The top was matched with a long skirt that clung tightly to her waist and hips and then flared out just below her thighs, therefore accentuating her shapely ass. She had her million dollar smile that could make any man's heart flutter, and then she swirled. The skirt clung to her hips and thighs and flared out below, and the top had an equally deep cut at the back. Her bare back was exposed. She was gifted with a smooth blemish-less back. It was one of those blouses that automatically ruled out wearing a bra.

As she swirled once more, he noted again her hourglass figure. Her breasts were full and heavy; she was after all a mother but had exercised regularly to keep her weight largely in shape. She thrust those gorgeous breasts forward and struck a pose with her hands on her waist.

The top clung snugly to her breasts, flattering the curves. The deep cleavage arrested his sight. Chetan instinctively checked if her nipples were protruding but the dress did a good job covering them. It was a classy party wear, designed to make other women jealous and the men excited. Hot and sexy.

"Take my photo", she said, and handed him her phone. Chetan clicked a.couple of pics. She had the natural body comfort of a model, and gave him a couple of poses including one where she pouted. She stuck her tongue out at the camera and the bent forward at the waist - the forward bend opening up her deep cleavage even more.

" Ok, now a selfie with both of us", she said. Chetan came over and put his hand around her shoulder. She rested her head on his shoulders, both smiling at the camera and tried a couple of selfie shots. Shobha looked at the results and shook her head. The selfie mode wasn't at a wide enough angle to capture both of them together as well as her full dress.

"Ok, let's call Bhola", she said, catching him completely off guard.

" Bhola!", she called aloud, even before Chetan could protest. The fellow magically materialized at the door. Chetan wondered with suspicion if the fellow was lurking just outside the door. Shobha didn't mind Bhola's quick entry.

Bhola, saheb aur mere photo kheenchna. Acche se!." ( Take a photo of your master and me. And do it nicely!)

Bhola nodded his head like an excited puppy, and ready to do his mistress's bidding. The fellow was.probably smitten by her beauty, thought Chetan. He noted that the guy was wearing one of those vest like t-shirts that showed off his fit and muscular shoulders. Chetan felt a faint twang of jealousy as he looked at his own paunch in sorry comparison.

Shobha handed over the phone to Bhola and came and posed next to Chetan and slightly to the front of him. He put his hands on her waist and she clung close to him, her cheeks against his. He inhaled, smelling her delectable feminine perfume. She pushed back her ass against his crotch. Chetan raised his left hand from her left waist to several inches higher and just below her breasts.

Bhola clicked a couple of photos. Shobha changed her angle and snuggled closer to Cheta, and his chin nuzzled against her neck.

That's when Chetan couldn't resist it. He moved his left hand higher cupping his wife's left breast and in Bhola's plain view. The fellow continued to click pretending not to notice. Chetan gave Shobha's breast a firm squeeze. Her breast was firm and a frisson of pleasure ran through his body. Shobha moaned softly.  Bhola couldn't have missed it and continued to pretend not to notice. Chetan felt mildly annoyed and squeezed harder. Shobha moaned louder.

"Stop it", she feigned annoyance, in that playful tone that suggested she clearly didn't want him to stop.

Bhabhi, check karna, Bhola interrupted and addressed her using the North Indian term for sister-in-law, (Please check)

Shobha broke away from Chetan's grasp, leaving him slightly disappointed, and came over to Bhola's side. She stood by Bhola's side and checked the photos flipping through them. Bhola stood a little too close to her and peered over her shoulder at the phone. Or, as Chetan suddenly realized, pretended to. Bhola stood a few inches taller than Shobha, and she stood almost pushing against his chest with her back. This gave the servant the perfect angle to peer into Shobha's cleavage. Chetan's heart began beating faster as he realized the eyeful that the fellow must be getting. Shobha wasn't wearing a bra and he wondered if the fellow could glimpse her nipple. Shobha shook her head, clearly unhappy at the photos and the act of shaking caused just the slightest jiggle to her breasts.

"The light isn't good",she declared, "Lets go elsewhere".

"Follow me" , she wagged her finger at both men, and sauntered out of the room. Bhola followed immediately behind her with Chetan trailing behind both. Shobha swayed her ass in that delectable walk she had. Bhola had both eyes focused on his mistress's rounded ass as he followed barely a foot behind.

