The rain came down in soft sheets, millions of small droplets banded close enough together to make a beautiful, hypnotic rhythm on the awnings of the shops and apartment buildings on Clark street. The water rose halfway up on the curbs, covering most of the drains and threatening to rise onto the sidewalk. It had been coming down since 4AM and now, at 6:05AM it didn't appear to be losing any momentum. It was a bit darker than usual at this hour with the downpour, but there was light out. The temperature had been oppressive lately but the rain had brought it down to a comfortable level. An occasional early riser on the street could be seen in a windbreaker in addition to the umbrella.. The man in the sweater had pulled into the recessed storefront and set his umbrella down. He took a deep breath and wiped his brow. He looked up and down the street. A woman who was readying herself for work, watched him from her third floor condominium window. She thought he was looking for something
All stories are Fictional & Strictly Fantasy Based. Trying practically, may Ruin your Life & reputation AND we'll not be responsible for any steps taken by you.