"Bastard"', Chetan mentally cursed the fellow. He should know that's my wife that he is ogling. And he is a servant in our house.

Shobha led both men to their bedroom. Chetan felt uneasy. Bhola rarely entered their bedroom, and Chetan considered it their private space. Shobha didn't seem to mind.

She chose a well.lit spot just in front of the bed and repeated their previous pose with the camera handed over to Bhola. This time, Chetan felt a burst of masculine pride and roughly grabbed Shobha by the waist pulling her more closely to him. And roughly put both his hands on her waist squeezing her.

" Naughty boy!", she whispered angrily, but loud enough for Bhola to hear, trying to pat away his hand. In response, Chetan roughly squeezed his wife's breast in full and plain view of their servant. As if this wasn't enough, he thrust his entire palm into her cleavage and cupped her naked left breast. The breast felt naked and warm. He squeezed even harder. Shobha gave a yelp of pain. In response, he cupped the right breast too and squeezed that one too. Chetan was now shamelessly squeezing his wife's breasts in front of their servant's wide eyed gaze. The fellow was bemused and clicking away photos not knowing how to react.

"Bastard, always leching at my wife.... Let me show you who's the boss in this house", said Chetan to himself. He now spun Shobha around and towards him, facing her and kissed her hard on her mouth.

Shobha was completely taken aback by this sudden surge is passion in her husband, and she responded kissing him back hard ignoring Bhola who was now both wide eyed and open mouthed but still had the phone camera firmly and dutifully focused on the erotic scene in front of him. Chetan pushed his tongue against Shobha. She opened her mouth and sucked noisily. Chetan shifted his hands down and now squeezed Shobha's buttocks. In response, Shobha put her arms around his neck and lifted her legs now encircling his hips. Her skirt rode higher exposing her creamy thighs.

Chetan felt the blood rushing into his face. In a single, smooth and forceful action, he pulled violently against the front strap of Shobha's top. The fragile dress tore loudly. Shobha's left naked breast was immediately exposed. The brown nipple was erect and hard. Bhola couldn't believe his eyes at the crazed sight in front of him. The servant took a step closer now less than a foot away from the couple. Shobha's hands were pinned against her back and she yelped in surprise at this assault. Bhola brought the camera even closer, the screen on the phone now focused on his mistress's left breast with the nipple now at the centre. Chetan squeezed the nipple violently between his thumb and forefinger. And again squeezed hard at the breast now shamelessly kneading it in full view of their servant. And resumed kissing Shobha.

This continued for a few minutes, before Shobha twisted around and broke her husband's grip over her. She wrenched free and rolled over, freeing herself. In the process the right shoulder strap of the too too came off and her right breast too was exposed to public view. She rolled over to the side of the bed, the act pulling up her skirt even higher and exposing her upper thigh and a quick flash of her white panty. She then then got up. Her breasts still exposed, she first snatched the phone from Bhola's hands.

"Bhola, jao yahan se!" ( Bhola, please go away!). She was surprisingly calm and composed.

Reluctantly but wordlessly, the servant stumbled out of their bedroom.And a sex crazed Chetan pulled his wife back to the bed and peeled off whatever was left of her top. This time, Shobha didn't protest and the couple again embraced one another in passion.

Mad in the throes of passion, neither of them bothered about the open door to their bedroom as they made love.

She was sitting at the dining table peeling boiled potatoes just after the couple had finished their breakfast. Chetan was engrossed in his emails on his laptop. The day hadnt yet started for him, and he often brought his laptop to the breakfast table. He looked up, peering at her through his reading glasses, partially distracted from a regional office report that indicates stress building up for the bank's clients due to COVID..

This was a couple of days after their indiscretion that night when what was supposed to be a clicking a few harmless photographs turned into a session where Chetan had ended up exposing Shobha's breasts in front of Bhola. Both had woken up, each embarrassed about what had happened, but found the perfect defence as they went about the day normally without reference to the bizarre events of the previous night. Chetan dreaded making eye contact with Bhola but was soon engrossed in his day's lockdown home office routine and found he didn't have to face Bhola at all. He wondered how Shobha dealt with having to supervise Bhola's housework knowing fully that the young man had seen her naked breast. To his silent relief, she behaved normally and calmly as if nothing untoward had happened. Chetan found it easier to play along with the same fiction..

So what was this reference to Bhola's birthday? He looked around for Bhola and didn't see the fellow in earshot. Probably babysitting Bunty and watching cartoons together with his son in the kids room, he concluded..

"Tracking Bhola's birthdays now, are we!", he attempted sarcasm. Shobha ignored him..

"The apartment management is compiling details about all inmates to track during the lockdown", she said, "and I happened to see his date of birth on his Aadhar card when I gave it to them"..

“So should we give him a gift?", he dialed up the sarcasm, "or maybe put up another show for him!".

This time she put down the potato peeler and gave him a glare, "Don't blame me. You are the one who behaved in a shameless manner!", she went on the counter attack. "You were the one who pulled off my dress while he was watching", she said her voice rising a few decibels..

Discretion was the better part of valour, decided Chetan, and having been at the receiving end of his wife's retorts, found merit in retreating..

"So what do you have in mind? ", his tone was now more neutral as he attempted a feeble effort at change of topic..

"Look, Jaanu, think of it this way", she now had that tone that he mentally thought of as the baby doll tone, seductive and something he could never resist when she demanded something in that tone. "Bhola has his tickets booked for April 5 the day after lockdown ends", and it's nice on our part to give him a gift before he goes back to his village in Bihar. And we won't see him again after that. Ever!"..

"And we won't see him again after that. Ever! That would be a relief, he thought silently..

She continued, "Lets have dinner and drinks along with him tomorrow night. Anyway, it's a Friday evening and we aren't going out anywhere with this lockdown "..

Chetan thought about it.  Bhola usually had his dinner by himself either in his servant room, or in the living doom, while sitting on the floor and watching TV, after the couple had finished theirs. Shobha wanted to make the birthday special for him. But dinner along with the couple at the same table? And drinks?.

Chetan felt uncomfortable, but Shobha had made up her mind..

Bhola was initially bemused when Shobha wished him on his birthday - he barely celebrated the day, and certainly didn't expect his gorgeous mistress to wish him in the morning. .

Especially after the dream-like events two nights before. .

He had been replaying that scene again and again in his head and had jerked off in the privacy of his room - his mistress standing in front, by her husband wearing that beautiful dress that he had seen only in movies and web series and which flattered her shapely bust... she standing next to her husband and looking at his camera posing for that photograph.... her eyes locked into his while her lucky husband stood next to her....her gaze and that bewitching smile made his heart beat wildly ....then her husband squeezing his wife's breast in front of him ....and then the husband's hand slipping under her top and squeezing that breast.....Shobha protesting but not resisting ...And then Chetan pulling her to the bed and pulling off her top,.....and that heavenly sight when her full, shapely creamy breast was exposed to his hungry gaze, the camera forgotten ....he still remembered her fair skin, the well rounded globes, the perfectly circular Brown areola with the crowning dark and erect nipple..... and then Shobha recovering and getting up from the bed with both her breasts exposed....calmly asking him to leave the room....And he reluctantly complying..

What would be have not given to be in the room and watch that lucky bastard of a husband strip his mistress completely and make love to this sex goddess!! ....

He snapped out of his reverie and felt a shiver of pleasure to through his body as Shobha patted him on his cheeks to wish him. His heartbeat always accelerated when she looked at him and smiled. He had never seen anyone as gorgeous as her in real life and he always thought of her  as a movie star. She seemed to have completely been unaffected by the events of the night before making him wonder if it was all just a dream..

Shobha gave him a gift - it was a branded shirt that Chetan had ordered online only to discover that it was small for him but hasn't returned it. She gave him a shaving kit and cologne and asked him to shave..

She caressed his sideburns slowly with her long slender fingers, a bit longer than needed and said, "Poora shave karna. Acche se. Poora clean.". (Shave completely. Completely!).

And tapped him suggestively on his chest, and then with her full open palm on his midriff..

He shuffled uncomfortably hoping she wouldn't notice his hard-on.


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